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  • NBD: Cotic Escapade, Sonder Broken Road, Chris King bits, Purple Hayes (slight return)…
  • simonralli2
    Free Member

    I guess ciderinsport has gone to bed then!

    Free Member

    iDave – beleza mas eu vou estar com saudades de voce!. Am there next week doing some consultancy work – if that goes well I may be there every so often – we shall see 🙂

    Free Member

    8pm here in a slightly cloudy Sao Paulo right now if that helps? 😀

    Free Member
    Free Member

    This one!

    Free Member

    So which STW member is the trolling astrid then?

    Free Member

    You’re not a scientist, are you?

    I guess I am not a scientist in the same way that James Lovelock, Basil Hiley and David Bohm were not scientists then 🙂

    Free Member

    As I understand it, an atom is made up of a nucleus of neutrons and protons, with a load of electrons orbiting it.

    Well this understanding is what, maybe more than a hundred years out of date?

    As others have said, quantum mechanics changed our view of what a particle is, although the big problem is that there is no agreement within this discipline as to how to explain the results of quantum experiments.

    There are still paradoxes within QM to be resolved, but what I still see in much writing is this need to believe in particles, however small or fundamental. We need to think in terms of whole systems, and maybe we also need to let go of our need for thinking of time and space as fundamental aspects of reality too.

    All IMHO of course 😀

    It’s a great question, but then so many aspects of our cosmos are still a mystery to us, it’s great to explore these things huh?

    Free Member

    Well I have been getting into the Campeonato Brasileiro and Neymar has scored some scorchers, although Santos are pretty low down the league right now…

    Free Member

    The ball could ricochet off his behind and in and they’ll be level?

    Ah – I hadn’t thought of it like that. And yet again the bottom falls out of the wall of another simonralli posting 🙁

    Free Member

    Although the Daily Mash provide their own analysis of the comparison!

    Free Member
    Free Member

    All well and good, but couldn’t they have done somewhere decent, like the Houses of Parliament or Buck Palace or something, rather than looting trainers and doing over Greggs and Poundland? Given that Waterstones in Clapham High Street was untouched, I guess riots are the voice of the great unread too 🙁

    Free Member

    Good luck.

    In Scotland I think you may qualify for £200 of training vouchers. I used mine for TEFL qualification lessons.

    Also, I became a volunteer director of a not-for-proft organisation. Maybe with your IT skills, you could offer one or two days every so often, so that your CV does not have any big gaps?

    I am sure in IT you should be OK finding work in the next month or so.

    All the best


    Free Member

    Well I was an internet casino manager in Gibraltar and I am now an author and lecturer and consultant in chaos, complexity and sustainability in Brazil after doing my MSc. Some good things can happen too 🙂

    Free Member

    No real advice – I took a year off when I was 18 and went round the world. I am sure it will be amazing. Just try not to underestimate costs so you do not get caught out and you’ll be fine. All you really need is a credit card with enough credit to get you back home in an emergency (I had to do this with another year off in ’04), and good insurance.

    Good luck!

    Free Member

    I know its not the same but I did a masters degree and it was one of the best things ever. Good luck and I really hope it all goes well.

    Free Member

    Well you may all laugh but you’re all getting toasted by the new Police radio microwave system back in the UK 😀

    Free Member

    The word “god” for me is incredibly loaded and for me when I think of “god” I think of a transcendental being, separate to me, in the image of the Christian god.

    For me, I am more of a Taoist I guess, and others who have read my writings describe me as being Spinozian, which is fair enough, but I have not read any of Spinoza directly, so am not too sure how his thoughts relate to the Tao.

    I am also a fan of the late quantum physicist David Bohm, and find him very Taoist too, although he never made the connections himself as far as I am aware.

    Free Member

    Great little video and I am loving the look of those trails and woods 🙂

    Free Member

    Free Member

    It’s not even the 9th FFS.

    Would it be too pedantic to point out that the attacks were on the 11th September?

    Free Member

    Agreed but I bet that Welsh chap wishes no one was watching after that open goal miss!

    Free Member

    Think it’s very sad that people don’t know who Danny Hart is or Brendan Fairclough or Annie Last but know who Chipps is. I have nothing against Chipps, he seems like a really nice guy but he shouldn’t be better known than pro riders.

    Well in all honesty I had not heard of Danny Hart until this weekend. I thought that it was that other Danny chap who does those skills videos and that he had suddenly decided to enter DH and with his skills he just mashed everyone else up. Then I saw on youtube that that was Danny Mckaskill or whatever his name is.

    As for Chipps, well it seems like a bit of harsh comparison. Obviously I have never met Chipps but he seems like a good egg and who is to say a magazine editor can’t contribute the same amount to mountain biking than a champ!?

    Free Member

    I left the top to my suit for my grandfather’s wedding in a hotel, and ended up buying an emergency one from Asda for £20! I know you shouldnt buy these clothes as they exploit cheap labour, but I had no real choice being that I was staying in a hotel off a junction on the M5 near Taunton!

    Free Member

    I can’t see how anyone would want to turn the sound off. Especially when he does that whip thingy on that jump towards the end! Awesomeness defined.

    Free Member

    And insane commentary too 😀

    Free Member

    Absolutely mental – Just a shame we didnt have this on tv.

    Free Member

    Just out of interest, which Stanes are you riding?


    Innerleithen doesn’t have a blue yeah?

    Mabie and Dalbeattie are very rideable with mainly double track, so you should be fine there. Nothing terrible.

    I don’t think I have ridden much of Kirroughtree blue, but Glentrool is just a blast, although not many people remember this Stane. It’s mainly a simply climb to the top then lots of fab twisty berms to the bottom.

    Are you on Twitter? It would be great to follow your progress. Good luck!

    Free Member

    Does 40 minutes on an exercise bike count?

    Free Member

    For me the black is more about endurance than skill, and there is nothing too bad, just one or two very short sections you may need to walk down. As for Deliverance, I had had great expectations, but for me it was way too rocky on my HT to enjoy. That is not to say is bad, just not my bag which is different.

    The other great thing about the black, and GT in general is the way you can mix and match the red, blue and black which all makes for a great day out.

    Free Member

    And don’t forget us STWers south of the equator!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Ah right – no sooner said than done.

    It is quite strange seeing your country fall apart when so far away. Obviously some reports on the news and in the papers, but it isn’t wall to wall as it will be back in Blighty.

    Free Member

    Still am – I am in São Paulo as we speak. Obviously there are a huge number of gun related murders here each year, and there are real limits on where it is safe to walk at night, even near our flat, but what I do not miss is the alcohol fuelled aggressiveness in bars and pubs.

    Free Member

    This isn’t good news from a biking point of view – from The Guardian

    Hackney – worrying account from the Guardian’s Jason Rodrigues, who has just been accosted by youths on his way home:

    I’ve just returned from Hackney riots and was ambushed just off Essex Road and had my bike snatched by a group of six masked teenagers waiting on Ecclesbourne Road who were shouting “take the bike, take the bike”.

    I was forced to swerve away from them but crashed to the ground. Just as one of the thieves grabbed my bike from under me a red van raced screeched around the corner and smashed into a parked car. Two young men then got out and the man in passenger seat then put his hand in his pocket and threatened to pull a on knife on the thieves, accusing them of stealing his bike earlier.

    A violent scuffle broke out and the thieves gave up the stolen bikes. Everyone seemed to walk away from the incident, but criminal minded local youths seem to be taking advantage of the lack of police presence due to trouble elsewhere.

    Free Member

    Great place for a weekend – the beer is sold in things like this:

    Lots to see by walking around.

    Free Member

    If I went to a shop and ordered a bike built to my own specifications, I have often thought that I just don’t need many gears. I need some, but I generally don’t ever get out of that big one at the front, but I do need something to help with climbing because of my knees. Looks like a great solution.

    Free Member

    McMoab at Kirroughtree has to be a contender too, no dabbing, and not one but two chutes!

    Free Member

    This article today explains things pretty clearly

    The money in your pocket is effectively worthless. The government declares it as legal tender and will accept taxation payments with this bill of exchange but the £5 note is no longer backed by anything. When push comes to shove, a £5 note is just a piece of paper and ink with no intrinsic value at all. It certainly isn’t worth £5.

    The history of fiat currencies is unsurprising. All have failed. The Roman denarius, a silver coin, was diluted from 100pc silver to 84pc, then 43pc and finally to 0.05pc until nobody would take the coin as a means of exchange because it had no value.

    Scottish economist John Law became the most hated man in France 300 years ago. He had to flee to Italy after introducing a fiat currency that almost brought the country to its knees. History shows that fiat money loves failure.

    I also blogged about the psychological aspects on Saturday:

    China rebukes US for its “addiction” to debt

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