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  • Fresh Goods Friday 558 – The I’m Not Too Hot, YOU’RE Too Hot Edition
  • Singlespeed_Shep
    Free Member

    I have no sympathy for either side, all as bad as each other, We (british) as a mongrol nation have no high horse to get on either.

    Free Member

    We had a Eurovision drinking contest round ours, I bloody pulled Germany out of the hat, Was Smashed but good times.

    Free Member

    I went in feb, had an absolute blast it was like learning to ride all over a again, I came off a couple of time and slide down the banking, Awesome fun.

    Free Member

    and stops stone chips

    But who benefits from your car not having stone chips on but looking like it has an oversized panty liner on?

    Just like a chainstay protector, as if you'd use one of them :wink:

    Free Member

    Thats my brothers, aparently its the "in" thing to do, but on the plus side i can write ****t in chalk on it.

    Free Member

    I Had an Reflex jacket i got through evans, Seams came off after a wash (3 months old)

    I wrote a letter stating what had happened how long i'd had it etc and sent it back, got replaced and i was happy. I've found over the years you only get anywhere with warrenty if you write a letter and explain it to them in black and white.

    Free Member

    Foookin Prawns!

    Free Member

    I used to when i raced,

    I used elite Ozone which you can get from bike shops or Veet (got the wife to buy that)

    Free Member

    If your not sure its worth going, I thought i twisted my ankle a few years back, wasn't in loads of pain and a bit of swelling, went to the GP after two days of hobbling and increased swelling to find out i'd broken my tibia and had to wait in hospital for 2 days waiting for the swelling to go down before they could screw it back up,

    Google + You, doesn't = Doctor

    Plus i'm sure any doctor would be happy to make you feel better about it than treating some drunk ****t

    Free Member

    My brothers Mrs works for BA she gets paid loads more and has better benefits than when she worked for Virgin and AA, the staff are split and all believe diferent things. She'll be working as she's not with unite. Can't see any customers who will be happy to have a holiday ruined for this.

    Free Member

    is pitlochry in vietnam or cambodia? cos i'm sure you said you are!

    Hes prob just full of shit,

    Ro whats your connection with Mountain View CA?

    Free Member

    I prefered it then as a minor niche hobby

    I sort of agree with this as "back then" everyone said hello to each other and you only got grief from walkers and horse riders not like today when you get some prick telling you how to not to ride your bike surely listening to him telling you what to do is more "nanny state" than just doing it,

    I'll ride any bike with anyone and with as many people as i like. thats freedom, adventure and what i want to do.

    Free Member

    Its worth checking with a powder coater then argos of Bob jacksons, as a cycle specific place are likely to do a better job,

    I took a frame in to be powder coated and explaned which bits needed to be protected etc, and they did't take enough care, I now pay the little extra and get Bob Jacksons to do it,

    Free Member

    +1 for the ignore button.

    If your an adventurous person who is scared of technology why are you on a computer, surely a typewriter has less to go wrong.

    Free Member

    It always amazes me how many people i see riding £1k+ bikes, without a helmet. I saw a few people riding today that had taken the time to pick breathable highend base layers and all the gear but again no helemt, I don't understand why you'd take the time not to be sweaty over protecting your head.

    But i suppose each to their own.

    Its only there to prevent injury i'll never ride without one.

    Free Member

    Dalby today for me,

    Free Member

    aracer – Member

    I'm glad he's gone, in particular after "the guy falling off because of a farmer thred".

    Well I thought he talked a lot of sense on that thread – though I suppose as a farmer you'd be irritated by anybody suggesting what farmers did might be wrong.

    He was right like i said about THAT farmer in question being in the wrong, It was all the offensive comments that went along with it that got my back up.

    Free Member

    Riding a bike with no brakes,

    Selling a bike without a bell and reflectors.

    Free Member


    I guess you can see why i have no Rat problems then.

    The rodenator was developed by a couple of US soilders who used a similar device in Veitnam! 8O

    Free Member

    Look up shimano airlines, It'll be electric soon like Dura-Ace Di2

    Free Member

    +1 for Gore as the inner is sealed in a thin outer. then a thicker (interupted) outer with seals.

    Free Member

    I'm glad he's gone, in particular after "the guy falling off because of a farmer thred".

    I thought he was an ignorant prat.

    Free Member

    I have quite a few chickens, They are fine all year round.

    They stay inside or shelter when its cold or raining but they where wandering round in 30cm deep snow earlier in the year.

    I live on a farm and we got a minor rat problem (due to food leaving out for them) this went quickly with a rodenator so keep an eye out. Also make sure you dig deep to give foundations for the fencing or mr fox will be in. Happened to me once not a nice sight.

    Free Member

    Wasn't the case last week though :wink: there was another red splodge and a yellow one.

    Slight hijack but how you finding York? You found a bar called Pivo yet? York's finest beer.

    Free Member

    igm – Member

    Just a thought checking the names I know this appears like it might be generally true – though I'm sure there will be exceptions. And does it mean socialist get better trails?

    Glaswegian living in York = champagne socialist here


    The whole of the the county you live in is Tory, except york central.

    So no

    Free Member

    I haven't seen the talk, but really like the book, Bought it sat and i'm just over two thirds through and thats the most reading i've done in a long time. Think it was £7.99 at waterstones so well worth the money.

    Free Member

    any idea when it is?

    Free Member

    Theres loads of fine sand on the roads.

    I had a go when in dubai, you can skid for miles

    Free Member

    Id like farmers to be made to put up warning signs- i ride a motorcycle, and road tyres dont stick to shit all that well.
    Ive been riding mountain bikes long enough to know that you have to expect the unexpected on country roads, so its not always a problem for me. Not all road users have mountain bike experience though, so they'll boot it as soon as they pass their test! And they wont neccesarily know what happens when shit hits the …er….tyres.

    Farmers are "made" to put up warning signs, just like all motorcyclists are "made" to stick to speed limits, doesn't mean everyone sticks to it.

    You can't tar everyone with the same brush. (see stoping at red thread)

    Free Member

    I'd just like to as I am a Farmer, I'm not defending this guy in any way, But how do you expect a tractor get from muddy field to muddy field, By the roads.

    We take precations as everyone of our vehicles has two "mud on road" signs. So should he. but to say its an outrage that there is mud on the road in the countryside is a bit OTT.

    Growing up and living in the countryside you deal with this day in day out.

    Free Member

    I'd like some details and pics please as i'm contemplating this,

    Did you use the same uppers and lowers from the same year?

    Was it as simple as swapping 26" lowers for 26" lowers?

    Free Member

    This happend to me on evans website a couple of years ago, they put a mistake on their website where a specialized enduro was reduced to £99.99 when it should have been £999.99, i like anyone would jumped at the opportunity to buy it. This was around 7:30pm.

    The next morning a got an email saying that they where sorry but due to a technical error they will not be sending the bike. I knew it was a mistake and thought fair enough, I also got a call from their customer services to explain in more detail which i though was quite good of them as they could have been awkward. She explained that because it was a genuine obvious error in the pricing that they could not follow the transaction through. I got £50 of gift vouchers because of it.

    Free Member

    Here in York a couple of bike shops are getting a "stop at red" campaign. but i think it only applies to a few people. haven't worked it out yet.

    Free Member

    Pipedream sirius, good value,

    theres also an 853 inbred in the classifieds

    that will make any frame SS compatable without chain tensioner

    Free Member

    Then go for a singular, i'd love a hummingbird if there was one big enough as i can't afford new wheels, fork and frame at the mo.

    Free Member

    Munqe-chick – Member
    It isn't any criminal offence as there is simply no intent, it is quite clear that the landlord is being a d*** over anything else. Sorry but housing issues like these are a nightmare to resolve, get out and find somewhere else quickly!

    + 1


    Theres no way the police will be interested in locking anyone up for putting a bike outside. Its a waste of time in their eyes and they WILL make it drag. It isn't worth pursuing just move out.

    Free Member

    I do its what i bought my gazebo for!

    Free Member

    You could make one SS, with an excentric BB or a chain device. Or even get an old steel frame and get new dropouts, I has some rohloff dropouts fitted to an old kona frame by bob jackson in leeds.

    Have much do yo uhave to play with?

    Free Member

    colnagokid – Member

    Singlespeed shep, Gordon Brown has won quite a few elections. We vote for our local MP in this country, and GB was elected leader of the Parlimentary Labour party (or not unelected) and is, or was, prime minister.

    Was a tongue in cheek comment.

    Free Member

    Brown is doing well as he has never won an election but still manages to be PM. Squaters rights!!

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