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  • Buyers Guide to the Best Mountain Bike Glasses
  • simonralli2
    Free Member

    Good work- nice to see a bit of progression!

    In all seriousness, I was actually trying really hard and this was actually my first proper attempt at jumping.

    Free Member

    You look a bit "special" in those pics!

    Well yes, I would be the first to admit I do have a face for radio really 😳

    Free Member

    The level of hassle you get out on the bike can be frustrating.

    well i can relate to that as in Brazil you have to go out in a group otherwise you're going to come home without your bike, so I am told. And don't get me started on their 50% VAT taxes!!!

    Free Member

    Any bike that i ride can be quite easily fitted into any envelope that I push Mr Mutt, so in answer, err, no!

    Free Member

    Oh yeah, water you can drink from the tap – forgot that one!

    Free Member

    Having spent much time away in various places

    Scots Porridge Oats
    Proper milk
    Green grass
    Four distinct seasons
    Safety (my girlfriend has been kidnapped at gunpoint in what was a normal taxi in Rio de Janeiro)
    Mates obviously
    Carrot cake
    Steak and ale pie
    A decent pub
    30 mile an hour speed limits in cities (Belo Horizonte is like some mental combination of Monaco and Super MArio Kart

    Free Member

    Molgrips – well it felt as if it was a jump! I need either Trekster or Forge to come along and provide independent eye-witness evidence. Stay posted and I'll see what I can do. I was going to go to Mabie with Trekster and attempt the step jump at the jump park, but I guess that will have to wait a few weeks now till Trekster's hand recovers.

    Free Member

    Well yes, true, but I was a bit worried that I had made a hash and was going over the handlebars!

    Free Member

    Dont forget Mabie has the jump park as well now!

    Free Member

    You also save a huge amount of money on Apple software with the student discount too. 🙂

    Free Member

    Thank you swadey – I was beginning to think i was invisible there. Do halls of residences have ovens then? In ours all we had was a kettle and fridge. All food was catered.

    Free Member

    I used to host plentyoffish parties in Leeds 😀 As well as regular dating, there are many parties hosted by members, and these can be a good laugh and you meet people in person. I got to have quite a few new friends via the parties, and yes, a wee bit of luck there too.

    Also, Guardian is quite good, including the phone lines, but its far cheaper to do your own add first and listen to replies.

    Free Member

    Surely we are talking one cup filter, straight into the mug?

    A very good place to start, just right for a Halls of Residence.

    Free Member

    Almost. I am currently staying with my parents, and writing a book on shamanism and natural plant hallucinogens. However, unless I find a publisher, and it sells in the millions, as Carlos Casteneda did, I will have to get a job. After saying that, I am also just finishing my MSc, which I hope to help me move into a much more rewarding job in sustainability and development, as opposed to gambling which is what i was doing before.

    Free Member

    Just missed it really age wise, but does Adam and the Ants count? Still remember their first appearance on TOTP. I was more into the Cure and Cult, oh, and Howard Jones.

    Free Member

    I love my cake, but the words courgette and cake really do not readily come together as natural bedfellows in my world

    Free Member

    Where is the STW romance and bliss/soul mates etc?

    Got this text from my girlfriend this morning who had just seen yesterday's ride pics:

    Hi – I loved the photos. You really must be happy with the opportunity to be riding in so beautiful a place and freely.

    There really wasn't much dating involved at all – just hit me out of the blue, but its worth hanging on in there till you do meet someone special 😀

    Free Member

    I uaually wear longs when doing that ride

    Now you tell me!!!! 😯

    Free Member

    Well there is quite a bit of singletrack there, but my leg is still stinging!!

    Free Member

    For real? I am not riding Dalbeattie, just the coastal section, as a chill out ride, then may do back of Criffel later on in the week.

    Free Member

    I'm going to try and keep the dream alive with a stab at Trekster's coastal route tomorrow as the weather looks good and I didn't ride today!!

    Free Member

    I was under the impression that when the old site got hacked, we had to have new IDs, so I thought i would be cunning and add on a 2, although seeing as on the old site I was just simonralli, I guess I could have gone for simonralli1 but that never occurred to me at the time.

    I feel a bit like this guy called Nigel, who was on a documentary about personalised number plates. He had N2gel, and they even took him to meet the guy who had N1gel. This was a chap with a lift garage and a lamborgini – i.e his garage consisted of a hydraulic lift like in Thunderbirds or something.

    I was thinking of emailing the mods and asking for simonralli but I guess they have better things to do in life ay?

    Free Member

    I took some photos of my village today, then a neighbour told me i should put a warning on them "This isn't what Scotland is normally like!" 😀

    Free Member


    Well, we've not met but I wish you well and hope you get to where you want and need to be in life.

    Bring on the revolution too I say. I'm going to try and change things from the inside, rather than out, but if we really are to change things, then change is going to have to come from all directions I say, so good on you.


    Free Member

    Be sure to come back and visit the western Stanes and Drumlanrig 🙂

    Free Member

    iDave – cunning! I see what you did there 😀

    Free Member

    I think it looks like a great event and very good value, but as I am in Scotland it's just too far. If it was up north I would be giving it a very serious consideration, as it looks like a good opportunity to meet people off of here who I haven't met yet.

    Free Member

    No finger prints on the knife
    Not much blood
    Extreme improbability of loss of blood from the artery that was supposed to have been cut
    Body moved position after being found
    No motive for comiting suicide – he was looking forward to his daughter's wedding
    Long term injury to his arm meant he was not strong enough to use a knife anyway on his wrist
    Records locked away for 70 years with no explanation
    Inadequate post-mortem as criticised by the UK's top doctors
    Same top doctors say extremely unlikely to have died the way we are being asked.
    Kelly jokes with a colleague a few weeks beforehand that he is likely to be found dead somewhere.

    So can someone tell me how he was supposed to have committed suicide with these known facts? Can someone give me a scenario that is even vaguely plausible for suicide.

    I think the sad thing is that our establishment knows they can get away with this kind of bull**** because most of the population are so docile and stupid that they will not question, nor complain and still vote for those who went along with the Iraq war and and who will maintain that it was suicide.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I have only seen Shrek in 3D – it's not so great when you wear glasses, but yeah, I enjoyed some of the effects.

    Free Member

    Cheers. I am back at my parents for a couple of months and this is the first time I have explored what is out there straight from the house, no driving. There's quite a lot of good stuff, albeit fireroads and doubletrack, which I am not ashamed to admit is my kind of riding (and yes that off was on double track!)

    Free Member

    Good thread. I'm sure I'll think of loads later, but the first one to come to mind was The Kiss by the Cure. They also opened with this when I went to see them live in Birmingham NEC and I was right in the front row!

    Also, didn't Frankie Goes to Hollywood kick off with a mega long version of Welcome to the Pleasuredome?

    Free Member


    Luckily just a bang rather than anything broken. I was descending what looked like an innocent and fun double track, but then it went into two grooves. My tyre hit the side of the wall and off I came.

    Free Member

    Oh and then if someone could add a comment on this thread so I don't kill it off myself – thank you 🙂

    Free Member

    I don't suppose someone could at least make a half hearted comment on my new thread here otherwise it will feel like I am the most boring rider on STW!

    Well I thought the photos were ok anyway 😥

    Free Member

    Mine are VERY toned down, just trying to remember a few cool things really.

    Free Member

    I have googled "Tannhauser gate" 😳

    But hey, jobs in IT come in handy sometimes, knowing how to google and all!

    Free Member

    It's all relative really innit?

    Free Member

    Of those things that can be mentioned:

    Flown Concorde first class (for free on business)
    Eaten octopus in South Korea which was still moving
    Lived in the Amazon
    Been interviewed on Sky News as an expert on mobile phones
    Cycled from my house to the most southern tip of Europe 😕
    Had a novel published
    Had my video about biking shown on Sky News
    Been initiated at a secret tantra temple in Varanasi
    Seen a funeral pyre on the Ganges
    Smoked toé – the world's strongest and most dangerous hallucinogen
    Been asked to perform two exorcisms
    Been a guest at the Brit Awards, Mercury Music Prize and Sony Radio Awards
    Hosted a party at the top of the BT tower
    Had a colonic irrigation
    Seen UFOs

    And yes, I completed my Argentina 1978 sticker album 😀

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