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  • Video: Innes Graham In Da Jungle
  • skidartist
    Free Member

    Personally I'd love to go scuba diving (hardly "adrenaline" sport) but I have a wee handicap. Can't swim. Never needed to.

    Shouldn't be a handicap – without the air supply scuba diving would be drowning, so you should be perfectly qualified.

    Free Member

    the Cycling France book has some good touring routes. We tacked two together starting from Les Arc Sur Argens (on the train line between Avignon and Nice) going through the Gorge du Verdon, Moustier Ste Marie, and Forcalquier, Apt, Cavailion (we did the route twice and skipped Cavailion the second time in favor of Roussillon), Gorde, Sault, Mt Ventoux, Vaison la Romaine, Orange and ending up in Avignon.

    All lovely

    would happily do it a third time (and we met a fair few people who've been returning to the area, even the same camping pitch) for 20 odd years

    We like the hills though, riding on the flat kills us. Between Avignon and Orange is fairly mellow, conspire to be in Orange on a market day, its amazing. Going to the south of Avignon its flatter. The book has a three day tour Avignon/Nimes/Arles thats quite easy rolling, but we just pootled along as far as St Remy de Provance (v.nice) and back as we'd arrived in Avignon with a day in hand.

    Free Member

    Evan Ratcliff's[/url] story is quite interesting, in terms of how much you can pry on people electronically without having to be Big Brother, and also in terms of how many tools are marketed aside from 'burners' (pre-payment 'gift cards' which allow you to purchase goods and services online or in person without having a bank or address for instance) which seem to exist principally for shady purposes.

    Free Member

    I've just smashed up and blown up a airliner for an exhibition I'm working on (and now we're putting all the bits back together again). They're really not made of very much. The section where the wings attach is like a tank, the rest is incredibly un-reassuring.

    Not in a hurry to get back on a plane anytime soon. Partly because having taken one apart it seems they don't actually have any magic in them. Partly because its going to be quite some time before the residues of plastic explosives to leave my system and wash out of my clothes and belongings, and I'll get pounced on by security.

    As jobs go its a notch up from grinding the balls off fibreglass reindeer

    Free Member

    Its suggested that if you limit your calorie intake (cut your intake so that your weight falls rather than stops increasing) your body reacts like you are in a starviation situation so tries to limit your exersion, so you end up tired. When you stop starving and begin to eat normally (rather than excessively) your body hordes the calories for fear of another starvation event. So the weight goes back on and you stay listless.

    Thats why diet books are so easy to sell.

    Exercise in the marketable workout/gym membership/dancercise sense, even running to an extent is also too aggresive, you just wear yourself out before you've actually done a lot of actual energy burning exercise, and they are faddish and eventually too boring to sustain.

    For weightloss just walk about. 'Walking about' is difficult package to sell to anyone in book or video form but so long as you've got somewhere interesting to walk to you won't get tired or bored before you've done a useful amount of it. You could walk about all day, never really getting tired, bored or out of breath and be exercising all the time. Riding a bike can't hurt either but because bikes move you about so efficiently you have to deliberately make cycling difficult for yourself (go the long way, go the steep way, go fast) to get a lot of exercise out of it. When I lived in a city I didn't cycle around very much because a bike got you there too quickly to enjoy the journey. Walking took a nice amount of time and was interesting.

    Unfortunately it took me past a lot of pie shops

    Free Member

    I use a Northface Roadrunner 22. Reasonable space to two adults inside (I'm 6'6"). Accessed from both sides rather than one end so you don't need to clamber over each other or get yourself turned around to get in and out. Each side has a modest porch too.

    I think theres a 3-man version too, although I've found some '3 man' tents to only be 100mm wider than their '2 man' equivalent

    Free Member

    Theres something in pub blackcurrent juice that makes me go mental. Blackcurrent and soda used to be my drink of choice if I was driving but it made me hyperactive. I didn't cotton on straight away so for a while I'd be spending nights getting increasingly fidgety and bored, finishing my drink too quickly, buying more and spending more of the night either queuing at the bar or at the urinal than sat down talking to my gently drunk friends. Buy the end of the night I'd be a jangling wreak, and under the impression that I was now having a great time, I'd then irritate the hell out of everyone while I drove them home.

    Free Member

    I have never watched Titanic and I've always wondered what happens at the end?

    Did the ship make it to New York?

    No the ship sinks and everyone is drowning, then just in the nick of time it pops back up again, everyone is saved and to celebrate they captain diverts to the caribbean where everyone is seen to relax on the beach drinking cocktails to indicate that everything is going to be alright for ever and ever and ever. But in the closing few frames the icebergs peeps into view on the horizon to let us know that theres going to be a sequel. In fact the iceberg later gets its own spin-off tv series.

    Actually, I've not seen it either

    Free Member

    "Its no good shooting the horse after the gates been bolted"

    Free Member

    This guy's handiwork is worth checking out if you are looking for an ayrshire/south of glasgow base to live and ride. Probably worth doing some rides then seeing what you stumble across in terms of places to live. North and East Ayrshire's towns aren't high on everybody's desirable list but theres lots of loveliness hidden between them.

    You'll generally find that Ayrshire gets less leisure traffic than the area to the north of glasgow, so for a given square of map there'll be few paths and fewer ways of linking them up. But thats not to say there aren't some really good paths or routes. East Ayrshire Woodlands has been doing so fierce amount of path building, all along the length of the River Ayr, form the source to the sea, with little networks off of it around each community it passes through, and there are a lot of new paths around the Irvine Valley too (Galston/Newmilns/Darvel).

    Free Member

    my hoe does it with the bra and pants

    and collars and cuffs?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    No single one is a landmark as such, but the thousand or so bridges that Telford built in the highlands completely transformed the region.

    The Churchill Barriers built of sunken ships in Orkney are pretty cool

    again not a landmark, but above the Cromarty Firth one of the mountains was hollowed out to store oil for the fleet during the first world war, there are six huge tanks in there, each the size and shape of a cathedral

    Free Member

    ……….What's your take of kinky sex ? ……..does spanking naughty schoolboys have any appeal ?

    OMG! Cruising on the forum, get a room you two! 🙂

    Free Member

    pointing out & naming all the noteworthy things to see across the horizon & also gave a braille translation

    I'm not blind, but as I understand the world, those things exist whether or not they can be seen. They are still there (I think) if one goes up t the viewpoint at night or in the fog. Unless you seriously doubt the persistence of physical objects through time when you cannot see them, it is hard to see the problem with a blind person standing at the viewpoint and saying to himself "in that direction is Cadair Idris".

    A few years back there were a set of radio programmes that David Blunket made of his sound recordings of the landscape at night, because at night you can hear further. The recordings and his monologues were some of the the most remarkable radio I've ever heard. So I'd agree that you can be blind and be very interested in the horizon.

    Free Member

    pointing out & naming all the noteworthy things to see across the horizon & also gave a braille translation

    I'm not blind, but as I understand the world, those things exist whether or not they can be seen. They are still there (I think) if one goes up t the viewpoint at night or in the fog. Unless you seriously doubt the persistence of physical objects through time when you cannot see them, it is hard to see the problem with a blind person standing at the viewpoint and saying to himself "in that direction is Cadair Idris".

    A few years back there were a set of radio programmes that David Blunket made of his sound recordings of the landscape at night, because at night you can hear further. The recordings and his monologues were some of the the most remarkable radio I've ever heard. So I'd agree that you can be blind and be very interested in the horizon.

    Free Member

    druidh – Member
    footflaps – Member
    just get yourself castrated – two bricks is all you need….
    Doesn't that hurt….

    Only the first time

    Free Member

    Not that the gun is any use to him, he'll never manage to pick it up with those beadle hands. No wonder he's so bitter (and doesn't shave)

    Free Member

    But the fiver is cursed, if you spend it you get ball cancer

    Free Member



    Free Member

    When I work on films the cast usually have to leave pretty promptly at the end of their part of the shooting, but there will usually still at least a day of pickups and cut-aways to shoot. So we always end up having the wrap party when almost everyone on the shoot hasn't in fact wrapped, just the 'talent'. So at almost the end of 12 weeks of 13-day fortnights, shooting 12 hrs a day we party like the worlds going to end, then carry on shooting the next day. Bedlam.

    I fell asleep standing up at one of the first wrap parties I went to

    Free Member

    Hold the slide against the screen of your PC then do a screen-grab

    Free Member

    The one in Forres in Morayshire hosts a recycling charity, as you go to dispose of stuff you have the option to either put your stuff in the skip or donate it to them, they sort it, mend it and then offer it for sale

    You might leave with more than you arrived with

    Free Member

    So you'd be the named driver but not the keeper/owner? That might be why its higher than the quotes I get, the presumption is perhaps that you'll drive it like you don't own it.

    Free Member

    politicians are all the same, doesn't matter which party they are. Thieving lying scumbags.

    With regards to expenses, they are actually quite an honest bunch. Compared to the electorate. A much larger proportion of public consider fiddling their own work expenses to be perfectly acceptable behavior. And if people don't fiddle their own expenses they're not very judgemental of people who do, and they certainly don't consider it 'theft'. Many people feel that if expenses are available then they are missing out if they don't claim everything thats on offer, whether they have a legitimate reason to or not.

    Free Member

    hell, I've just noticed the sucker fish is going round like its on speed!

    My dad used to keep a few tanks of tropical fish, but the time came when he was loosing interest and he decided that as fish died he wouldn't replace them, and as kit packed up he'd rationalise it all. In the end he had just the one tank left, with the last bits of working filter, heater etc and the last dozen or so fish.

    We had family friends visiting and the fish came up in conversation and my dad explained the 'giving it all up' plan and when they're pop their clogs thats it, all over. It was almost like they knew they were being talked about as they were much more animated than usual, zooming around like mad.

    Our friends slept on the bed settee that night, and the next morning they were saying the fish were whizzing around so much it was keeping them awake, but that they'd finally calmed down.

    My dad went to have a look and they were all dead. He went to scoop them out and the water was almost boiling. The thermostat had packed up and the fish had, quite excitedly, been poached alive while we all watched

    Free Member

    Put him over your shoulder and pat his back til he burps

    Free Member

    That strikes me as quite a high quote as someone who is renewing his van insurance just now and geting quotes around 1/3rd that amount, have you tried the comparison type sites? Having more than one driver using the van is probably pushing the price up, especially if you've not got them as named drivers. Your line of work, or the nature of the goods you are carrying might be factor too.

    Although you say you've got NCB, if you've earned that on a car, and still have/use that car then you'll not be getting a discount on the van. When I still had a car I had to choose to put the discount against one or the other, but I couldn't get a NCB on both

    Free Member

    Purple Acki, terrorizer of trim gentlemen in the Northwest of England, (and was so notorious that most people thought he was an urban myth) is of Nigerian decent, and his nickname comes from him being so dark-skinned he looks purple.

    So is the answer 'Purple'?

    Free Member

    Second hand isn't to be sniffed at, you might have missed many of them now, but because a lot of people buy sofas either in time for xmas or in the sales afterwards theres a glut of decent second hand sofas around in Jan/Feb.

    Try Gumtree, you might get lucky.

    Free Member

    And yet stick your hands down their trousers, you know, just to help them find what they're looking for, and….

    Free Member

    So are you going to apply for a job there then and show everyone how its done?

    Free Member

    And if we're talking Shatner then Common People is one I'd put in the cover versions that are better than the original category.

    Free Member

    Straight out of Compton by Nina Gordon Cover your ears though, theres some effing and jeffing

    Free Member

    Do you not have 'Numbers' on your mac? That'll open it

    Free Member

    Decent enough stuff. I use their gas nailer and I've got an hitachi angle grinder that is older than god, but their product designer seems to have been on crack for the last few years. The exceptional ugliness of their products shouldn't compromise function though

    Free Member

    Things started out negative but soon I was enlarging. As it started to develop, I told her we should stop before we got into a fix, but she said it would all come out in the wash.

    Free Member

    Can I nominate the theme tune from the Flumps. During medal ceremonies our conquering champions would remain stoic and respectful until the very last bar where they'd do a cheeky little jump and kick their heals.

    Free Member

    Buy on the classifieds, sell on eBay

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