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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • Singlespeedpunk
    Free Member

    So far its absolute crap

    And this is suprising? I always wondered why MI5 and MI6 never commented on it when asked…

    …if you can't say anything nice, don't say any thing at all!


    Free Member

    I have had this with a member of staff and despite putting on tracking software and other staff catching him at it (always on my day off) the MD did nothing.

    Even though I pointed out his hardware and broadband was being used for accessing illegal images (not BBFC 18 by any streach!) and that the guy had been warned verbally, twice and in writing once by me he did jack-sh!t. Having to look at "shemale" related images at 9am on a Wednesday was not something I enjoyed!

    I left and still plan to take my revenge for the work-shy pervert.

    So, I would collect the evidence (you can get online trackers, I'll see if I can dig out the one I used) and get other staff in on it. At the end of the day if the management don't want to do anything (or are afraid of staff sueing / kicking up a fuss) there is not a lot you can do.


    Free Member

    I remember as a kid the Harrier pilot chasing down the Pucara. I rememeber Simon Weston. Why dont we hear about him anymore? I remember the desperate situation, miles away from home. How outmanned and how close we were. Our backs were against the wall.
    STWer's slag off Magaret Thatcher. No she was no angel however she had more balls and never found 'religion' after leaving power like some idiots.

    Those were my heroes growing up. I think we have entered a period of flux, the armed forces in the middle with Politicians who really dont have a clue what they are doing. That is true.

    Hear hear. I was pretty young when the Falklands was on but I remember it well.

    I think that the public should support the service men and women no matter how misguided their mission handed to them by the un-elected idiots. Perhaps we can get some real leaders one day soon?


    Free Member

    Trident Racing in Silverstone….dirt cheap, does not yellow and sticks like s**t to an army blanket. Probably where the Ebayers get it from before adding a big %.

    Google for the number :)


    Free Member

    No but I am interested after recomendations from guys at work.


    Free Member

    Sigur Ros – (_) – ok its old but new to me this year…track 8 is amazing and even more so on the Heima DVD live! Who would have thought that four Icelandic blokes could generate enough noise to make Motorhead think twice!

    Explosions in the Sky – The earth is not a cold dead place – a beautiful instrumental album

    At The Gates – Slaughter of the Soul re-issue. late 90's Gothenberg sound death metal! Raaarrr!


    Free Member

    Halloween = hijacked wiccan festival. Pesky christians coming ove here with their foreign ways and not intergrating with society…send em back I say!


    Free Member

    5 miles each and every day. Pretty flat though….but on a 40lb+ cargo bike.


    Free Member

    Manitou hard tail – bolt through forks, alu frame with OS tubes and gussets, big diameter seat post, OS headset (OK 1-1/4" but not 1" like the rest at that time!)

    Add in Cunningham, WTB Pheonix, Yeti AS-R, Salsa A la Carte, Bontrager OR (std or suspension adjusted)….

    I am old enough to remember them the first time around :)


    Free Member

    Raymond Weil W1 – 12 years old and going strong. No alarm though and I don't think they do them any more :(


    Free Member

    Might depend on how far down the inside of the seat tube gris the post, some new Fisher frames have very short inserts so even with lots of post "in" the frame they still can crack!


    Free Member

    Ahh I know this one, its one of those Zen questions and I have the answer:

    Any post on STW


    Free Member

    Iranian Embassy / Falklands….We have an exhibition at work about major world events at the moment and I was amazed that how many people I work with would put the first Gulf War down…damn young uns!


    Free Member

    Use Ghee to fry the onions…and lots of it :)


    Free Member

    As I saw painted on a wall in Birmingham: BNP but the next day some wag had added some letters under it so it read as "Bald No Penis"

    Don't ignore or attack them…just point and laugh.

    Spring time for Hitler….


    Free Member

    Just because I don't agree with Christianity does not mean that I want to forcibly repatriate or murder Christians….so no.

    Any you're a troll..and not even a good one!


    Free Member

    Tried them all and the Thudbuster is great! I have the ST on my bike and the wife has the LT. Great bits of kit, forget the extra weight and looks…your bum will love you :)


    Free Member

    Glentrool was really stunning scenery…which took your eyes off the endless fireroad that made up the route. On the plus side the both is nice as long as you can stand the snoring :)

    58km and we did it in @4hrs on bike loaded with booze both kit.

    Me on the trail[/url]

    View in the morning[/url]


    Free Member

    Goodridge on my BB7s and they are great. A little Rock N Roll cable magic on the inners and smooth as silk. Only downer was that the inner cable was only just long enough for my bike (it is a big 29er with Jones bars and downtube – chainstay routing!)

    Used a lenght of Avid FMJ stianless tube on the front which has helped firm them up too :)


    Free Member

    After 10mins of that comedy snoring I was ready to kill him ;)


    Free Member

    Didn't stop you snoring like a f***ing zombie though!


    Free Member

    2 small dressings
    Small roll of Micropore tape
    8" Strip of fabric plaster
    Vitamin N (neurofen)
    Safety pins
    Floss and needle
    Foil blanket
    2 antiseptic wipes

    Inner tube*
    Gaffer tape*
    Hip flask*


    *not strictly 1st aid kit but can be used :)

    Free Member

    No you did not drink it all, you had to make room for some of that nasty cough-mixture you kept handing out! That red was ok, and strangely got better the more you drank (if you avoided falling on an axe)


    Free Member

    Bunch of attention-whores. Esp the cock in the Rapha shorts…on a mountain bike.


    Free Member

    Never owned a car but do have use of wifes for long trips. Living in Cheltenham is pretty good as its flat and quite compact so I can ride to work on one side of town in 15mins and back across to the bike shop on the far side in 20mins max.


    Free Member

    On One either cromo or Scandium both have the rep for being nice riding, get a long seatpost and a slightly smaller frame. Or a Thudbuster seatpost! They are great!


    Free Member

    Rock and metal andsome punk too. Mid-90's metal for choice so stuff like Entombed, At The Gates, The Haunted, Unsane, Machine Head etc before nu-metal took over Grrrrr.

    Free Member

    Answer: to me for £5 ;)

    Seriously I would buy a couple of Photog mags or search the web for Leica forums and ask there. Its a very collectable bit of kit that should be easy to sell in the right place. Don't try Ebay as their fees are more than an auction house would charge!


    Free Member

    I used to use a rack with all the kit stuffed in an Alpkit drybag and strapped on with a couple of straps :)

    I am selling a Jandd rack bag if any one is interested. Its the Rack duffle and pretty useful for lightweight trips :)


    Free Member

    Lets see:

    Silly fees and a really complicated structure
    Compulsory Paypal (and their fees)
    Dodgy new feedback system
    Very much marketed towards "business sellers" and businesses

    Paypals T+Cs are bound to be challeneged in the next few years, as is the way that Ebay and Paypal work so closely together and pretty much prop each other up.

    Sellers are getting more stupid too as my last few items have shown. As I could not leave negative feedback I chose to email the f**kwits after the sale was completed :)


    Free Member

    Bio-degradeable liquid soap from Lifeventure, lots of outdoor places stock it. Great for washing you, your food and clothes :)

    That point north fabric looks interesting if you could get someone to add some tape anchor points to the edges.


    Free Member

    OK, my current set up:

    Highlander down bag (good to 10deg)
    3/4 self inflating mat
    Alpkit bivvi bag
    Army surplus poncho/tarp with para cord and 6 alloy pegs

    Alpkit Ti mug
    Triad meths/esbit stove
    Fuel bottle

    Wet wipes
    Bio-degradeable soap
    Mini tooth brush + tooth paste
    Lens cleaner for glasses

    Merino longjohns*
    Merino longsleeve*
    Merino socks*
    Merino beanie*
    Glove liners

    Spare cycling shorts
    Cycling jersey
    Udderly smooth butt-cream

    Merino t-shirt
    Zip-off trousers

    Tool kit
    First aid kit
    Spare tube
    Mini Gerber tool
    Water purifying tabs

    Fenix front light
    Cateye rear light
    4x lithium AA's

    Arm warmers
    Leg warmers
    Montane Velocity jacket
    Montane superlight over trousers
    Sealskinz grippy gloves

    2x 750ml bottles on the bike

    On Me:

    Normal cycling clothes
    Ricoh CX1 camera and spare batteries in LowePro case over shoulder.

    Thats for pretty much unlimited touring, for overnight stuff the casual clothes and extras would be ditched. It all fits in my Epic designs seat bag and Handlebar harness (sleeping kit in Alpkit drybag)

    Total weihgt is c16 lbs inc water and 2 days of food. "race weight" is nearer 12 lbs.

    Pic here


    *excellent Chocolate Fish merino products :)

    Free Member

    Many modern conventional medicines, when tested in double blind trials against placebos have been proven to have no chemical effect on the ailment they are supposed to fix, yet they do still work, and continue to be prescribed.

    Proof please, this is useless with out peer-reviewed work, possibly with meta-analysis don't band it about.

    John Diamond's book Snake Oil is also worth a read on this subject.


    Free Member

    I treat people's personal religious beliefs (or lack of) and life choices, with a respect which I don't necessarily extend to other considerations

    Why should religion be singled out for special treatment just because it can't be proved, as opposed to arguing with some one about politics?

    Religion has had a "oh, can't mess with that, its religion[/]" and religioon poking its nose in every part of our lives (want treatment for parkinsons?…lets ask a nonce in a dress and leave the doctors and scientists opinions to last)

    This is the crux of the issue I feel.


    Free Member

    I think the most depressing legacy will be the fundamental shift of power from the individual to the state. This horrendous authoritarianism and constant interference in peoples lives.

    But does anyone know one single policy that Cameron has committed too?

    Scrapping the ID "card" scheme? I don't care about the card it's all the data held on me by the lowest bidder in a dodgy PFI input by un-vetted minimum wage workers. Oh, and if its wrong its my fault and £2k please. The type of data required can be changed at any point with out a vote by the Home Sec.

    Scary stuff and nothing like the "library card" types of ID they have in Europe (which is carefully stored and not shared!)


    Free Member

    It isn't possible to see sub-atomic particles – Thats to do with the pesky physical quality of light end our eyesight, not belief.
    If those "theoretical particles" were shown not to exsists, scientists would change their belief to match the results…not shut their eyes to it. There lies the basic difference between belief and theory which some people on here should get to grips with.

    The reason I am "shouty" about religion as one person put it is the same reason I am a bit "shouty" about extreme political beliefs (left or right wing) and other nutters who wreck lives. I'm not going to invoke Godwins Law by mentioning the H or N words :)

    "but what does ever offer to go in religion's place? What can he teach me about compassion, charity, kindness? "

    Why should he teach you anything, learn and work it out for your self FFS. Sheeple…sheesh

    "All I mean is that just because the central belief of a religion cannot be proved, it doesn't follow that everything it says should be dismissed."

    When you get down to it, and it is normally the religious types doing this, that is all they fall back on as there is no empirical evidence for it thus pointless arguing about. Its the adult version of "you smell…because you do"


    Free Member

    Designed by Mark Slate from WTB and designer of the WTB Pheonix amongst other things. If it had been anyone else I would have laughed and not bought one!


    Free Member

    74deg seat and head angle, 51mm rake forks = same trail as a road bike.

    Should ride like a pile of **** but actually works amazingly well (good enough its my only bike!)


    Free Member

    BeerBelly, good shout with Greenday…had that played at my wedding and it was a great floor-filler!

    Rock anthems? So many to shoose from but Rush – Spirit of the Radio, Iron Maiden – 2 minutes to midnight and Sick of it All – Step Down are current faves!

    Please put the name of the song and not just the youtube link…use the URL button in the post box ;)


    Free Member

    he did it lot's in the old testament, why not now?

    "Gott ist tod"

    Or at least irrelivant…

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