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  • International Adventure: Big Mountains, Small Details
  • skidartist
    Free Member

    Practice fluttering your own eyelids, its what we all do. Thats why non of us ever have anything to moan about on here!

    Free Member

    how the f* is that star destroyer hanging there?

    Conveyor Belt, dafty

    Free Member

    Flaperon – Member
    You want one of these:

    A USB coin dispenser?

    Free Member

    Myself and the other half happen to considerThe Gonk to be 'our tune'.

    I think you might have something with the stomach trauma / electronic noodlery connection. I'm sitting at home recuperating from hernia surgery and have got a set of nixie tubes that I think I'll try and turn into a clock.

    Free Member


    Is that one of those magic eye pics? 😀

    Free Member

    Its something I've had vague thoughts about. I got into mountain biking /cycling because of a weird rhumatic knee that stopped me hillwalking. Can go up hill all day, but coming back down again is rubbish, I have to do this funny high kick with one leg. (Oddly my GF has a similar prob so we come down hills together like a pair of chorus girls)

    I had this notion that paragliding would be a way of climbing hills and not having to worry about walking back down again, but I'd imagine that its not really as convenient as that

    Free Member

    How do the costs compare to taking your goods to a regular auction house? I pay a 25% over the final bid price when I buy (online) from industrial auctioneers, but I don't know what the sellers costs are.

    Free Member

    automatically means your manhood will grow by up to 2"

    That'll be interesting for Mrs Swampi (and perhaps an eye opener for Mr Swampi)

    Free Member

    I still like the old fashion method of working / bulling in a natural wax to bring it back to its former glory.

    That advice does sound faintly familiar 😳

    Free Member

    I like your style – offer definitive advice first, check the facts second 🙂

    I'm glad you're not my GP (you're not my GP are you?)

    Free Member

    any more tips – including where can i get a hiace from!!

    You've maybe got the cart before the horse…… The downside with the Hiace is there are hardly any of them out there (in the UK at least) to choose from.

    Free Member

    Ultimate Frisbee (I think that one is pretty niche!)

    Second only to 'Total Table Tennis'

    Free Member

    heres why…..
    do you want this in your life/ flat/ car /office/ holiday luggage

    let alone in your washing machine

    Free Member

    a large squeaky pop.

    Now thats what really makes the ladies pants fall down

    Free Member

    Then I stand corrected! And blue, who can argue with blue anodising, second only to the blue L.E.D as proof that we are right here in the moment.

    Free Member

    so for an average road car it will probably be just as much use as rear spoilers etc…

    No its not as useful as a spoiler as you can't see that you've paid extra for the nitrogen.

    Free Member

    If they put the nitrogen in facing the wrong way its can slow you down and make you turn left when you want to turn right.

    Free Member

    Put it in the washing machine, seems to do iPods the power of good.

    Free Member

    I think the quality issue (comparing to vinyl/CD) is irrelevant. iPods (and things like iPods) change your listening habits, audiophile nuances don't matter because ipods are in the background, not the foreground.

    Listening to music is much more casual with ipods, even with CDs you have to take an active role in choosing and playing them (and finding them, and hold on…. why's this one in the wrong box?). With an iPod everything is there and you just leave it to run. Its much more passive, like a radio station but it only plays music you like. But you get less involved in choosing, you just let it burble away in the background.

    For me it has had the odd effect that I'm actually far less interested in my music, I play it in the car or when I'm on the train, but I wouldn't put music on at home in the same way thay I used to spend an evening listening to CDs or albums. The plus side is the randomness means you constantly discover bits of music you'd otherwise overlook, the minus is you less of a trainspotter and less of a fan of your own collection and you can't remember what the the track was if you ever try to find it again.

    Free Member

    inside the M25 its a pain, anywhere else its a minor irritation.

    Along the length of the M8 its like having forks jabbed in your eyes

    Free Member

    identikit creosote-esque fake tanned blonde harlots. I think you can order them by the crateful.

    But to get that unique selling point operate your stand as an actually, genuine knocking shop. Others promise but you deliver!

    Free Member

    My biggest chilli incident was cooking salt and pepper fish whist a student. It was the day after a big party and I had one of those fidgety hangovers and was up and about while the rest of the household slept off the booze.

    In my feeble state I managed to chuck all the fish of the floor instead of the wok, applying the 3 second rule I quickly grabbed it and gave it a rinse. This was precisely enough to tim to set fire to a pan of fresh chillies creating a column of chilli smoke and vapour in the kitchen.

    You take a breath and your lungs shrivel and you cough and cough and cough and cough until the only thing you can do is take another deep breath and repeat the cycle. Eyes and nose streaming (ears bleeding) I opened the kitchen window to clear the air. This swiftly blew the smoke straight up the stairs and one by one I heard each of the 2 dozen slumbering party casualties dotted around the house having the most unpleasant awakenings of their lives.

    Free Member

    Maybe something like this, although to be honest… just regular coloured pencils can be pretty good.

    Free Member

    Not a mistake you make twice

    Ohhhh yes it is!

    Free Member

    Sleepy Halibut

    Free Member

    The langoustine friday

    Free Member

    The Prawn Ultimatum

    Free Member

    Prawn on the 4th of July

    Free Member

    Prawn of the Dead

    Free Member

    Bulletproof Monkfish

    Free Member

    krill bill


    Free Member

    American Pike

    Free Member

    The Boys from BrazEEL

    Free Member

    Forrest Guppy

    Free Member

    Captain Flash the Vulpine Hypnotist?

    Free Member

    Its an auction, so things only have a value of two people both want to buy something. Your sofa buyer might have been happy to pay £200. But, if you make the starting price £1 and the buyer has nobody to bid against him he can't choose to pay more than a quid unless someone else ups the ante (and not your mate putting in shill bids, thats just a waste of everyones time). With something like a sofa you're limited to local buyers who have the transport to collect – not many – so the chance of getting two competing is pretty slim. So just offer it at the price you'll accept for it.

    Free Member

    I should add a disclaimer to the above. You bury yourself in your garden at your own risk. If your knob gets bitten by Bill Oddie instead of a badger then shouting boo might not make him run away. Your home my be at risk if you are not completely satisfied.

    Free Member

    I think badgers can rip the ground up like that if they think there is something worth digging for.

    The trick is to dig a trench and bury yourself in it naked with just your cock sticking out like a juicy worm. Wait for the badger to bite then shout 'boo'.

    Free Member

    The schemes tend to be designed to make it as easy as possible for you to fork it up. Some of the schemes have proven to be unstainable for the companies running them and they've gone bust, leaving the customers with the contract but not the cash back

    If you are going to go for it use it as a way of getting something you can afford for less, not a way of trying to bag something you couldn't afford without the cashback. That way if it goes tits up you're covered

    Free Member

    Just think, 10 years ago we would never have dreamed that we could fit our entire music collection in a washing machine!

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