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  • Fresh Goods Friday 695 – The Enduro Beckoning Edition
  • simonralli2
    Free Member

    Oh blimey.

    Are you just limiting it to Wales then??

    Free Member

    Add that to the cafe at the end and you have just about the best Trail Centre in the country!

    I would say Kirroughtree may have a thing or two to say about that, as may many others but it is a great laugh and gets you back into that amazing feeling of being 10 again and messing around on a Grifter with not a care in the world 😀

    Free Member

    He may lose interest in what others are saying if they ramble or don’t speak to the point.

    So what are you doing here then? 🙂

    Free Member

    It could be worse

    (Safe – links to a Daily Mail article)

    Free Member

    One for those up late!

    Free Member

    Iceland have just scored a very nice goal against Portugal 🙂

    Free Member

    Thus the paradox: the reversible Schrodinger equation can be tested only by irreversible measurements that the equation is by definition unable to describe.

    Free Member

    Great location and great bunch of riders from there on here. I wish I was still there too – you have some great rides coming your way 🙂

    Free Member

    You may have Strictly Come Dancing but we have Rock In Rio which is rather grand (to put it mildly!).

    Can’t wait for Coldplay tomorrow.

    Free Member

    I think if I was given this commission, I would try and focus on seeing the children as two young and beautiful spirits who did not quite make it into the world this time around. I would be focussing on the beauty and innocence of young children, and try not to focus too much on the physical side of things. Maybe it was just not their time, and they will one day make it here.

    These words may not help at all, but this is a tough one and I just thought I would add some love and positivity.

    All the best


    Free Member

    2001: A Space Odys… Odess…Oydis..Thingy.
    Dullest film ever.

    It’s all in the interpretation that film! It has many levels depending on how you approach it I feel!

    Free Member

    This is really tricky! A top 5 or 10 would be easier, but it’s probably

    Betty Blue
    The Matrix

    But there are so many great films in this thread too. I can’t decide if Star Wars should replace The Matrix in my list.

    Free Member


    Have you read “The Dancing Wu Li Masters”? That is a great introduction to quantum physics. Also, I always feel the word “particle” can confuse people, especially when so much quantum physics analysis happens in a mathematical space called Hilbert space and some people have critiqued quantum physics as completely losing touch with reality. It is also possible to lose the addiction to the concept of particle and indeed fundamental particle, as when you have found that, have you really understood the ultimate ground of reality? How do you explain the existence of this particle?

    If you read Bohm, he goes down a route of seeing these particles as units of “meaning”. You can also look at quantum systems rather than particles, and see everything as one big cosmic dance, fully interconnected in dynamic relationship, rather than separation.

    Free Member

    Mogrim – chill – am just being flippant. If the lil’ol Higgsy doesn’t turn up it means a new direction for physicists. Thing is, are they really explaining the ground of all reality, or are they projecting their own consciousness into the experiments expecting to find what they refer to as particles while having no explanation for consciousness or the fact that all of science has to be done through the prisms of our senses??! 😀

    Free Member

    What ever happened to quantum entanglement? Isn’t that a form of instantaneous signalling across time and space?

    Also, this chap proposed travel faster than light some time ago and his book while offering no definitive evidence, is actually a good description of the dogma he faced:

    This book is great too, whereby time is examined in terms of its necessity in physics:

    And of course, we can’t forget one of my great heros, David Bohm, who proposed a solution in the form of the implicate order, a higher dimension of reality to explain the paradoxes in this one!

    So yeah, don’t forget that there is no agreement as to how to actually interpret findings from quantum experiments, so no wonder the whole shebang is looking shakier than me riding McMoab on a penny fathing! The Higgs Boson particle never turned up this week, and also the theory of dark matter when kaput too so not a great week for physicists!

    Free Member

    What makes his post even more excellent is that it is on page 9 and I really do not think I was quite ready for such a grenade of a post. What a purge!

    Maybe there is even a film in there?

    Free Member

    So what do you think then? I’ve started reading the financial pages of late and it would seem that we are all in fact ****ed.

    There is a saying along the lines of when the tide goes out, you can see who was swimming with no trunks on.

    Basically many institutions are going to fail big time, but that is because they had systemic failure built in to them right from the start.

    Then we can get on with building a fairer and more sustainable and resilient society and institutions.

    Free Member

    Most money does not exist. When you deposit money in a bank, that bank can lend out the same money a number of times, AND ask for interest on this non-existing money.

    Therefore the monetary system relies purely on trust, and when trust goes, then a system collapse is never far away. Here is an article about Siemens no longer trusting its own bank.€500-million-french-bank-redeposits-direct-ecb

    This documentary explains money pretty well

    Free Member

    I was the manager of one of the world’s biggest internet casinos based in Gibraltar. Did an MSc in Holistic Science at Schumacher College in 2009, and am now lecturing and running workshops in chaos, complexity and sustainability, and doing part-time teaching English while I build up my new career. Published a book too based on my dissertation. I had no idea what I was going to do after my MSc, I just had total belief that it was the right thing to do and followed my heart.

    I tried to make a big change in my life in 2004 but that went belly like you would not believe so it took another few years to sort myself out and try again!

    Free Member

    That’s a real shame about your holiday.

    As someone who used to live in Gibraltar, from a local’s perspective there is an absolute ton of amazing riding to be had in Andalucia, but yes, you certainly need a good guide.

    Free Member

    Well at least you dont have the agony of seeing £50m Torres miss that wide open goal! I actually really felt for him 😥

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Everyone put their photos on the glorious mugshots thread 🙂 All the pics are in one happy place!

    Free Member

    I’m joining the STW lonely late night drinking posse.

    Just gone 8pm here. You should check the forums at 11pm my time! Tumbleweed city or what?

    Free Member

    About to do some Portuguese and then I can tuck into a nice beer in an hour or so!

    Free Member

    Puts me being a tad fearful of the big step down at Mabie into perspective ay!

    I have to say after seeing the title of the video I was not too sure what the video would be about – glad it was an extreme sport!

    Free Member


    No need to correct – that was a little joke of mine, a play on words if you will 🙂

    Free Member

    I was laughing a bit at his speech, but to be honest I finished the video wondering what on earth happened at the end!

    Free Member

    To be honest the OP wasn’t anywhere near as good a goodbye as this!!

    Free Member

    In all seriousness I was thinking about writing an article about the biking scene in Brazil. It wouldn’t be your typical article about once specific ride in one location, more about the scene, inner city biking in Sao Paulo (you need a mountain bike more than a road bike I reckon), safety in the countryside (getting mugged for your bike if you are on your own in the countryside is a real issue), plus sustainability and transport issues could be covered too.

    Would that be of interest?

    Free Member

    A seminar is a presentation on a topic covering some facet of knowledge or skill. Seminars tend to be a blend of lecture and discussion. The program can be public or private and the presentation is often organized into modules. The speaker’s goal is to impart knowledge of the topic, and he or she typically uses a combination of lecture, visual aids, interaction with participants, and exercises to get the job done. Due to the emphasis on theory and the imparting of information, a seminar is typically no more than half a day (three hours).

    A workshop is similar to a seminar but with a greater degree of attendee participation, interaction, and hands-on exercises, is usually a full day (six hours) where participants learn and practice the knowledge and skills that is the workshop’s focus.

    In day two there are interactive sessions giving participants the opportunity to develop strategies and find solutions based on the teaching and group discussions in day 1! So more a workshop than seminar! I had a meeting about it today where we were looking at how to develop the activities and build them in to the various teaching sessions.

    Free Member

    It IS a workshop! 🙂

    Integral Thinking – From Biology to Buisiness

    Free Member


    I think you are not reading the quote properly? (He says with gentle words!)

    “be the change you seek” for me means the same thing as “be the change you wish to see”, i.e. the change that you want to see in the future, not which you are seeing right now, otherwise the quote would be “be the change you are seeing” 😀

    The reason I was after your version of the quote is that I am using it in a workshop on transition and change 🙂

    Free Member

    I have seeked the quote on google but all I can see is many quotes with the word “see”. Do you have the original quote sc-xc.

    Not quibbling, but I can’t find that version of it from a reputable source (apart from your good self of course!)

    Has he gone yet?

    Free Member

    Maybe pick a theme with blue or a watery theme?

    maybe also add a contact me box and a place so people can subscribe to updates? I have these on my wordpress blog:

    Free Member

    Why not start your own fora that are slightly anarchic with a devil may care attitude? Gandhi said be the change you wish to see!!

    Free Member

    The power is within you!

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I’ll be here for a bit you lucky lucky people! 🙂

    Free Member

    I have just popped out to grab a couple of beers. Too tired to do any Portuguese tonight so will flop in front of the telly.

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