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  • Havok Bike Park 2.0 – Very Open For Business
  • skidartist
    Free Member

    Anything that lets you tune below 88.1, otherwise you'll be forever trying to retune in built up areas.

    Unless the CD player is very precious to you, you might find that a new player with a mini jack on the front will cost around the same as a decent transmitter and is a lot less hassle.

    Free Member

    Bloody hell Barry, your life has turned into a country and western song!

    Free Member

    I suspect the family of the Police man that died may have a view on this.

    A view on bridges being built near rivers?

    Free Member

    I read somewhere that half of all houses built since the war are on flood plains. The problem can often be that flood defenses are built to protect these new builds, but these just offset the impact of the flood upsteam or downstream. So older houses that were fine in the past suddenly find themselves underwater.

    Not sure if thats the specific case in cumbria though.

    Free Member

    Branches of costco usually have a lot of boxes – mostly the fruit and veg type. Walk in through the exit (you need to be a card holder to get into the store proper, but not to the cafe etc that are at the exit)and the boxes will usually be by the checkouts. Lidl usually have them at the checkouts too

    For stuff that isn't too delicate then the big blue bags you get at the checkouts in Ikea are very good, pick them carefully as there are three sizes but they all look the same folded. They are a good shape, very strong and hold their shape well when you pack them so they can stack quite neatly when you are loading.

    Free Member

    I just tried to eat one at my desk. Couldnt get into the damn thing

    Struggling to get into an orange? Yet still somehow managing to gain employment. 🙂

    Free Member

    I think the silence indicates the main problem you'll have with them – not many people buy them new so you'll have pretty slim pickings second hand. They're in that funny bit smaller than a transit size/falls in between catagories catagory. Too big to be carlike too small to be a proper builders van. Thing with vans is you want to have a lot to choose from to find a good one, because they've been used/treated like vans – driven by people who didn't pay for them.

    No direct experience of them but I've never seen one in crew cab guise. Their reputation is for being tough, though not as tough as the old forward control models.

    If you are looking for that 5 seater van thing then aside from VW (which are expensive second hand because they have more non-trader buyers looking for them as surf wagons than tradesmen selling them new), renaults are the ones I see most commonly in that guise, and there are more of them on the road generally to chose from.

    Free Member

    Surely it's the bummingbird.

    No, they're deer, the collective noun is 'herd'. Ernie's pic is of a bummingherd.

    Free Member

    I think this is referred to as a botting train, The gayest is likely to be one of the ones in the middle

    Free Member

    The character Rita, in "Educating Rita" was based on a real person called Rita who went to my school quite few years before I did.

    Free Member

    I tend to get a lot dust in phones and fluff and dust can sometimes get behind the buttons. The n95 with all its little speaker holes and so on. I used to blow compressed air through mine from time to time

    Free Member

    Ahhh, see what you mean re the all-in-one-box imac thing

    Well I've owned and used macs exclusively for nearly 20 years, thats a grand total of 5 macs, 3 of which I still own and use. I've had to replace a hard drive in the laptop…… and thats the only breakdown I've ever had. So a screen breaking down, or similar has never beens a concern.

    Compare the benchmarks between the various machines for processes that actually matter to you. If you can't justify a pro then the iMac should give you a lot more oomph than the mini, and that oomph should pay off in a longer servicable life keeping ahead of the dreaded obsolecence.

    Free Member

    Not sure what you mean by the imac having 'all the problems of a laptop'

    I've got an oooooold powerbook as my portable workstation / lap warmer, and a 24" imac that I use for anything more graphicsy, but I'm struggling to figure out what the cons are (over, say a mac mini)

    Free Member

    The singles chart is of no consequence though, not to the music industry proper, you can get a number one from very few sales these days. Thats why it can be exploited by Cowell so easily, nobody else is contesting it.

    Free Member


    Doesn't even have cup holders

    Free Member


    I like that – scurries off to print up new business cards

    Free Member

    Why does the reindeer have to be androgynous?

    Generally I don't think they have to be, but the photo doesn't really show quite how eye grabbing his baws were

    Free Member

    Smiling, but he doesn't know whats coming next


    The bit of the patient that has been upsetting old ladies (Rudolf will be suspended overhead as part of a shopping centre christmas display

    Free Member

    I'd rather they both got trapped under a lift

    Free Member

    I don't think even the most ardent fans of the X factor see it as anything more than an extravagant gong show, its a bit naive to imagine that it might either contribute or detract from wider musical culture or industry.

    Free Member

    Cut the cock and balls off of a fibreglass reindeer, then with nifty application of expanding foam and car body filler made it look like rudolf had never had any. Then fixed his broken antler.

    When people need these jobs doing why do they call me? Its not like I advertise.

    I've now got rudolf's cock and balls sitting on my work bench, got them off in one peice – look a bit like a bike saddle. Anyone want them for soup?

    Free Member

    My school biology teacher told us a story about a class from a previous year. He'd got to the end of the set of lessons about reproduction and asked whether there was anything that people hadn't quite understood or that he should elaborate on.

    A guy puts his hand up and asks sheepishly "When a man and a woman have sex, how do they know?". At first he thought he meant how do they know if they are pregnant but as he started to answer. "No, I mean how do they know they've had sex". It turns out he'd understood the term "sleeping together" to mean both parties are fast asleep.

    Free Member

    Factoring is worth a look, but most factors i've looked at are looking for turnovers over £100,000.

    Free Member

    I find 36" leg stuff easier to find in regular shop after going up in waste size from 34" to 36". It seems to be some kind of optimum, because legs seem to get shorter again from 38" onwards. That said most of my trousers would fall down without a belt so I'm probably more like a 35.

    So eat some pies, but not too many, and you'll be normal. sort of.

    Free Member

    You have to be making that up!

    If I recall that was their statement to Watchdog when they did an item on the recall, so not just a daft thing to say, a daft thing to say to an awful lot of people.

    Free Member

    Some customer care bods can say some ridiculous things. The early BMW minis had to be recalled because you could get a spark between the car and the petrol pump when you were filling up, and this could ignite the petrol vapour.

    BMW told all owners to bring their cars in for modifications, but in the meantime not to worry, because if a spark was to result in ignition the explosion would only be very brief.

    Free Member

    I saw Tom Baker walking out of a Butchers. Waiting to see Pat Butcher walk into a Bakers

    Free Member

    I still love it, but if I eat just a spoonful (must be with a spoon), I guarantee that within six hours I'll have a zit.

    PB no more for me

    Then ditch the spoon and use a straw, chopsticks, a shovel and you'll be fine

    Free Member

    Flash, its just as easy to make americans snigger, I know someone who went to the states and took a liking to a brand cigarettes with licorice papers. Waiting in the car while his american cousin nipped into a shop he shouted out the window after her "Get me some of those nice black fags".

    Free Member

    mortice and tenon, aye? aye? know what I mean aye?

    Rubbed Butt Joints aye?

    Free Member

    I've had a lot of success with Japanese Knot Weed and Himalayan Balsam 🙂

    Free Member

    She also has a story involving a Ferrari, 2000 oranges and Mikhail Gorbachev

    are you married to Rowley Birkin?

    Free Member

    When you are pawning your belongings to support your habit, thats too much.

    I dislike peanut butter intensely, incidentally, I'm merely extrapolating from my experience with marmite.

    Free Member

    Do some guerilla gardening. My mum has been cultivating the local bypass

    I saw a very charming documentary on BBC ALBA a while back about some aristocrat who bought a scottish island sight-unseen in his youth and now lives in the old folks home there (and is quite quite old) his one regret for all the marvelous things his done in his lifetime was "I wish I'd planted trees when I was young"

    Free Member

    And screwing, obviously.

    I remember when cordless drill drivers where quite the new thing, working with a crew of gallery technicians. The chief tech, the lovely Jeanette, lamented that the problem with cordless screwdrivers was that the gallery could only afford one, and therefore "one person ends up doing all the screwing while everyone else just stands round and watches"

    Free Member



    Free Member

    something involving splinters

    Free Member

    My girlfriends highly regarded documentary was on Channel 4 about an hour ago, we're both sat at home gassing and didn't know, so we've only just found out we missed it.

    Free Member

    If you really think it was deliberate there are people who run massive insurance scams from deliberate accidents, discuss it with the cops they might recognise the MO. But generally these people would try to create accidents that are 'definately' your fault, cause you to hit them by breaking sharply as they pull away at a roundabout for instance, rather than hit you and claim that technically your fault.

    Free Member

    One of the soldiers from the First Emperor of China's Terracotta Army lives nextdoor.

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