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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • Singlespeedpunk
    Free Member

    They lost any vague support I may have been able to muster when they set fire to a wreath of poppies from the Cenotaph. Almost made me wish the last Harrier off the Ark Royal could make one last straffing run….

    What they need to ask is “Is getting a degree going to make my earnings that much better that the cost of the student loans is worth it?”

    If they can’t answer that I would probably give it a miss….


    Free Member

    That Mi-24 is a mean machine and it can carry 12 troops as well. They were pretty effective in Afghanistn during the war in the late-70s – 80s and that is why the US started shipping Stingers to the mujahidin….whoops.

    The Apaches are getting a bit of a rep in Afghanistan where they are known as “Mosquitos” and are not winning any friends amongst the bearded and AK47 carrying nutters :)

    Free Member

    Only on here looking for the ‘Tollah of Niche and came across this thread.

    I have two things to add:

    1) I spend my days dealing with some rather upsetting stuff which largely revolves around people who say “do this *amazingly unpleasant / wasteful / nasty thing* because *insert name of invisible friend* said so in a book written thousands of years ago”


    2) Marcus Brigstock has it spot on:

    Sam Harris – The End of Faith is a really good book to read to, definately not in the Dawkins vein but on the same path.

    Love each other


    Free Member

    Afternoon…you called? Feel free to mail me at solitudecycles AT gmail dot com.


    Free Member

    3 weeks and counting….nowt. :roll:


    Free Member

    Well I will be there tomorrow (as the alternative is DIY and I am not old enough for that cliche) and have the bike sorted and bags packed. 12.5lbs all packed plus food and water (in camelbak) I have ditched the sleeping bag and just have a liner and merino layers to keep me warm…hope it stays nice! Lots of food so I will not have to rely on odd-opening time local shops or making detours.

    Time to carbo-load and get an early night :)


    Pics here (if they don't work above) My Blog

    Free Member

    I have just found out that all my route planning and replanning is going to be bloody pointless

    Once you are out in the hills it is amazing how little that line on the map matters :)

    As for the drunk-cow handling…you get used to it and you can always push the bike up the hills (as I do!)


    Free Member

    Oh the Aleppo looks nice, put me down for a lesagne x1 as well. Pretty much on the way for me too :)

    Space in Car for 1 person / Bike on the way up from Cheltenham area if any one is from down this way :)


    Free Member

    'Ello all.

    I'll wade into the discussion at this late date with what I have planned. I will be doing 11 of the 13 (unless I fancy the Bothy) and trying to remain totally self-sufficient for food.

    Weight of the kit so far is 11.9lbs including the sleeping bag that will be exchanged for a liner if the weather keeps up and the tarp left at home…saving a good pound plus, and possible drop the merino layers as well.

    Kit will be carried in Epic handlebar harness (Alpkit drybag: Sleeping bag, bivvi bag, tarp and pegs. Pocket on the front has 1st aid kit, tools, tube, pump and maps in it) Epic seat bag (3/4 sleeping mat, clothes, cooking kit and personal kit) Camelbak will have 2l H2o and all food.

    While I plan to avoid re-supplying on the trail (due to the extra mileage required and odd opening times) I might well stop for a beer if its a nice day ;)

    I am going for the anti-clockwise option and will most likely stop at Nantsyddion bothy or in the woods south of Strata Florida depending how Saturday goes. Sunday night will be in the middle of nowhere NW of Elan.

    Only bad news is that Becca will not be with me as she has damaged the tendons in her ankle and is only just walking again 3weeks later! :(I have promised her we can do the route later in the year :)

    With luck (and the 2pm start) I should be there ontime and be able to meet the other riders before heading off…I just hope the Ride the Divide DVD turns up this week for inspiration!


    Free Member

    quite. a bit like when folk flounce off from STW in a huff saying they'll never be back again, eh?

    And I would not have been if the prizes had been sent. Right off to for some interesting posts, information and nice photos (mainly Mikesee's)


    Free Member

    postierich – Member

    Booooooooooooooooooooooo @ STW HQ

    Never thought I would hear SSP having a rant!!

    You got paid for that article!

    Me rant? Rarely I have more important things in my life now.

    No I didn't get paid for it, if you know my finances better than me please let me know the date it went into my account. Or STFU.

    love and cuddles


    Free Member

    Sorry, Matt. I knew it started with an M :)


    Free Member

    Sheldon has been dealing with Mark. Invoice re-sent.


    Free Member

    Wife is 5'6" and will never go back to 26" wheels as she finds them very unstable, slippy and endo-prone :)


    Free Member

    I have found this place[/url] that makes custom boxes and I have found that with both wheels / bars / pedals / saddle off and some pipe lagging / thin card my big 29er fits in a 44x32x12" box that is much easier to handle than a "traditional" bike box which is always too long for trollys and if put sideways take out people left and right :)

    Cost about £25 plus pipe lagging / card sheet / axle spacers….swap for doughnuts at the local bike shop.

    With the bike, helmet, saddle bag its under 20kg all in (limit for hold luggage on Qatar cattle class!)


    Free Member

    Ahh…bit of detective work there :)


    Free Member

    So WTF does that have to do with Lecky hill? No lakes up there unless someone has dug one in the last week. Not sure if these scallies are meant to be bike theives as they seem to prefer fishing tackle.


    Free Member

    Hmmm Middleburn Uno's might be the answer as I have yet to throw my chain on my 1×6 set up (8sp)


    Free Member

    Started thawing in Cheltenham this afternoon but most of the snow is pretty compacted and will take a while. Now its back below 0deg I think it will be round for a while longer!


    Free Member

    Only Pitville park to test the new sledge but Cleeve, Leckhampton and some old faves back home: Badger bank, Cresta walk (like the cresta run but slower…) and Days Field may be on the cards later in the week :)

    Free Member

    My one bike is the OS Bikes Blackbuck. Normally set up single speed but now has a 6sp custom cassette (8sp one – the 11 and 30t!) it will do for road / touring duty. Rigid because I can run a 29 x 2.55 tyres in the front and back and thats enough squish for me.


    Free Member

    Minimal width as it works by the pressure melting a thin layer of snow and the runner then glides on the water. Kids trying to use bodyboards were obviously unaware of this!

    I made my runners from 1" x 1.5" wood (running on the 1" surface) and simply melted wax over them, warmed it with blow torch and skimmed with off cut of wood. Worked pretty well but after 2hrs use will require a little more wax :)

    One downfall mine had was only 1.5" ground clerance, has been revised now but was ok on smooth slofes but not in powder!

    Might see about some copper strip to glue on there :)


    Free Member


    People can be pretty f**king nast to animals!

    And in other news people do really nasty things to other people, often because of fairy stories.


    Welcome to the world.

    Free Member

    The Haunted front man Peter Dolving is pretty scary (but also a very interesiting articulate guy…) Songs like "3 times" and "99" prove it!

    Tommas from At The Gates, definate overtones for Viking beserker about him.

    Free Member

    stick-thin hatchet-faced swamp donkey sorry…

    Free Member

    -8 in Cheltenham? That would be why when I rode into work at 7am my winter gloves were pretty useless! Thankfully I have some silk liners on their way :) Rest of me was ok…merino t shirt, longjohns, socks (x2) and hat certainly helped!

    Glad I have the day off tomorrow so I can stay in bed until the sun is up!

    Free Member

    Sheldon, Its only Bhaat Dhal twice a day; porridge, omelette and apple pie for brekkie.

    Oh and proper mountains to ride up and down, shame about the lack of air at 17000ft+ :)


    Free Member

    Going well until the way home when a heavily modded Scooby pulled out of Tommy Tailors Lane in Cheltenham (go on, make a guess what drugs they were dealing!) and blipped its throttle as it went past me. By the time it went past the wife who was 10ft behind me it was side ways and then stopped as it hit another car…cue much swearing!

    Glad we rode on the pavement, the roads are all sheet ice.

    Free Member

    I have it on very good authority ( friend who is a political advisor/lobbyist) that Mr Brown is not in good health…

    I placed £10 on the fact that he would not get to be PM on the basis of his secret personal life that was about to be revealed…lost that tenner then :(

    Free Member

    Arm not broken thanks guys, still bl00dy sore as is my arse cheek that took a handlebar on the way down! Gears are fine thanks 'Don.

    As it is not broken I have booked my flight to Nepal, hence the gears :) If you fancy singlespeeding it Sheldon there are places left!

    Riding to work this week has not helped but apparently I am critical staff so have to be there even if I have to walk in!


    Free Member

    Had a woman like that in the shop a while back. after I took a quick look at the bike she had brought in (whilst gagging on cider fumes!) I sugested we take it over to the workshop and I would get a mechanic to book it in. On hearing this she flips and starts swaring at the top of her voice about how we won't fix it there and then, casting aspersions on my partentage and orientation (I didn't even mention the 2week wait!) She stormed out of the show still swearing past some very shocked customers.

    I simply waved and said loudly "Thanks, don't hesitate to go else where next time" which got a chuckle from the customers left in the shop

    In response to the inevitable posts about living with mental health issues, I am qualified and employed to fix bikes, not people.


    Free Member

    Last I heard is that SSP had escaped to the IT world and had fitted gears to his bike :(

    Nice to see Brant is still being Brant.

    Free Member

    So option c: use credit card then :)


    Free Member

    JohnClimber – Member

    There isn't many cheap 29ers out there, as manufacturers know we'll pay over the odds for new ideas.

    Complete tosh and not even english. Pretty much service as normal on here.

    Free Member

    oh, it changes all entries :)

    Free Member

    Simples :)

    Free Member

    Hmmm, suspension that slightly stiffens up automatically when you stand up and mash the pedals up a hill. Whats not to like?


    Free Member

    she really can read your mind!

    Yeah, she knows exactly how I like it…

    Are you fat because every time you f*** her she gives you a biscuit?

    Back at ya! ;)

    See Yeti Guy, no need to get offended or start passing death sentances / fines / daft laws.


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