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  • Live to Ride: Can Roger Vieira Break the Top 20?
  • simonralli2
    Free Member

    I do believe CFH went to Wales a few weeks ago biking? Or was that someone else?

    Free Member

    Woa yeah – bring on the sun! Deffo looking good and hopefully some flippin warmth for once 8)

    Free Member


    I’d stay be prepared for rain, but at the most it will probably be light short showers. With luck though we should be OK.

    Free Member

    Took this photo this morning to give you an idea of the weather.

    Start on the right hand side, then up and into that Sierra, riding across, and then ending up on the very far left with nice views across the Straights.

    When up in the Sierra it isn’t straight across, it’s kind of almost a horseshoe shape as there are two small hills infront of one larger one.

    Free Member

    Could be worse. At least they are not having the night out in Wakefield.

    Free Member

    Another vote for The Elbow Rooms for after your daytime activities but before the evening onslaught.

    If the worst comes to the worst I am sure “Flares” nightclub will let you all in.

    Free Member

    Oh and Roper, I am thinking no karaoke this Friday based on last weekend’s shennanigans :D

    Nope – topped up on inner tubes Monday cheers. Check out my kona and how clean it is after Sunday!

    Elmo – it’s full of hidden gems.

    Free Member

    Ah Roper – YGM.

    Yes – you should be defended as people should know Roper is one heck of a fit and fast rider!

    My suggested route is cunning on a number of levels. Mr Agreeable has room for 3 bikes. If we park near that roundabout with the multicoloured trees, if time is short for you, you could do just Sierra de la Luna in 3 hours and head down the Tarifa road back to your car, while we do Getares.

    However, the Getares loop will be pretty much down hill down the technical descent, and then round, so maybe 4 hours of riding in all? Err on the side of caution though, as we will need maybe half an hour for lunch, and another half an hour of photo taking time, and it’s say 5 hours in all. I was also thinking that if we park at the industrial estate, it gives us a 20 minute road ride to warm up before the start of the climb at Algecieras prison.

    And just to reiterate what I said in my email, my suggestion has a lot of variery – climbing, big views of Gibraltar, altitude, the singletrack descent (assuming we find JSPs route), the Getares descent, and the views of Africa at the end.

    Free Member


    LOL – I think even Steve Peat would be defeated by some of the drops

    This pic doesnt should the monster steps half way down.

    Free Member

    Yeah – for the record I was lured into the Getares/Tarifa bike ride on the basis that it would be 3 hours, and the fact that we were meerting at the ludicrous hour of 8am would mean we would be back before the mid day sun. Well it was 33 degrees and it turned into a 6 hour ride, everyone running out of water and me totally and utterly FUBAR.

    I was thinking more Sierra de la Luna and then looking for the singletrack JanetStreetPorter told me about, then going up to the top of the Getares technical descent, back to cars parked either at getares or the arches near Rio de la Miel (Algecieras). You’ll love the climb (20km of it no less).

    Free Member


    I have been in Gib a year and a half now, and 2 weeks ago did some further exploring. I have worked out a descent that I reckon is maybe 80 – 90% off road, with some lovely flowing singletrack. Here it is:

    Start here

    then down these (the Gibraltar “Stainburn” double black special)

    and then singletrack

    RocketDog – yeah – there is cake but I am quite partial to truffles with a cappucino, although if we do Gibraltar we could end up at Sacarellos:

    Free Member

    Well it’s been a few hours and still no sign of Roper on this thread. I was kind of hoping Roper would post something here, as I often feel left out with so many people setting up group rides the length and bredth of the UK, and having lots of discussions and fun about cake and stuff.

    If Roper turns up, we can have our own STW Gibraltar STW group ride discussion and it will no longer risk being a “page” for me.

    And the one good thing about gibraltar is that you can do a coast to coast in ooh – 10 minutes :D

    Free Member

    Hiya – I may have accidently reported this – email in header. I am out riding this weekend and yes, I have discovered how to descend Gibraltar on Singletrack. Happy to show you some rides : )

    This link goes to my collection of rides, many of which are local

    Free Member

    Does this thread hold the record for total number of individual members making a contribution to a single thread? It should be sticky till mugshots get added to profiles :-)

    Free Member

    And I bought one of Roper’s drawings as a unique Christmas present for my folks. They absolutely loved it : )

    He’s a very talented chap is Roper.

    Free Member

    Err – I am not going to rely on memory to expand, but the book’s an interesting read. It examines consciousness and the definition of “life”. Maybe the word “consciousness” sets off fewer alarm bells?

    Free Member

    What about other complementary scientific theories of evolution that are not Darwynian theories. Such as the theory that one type of evolution in addition to Darwynian evolution is the ability of species to adapt the environment to themselves? Or is that not allowed? Or of non-reductionist systems theories of evolution utilising complexity theory? Are we allowed to discuss them? :D

    This book covers the topics quite well I feel

    Darwinian Evolution can certainly explain some forms of evolution but not all. There are other scientific theories to explain the evolution that Darwin’s theories struggled with no?

    Free Member

    Well RocketDog has a hideous skin lesion but you don’t hear him moaning about it. He’s just getting on with it while posting a photo of it here for us all to “enjoy” [viewer discretion advised!]

    Free Member


    That’s a fantastic photo – love it.

    Free Member

    Actually I know I have posted some pics already but what the heck. I asked a question some weeks ago about how to photo the moon. Well I had a go and as it turns out everyone took the p out of my attempts and it seemed it was not possible to photo the moon with a compact camera.

    Well the concept of defeat being totally alien to me, I had a second attempt and this time I feel it went a lot better!

    Free Member


    I should say I was born in Dumfries, and grew up in Newton Stewart, and my folks are back living in Dumfries so I am not in a position to tell you about campsites and B&Bs. However, I first got into biking at Mabie (which I still love) in 2004, and have done most Stanes a few times but not Innerleithen which is on my to do list.

    If I was doing the 7 Stanes in 5 days, my personal preference would be

    Day 1 – Kirroughtree
    Day 2 – Dalbeattie
    Day 3 – Mabie then maybe one loop of Drumlanrig (I am not that skilled on riding over tree roots and Drumlanrig is “old school”), but to be honest just Mabie as it would be a recovery day.
    Day 4 – Glentress Black
    Day 5 – Innerleithen

    I myself do not think I am fit enough to do 2 Stanes in a day, and I am quite slow and enjoy my riding at a fun and chilled out pace.

    I was hoping a few more people may post up a few alternative itineries for you as you should not just base your decision on my suggestions alone as I may be a very different rider to you and i am not that skilled or particularly fast (although e by heck I can now climb due to all my Sierra rides).

    Trekster – yeah – that looks great in Sierra Nevada? It’s a 3 1/2 hour drive at least from Gib. I am probably going to be doing something shamanic on the Friday for the equinox so kind of booked up. Shame you are not nearer my side of Andalucia. Have fun!

    There were just 12 of us working out in Gib, but now about 100 more colleagues are moving here and I was asked tonight to organise some guided rides i.e. me guiding lol.

    Free Member

    Dismantle your bike? Wow – and I thought Scotland was meant to be best for bikes. Seems a bit extreme.

    Free Member

    Dare you then SFB

    Free Member

    Very David Beckham

    Free Member

    I guess when under a huge amount of stress your immune system could be affected.

    So maybe just do some more chilled rides and not push yourself too hard? I also have had a lot of panic attacks and things and have been using a relaxation CD by Glenn Harrold which is very good and helps get your breathing under control.

    Free Member

    To be honest your biggest issue may well be punctures, depending on where you are riding. Rear mech essential too. I am currently riding with 2.4 michelin armoured tyres from Decathlon. Tried that tape stuff but it was dire.

    Have you been to Spain before and what location will you be in? Access to bike shops can sometimes be a problem too.

    Free Member

    Yeah – I hadn’t forgotten – this is a discussion to have as it’s pretty much fireroad huh? And also should Newcastleton be added in simply for the sake of doing ALL stanes?

    As I said, Jiffy needs some options from others too to help decide what is best for what they are looking for.

    Free Member

    Day 1 Kirroughtree

    (Stay around Dumfries ish)

    Day 2 Dalbeattie then Mabie

    Day 3 Ae (but check what is open/conditions) then either Mabie Darkside or Drumlanrig

    Day 4 Glentress Black then freeride area

    (Stay in the Peebles area)

    Day 5 Innerleithen then Glentress Red

    Others I am sure will offer their views

    Free Member


    The last time I did the black (waaaayyyy beyond my competence level) I sumersualted upside down over my handlebars but amazingly although I landed on my back I landed on a bed of old leaves on the really steep sloping hill and narrowly missing a tree trunk.

    It’s a great trail isn’t it and respect is due to the builders.

    Free Member

    So claggy with clay Roper and I had to admit defeat.

    I was “guiding” too which was all a bit embarrassing. Next week I have a cunning plan for a different location mind.

    Free Member

    Sorry I should say that these are my second pair of 5 tens and although not that cool and very sticky.

    I do feel somewhat mildly vindicated after today’s ride, where Roper asked me yet again if I plan to move to clip ons. I don’t feel I have enough technical ability to feel confident in them. Anyway, our ride today was so claggy with clay, on the way beack he couldn’t even clip in it was that bad.

    I am sure it could be different though next weekend if we do the ride with the 20km climb.

    Free Member

    Well guess who bought these in the UK in Stiff over Christmas, but didn’t have room to bring them back home, and then forgot to bring them back a couple of weeks later when back on business despite me even going to The Big Yellow to pick up a couple of other things in storage :(

    Free Member

    Yeah – another awesome thread.

    Cheers Rudeboy – the first is a photo of a leaf witha bit of computer jiggery pokery, but nothing added if you see what I mean.

    The second is “photo toss” which I discovered after someone posted their photo toss pic on our onephotoaday group.

    You set the exposure to long, press the button and throw your camera in the air.

    As I have used up my photo allowance here, there is my first attempt here which also seems to have captured three separate frames off my telly.

    Free Member



    Free Member


    What you talking about? Because of Princess Anne’s visit next week, there were, not one, not two but three navy ships in. I can assure you Subway was an oasis of calm compared to the carnage elsewhere last night :-)

    Some of those lads have a statue unveilling to do today at 12. Heh.

    Free Member


    Hot off the press. As good as it gets in Gibraltar.



    If you really are sad enough to want to see more photos from this tragic night on the town:

    Free Member

    Probably a local blast on Saturday and am out with Roper on Sunday – heading up into the Montes de los Barrios.

    Free Member


    I just wanted to say thank you for making me feel slightly better about myself.


    Free Member


    You need to use the url of the actual picture, not of the web page?

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