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  • TFFT, Gee Atherton Isn’t In The 2024 Red Bull Rampage Men’s Lineup 
  • Simon_Semtex
    Free Member

    From Bovey? On a CX bike and not some huge gnarr to the Max downhill behemoth?

    I’d probably jump on my bike and ride up the hill to Haldon.

    (From Bovey – Head towards Chudleigh Knighton. Then past Finn Lake. Through Chudleigh. Turn left at Chudleigh War Memorial and follow old road UP HILL to Haldon.)

    Loads to do when you get to top.

    You’ll defo earn your cake on your return. I would recommend “Cafe 3 Sixty” in Bovey for good cake and coffee.

    Have fun.

    Free Member

    We just bought a caravan. Best £2.5k i’ve ever spent. (Even after only one night in it!)

    We joined the Caravan Club and now have access to hundreds of sites for only £12 per night.

    We’ve booked the lesser known sites in our local area (Devon and Cornwall) for pretty much every weekend until October. Also have a full week away in July and another in August. Again, all local, all in Devon and Cornwall.)

    Cuz we are staying local, friends can come and join us for a cup of tea and a chat. Kids can play together and we can have a glass of vino. As we staying local we can also still get out for a ride at our local haunts.

    Kinda makes up for all of our bigger foreign travel plans being stuffed up. (No villa in Italy this summer and probably no ski trip in December.)

    Have fun.

    Free Member

    Thanks to all who have helped me over the last few days. Still can’t comprehend the amazing level of support from what is just a mountain bike forum. Really really big thank-you.

    I’ve contacted my old counsellor and have booked a session. I’ve also contacted my GP and have accepted the pills.

    I know i’m not at breaking point yet but wanted to bullet proof myself before I got too bad. So have pretty much said “Yes” to all offers of help. Also gonna start the HeadSpace App.

    Think I need to invest a bit of time in me.

    Feels like i’ve just gone out and bought a truck load of new tools.

    Think i need to go out for a ride now.

    Thanks again everyone. Feelin better today.

    Free Member

    To all those who have DM’d me. Thank you.

    Lunge….. Trying to reply but DM not working. (Just wanted to say thanks for the kind words. I might just take you up on your offer – If I can get DM’s to work.!)

    Thanks all.

    Free Member

    Thanks all. Lots of kind words and lots of sense being talked.

    Thanks also for not letting it descend into “i’m right….. you are wrong.”

    This really isn’t just a Mountain Bike website site is it! Thanks for the help.

    Free Member

    ash.addy…. I can relate to that. I taught in a PRU for 7 years. That kind of work leaves a mark. Glad you are getting better.

    Free Member

    Rumble….. Been trying to post a DM reply. You getting anything? Doesnt seem to be working.

    Just wanted to say Thank-you for your kind words. They meant a lot. Will reply properly if I ever get this damn thing to work.

    Free Member

    TJ…. I really like that. Thank you.

    Free Member

    I am humbled. Thanks everyone.

    TJ….. Yes…. Definitely situational.

    Lunge….. Yup…. Teaching is a killer.

    Mrsheen… Yes… Counselling. That could be my thing. It did work before.

    Free Member

    Back after 10 years?

    Long time! You’ll probably find the “air got dirty and the sex got clean.”

    Free Member

    It’s a McGlashan Stone.

    Free Member

    One of those electronic cat scarers. Plant it in the garden you want the cats to stay away from. It gives out a high pitched beep every time a cat is in the proximity.

    WARNING: It wont **** work. All it will do is piss off your neighbours who have vastly superior hearing than you ie anyone under the age of 45.

    Wind sets them off, cars set them off, kids walking by set them off, a mosquito flapping its wings on a different Continent set those **** things off. HOWEVER you will be safe in the knowledge that “Well I cant hear it” and the “cats have gone away” so it must work whilst happily not taking notice of the bloody big lion that has moved in next door and the WHOLE street that cant get any sleep because of the **** electronic bleeping.

    RANT OVER!!!

    Free Member

    Yup……. Zippy……. You really are a top level ****.

    Heat getting to you today?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Picked my motorbike up from the MOT this afternoon.

    2 piece leathers and full face helmet meant that my drip tray was full by the time I got home. (Was only a 2.5 mile ride home as well!)

    God, it’s a wee bit hot here in Devon.

    Free Member

    Thanks Boblo…..

    Just checked the MLTE website. DAVE TEW and DAVID TEW are not listed as having any qualifications.

    Who would have guessed?

    Free Member

    Anyone know Brave Dave’s full name?

    I’d love to search the MLTE website to confirm he actually has Summer ML.

    Cleverly, his website has no MLTE logos on it and no mention of his FULL NAME.

    I also have no doubt that if he did actually hold Summer ML and he did something to bring MLTE into disrepute, they they would have no hesitation in removing him from their list of award holders.

    Free Member

    YES….. Get your life in order BEFORE you start tinkering. I can’t sign any life-assurance papers from up here mate. If I concentrate really hard, I can just about make a book fall off my daughters shelf in her bedroom. That’s about it.

    Seriously….. Don’t do it man. 27.5 WILL NOT WORK in 26″ forks. You WILL die.

    Free Member

    I did this a few weeks ago. 2008 Rock Lobster Team Tig SL. I originally had 26″ Mavic 717 with Hope hubs Got my local wheel guru to lace the hubs to a set of 27.5 rims (£8 each from Planet X) and tyres (2.1’s)- £8 each again from Planet X. Plenty of room both on front and back.

    Got everything set up on a Friday and had first ride next day. I’m now dead. Been dead for 3 weeks now. Completely screwed up the handling. Bit sad actually. Was hoping to see my daughter graduate and maybe even get married, but I’m now stuck on this bloody cloud firing arrows all over the place. Don’t think much of the uniform. Just a wee nappy thingy. (Gonna be bloody cold in the winter.)

    My advice —- Don’t do it. Bloody death traps.


    Free Member

    I wouldn’t be surprised if she was currently negotiating a job with the White House. I think she has been heading that way for a while.

    Free Member

    My friends kid has one one these…… I was really impressed.

    Its the CP26 ….. about £320.


    Free Member

    Have a think about the jobs you might want to do…..

    Want to change the oil on your motor bike?…… Oil filter tool is 1/2″ drive.

    Want to change a square taper bottom bracket on a push bike? The tool is 1/2″ drive….

    Low profile socket to remove cartridge on Suntour forks…… 3/8″ drive

    I also have a set of female torx sockets…..(For cylinder head bolts and loads of other engine fastenings. They are all 1/2″ drive apart from really small sizes then they are 1/4″ drive.

    Also got a set of big male torx…… yes…. they are all 1/2″ drive.

    Torque wrench is 1/2″ drive. (Remember to check if its ft/lbs or Nm or your wheel might slip if you give it the beans! —- Yes….. That was bloody scary!)

    Breaker bar is 1/2″ drive.

    I would say 1/2″ is the way to go…. with a handful of 3/8″ converters to enable you to use a few special sizes if they only came in 3/8″ and a wee 1/4″ drive set is always useful.

    Mind you…. if I had the money…. i’d probably have 1/4″ AND 3/8″ AND 1/2″ AND 3/4″….. I do like tools!

    Free Member

    I’ve had this Kamasa 1/2″ set for the last 25 years. Ratchet broke 5 years ago. Speed brace 3 years ago. (Both replaced with Chinese copies of well know German brands for less than £15.00). I don’t think that’s too bad for a set that cost me £29.99 when new.

    Good range of sizes, even has Imperial AND Whitworth. Used it on cars, motorbikes, push-bikes and Landies.

    NOTE: the Nut on the rear axle of my Japanese IL4 motorbike is 27mm and needs a 1/2″ torque wrench to tighten it up properly. Also, check out what spark plug socket you need before you buy a set. You’ll probably need to buy an additional plug socket depending on the size as standard socket sets usually only come with a “car” size.

    Might be worth thinking about that when you’re deciding between 3/8″ and 1/2″

    Socket Set

    Free Member

    I’m really interested in the “Sorry Sir, but there is a £1000 withdrawal limit per day at this branch of HSBC.”

    Can’t get my head around that i’m afraid.

    I’ve had this experience many moons ago. Wife and I were withdrawing money (in branch, face to face.) We had all relevant documents such as drivers license, passport, confirmation of address and we have never, ever been overdrawn so there was plenty of money in our account.

    Lets say that I was a little “assertive” when they refused to give us our hard-earned cash that we had kindly allowed they to play with while we worked our fingers to the bone saving to go travelling.

    I blew my stack. It was bloody embarrassing (for the bank staff that is!) How dare they. Its MY bloody money.

    “So you are saying that I can’t have MY money. Why can’t I have MY money? Give me MY MONEY now!”

    and OF COURSE they gave me the money….. it was my money after all.

    If you gave someone an item to look after and when you wanted it back, they refused to give it back to you…… I would probably call that theft.

    Free Member





    Free Member

    Maybe I should just “Walk the dinosaur” instead.

    Free Member



    NOT CAR:




    NOT DOG:


    Free Member

    Perchy….. Yeah……. but its a cockapoo

    Free Member

    We too are looking at getting a dog. I’m the allergic one. (47 year old male.) Wife and daughter have been talking about getting one for what seems likes YEARS!

    I’m up for it but a bit worried about my allergy. Been around friends dogs and sometimes not too bad, sometimes really bad reaction.

    Apparently you can get “hypo-allergenic dogs.” You can also get amazing anti-histimines from the docs and apparently if you get a dog you will build up a natural immunity to them anyway. Also lead to believe that its “only the dogs skin that makes you sneeze so just stay away from its skin and you will be fine.”

    Hope you get the dog you want. I think I’ll be back on this forum in a years time saying exactly the same stuff….. again without a dog…… It does take a LOOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGGG time to decide sometimes!

    ……. Bet she reads this thread…….. Jesus what have I done mentioning dogs again!….. Please can we have a “relaxing day.” Not like Saturday when we scrapped our family car and you would have thought we had a death in the family…. (Well according to the reaction of our 10 year old, who is still wearing black and refusing to open the curtains.)

    Free Member

    You are all wrong…..

    “The Valley of Gwangi.” 1969.

    Cowboys AND Indians AND DINOSAURS!!!!!!

    Willis O’Brien and Ray Harryhausen at their best!

    Free Member

    The little dramas and scripts that unfold in a family are really interesting. Sometimes its only an outsider that can see “the real game” that is being played out.

    Do you think it might be possible that your dad doesn’t want you to buy the house and is giving you poor advice to scupper your chances of living in the house of your dreams?

    Is it possible that your dad might want to control you by ensuring that you are tied to his financial apron strings? Does he fear losing control of you? Does he fear not being “needed?”

    Conversely, have you ever acted in a way that “proved” to your Dad that you were untrustworthy and were not able to make your own decisions? Do you often refuse to make important decisions and prefer to be treated like a child for fear of messing up and looking foolish?

    Also, what role does your wife play in this drama? How does she feel when you make decisions that corresponds with your dads wishes and not hers?

    Whatever “game” is being played out, it is clear that a huge amount of control is being exerted. The question is by whom?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    My wife had a series of seizures last year. Bloody scary. Most serious one was whilst she was driving our kids to school. She blanked out just as she drove into the car park. Luckily there weren’t too many pedestrians around and she was able to bury the car between a wheelie-bin and the school gates. She said that it was the scariest thing that had ever happened to her. (Kids were terrified…. but they’ll live.)

    My wife is really into tennis, so she asked what she should do about the seizures on

    Since then she hasn’t had a single seizure. I know you have a “heart-thingy” going on but they might be able to help.

    Good luck. Hope you get it sorted.

    Free Member


    That’s a “brilliant” idea…….. What could possibly go wrong having a table load of Prosecco and BBQ food connected to a HUGE SAIL!

    Jesus….. get some bloody weight on the ground….. NOT on the table.

    Actually…… why not have a go at it. I’m sure it will work.

    (Please can you post pictures….. PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! Actually, VIDEO….. YES…. VIDEO! That would be good!)

    FFS…. The man cannae drill a hole in a board without advice….. Jubilee Clips, JUBILEE CLIPS……. That’s NASA technology, right there!

    For the love that is all sweet and good, PLEASE get someone in. Safety first! You are likely to open a bloody worm-hole and suck us all into a parallel universe if you keep messing around with forces which you no nothing of!

    Mind you, in a parallel universe Pablo Picasso works on a beach as parasol salesman? Who Knew?!

    Free Member


    Have a look at these.—bla059-1937-p.asp?gclid=CjwKCAjw2uf2BRBpEiwA31VZj9y4x1wpLTv_qV3nLELS__u2sqwC5xiB6-YNuA-q8Tj1whTD_bSXURoCl58QAvD_BwE

    If you drill the right size hole…. you could match it up with a wee blanking plate.

    Could be useful if you want to use the table without the parasol and don’t want beer bottles, cutlery, food etc falling down the hole.

    Free Member

    LOL…… Makita or Bosch?

    Free Member

    You are lucky that you have 1 single central board in which you are gonna drill the hole. Would have been a pigs-arse if it was between boards.

    You need 1 of these:

    And 1 of these:

    However, (and please don’t take this the wrong way) because you don’t know that this is what you need, and because you don’t already have something like this in your tool box and to cap it all off, you have already referred to the required tools as “things”, i’d probably “get a man (or woman) in.”

    Judging by the immaculate patio you currently have, I think you would be hugely pissed-off if you drilled the hole even 1mm out. (At the very least, getting someone in would prevent an argument with “the missus” when she realizes that, god forbid, “THERE’S DUST ON THE PATIO!”

    £15 + argument, (to do it yourself.) or £50 to get someone in (no arguments)

    P.S. My Sparkie wife thinks you probably have a £1000 Makita but have never used it…..

    Free Member


    You care to have a guess who was “Special Adviser” to Gove when all those changes to the Education System were being made?

    Yup….. Dominic Cummings.

    Free Member

    Try this…..

    I use it in school all the time.

    Free Member

    TJAGAIN…….. wtaf???

    So the scumbags who left rubbish at Durdle Door the other day did so because Gerry Adams made Maggie Thatcher remove all the bins in Dorset?

    I thought that all bins were replaced under the terms of the Good Friday Agreement in 1999.

    I could be wrong. But then again, I haven’t “BEEN ON A COURSE” recently.

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