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  • Fresh Goods Friday 727: The East 17 Edition
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    It took years and years of government advertising to change attitudes and behaviour towards drink drinking and seat bet use. A long term advertising campaign could help educate and ‘shame’ the public in to adopting new behaviours.

    Full Member

    I work in app marketing – make sure you include the words ‘Scaff Master’ in your logo or your conversion to install will suffer.

    Full Member

    @whytetrash i bought the miao miao and synced to an apple watch via an app a few years back and tried that hack. it kind of worked as a cgm. but the signal often dropped. in the end it was just too unreliable so i ditched it.
    i like the look of the supersapiens product, which is just a libre but a cgm libre. but obv not avail on the nhs :-(

    Full Member

    @augustuswindsock thanks for the Last Breath recommendation. I spent ages on google afterwards reading about saturation divers – no thanks!

    Full Member

    3hr vets for me. aching today.

    Full Member

    2 weeks in to dirt destroyer and really enjoying it. the repeated changes in cadence do sap the legs, plus at around a hour per session i can stay focussed.

    Full Member

    if its only for a night you’ll manage, but youll be cold.
    my bivvying trick is to pack those self heating hand warmers. they take up no space and if you put 2 or 3 in the bag they make a big difference.

    Full Member

    my gp recently moved me to the libre 2…but it didnt come with a reader. So you can only use the app. Abbott have no readers at the moment with no timeline for availability. I like to use the reader when riding and running (rather than the phone app) as its much easier to use, espec with gloves on in the winter. Anyway, i got a reader from gumtree for £50 which is the only way at present.

    Full Member

    @cougar that go outdoors set – what is the heat exchanger used for? why wouldnt you put the pan on top of the flame?

    Full Member

    i read somewhere that its the Libre 3.
    Im with the UCI, racing is all about the drama (insnt all sport?) and if everything is too controlled it removes some of that element.

    Full Member

    £130 in feb is nudging £1000 today. no, not happy. moar needed!

    Full Member

    ive got some Doge too, wondering if this trajectory will continue, or to sell now.

    Full Member

    its deffo a thing here in brighton, but then sea swimming during lockdown has really taken off too.
    but yeah its crossed in to everyday clothing which still bemuses me.

    Full Member

    I did most of my early zwift training on a dumb trainer, (now got a smart one). I found it easier to maintain consistent power on the dumb trainer than the smart one in erg mode. @13thfloormonk like you said – a gear change or two and a bit spinning is all you need.

    Full Member

    @whitestone appreciated. those TR type plans better suit my schedule and head (id get bored doing lots of endurance).

    Full Member

    so is sweetspot a sort of quick hack for a long ride. Ie you dont have to sit for hours going easy, instead you hack it with a shorter sweetspot ride?
    -edit – just watched those videos. interesting stuff. although i really dont fancy lots of zone 1 riding.

    Full Member

    just about all my riding is currently on zwift. and for me that means racing or hanging on in group rides (im a tail ender cat B) or some sort of workout. So im always right on my limit and its all high intensity (which i really enjoy). no easy rides. 4 or 5 days a week. as a result im constantly tired. im guessing this is not sustainable. but whats the best way forward…an easy week every now and then, or more rest days or both?

    Full Member

    @longdog similar experience here. 269w on the ramp. no way i can hold that for an hour. have knocked it back to 250w.

    Full Member

    @whitestone @speedstar if you have maxed out for an hour in a race do you use that as your ftp number, as opposed to the ftp test number?

    Full Member

    perfect timing.
    Im looking for ways to improve the time i can hold my supposed ftp for. is that sweet spot training or a mix of some of those listed above?
    also not sure how to improve whilst racing (zwift) – should racing go on hold for a structured training block, or can you race say once a week and fit training round it?

    Full Member

    how do you get the STW ‘badge’ to appear by your name on zwiftpower?

    Full Member

    ftp 4 week builder for me. improved mine by 10%.
    it took me 6 weeks to complete, but the rest days were needed.

    Full Member

    if bitcoin pops will rest follow?

    Full Member

    That’s a cool thing to do – Snowden sunrise. I’m on the fence about the rest of the shenanigans.

    Full Member

    Its a great documentary.
    In some ways i was wishing the Grigory story hadn’t unfolded in front of him (Bryan Fogel)…i was really interested in the effect the EPO etc was having and how much he would improve.

    Full Member

    im type 1, 20+ years. mtb triathlete, runner.
    went low’ish carb about 6 years ago for diabetic reasons. that iDave diet is more or less what i do. super stable blood levels. hba1c measured at 46 last week. i now take very little long and short acting insulin. i just take gels before or during exercise. resulted in better sports performance, weight loss and better diabetes management. winner!
    not sure why all diabetics are not advised to do the same.

    Full Member

    was in xbikes a few weeks ago – they do a mtb ride 1x per week from the shop. dont know which day though.

    Full Member

    I did passport a few years ago and got a great deal on the mountain lodge hotel in les croset. the village was totally dead, but the hotel was great and made up for it, plus there’s no lift queues out of les croset. if your after restaurants, bars, cafes, nightlife etc give les crosset a miss.

    Full Member

    On the whole an ok event – not really the big Xterra experience id hoped for though. Swim in the ‘big pond’ was good, plenty of space and easy to sight. Bike course was ok within the context of a race (rubbish as a stand alone ride) 50% technical and 50% grass motorway. One of the pro’s had clip on’s on his bike to get more aero! run was probably the most challenging, but again only a few technical bits. all pan flat.

    Full Member

    yip im racing too. most of these off road tri’s dont have technical bike courses, but could be different as sam gardener has designed it. im going for test lap tomorrow.

    Full Member

    seatle hotel at the marina is nice.
    a friend of mine just got a deal at hotel du vin that included breakfast and evening meal. so worth an ask.

    Full Member

    wrt to bad blood – when you get over the the fact that hes a bit upset about being spurned by lance i think it shows an interesting side to sports reporting thats rarely seen. ie what gets published and more importantly – what doesnt and why it doesnt. i think most journalist know a shed load more than they can report and this highlights that. piece this book togetger with rough ride and the press interviews that walsh and kimmage have done and you have an interesting take on lance and cyling/doping.

    Full Member

    I think the ‘cancer’ that Kimmage is referring to is that during the lance year he perceives that lance had a negative effect on doping culture in cycling. Lances refusal and suppression of journalists such as Kimmage, Whittle and Walsh meant that doping issues were not brought in to the open. Any journalist speaking out about Lance (or doping in general) were refused access to him and often threatened with legals. Lance could have been a force for good and spoken out about doping – but instead pretty much forced it off the cycling sports pages. Kimmage is right to keep on about it, he’ll never prove that Lance was doping but he’s right to try and get journalists and cyclists to talk openly about the issues and stamp it out – rather than pretending it doesn’t exist.

    Full Member

    Club is probably a bit of a grand title for the shambles that assembled on a wednesday afternoon.

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