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  • Bikestormz: Where mountain bikes meet urban streets
  • Singlespeed_Shep
    Free Member

    So two wrongs do make a right :roll:

    Free Member

    I'm quite happy to see the army, navy and Raf at events etc, I don't live in a bubble won't allow my kids too either.

    Seeing members of the armed forces in person makes you realise that they are normal guys like us. I believe anyone who is prepered to give up their time and lay their life on the line for our country and safety deserves recognition for what they do. I'll quite happily say I couldn't do it.

    Its an easy thing to say they don't deserve the term Hero from behind your computer screen in some town over here.

    Free Member

    I'd have a play with it first try dif grease, move spacers about etc. Won't cost anything but time.

    Free Member

    vaseline or petroleum jelly works well,

    I saw one of the Quickstep mechanics using it a couple of years ago asked him and used it on my bike. worked a treat

    Free Member

    In 6yrs of riding on Fox forks, 32 Floats/32 Vans/36 Talas the only problem i have had was a second hand pair that needed new seals (thanks to the t#*t who put them on ebay!).

    I ride on average twice a week all year and i have never serviced any of them but i always make sure my seals are clean and as others have said, i always lube after washing and tip it upside down regularly which is not really a hardship


    I've never had any problems after years of riding Fox and never had them serviced, I ride every week sometimes twice for 4 hous min.

    Free Member

    well if 31.8 became standard then 25.4 would be "undersize" and wouldn't sell because no one would want an undersized product.

    I don't see the point in calling anything "standard" just use the size in MM or Inch

    Free Member

    Coffee machines should be kept out back for staff to offer to customers who are waiting, rather than having it on the shop floor giving customers the opportunity to loiter.


    A Bike shop with a SEPERATE cafe is a good idea.

    Free Member

    I worked in a shop where customers could come and talk to me when working on a bike, It was a nightmare took ages to do anything because customers kept coming in, Its best to keep workshops out of the way, You can usually speak to a mechanic if you ask. If I owned the shop i'd have put a wall up because it would have done my nut in paying my mechanics to talk to customers also the health and safety of letting the public in.

    The best thing in a bike shop is when a sales assistant doesn't know they say so rather than making it up.

    Free Member

    Wimbledon and Le Tour start soon, so i'll have forgot about the world cup, Shame really I think.

    Free Member

    Where did you get the belt drive kit from?

    Can i ask total cost?

    Free Member

    None of mine have, not many do anyway

    Free Member

    Have you checked the distance from pedal to top of seat,

    I was thinking the same thing about a year ago between my mtb and CX bike both SS. After a few checks i realised my seat on my mtb was about 15mm lower I now run them both the same.

    Free Member

    we have a tortoise, Hes a noisy little bugger, i thought we where getting burgled every night till i got used to him (digging).

    All the kit was easy to set up, There is a Tortoises for Dummys book you can buy, this helped us loads.

    Weve found hibernation simple to, just watch his/her food just before and we put ours in a box in the fridge, (he managers about 3 weeks sleep)

    I really would recommend getting one and getting that book as it helped us loads with alsorts.

    Free Member

    I love the football threads on here.

    England are 5th favorites to win (out of 32 finalists let alone how many countries tried) so that in my opinion gives us the right to think we can have a chance of winning.

    The ball is shite. i agree with molgrips statement.

    "the ball is a ball its round" comment well by your definintion a bike is a bike. As bikes have wheels, (sometimes) gears, seats etc.

    Free Member

    Put yourself in his shoes, (not exactly the same)

    A couple of people come riding up your drive,(private road)

    You've had a few drinks (wine glass in hand)

    Do you say:
    A: hi guys make yourselves at home

    B: Get orf me land or i'll kick yer arse

    C: Ask them to hold still and come inside and ask STW what to do?

    Free Member

    Get Evans to do a "ride it" past his house.

    Free Member

    I was only annoyed with how many bloody replays they had,
    and how many times we had to see the Coachs shouting in slow motion, missed half the game because of it.

    Green made a mistake and delt with it well, we didn't NEED to win, just need win the group.

    Free Member

    I can't beleive no one has mention "forum whoreing"

    Free Member

    If you mean road brakes then Yes the bolt is longer on the front to go through your fork than your frame.

    I also think it makes a slight dif with disc's too.

    Free Member

    I'd just get on with my day and forget about it.

    Free Member

    I don't never thought of taking any pics of it,

    I still kept my bikes upside down because they where more stable but used ratchet straps to strap them to the uprights and the rack to the eyelets on the bed floor.

    Wood was simple 2×4, i added a couple of diaganal supports to the uprights after the first use, Carpet or foam piping will sort out the scratchin.

    but was great and cost about £15 for wood and screws,

    Free Member

    I had an L200,

    I made a wooden rack for the back of it, two bars that went across floor and strapped them down then uprights to seperate the bikes (three was most) covered the uprights in carpet, sorted.

    I now have a thule towbar rack and i reckon you could buy a rack similar to that to fit in, like said above.

    Free Member

    I'm actually starting to laugh at this whole arguement and think is it actually going anywhere, because i feel like now i'm trying to defend football.

    I don't know enough about this subject i'm just voicing my opinions. As diferent as they be, I'm from York i see the same police attendance at the football and the rugby simply because 30 people go to the matches and there are about 50 coppers in York,

    Free Member


    Anyone see the match eh?

    Free Member

    Like i said before there will be more police at derby (city vs united or in simple terms ones that are likely to spark up a riot.)football matches on a whole, but there is no way 5 coppers will turn up to deal with a crowd of 60,000 people.

    The minimum numbers of police per head at a match or what ever will have to be met, regardless of weither it is Rugby or Football, The extra force will depend on the risk assesment,

    Also the police are very rarely inside the stadium at a football match that side of things is kept to the stewards until suitable force from the police is needed.

    Free Member

    So in Wales they send 5 coppers to deal with 60,000 people?


    Free Member

    Prob Police policy, Regarless of event the Police come out in mass to control ANY crowd.

    There will be more at a Derby match eg City Vs United etc, but there will be no less at football international than a rugby international.

    Free Member

    How can something get so over excited that it blows its heart up?

    You've never been to Scarborough have you? loads of kids get kicks out of feeding baking powder to seagulls,

    Free Member

    I like this thread,

    Some seriously angry people.

    If it was me against the Dog, i'd make sure i won.

    If it was dog against my three year old, dog would get a bigger kicking (after SS_Shep jr poked his eye's out and stuffed a toy car down its troat)

    BUT if the dog is innocent and doesn't bother me it can go on with its life.

    Free Member

    it does however annoy me the massive police pressence that is necessary every time my local football team play at home. all to prevent those that are morons from beating the crap out of each other.

    There was 100's of coppers at the Dalby Wc and Pickering street race was that to keep us mtb folk from kicking the crap out of roadie's :wink:

    Free Member

    Id rather take my chances on an Apollo than pace and that's saying something!

    That you work for Halfords?

    Free Member

    didn't work ah well cba, look it up its canada's answer to shameless

    Free Member

    trailor park boys +1

    I have the boxset.

    Free Member

    Each to their own in my opinion.

    Barking on about it being over exposed etc is pointless, as the majority of the country do give a shit and want to hear whats going on. If we where to only watch the sport that England does best at Darts would be on 24/7.

    To the OP do you know the meaning of "unpatriotic" ???

    Also regardless of sport Raw talent will get you to the top, Money makes it a damn sight easier.

    Also I can't stand a few sports but i'd always rather see a Brit at the top.

    Free Member

    If you had been to their shop you wouldn't order from them, place is a shit tip, bikes stacked on top of each other, some part built and stuff lying round, Like a jumble sale. Lads that work there seem polite but i wouldn't buy anything from.

    Free Member

    Really like it,

    A few xc riders are starting to use risers especially slightly widers ones because it gives your more control and the position opens your chest allowing more air into your lungs and giving you a quicker recovery. Some funny looking italian dude was on about it in cycling weekly.

    Free Member

    I have never heard of a bike company that han't pissed someone off or hasn't had one of their frames brake,

    Its bound to come up on this site that as soon as someone orders a frame some chimp will pop with "my mate broke one of them" or "i had one brake" It will happen with every single product in cycling at some point to someone.

    Malibu_Babe I had a little ride round on one at the dalby world cup, it was only a short ride but the position felt great to me and if i had a wife that would let me part with £500 i'd order one.

    Jealous hope you enjoy it.

    Free Member

    Yep they are British,

    Shell have Dutch conections

    Free Member

    I take it its not in Scotland?

    Free Member

    Maybe all the B&Q (and Argos) bosses ride Pace bikes. :wink:

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