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  • Issue 157: Busman’s Holiday
  • skiboy
    Free Member

    Just picking up on this thread having just been introduced to the pleasures of both having a 5mm stone ( I thought I may die the pain was so bad !!) and having a JJ stent stuck in through my Japs from my bladder to my kidney.
    I had week in hospital due to my kidney getting a bit annoyed with the goings on but was able to make the 2 week family holiday in Ibiza (quiet end, no parties, i’m 53 anyway and cannot be arsed with such goings on) anyway I’m back now and have another weeks holiday before I go back to work.I’m desperate to get out on the bike. my stent makes me want to pee all the time but have found plenty of Ibuprofen stops the irritation of the bladder to a degree.I was wondering if anyone else had tried riding with one in ?,

    I get pew pew lasered next week then hopefully a week later with have the JJ whipped out. A tip for there unwise, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate, and stop drinking coke or Pepsi Max (my Achilles) full stop.

    Free Member

    1.Spending a weekend riding in wales with my best mate instead of a week in morzine.

    2. Spending 3 weeks with my family in the Uk doing things locally that we would not normally do when lying on a sunny beach.

    3. Winning a 8th consecutive constructors championship.

    RB fans, don’t bother because I don’t bite x

    Free Member

    Got turned back yesterday from the bottom of the main coaster. Ranger was a bit vague on his reasons for closing but said it was due to accidents. Not surprised it was due to clashes with dog walkers, people on both sides have no manners these days. Everyone is set for conflict from the moment they clap eyes on each other.

    Free Member

    just for balance, I was driving in Puglia, Italy and the roads where pretty bloody awful in most places, had a car in front of us have a massive blow due to a huge pothole on one of the roads from Monopoli to Alberobello. The Autostrada were even worse !!

    Free Member

    Cloud nine,

    Not all are dicks mate, but you do see a few,

    I ride two abreast sometimes at lunch too, always pull in behind or in front when cars approach. I have no issue with two abreast I still wait but for a lot of drivers it’s red rags to a bull,
    My point is that some car drivers will not only risk the lives of riders acting like dicks or not and Will deliberately run you off the road as they see it as there god given right to have your side of road if there’s an obstruction on there’s ! That’s my point buddy

    Free Member

    My ten penith,

    Me: Mountain biker who also rides 10 miles at lunch on roads with road bike near work.

    Bikes on road/ bikes on road two abreast. normal guy riding alone. I slow down when I see him. Wait until a big enough gap appears and when not on a corner and then pass. Two bikes riding two abreast /two idiots riding two abreast and blatantly holding up the traffic.
    Same process as above. I’m patient and even though some riders act like a holes I’m not going to serve a manslaughter charge for a couple of seconds or a few hundred yards of tarmac.

    The drivers I hate are the ones that see a bike or bikes and then see you coming and then decide that they have the right to nearly run you clean off the road in your car and then somehow think it’s the bikers fault because they are causing an obstruction !! Total twunts

    Free Member

    yes cheekymonkey it does cover it and a whole lot more

    Free Member

    Been there too, We had young daughter already which helped get through it. It’s not so hard on the men folk but it’s really tough if you are the one who did all the carrying etc. It took my wife a little longer to get over it but we did with no real issues, a year later she delivered another beautiful girl. What surprised us too was how many people who had also gone through it. It seemed to be every other couple !!

    take time to grieve , look after your mrs and give her lots of love and hope.


    Free Member

    I’ve driven quite a few, much better than the old C class 4 cylinder and a lighter more comfortable car which gives good fuel returns, If you can stretch it go for the 250d as it has better torque.

    I’ve had a C350 estate for just under 4 yrs now, best car I’ve ever owned by far, powerful,ultra reliable, smooth and take it easy and you can get 40+ to the gallon. shame to see it go in 15 days. Still my new AMG C43 Wagon has just arrived at the dealership after a massive 5 month wait !!! I can’t wait to burn some proper fuel again.

    Free Member

    despite having two beautiful daughters,a wonderful beautiful fantastic wife, a dream job, great friends and family I find myself wishing the next 4 months away while i wait for the delivery of my new AMG. FFS…………

    Free Member

    Yep that’s what I see and strangely mine are also right eye only , in regard to the zigzagging I can still see it with both eyes shut. I also had a dull headache over my left eye after the episode passed. I say I enjoy the disturbance by that i meant I enjoyed observing the wonders of the brain that can produce such a visual effect. My first time on the other hand had me thinking too that I was on the verge of a massive stroke or similar,

    Free Member

    no way ! I had one last week, 4th time since 2004, the Mexicans call them Jaybird migraines. I’ve only ever met a couple of people that have ever had them.

    Always been a migraine sufferer since early teens, my triggers i worked out where some foods but mainly dehydration. Triggers forJaybird ?? not sure but last week I worked 60hrs not including 10hrs travelling to and from work. got max of 6 hrs sleep per night and I work in possibly one of the most highly stressed environments going and this is the worst time of the year. hmmm….

    I felt it coming on at 7pm just as i was thinking about going home. 1st thing was vision on right side was getting blurred, couldn’t see the monitors anymore, then tunnel vision at which point i spoke to one of my co-workers regarding getting security to order me a cab home (40mls but the company will pick the bill up and send the cab to pick me up in the morning), I then got classic Jaybird zigzag lines which I quite enjoy ???
    I grabbed a big coffee and went for a stroll around the facility , indoors not outdoor, half hr later right as rain, jumped in my car and drove home.

    they are scary at first but you soon learn that compared to a vomit inducing rip your eyes out, shoot yourself in the face to escape the pain Migraine they are a walk in the park.

    google Jaybird migraine for a load of Merican info.

    Free Member

    Just get a Revolute card.

    Apply on your phone, takes 2 mins,

    I’ve been using one for the last couple of times I’ve been in Morzine.

    Open account. Transfer some cash in. Convert to euros or whatever when you want to. Use at cash points, garages, restaurants, shops etc. It works like a MasterCard debit card but there is no fees at all, rates are better than my bank.

    I used an Avia garage on the way here that wouldn’t except my pin at the pump for some reason, I had to get my Halifax debit out, £1.50 in transaction fees and £1.49 for the conversion to euros, also used it to draw some cash in Paris, got a 10% total charge on £30 !!! Robbing gits.

    Revolute is the way ahead

    Free Member

    Can’t believe handball is a sport worth putting on telly ! What a pile of steaming rubbish, when I saw it on TV in France I thought it was a joke, is this a new sport ??
    It’s like that Frisby crap, one of my old work mates played that at international level ?? It’s almost like someone who was crap at every other sport was desperate to win at something.
    They should defo knock out all the crap ones and stick DH in. That would be bar far one of the top events,

    I think we should all chip in on a bribe and see if we can make it happen. (Someone may have to have sex with a fat bold German Man at some point to help drive the decision through)

    Free Member

    I’ve tried loads over the years, as above laser lite for the win by a golden mile + we have them in dispensers at work

    Free Member

    Nice job,

    What makes me happy ?

    Getting away from the 10 a penny instant economist on FB by doing a bit of labour in the garden, built a concrete step for the boilerhouse and then bled my rear brakes on my nomad in preparation for Morzine in 10 days

    Free Member

    love the eureka moment above,

    tis true the hole is closer to the centre of the axle thus so is the pedal and as it’s usually the wider platform of the pedal that strikes the chances of a strike are thus reduced. Science

    Free Member

    M shed museum,
    Bristol Museum Park street,
    St Anne’s Market
    SS Great Britain
    Bristol Zoo
    Clifton and it’s bridge.

    Have friends there, St annes market is my secret favourite

    Free Member

    Driven it a few times from MK to morzine, as said worst bit is getting to the train in folkstone,

    The first year I did it I couldn’t ride for a day I was so washed out, last year we arrived at 9am and was on the plenney lift at lunch, I felt rough as but got through the day.

    This year me and the usual guys are driving over 1st week in July .the rest are flying and getting one of RB F1’s guys to take all the bikes over in a sprinter, he did it last year £700 quid to drop em off the day before we arrived and then he came back a week later stayed the night and left with us. Nutter

    This year I drive back after riding then do it all again with the wife and kids in August!!!

    Free Member

    I work opposite a very intelligent person who swears blind that the moon landings are a hoax, he always strings off a million reasons why it’s a hoax all of which are the usual stuff from those crazy websites, the flag footprints the shadows reflections , whose holding the camera etc etc. you have to laugh.

    I do however believe in cover ups, I do think that JFK and his brother were snuffed out by the government or a branch of the government to be precise. I don’t think princess Diana was killed by the secret service but it is an interesting thought that she may have been preggers by fayed .
    that would indeed be classed as I direct threat to the monarchy but I doubt it’s true.

    Prince Harry poor lad must be Hewitt’s son cause he’s a dead spit for sure.

    And last but not least 911. The fire collapsed the towers due to the mass of paper and furniture etc that was burning long after the avgas Fire went out. That’s highly likely. As it’s been proven that the fuel alone couldn’t hold the temp high enough. There was certainly no explosive charges involved as who layer them and why wasn’t there any blasts when they were triggered.
    The third tower tower 7 I think is also believed by many to have been blown. Although there is absolutely no evidence to suggest it, I’ve watched film of it coming down which was posted on a conspiracy forum saying that you can see the moment it starts to collapse and you can and you can clearly see there was no charges. It also said that no building has ever fallen just due to fire. I found quite a few on YouTube when I looked.
    The plane heading to camp David was most likely shot down imo but I have no evidence but if it was me I would have shot it down. It’s an unfortunate truth that those people were going to die regardless and at least it would have saved lives later on.
    The pentagon I’m not so sure about, there is no video, that in itself is very odd but doesn’t mean it was a missile just that the government don’t want you to see it happen most likely as its either pretty bad or ….it was a missile …?

    Oh almost forgot the gulf was about the oil , yes we all know that,
    Afghanistan was all about lithium highly likely as its going to be the next gold rush when the oil tops out or we all start choking to death.
    Gaddafi was nailed because of the threat to the dollar and euro by his new African currency, so believe that.

    As I said some of the above is how I see it

    Free Member

    yep that make no sense. well done 🙄

    I always get upset by the hate on here for that reasons Mods i would like to have my IP removed from the forum and be placed on the banned list.

    I no longer want to be in the same room as some of the children on here.


    this may help ****

    Free Member

    I have three offerings:

    Another for anywhere near astonhill or wendover, green slime on chalk or wet leaves on chalk. Your going down.

    Crossing at Fenny Stratford over canal. Engineering bricks in the wet just when you turn right after crossing the swing bridge. Hurt bad and cost me a XO rear mech.

    Mini roundabout up the road from me. On exit of a garage, diesel spill in the wet, turned right, first thing to hit the Tarmac was the side of my helmet, learned the value of helmets that day.

    Things like this always remind me if taking my test 20yrs ago. The instructor asked us what you do when you hit ice on a motorbike. The answer. fall off.

    Free Member

    Been eaten by all the massive buzzards and kites. I live on the edge of the chilterns and they’re everywhere

    Free Member

    haha brilliant thread and timely too.

    bought two mousetraps last week baited them with chocolate (mars bar pieces) went down the shed yesterday and 2 of them are now no more.

    What did they eat ?

    The rubber shroud that covers the plunger on my Rockshox reverb dropper post. cost me £34 to replace it.

    Free Member

    I had podiums on two bikes and when building another went for penthouse.
    As an engineer I nearly puked when I saw the threads on the spindles but once on the bike and a week in morzine later I was so happy I’m trying to find an excuse to buy another set.

    Truly bullet proof, simple design well excecuted apart from 0.2 missing off the thread radially.
    I had some pretty big rock strikes and they still look solid, the pins can take a right battering.

    I say buy em

    Free Member

    I have a 2015 nomad, crank strikes wrote off a xx1 crank arm so I got another in 170 as opposed to the 175, I also stuck SRAMs crank boots on, now I get a lot less maybe once on a ride and it does no damage.

    Free Member

    Agreed on the Damascus blade and rust,

    I have a Japanese Damascus hunting knife, a beautiful blade that holds an edge really well at nearly 60 Rockwell but it does show 4 little rust specs right on the cutting edge half way up the blade .I polish it out but it always comes back even though I oil it before I put it in its sheath.

    Free Member

    my god have i been to sleep and woke up in MERIKA ?

    If i had the spare time at the minute i would happily make it for you FOC just so i could re-design and m/c it, a small piece of 2014 anodized would be more than strong enough for the application and i would be very surprised if you ever had a failure that would necessitate you running to the solicitors.

    so much mambee pambee rubbish is spouted on here by a lot of peeps that think they know a thing or two.

    utter BS.


    I drove all the way to the alps with my carbon frame on my roof rack CLAMPED hard at illegal speeds ! nobody died (maybe a baby robin got killed).


    I spent 7.5K on my last build.


    I have some Troy Lee clothing


    I don’t give a monkeys what you lot think

    Free Member

    Very interesting stuff.
    My 3 litre turbo v6 is a beast when it comes to delivering power and to the eye seems very clean. It’s also cheap to run brimming the tank now costs me under £70 where as last year it was costing £90.
    As its clocked mileage , I’ve had it from new and have clocked 42k , it seems to have become more efficient.
    All together you’d think great, it ticks all the boxes.
    Clean,lean on fuel,bags of grunt etc
    But the thing must regen at least every 300 miles,sometimes all it seems to do is regen ! I’ll drive home Regenning get up and drive to work Regenning all the way in again, 70 miles.
    I never see any dirty clouds let out the back end but when you drive it in the damp or rain you can scrape the soot off the back with a spoon !
    It looks clean but it’s just a dirty engine hidden by bags of clever technology.
    My next car will be a petrol, 14 yrs driving just diesels is making me feel guilty.

    Free Member

    Had the money and the SC Nomad CC to put them on but went for Mavic Crossmax enduro instead and have never once had to inspect my wheels for damage and cracks.
    My mate has ENVE’s on his bike and just looking at those spindly little spokes fills me with a total lack of confidence.

    The rims are good but they really need to make a wheel where the rim,spoke and hub technology come together.

    Free Member

    Well you clearly know the risks and I’m not going to preach.

    I’ve gone the other way, after coming back from morzine last month I found myself riding locally at much the same speeds as I was in the Alps where I was wearing full face and armour, I felt naked in my Giro zar so purchased a new D3 for Alps duty and have tossed the giro on the top of the wardrobe and started wearing my Urge enduro instead.

    It’s a free world. But I bet on here I get just as much stick for owning 3 helmets as you will for not wearing one.

    Free Member

    Childhood dream job with my childhood dream team.

    14 hr days are the norm and I’d most likely do it for free. I think that means I like it. The pace is ridiculous but highly addictive.
    I always thought my OCDs were barking then I started working with this lot of complete lunatics .

    Free Member


    No. they just didn’t want to pay thats it

    Free Member

    Come on op where did you stay, I’m sold can get this all to tie in with my week in morzine

    Free Member

    Stansted airport last Monday, 2.5hr flight , 2hrs waiting for our bags in arrivals at carousel 4. Not just me my wife and girls but the entire flights bags went missing ??? We were told nothing because there was absolutely no one to talk to, even the immigration officers had gone home.

    Free Member

    Fine words from a no doubt fine friend.

    I’m sorry for his families and your loss. I hope you all find peace

    Free Member

    I can’t believe that fauxlex it’s nasty, £160 for a fake watch no thanks,
    I know a real one is expensive but it’s an investment,the prices for second hand watches constantly increase.

    Free Member

    I can’t get the “car configure” to load properly on the Mercedes Benz website from the edge of the pool at our Trullo in southern Italy ! Damn you internet. I’m so bored lying around in the sun…

    Free Member

    I was supposed to sell my sov to pay for the bottomless pit that is my new nomad cc, I only managed to part with the wheels as I was too busy spending my hard earned to find the time to get it on the bay.
    This was a result in the end as my daughter outgrew her 24″ bike and the wife started complaining we are always spending money on Halfords junk and it either fell apart or was too small within a few months.
    I had merlin build me a new wheel set, dropped the front mech put on a 2010 xtr crank with a 32t ring dropped the carbon post all the way into the frame added a ladies saddle and viola.
    Next week is her first off-road ride with me, she looks great on the SOV and says it feels really nice to ride and it means I never had to sell it

    Free Member

    That is your best post ever Chewkw

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