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  • Shimano GF8 (GF800) Gore-Tex Shoes review
  • skiboy
    Free Member

    Pigface got it right , I call it the coulthard/webber syndrome , he’s good just not good enough , shame I like his style, we can’t all be the best

    Free Member

    Travelling to Warwick to see and purchase a 5 axis mill and being told after we arrived
    that it already sold yesterday , ******* ****s , wasted my ******* day and the day of two of my men
    Very unprofessional , thinking of unleashing the dogs on them

    Free Member

    oh dear thread highjacked by another ****,

    oh well, huge respect for the boys doing a tough job and making big sacrifices, i don’t really care for the reasons but will always support those guys out there at on the thin red line.

    Free Member

    Yep dab hand at one nostril snit launching here, although have been known to ride around with it caked allover my camelback strap

    Free Member

    I was asking myself the same thing until after 2 weeks of the crap perpetually filling my face it stopped ,
    Snot monsters I recon, luckily for me I had 3 teeth pulled and was gIven antibiotics to help
    Fight off any infection and my snot soon buggered off , I seem to get this snot sinus infestation after a trip
    With the Kids to a local pool! Second time this yr , same pool

    Free Member

    i ordered some XO shifters from CRC saturday pm, arrived a few hrs ago.
    RM first class.

    I have had problems last year but ordered 4K’s worth of parts over a 4 month period, i would say 50% were well behind delivery dates, the longest wait being 3 months,

    still use CRC as much as ever.

    same old complaints on here, but only say 20 people complain, 10,000 don’t.

    Free Member

    owwwwwww bags, the light it’s so beautiful………………..

    MODS…..HELP ME……… 😯

    Free Member

    cheers guys , thats thrown the cat among the pidgeons, that divinci does seems a steal,doing some homework now.

    Free Member

    when it comes to butter this ones pretty hard to beat

    Free Member

    Free Member

    not aerospace although are sister company are,

    we are ‘top end’ military research and scientific/cutting edge technology based here ‘say no more’

    i’ve been using 3-4 axis cnc for nearly 26yrs both programming on and off line, using alphacam/solidworks for last 14, 5 axis is fairly easy as long as your used to solidmodels etc, really looking forward to it,

    what to make first is the hardest bit

    Free Member

    buy a knife and grow wings!!,

    i’ve bagged four pidgeons in 5 days, pidegeon problem sorted for another year.

    Free Member

    duckman why would i lie, are you 12 ??,

    for your info:

    in the village i grew up in, my neighbour, my godfather was a bevin boy in ww2,his next door neighbour was Sir Henry Jones look him up, across the road was james dad, who was a decorated spit pilot officer from the BOB, just down from him was neils dad, german as mentioned, my dad worked for a man called aubrey F who flew hurricanes in the BOB, another friend Peter who lived opposite had his grandad at the end of the marroway rd who took a snipers bullet to the head during a break in the battle of the somme,(he had a hole under the skin,it was quite odd to look at, he lived until 90yrs old)
    t my brothers friend brian’s father was a polish airman (woj we called him) at primary school my headmistress’s husband was a pilot in ww2 and also a memember of the guinea pig club (look it up),

    bob green obe worked for my wife, he sailed in the northern convoys and won the red star of russia which was given to him by stalin no less,
    my other next door neighbour mr cowlden was captured in singapore and tourtured by the japs,(they went mad when my dad bought a mitsubishi colour tv in the early 80’s)

    i could go on, history especailly military, is a bit of a strong point of mine and as i said i grew up in the shadow of an RAF station which has been in exsitence sine the RFC were formed. I also met a lot of people and love gathering their tales (thats a nice word for true stories).

    don’t judge others by your own standard m8. 😉

    Free Member

    does seem a little daft as they would have been more than a little out
    of place on an english station platform ?,

    some people thnik the english thing dressing up as a nazi goes back to us always hankering to be the underdog, it’s said we find it attractive
    and more exciting than dressing as an english or other allied soldier,

    I have always had a strong interest for the german side as my best friends father was in the hiltler youth in the mid 30’s and later a fallschirmjager in ww2 until his capture and detention in england in ’44, but i am certainly no nazi,racist,zionist or other,
    I just simply find that kind of thing fascinating,

    i was at Bletchley Park (Station X) at the weekend for their 1940’s weekend and there was every single allied soldier represented there, too many as GI’s as far as i was concerned, but no axis forces were represented although you can find dummys dressed up as germans in the ‘enigma wireless bunker’,

    I think the visitors to the park especially the veterans would find it a little disturbing,

    I know myself my interest lay in the fact that my best friends father’s past was strickley tabboo and not to be talked about. he was good friends with another man in the village who was a polish airman during the war fighting here in england,

    i personally think in the right context theres no harm in dressing up as a german soldier, but as i said a 1940’s train station in england is a bit odd,

    Free Member

    i have both,

    soul is lovely climbing, very springy but i find it a bit lively going down fast, fantastic welds and quality tubes.

    sov is quite hard work uphill, but surprisingly not as bad as you would think being that heavy, very solid, feels like it will smash down walls if they get in the way, fantastic fun going down hill, tempts you to launch off everything in sight, build quality is what you would want to see on a £600 frame, really nice welds, rear stays and well thought out,

    as you may have noticed i wrote more about the Sov, that’s because i’m thinking of parting with the soul to help pay for a new santa cruz heckler frame, i will miss it bad after 4 yrs but i don’t want to sell the sov as it really does feel unique .

    Free Member

    Another rolex 16600 here,

    why: ’cause i like to know what time of the day it is, (roughly).

    never ride up woods in it as i think it would kill my wrist in a fall and who cares what time it is when your having fun.

    Free Member

    no tears here but yep some film, my first time too, glad i stayed up to watch the end

    Free Member

    all the best to the happy couple and top marks on the reporting, 😆

    Free Member

    yep hamilton has always looked a knob when he has people around him like Jenson B, Mark W, .

    Even vettel has better manners although he is a bit M Shuey.

    the race card he pulled made me cringe, last season he whined, this season he has stepped the misery up a notch imo, but the black thing, thats going to cost him, he will lose big time after that cheap shot, he needs to mtfu.

    i recon jenson will go to ferrari soon anyway so he will be rid of him and not have to listen to that 5hit no more,

    he should take a leaf out of the others books, they are always gratuitous and take it on the chin like men.

    Free Member

    i always go for XO rear mechs and XTR on the front with XO shifters,

    works for me, nothing against XTR rears but i just always loved the positive feel of Sram but the
    price is silly for a mech. never liked Sram front mechs.

    Free Member

    fantastic!!! don’t care what anybody recons about skill kahunnas etc, fair play to the boys them’s just doin’ it ma’ man……..

    Free Member

    I got 819’s on hopes, Been running small block 8’s on them since new last year, no problems but they are heavy

    Free Member

    M khan is bent lol haven’t seen that in years , north circular if I remember , David badeel did a whole stand up on that in the 80’s hehe,

    Free Member

    You should consider a monocular I also have one as my binos don’t fit in a bag , opticron 10×42 BGA is what I carry,
    They have a good reputation and are nicely manufactured, very point and squirt if you see what I mean ,

    Free Member

    these guys have got plenty of options and choice,

    I just got a pair of Steiner military 7X50R from the US as they don’t sell them here, cost a small fortune
    but the most amazing bins i have ever glanced through, they were replacing my 18yr old Minox that gave up the ghost last year,

    things have changed a bit in the optics world, the lenses are so much better, it would be worth spending a little more to get a quality pair and i would go for less mag than 10×50 as shake is always an issue over 7X.

    my ten penith

    Free Member

    50 % Irish, 50 % Welsh 😯

    Free Member

    damn wish i had never seen this thread,

    i had a bridge put in around 7 yrs ago, it failed at christmas or rather i broke it at christmas biting into a extra hard piece of the wife’s flapjack (always liked the challenge of biting through something),

    anyroads, the bridge was a four tooth from the top right canine (socket) to the last on that side(post), i think it would have lasted quite a while longer if i hadn’t killed it,

    on my other top side i had a crown which keeps popping out as it’s in the memory zone of the gum which keeps forcing it out, behind that is an old crown 10yrs + and behind that a gap (removed for giving me jip)
    and finally behind that is the final molar,

    well, the bridge is coming out next week, the one behind the canine which keeps coming out is being removed too and after smashing the lone survivor on the way back from the Q’s last week (biscuit made by the wife again), that is joining the party,

    at 42 i’m going to be having a cobalt chrome partial denture, with six teeth fixed to it replacing the tree either side behind the canines, we talked about implants but not for long i am a bauxer, which means one hell of a bite and i would destroy them in weeks i recon,

    total bill is 1170, so it’s not too bad but i do feel i’m on the rocky road to soupdom,

    consider your options carefully and don’t rush into things is my advice, implants may sound good, but i wouldn’t want to break one especially at the front.

    Free Member

    before i went to M&S i was with Rias for years, then last year there was 2 break-ins , 1 two houses down (2x 300 bikes stolen from unlocked shed through unlocked gate at foot of 300ft garden , the people there are real muppets) and a second break-in 3 doors in the other direction involving skank petty thief and jewellery,

    that was enough for Rias, even though my brick shed is like a bunker, they dropped me like a hot rock.

    Free Member

    lol , yep thats the winner alright rofl 😆

    Free Member

    more pictures of my sov, which will be out to play in the morning, last weekend was the Q’s so
    woburn is going to feel pretty much like holland after that….. 😀

    Free Member

    I would think so , you could list any property u like so I don’t think that would make much odds , you need to try a quote it’s online it’s a doodle

    Free Member

    my long fork ht’s

    Free Member

    don’t bother trying, my old (note the use of the word old) insurers got all funny and refused to insure my bikes, 4 hardtails and one bouncer, (in a brick shed which can only be accessed from the front of the house,also all ground anchored etc)

    i tried getting quotes from independent insurers but the premiums were stupid, akin to a 17yr old driving a hot hatch.

    many people on here suggested M&S, ready meals i thought !!!, sparkling white cava’s and sandwiches,


    all my bikes and all my other contents which had previously had to be added to my contents on special
    polices were included in my usual premium which was the same price as my other insurers premium.

    superb, any bike worth under 4K no matter how many you have are covered by the standard policy.

    try them for a quote.

    Free Member

    THE CHIP…(or other wise known as swarf),

    I can dry cut stainless steel 316 at 6000 rpm taking a 16mm wide cut 8mm deep with just an air blast, all the heat goes into the chip away from the cutting edge and mat’l

    Free Member

    24hr, hmmmmmmmm that’s handy

    Free Member

    we had a dakota over at rooftop level last night, i live on the same road as bletchley park (stationX),

    we used to get this guy regular in the past but he has been absent for a few years, then last night , im back..

    he really likes to crank it over, end of this month we get 2 battle of britian flyovers, one on saturday, one sunday 😀

    Free Member

    ah thats an easy one aracer,

    you get seen a lot more if you run on the road, ”how ultra cool am i running” ”i’m going to keep this up for at least a week in my new gear” ”i walk when no one is looking,i think i may go to the gym, i won’t get out of breath there”,

    every morning i have to pass what was once a kids activity land centre and is now a ‘kiss gym’ with a outdoor activity land, makes me vomit, why oh why do people join those places, if you want to get fit you don’t have to pay !!

    Free Member

    I thought it was just me who noticed this trend, I ride 16 miles a day to work on Milton Keynes redways and there is a couple of guys ( on £100 heaps with squeaky chains) who cycle on opposite side of the redway to everyone else, one guy even rides up the road through loughton on the wrong side every bloody day, I’ve tried telling him but he don’t seem to get it, so every morning at around 740am I have a near collision with the same idiot,

    Another thing if you watch is when people especially the youngsters ( shows age) in cars come to a t junction they always look left first then start to pull out before looking right !! Mental ? My wife has also noted and commented on this in the past ? At least it will be a quick death? I think they just check the side they consider themselves to be joining not realising that you might want to check nothing is going to come through the door and smear them through the front seats ,

    Darwin will sort the chaff don’t fear

    Free Member

    Free Member

    as the man said, you won’t regret it

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