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  • Do I Need Bike Insurance? Your Bicycle Insurance Questions Answered
  • skidartist
    Free Member

    A freind of mines father puched John McCririck

    We'd all like to be friends with him!

    Free Member

    people come up to me in the middle of nowhere and say "You are simonfbarnes".

    And then waste the opportunity to deck the bastard! 🙂

    Free Member

    Paul MacGann's wife told me an anacdote about Omar Sharif and Polaroids and Lady Gardens, told to her by Brian Blessed, to whom Omar foisted the polaroids upon. Its very funny, but it would be sooooo much funnier being told by Brian Blessed. So if you meet BB try and shoe-horn Omar Sharif into the conversation.

    Free Member

    people come up to me in the middle of nowhere and say "You are simonfbarnes". Then I have to run away.

    More specifically you mean the Police rather than just 'people' don't you?

    In the magazine adverts for Singleton Whisky the rocks in the riverbed at the chosen location in Glencoe were the wrong colour so I had to source two tonnes of white Syke Marble pebbles (so you could see the colour of the whiskey in the bottle), hand ball theme across a bog, lay them in the riverbed for the photo then pluck every last one of them back out and take them back to where they came from.

    I've shared a bath with one of the headliners from this years Reading and Leads Festival

    I know how Renee Zelwegger likes her eggs in the morning

    Free Member

    And if it all goes Pete Tonge I'll be back on here in a month with a grumpier head on


    Free Member

    Your getting upset about something that hasn't happened. regardless of whether the number left on your car was duff the person then went to the fuzz and handed in their details too, so I would presume they left the original number in good faith even if it was a wrong one. If the the driver had other intentions there wouldn't have been a phone no on the sheet of paper, it would have read "I crashed into your car, now I'm leaving a note so that the people who saw me do it think I'm doing the decent thing and leaving my details, but I'm not, Cha cha"

    Theres nothing for the fuzz to cock up as they have an accurate record of the drivers details on file, you can't assume that the insurance co are going to cock it up from here, but if they cock it up they will, with your persistence, cough up.

    The police will have a better record of the drivers ID than the driver would have given to you if you were there, or that you could have given to both your insurer and the police. There is already a incident number, so you don't need to start the process of getting one, so your a step ahead.


    Free Member

    Perhaps look at ingenius get-you-home fixes like a £10 note as field repair for a split tyre.

    Free Member

    Get your insurers to contact the plod directly and make contact, once they've confirmed they've done that then any cock ups are their problem, you'll have nothing to worry about.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    You get all you're wanting on Freesat, compare the sky packages and see if anything compares favourably. For us it didn't and I was nipped by the notion of having to pay a monthly subscription for the right to operate the recording element of Sky+

    Comparing freesat to terestrial freeview you'll loose the BBC derived commericial channels (Dave, Yesterday – all the ones the used to be UKTV and show repeats of BBC content) but gain some interesting news channels

    Edit: You also would loose the additional C5 channels like Fiver and Five US

    Free Member

    this class of offender is pretty much beyond education and rehabilitation

    The Thames Valley Project reckon "97 per cent of those who undertake the programme will not go on to be reconvicted of a sexual offence"

    Free Member

    So by executing Gary Glitter – it will reduce global warming?

    Only if its done sustainably – if they electrocute him they need to plant a tree to offset the carbon

    Free Member

    In the event though what the Global Warming Swindle programme was doing was taking sources of data and research that weren't comparable or compatible with each other, or which were flawed or incomplete and assembling them into a case/story that the individual elements of research didn't support. In pretty much every case the researchers would have had to wade through swathes of much more credible evidence to find the aberations that they were using to illustrate their point.

    Free Member

    When I was very young we had a neighbour who was convinced that the old hedge between our two properties was in the wrong place and anything in a meter wide strip along our side of the hedge was his, if we planted anything in it he'd come and rip it up. (in fact it later turned out the hedge was in the wrong place, but to his benefit rather than ours)

    Anyway he was habitually unpleasant for the short time that we lived there.

    When we came to move out he even launched a tirade about how the removal truck would cast a shadow on his house and positioned his cars to prevent it from parking near either of our houses.

    Free Member

    Whatever happened to offender education and rehabilitation?

    It isn't enough fun for some people

    Free Member

    Theres a faction within C4 that has a bit of a reputation of making or sourcing quite dodgy data to base their fact based programmes on (like the one that claimed that global warming was a myth that had to go to great lengths to gather and present unreliable, incomplete and incomparable data to create a case)

    The factual 'point' behind this one is that a poll has shown that a large majority of the population would support the reintroduction of the death penalty. This is poll that C4 conducted itself as part of the making of the programme, so they knew what answer they wanted when they asked the question.

    Early press releases did indicate that C4 had done this poll itself, but the press releases that are being published today has changed that to 'Polls' plural and skipped C4's role in the evidence gathering.

    So yes, it makes an interesting point for debate, but its a debate where all the participants might prove to be ill-informed.

    Free Member

    with no magnetic field and no compasses the North/South Divide with become, erm, undivided and the people of Watford will each be crushed to a near singularity. They'll need to be buried in tiny, tiny coffins which still require 6 staining pall bearers to lift.

    So thats fine.

    Free Member

    A bigger wallet

    Free Member

    Yes with freesat over freeviw you get more +1 channels for ITV, and channel 4, an avalanche of shopping channels (which are quite entertaining sometimes), more of the rolling news channels, including Al Jazera which is surprisingly good. You loose all the former UKTV channels – Dave, Yesterday etc – ie BBC derived repeats, and the Sky/Virgin free guff, and gain a bundle of 'Zone' channels which in the main are US guff. But you get Starsky and Hutch every day. WIN!

    Very impress with the Humax freesat recorder over my previous Thompson Freeview recorder, which was disasterous.

    Free Member

    There are those* who would say that Whisky, unlike Brandy, begins to degrade after a certain age, so paying more for booze thats that bit older is a bit of a con, as is keeping it for longer. Its all about marketing to the corporate gift buying culture in the far east, incrementally more status laden gifts for incrementally more senior recipients, so you give a 10 year old bottle to your boss, and 15 year old to his boss and 20 year old to the boss of all bosses. However one and maybe even two of those bottles will have passed their peak and will be in decline.

    *such as people who have left the distillery industry

    Free Member


    If you played 1,2,3,4,5,6 in the regular lottery you would be just as likely to win as with any other combination, but if you did win you'd be disappointed to have to split the jackpot roughly 2000 ways with all the other people who play those same numbers each week.

    Free Member

    Or blame it on global warming and the good summer we had

    Don't blame it on the sunshine, blame it on the boogie.

    Free Member

    Could it be that the three that aren't syncing has some sort of digital rights management thats preventing the sync – thats if they are bought/copied films rather than homemade ones of course.

    Are you reformatting the films with other software or within iTunes – Advanced > Create iPod Version?

    Free Member

    From hazy memory

    Window>Styles then click the "edit" button in the Styles menu?

    Its the thickness of the 'Profiles' under the edit section varies the line weight I think. Then farting about with the resolution when you export jpegs effectively varies the line weight too.

    Free Member

    Do you work with monkey_boy?

    I knew it!

    Free Member

    Channel 4 commissioned a survey in which 70 per cent said the death penalty should be brought back for certain crimes

    Sadly Hamish Mykura at Channel 4 has a bit of a reputation for making the facts fit the story, and it pollutes a lot of C4's 'factual' output.

    Free Member

    He's just hurriedly switching to porn when anyone looks so that you don't find out he's spending all day on STW.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    ahwiles – I've heard people who's business it is to study European politics say the same thing – that they personally don't feel its something they feel informed to vote on issue like this either way.

    The only thing the public would be able to do with a referendum on something like this is express their prejudice one way or another.

    Mind you, you could argue that the public and even politicians make any democratic decision that way, on the strength of perception rather than information.

    The position Cameron is having to put himself in is that he needs the large number of votes to the left of him, but its the very small number of votes to the right of him (his own party, the party faithful, UKIP and the press) that make all the noise. Its almost at the very moment that he's been credited managing to shut these people up (and therefore make the Torys someone you can talk about voting for without being embarrassed – I never met anyone in the 90's who would say the voted Tory even though around half the people I would meet must have been) that the party has revealed itself to be the same squabbling barking shambles that its always been.

    Free Member

    Thats one hell of a piercing!

    Free Member

    In the pub one night myself and some friends proposed a new global currency. We call it the quid, and anything cost a quid. A house was a quid, a car was a quid, a pint was a quid. We reasoned that it didn't matter what a house costs if they all cost the same, might as well be 1 quid as you only need one, we then did lots of other reasoning, but as we'd decided that we definately needed more than one pint, I've forgetten it all. I'm certain though that it was uncontrovertible brilliance.

    Free Member

    What I love is when kids swear and they do it with exactly the same manner and mannerisms as the offending adult, and everyone in the room immediately who the perpetrator is.

    Free Member

    Darcy – you're every graphic designers worst nightmare / stroke / most likely client. 🙂 🙂 🙂

    My brother has had clients bring their 7 yr old kid in to the agency and have the kid art direct. He's even had the proprietor of a fairly sizeable high street chainstore turn up with a drawing of superhero done by his school-age nephew, adamant that it should be the key element of their whole campaign. Not something like the drawing – it – the very drawing.

    Free Member

    Theres a mark used by proof readers used to show that two letters or words need to be switched around/transposed that might be useful

    Free Member

    Before the internets…

    A new office assistant is by the fax in the corner, dialing in a number – sending a fax – dialing in a number – sending the same fax – dialing in a number for ages.

    After a while I go over and explain that she can just put all the numbers in in one go and it'll send it to each number, saving her having to stand over it all afternoon.

    "Oh no, I just need to send it to the one place, but it keeps coming back"

    Free Member

    I reckon you can get better quality and value bike cover through your home and contents than by insuring them seperately, if you get the right home cover. I found specialist bike cover to be pricy and riddled with conditions and exclusions. After insuring them that way for two years and never having confidence in the cover I decided to change my home insurance 6 months early to one that would cover the bikes thoroughly (M&S) rather than renew the bike cover. The premium for two bikes wasn't far off the price of full household cover anyway.

    I've had to make two claims over the years through household policies, but in each case through the fringe cover rather than for household damage or theft itself. One for 'items away from the home' – my stuff stolen from someone elses property – through Quoteline / Standard Life and the world's worst direct replacement company which took over 9 months to iron out with Quoteline never being more than disinterested, never followed anything up and if I hadn't persued every stage of the claim it would never have resolved. I also had to send receipts for all the items which were lost/never returned.

    The other was for personal possessions/ cards/ money through M&S following a mugging. You call, the first person that answers deals with the whole thing. Your conversation with them is recorded, and that recording is the 'paperwork'. Thier nominated replacement co. called up within an hour after that, talked through the claim, and where like for like replacement wasn't possible were happy to discuss at length what a suitable replacement might be. In roughly a week its as if nothing had ever happened other than having three new pin numbers to try and memorise. Two weeks later I was stuck in a traffic jam and realised I'd been sitting right at the scene of the crime for 5 minutes and it couldn't have been further from my mind.

    Free Member

    Don't do what my friends aunty used to do and balance a lamb chop on the edge of the plate "In case you change your mind". Nobody else would be having lamb, it was just there for the the veggie.
    you gotta be making that up, that's brilliant

    I shit you not. The chop would even be cooked seperately to the other meat, precisely because it was there, in case of emergencies, for the veggie.

    Of course if she had any sense it would have been bacon. all veggies eat bacon.

    Free Member

    Don't do what my friends aunty used to do and balance a lamb chop on the edge of the plate "In case you change your mind". Nobody else would be having lamb, it was just there for the the veggie.

    Free Member

    You'll get the spec under the 'about this mac' bit under the apple menu – top left. Look up similar stuff on ebay and 'watch' the actions so you get a log of their final prices

    Free Member

    A friend had TCR and I didn't think it lived up to expectations – not very involving and a bit cacky really, but the ads made seem like the must-have. Scalextric though was the nuts though – the funny smell of burning, the sparks, the hum.

    A played with it again recently and I'd completely forgotten the slightly euphoric dizzyness you get.

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