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  • Gabriel Wibmer grinding around Hamburg
  • simmy
    Free Member

    Just ended a lesson in Bolton at 9 am as the lad was going work and the queue to park on the market was massive despite the time of day, town was as busy as a normal Saturday at lunchtime.

    I’m being a Scrooge as there is only me to provide for so I’m just going to do my normal shopping and get myself a few treats. Don’t drink alcohol so just gonna buy cake. Doing mine tonight about 6pm so fingers crossed I don’t end up in chaos as I don’t cope well with lots of people around.

    Xmas day will be Mums around lunchtime, nip to see Nan who’s in a care home, then I’m going my Mates in the evening.

    Free Member

    147 mph, many years ago, on the M5 in a company Saab 9-5 Aero

    Free Member

    Motorists who turn the engine off before the wipers reach the bottom of the screen leaving the wipers halfway across the screen.

    Free Member

    People who meet up in the Supermarket having not seen each other for ages, OMG I must get them all the time.

    It’s like “George, come here quick look its Vera & Ronnie have you met my Grandchildren, Great Grandchild, next door neighbour”…..all this time completely blocking the aisle & not given two hoots about anyone else .com

    Sorry getting worked up now…..

    Oh yeah and checkout people who think getting your goods through is a time trial Wiggo would be proud of leaving you with a pile of shopping and the next person in the queue staring at you as if you are taking too long.

    I often get followed round by Security as I’ve a mate that works on the podium thing as you go into Tesco who thinks its funny to walk round with me making me look like a wrong un

    Free Member

    Can the shifter window bit retro fitted ?

    Got mine today – for a change they was in a Jiffy bag and not a box the size of a Wardrobe :D

    Free Member

    Mines at the Sorting Office

    Free Member

    Mines still processing according to CRC website :roll:

    Free Member

    I’ve a Mondeo, same filler system and much wider vehicle, and it does work. Only just though; the hoses are at full stretch and it can occasionally take a bit of fiddling to get fuel to flow without the auto-cutout tripping. I’d be amazed if the Fiesta wasn’t fuel-able from the wrong side.

    (Isn’t the Fiesta cap on the opposite side (driver’s side) to most others anyway?)

    Just wondering then if yours is Petrol or Diesel as mines Diesel and obviously the nozzles are different ?

    The Fiestas fuel filler is on the nearside.

    Free Member

    I could be here a while but :-

    Drivers who let learners go when they have Priority, confuses the learner

    People parking opposite junctions

    Geordie Shore


    Pedestrians who just stop when walking down the street

    Free Member

    Either that or they brought in sometime after I passed and before you started learning. Either way, I’d not heard it before; or rather, I’d not heard a specific distance beyond leaving ‘some room’ to get out in case, say, the car in front breaks down. I’m told they teach some twee little mnemonic now, akin to the “only a fool ignores the two second rule” one for braking distances, but I can’t remember what it is exactly.

    “Tyres and Tarmac” is the phrase. Main reasons for using it are so that you have a clear escape route should the vehicle in front break down, someone attempts to carjack you ( seen this happen ) the vehicle behind hits you and doesn’t push you into the one in front, the driver in front rolls back.

    Free Member

    1 – Idiots who when filling up with fuel wait for a pump where the pump is on the same side as the fuel cap – THE PIPE WILL STRETCH YOU ***** **** ****!!!! there should be snipers on top of the garage forecourt paid to take these people out.

    I’ve a Fiesta and this doesn’t work because its got no Fuel Cap and the nozzle has to be bang on level else it won’t go in the filler neck.

    Free Member

    I was impressed with Parcelforce recently has they had left a parcel at the local Post Office instead of making me do a 30 mile round trip to their Depot ( think it was something from Rose in Germany )

    Had real issues with City Link regarding some stuff I’d ordered for my Business. They said they had tried twice to delver without success and they could not try again, 2 strikes and your out apparently but they had only left 1 card. Despite screaming at some bloke they refused to redeliver so I had to go to their Depot miles away.

    I told my Supplier, and they now send my goods Royal Mail.

    DPD have been fine with me and have kept to the slots.

    Having been a Delivery Driver, I know it very much depends on your Driver on the route, some care, some don’t like most things in Life.

    I accept that things happen in the Depot, but some Drivers I worked with really didn’t care at all about customers just getting home.

    Free Member

    Thanks for bearing with me on San Marino – next time I will make sure I remember to take me lock out off :oops:

    Can’t believe I did that but it’s still the fastest I’ve ever had the guts to go down there.

    Coal Pit Road was interesting to say the least with that headwind but I really enjoyed myself today. Hope everyone got back OK and enjoyed the ICR coz I bailed it on the mast road – that was interesting with the wind as well.

    I’m hoping to get to Macc next week so looking forward to that.

    Free Member

    Simmy what side you riding up from as some others are too

    Coming up past the Reebok so not decided if I’m gonna go up Chorley New or go up New Chapel Lane, and across to George’s lane and drop down to the Barn

    Free Member

    Well looking over to Rivi today it seems to be clearing of the snow so hopefully it will not be covered In ice 8O

    I’m looking forward to the Pootle, it will be my first so I will probably just wait by the car park as I’m gonna be riding over to get warmed up 8)

    Free Member

    Not exactly work related, but I live on a Main Road with traffic lights right outside my house and one morning I opened my bedroom curtains to see a double decker bus outside stopped at the lights.

    A young lad on the top deck was having a good old Barclays Bank looking out of the windows at the young lady in the car behind 8O

    Free Member

    I used to be guilty of being one of the Maccys hang out crew – we even got as classy as hanging out at Aldi and Currys sometimes though.

    At the time it was mint, talking cars, different girls all the time and spending every day deciding what modification or polish to buy.

    We used to travel all over meeting loads of interesting people with different cars to us and in the winters, we used to meet in a multi storey car park.

    Oh the time when VOSA turned up and blocked us all in to check our cars out was the best because these men where very interested in our modifications so much that it was 2am when we got home.

    Yeah it is written sarcasticly because I look back now and think what the …. was I doing ? Wish I had all the money back I wasted on knackered old rust buckets and petrol.

    Free Member

    Wrong Forum – sorry

    Free Member

    Been on a few Courses as an Observer and always it seemed that 2 types of people attended, the ones who would listen and absorb some infomation and the ones who didnt give a ….

    Can generally guess what they are going to be like when they pull up in the car park.

    I would say defo tell your insurance no matter what, and at least enjoy the course. There will be some info to take away, and they could even save you money on fuel by looking ahead and planning more.

    The best or most scary bit will be the answers from the other people….”well you dont check your speedo when youve passed your test do ya” is one what will stay with me forever.

    Free Member

    Count me in :-)

    I will not attempt the slab though……

    Free Member

    simmy, imagine you’re chatting someone up.

    You’re chancing it, trying to be charming. They’re not interested. Does that give them a right to be a bellend at you??

    No, but thats the normal reaction I get anyway, even when Im serious :lol:

    Oh well, its her loss anyway 8)

    Free Member

    Another good one is the survey/wildlife/charity people on the street wanting to get you to sign up to some such crap….i smile, let them do their speech, nod appreciatively and when they’ve finished i say ‘sorry, can you go from the top again, i wasnt listening….’

    I was approached by one of these a few weeks ago. She was about 20 year old and started going on about charity work in other countries.

    She was quite cute, and gathered I wasnt listening so asked ” what do you like to do ? ” to which I replied ” sleep with girls like you ” at which she called me a t****r and stormed off.

    Free Member

    Picked 2 up from Aldi yesterday ( one for my mate ) and have mounted it on my helmet using the Inner Tube method previously posted ( sorry if ive nicked the patent :wink: )

    Just been over the fields with my Vision One on the bars, and the Cree light makes a big difference.

    Ive never used a Helmet Light before, but for the price is really good. Not as good of a Beam as the Hope but for £12 you cant argue :-)

    Free Member

    Can I tag along ?

    Im slow and the ICR scares me but I would like to meet you all :-)

    Free Member

    I look at the traffic going into central Manchester down the M60 in the morning, and wonder how the hell people put themselves through it every day. Its always at a standstill.

    I spent 5 years travelling the M60 every morning in my last job and it was one of the reasons I left – drove me potty – the journey was so unpredictable taking from 20 mins to 70 mins and it would make me late for the rest of the Day.

    If I ever did go back into Empolyment I would not travel by Car, the more time I spend out on the Road now at work, the more idiots out there we meet.

    Free Member

    Anyway i think the signs may have gone up last year when the gate / fence was rebuilt though not sure if its Bolton Council or Chorley council over that side…

    Its Bolton on that side – theres no signs at the other end of them trails though

    Free Member

    anyway, last week we were riding around up there and where the gate is part way up the “road” up to the mast on winter hill, i noticed signs saying no cycling (for the first time)- have they always been there or anyone know if this is something new?

    On the Left or Right as you go uphill ?

    I think the path to the Left is a Footpath ( leading to the cairn ) but im sure the one to the right which leads towards Scout Road is a Bridleway.

    Bolton Council had a blitz a while back with the No Cycling signs – saw them near Dog Kennels.

    Free Member

    I climbing 1500 ft today according to the Garmin so, like its been said, its very easy to gain height and have fun on the downhills.

    Even me, as a slowcoach, can get some air on them V shaped bits coming down from the Pike :-)

    Free Member

    Ive been up Today and went upto Healey Nab.

    The Nab is very wet, but then again Im not into “rad” stuff but all the Bridleways and the Pike are fine.

    Had some good fun. Went down ICR last week for the first time in ages and it seems pretty churned up these days.

    Prob all the 4×4’s – never forget once going down the ICR at a reasonable rate and meeting up with the front end of a Discovery 8O

    Free Member

    Just over £96 with British Cycling discount so think I may reserve one

    Free Member
    Free Member

    bit late for mischief night isn’t it?

    They were rotten as well so must have been left over….

    when I say road bike its more of an hybrid not a racer

    Gonna ring the Police and give them the details

    Free Member

    About 6 years ago – NEVER again.

    It was on a Service Area and I used to drive there specificlly with only the one purchese in mind.

    Walked in, the cashier was a spotty teenage lad so no embarresment when putting the Mag through.

    As I walked upto the Checkout, a young girl suddenly appeared at the checkout and I had to give the Mag to her to pay. Bad enough as she looked at me with that “i know what youre doing in a bit” look but the mag somehow “crashed” the till when she scanned it meaning she had to get a supervisor to come and reset everything.

    Should have just legged it because by now there was a queue behind me and Im sure they crashed the till deliberatley.

    Free Member

    Are we talking about overshoes for clip ins or flats ?

    I’m sick of wet feet but just have visions of my Vaults ripping them apart.

    Free Member

    Love my Vaults, got some 5-10’s and have just been through some mud that came upto the Brake Discs ( not intentionally ) and managed to pedal straight through without any slipping feet.

    Had some V8’s and kept falling off them, might have been my lack of experience, but the Vaults feel so so secure :D

    Free Member

    I only started MTBing again about 2 – 3 years ago and hadnt got a clue.

    My Best Mate got me into it and I remember nodding like the Churchill dog when he was going on about Hardtails & Full Suss coz I didnt want to look like a idiot but I really didnt understand anything.

    So I started buying MBUK and I subscribed to it which got me a basic knowledge of what stuff is about.

    Eventually got myself a decent hardtail and now find MBUK too much like a “Boy Racer” magazine for my liking.

    I was the same with the car magazines I used to get and stopped buying Max Power and bought Performance VW.

    STW is spot on for me. As you can tell Im a Subscriber but the type of riding I do can be classed as pottering. I get out on my bike to escape day to day life, to find new and interesting places and to keep the weight off.

    I do read the reviews as Im one of them who buys stuff to last so want to know mw hard earned is spent well.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Policemen often make mistakes, my friend was once pulled over for doing 38 in a 40 (officer thought it was a 30 limit).

    An Instructor friend of mine got pulled for driving in a Bus Lane.

    He allowed the Police Officer to start writing the ticket before, very mannerly, pointing out that the Bus Lane was only in operation from 7.30am – 10am and that it was 11am……

    Free Member

    Theres a car I keep seeing when Im at work thats on some guys drive on 4 stands.

    Im not too sure where the front stands are positioned but the rears are under the brake drums 8O

    Its asking to fall over.

    Free Member

    Ok Harry cheers I will have a Mooch under the Viaduct on them trails then.


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