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  • It’s not easy being Singletrack. Please help.
  • simmy
    Free Member

    Like neilm said go and try some out before buying. If you get one secondhand and its the wrong size you will hate it and might even do more damage than good with your recovery.

    I ended up getting a Triban 3 from Decathlon. I’m 5’7″ and tried a Allez at Evans that was a 52 and that was nice, a Carrara at Halfords in a 52 was way too small and the guy in Halfords hadn’t got a clue so I walked away.

    I went for the Decathlon one as it had a 2 year warranty and was £250 cheaper than the Allez which I couldn’t justify if I didn’t like road riding. Hopefully, if I decide to upgrade, the Decathlon one has had good reviews so I could get a decent price if I sell it.

    Decathlon Bolton had a few of the older ones in red with the carbon fork in 54 size last week so may be worth nipping in as they will let you ride one for size but only in store but gives you an idea.

    Free Member

    My house has been hit 3 times due to people flashing their headlights and I’ve had one car on my doorstep.

    What happens is there are 2 lanes, one for turning right and one for straight ahead. Traffic turning across this traffic into my side street are often flashed by traffic which is stationary in the right turn lane without any thought for what’s coming up the inside.

    Also happens when waiting to emerge from the side street. Again the right turning traffic is stopped and they wave you in which is nice, but they don’t see the massive truck coming up on there left in the other lane……… :roll:

    Free Member

    Not a really bad day but did someone stupid earlier. I nipped into Burger King and got a King of the Day burger.

    I honestly thought it was Wednesday and I was going to get a Whopper burger so when a Girl behind the till held up a Rodeo burger and shouted I ignored her.

    After 10 mins I asked where my Whopper was and demanded my money back they told me I’d ordered a Rodeo.

    I took my burger and left without explaining I didn’t realise it was Thursday :oops:

    Free Member

    A couple of my students work in McDonalds and the uniforms don’t have pockets so they can’t steal any money whilst on the till.

    Free Member

    Top ride tonight, nice to meet you all.

    Free Member

    I’m in, just having some tea then heading down :D

    Free Member

    I’ve done 40 miles today with a cafe stop in the middle and its feeling a lot more comfortable. I’m finding I’m moving a lot on the bars which is weird being used to just staying still on the MTB.

    I got a Topeak Road Rocket pump which I’ve put under the bottle holder, a Topeak wedge pack in which I’ve put 2 tubes, levers and a multitool.

    Still using my 5:10s and baggies which is going to have to change as I managed to knock one of my water bottles off into the road with the bottom of my shorts today :oops:

    I also need to get a proper jersey to put phone money etc in as today I’ve just worn my Gore jacket as its been on and off with the rain so have been OK for pockets.

    Off out on the MTB in a bit. I’m liking the variety the road bike is giving me :D

    Free Member

    I’ve often wondered if there has been any research or just knowing if a Camalbak will provide any protection ?

    I know it won’t cover the lower back but unfortunately nothing will protect 100 %

    The Athertons young lad Taylor Vernon has had a bad injury recently and he was wearing a back protector at the time :cry:

    Free Member

    I’m 5′ 7″ and 14 stone as well but I was 16.5 stone 3 years ago.

    I lose weight really gradually but, over the past couple of months, I’ve increased the average speed on the MTB to 11mph from 8mph.

    I’m still no lighter but just keep pushing more and I’ve definitely got faster but I ride alone 90% of the time so will probably get dusted on the next forum ride :oops:

    I’ve just got a road bike and I feel a lot quicker on the MTB now, might be a placebo but it works

    Free Member

    I once had a 1996 Polo Diesel that needed the Glow Plugs changing and never again will I attempt any job that may look fiddly.

    I’m sure they built the engine around them glow plugs. Many hours of dropping things and grazed knuckles.

    My 11 plate Fiesta I don’t even notice the light no matter how cold it is.

    Free Member

    Spar Burger Bites

    Litre of strawberry Yazoo

    One Republic

    Free Member

    I’m gonna get an early night Sunday and some junk food so hopefully I will feeling better than I did last Monday so should make this one.

    Free Member

    I’ve never watched the Airshow itself but go past the Airport, heading for the Motorway, turn into Morrisons and head to the top right of the car park, almost level with the main road.

    The Red Arrows and the support vehicles are normally at that end of the airport about 5.30 onwards and you can see them through the fence off Morrisons Car Park.

    Free Member

    Defiantly Soreen like Doreen.

    My Mums called Doreen.

    My girlfriend is called Lauren.

    Strange thread……… :D

    Free Member

    I’m single so I only have to justify to myself about spending money on bikes instead of my house.

    My mate has to sneak about with prices with his wife though. He rang me a while ago and asked which 5:10 I had so I told him and it turned out he was stood in the LBS with his wife…….

    Bad move as she was mooching around looking at stuff as he was trying these 5:10 on. He managed to blag £30 off them so played the safety card with her and all was fine. I’ve since been with them bike shopping but we went to a Jumble and got loads of discounts so she always says ” take Simmy with you, he never pays full price “

    This was fine till he wanted a quote for a new stairs carpet. Turns out the carpet guy is a mountain biker and walked In, saw my mates bike and said ” Christ some money’s worth there, them pedals are not cheap, look at them forks….” Hence him been very quickly usher forcefully up the stairs to do what he there for and not incite a divorce.

    So think first guys, before letting anyone in your house, mention you ride bikes and see there reaction :D

    Free Member

    Thanks for the replies.

    I’ve rotated the bars upwards a bit and that seems to have helped. I’ve just been out and my hands are still a bit achy, but the elbow / arm pain has gone.

    I’m either not holding the hoods correct or I will just get used to it. Seems to just be between my thumb and finger.

    Free Member

    Sorry lads but I’m gonna have to miss tonight, I’ve felt rubbish all day, thought I’d be OK after a meal but still feel tired and I bit sick.

    I don’t wanna push it so going have to miss tonight but will aim for next week.

    It’s annoyed me as I’m rarely under the weather and I’d looked forward to a rare night out because I don’t get many wit my job :(

    Free Member

    My Great Aunt is 91 and has slowed up in the same way, lost weight not eating much and last week gave me a real scare when I went in and found them spoon feeding her as she was on the verge of dehydration.

    To the OP I would go and see her. It’s difficult knowing what the reaction will be as it could trigger thoughts with her of “why’s he here am I at the end ” or she could know and be grateful to see you. It’s the same with my Great Aunt, I want to see her as much as possible but don’t want to worry her as to why I’m going more than normal.

    One things for sure, at least when people reach that age we know its inevitable, I can think of a few people who died suddenly at a young age and I wish I’d spent more time with. I know its morbid but no one knows what’s going to happen in life.

    Free Member

    I like mine but I was lifting the bike over a gate a few weeks back and the end cap caught and fell off.

    Snapped one side of the actual grip where the end cap slots in clean off. I jammed it in and its stayed on so far……

    The actual grips are really nice and grippy but, despite being a Hope fan, I don’t think I will buy another pair as you have to replace the lot when worn out.

    Free Member

    The amount of idiots on the roads these days is unreal whether they are in a car, truck, riding a bike, herding sheep or whatever.

    Some guy on a road bike thought I was having a go at him the other day but I was only having a laugh with him. I’d passed him and he was doing a steady 35 in a 40 so wasn’t hanging around but he had the full Sky thing going on, even down to the socks and bottle but was riding a Specialized.

    As we got to some lights he pulled along side, unclipped to wait and I said to Him ” Here you are mate ” he turned round and goes ” what ” I immediately got the impression he thought I was going to have a go so I just said ” where’s your Dogma ? ”

    He laughed at that point and said he couldn’t afford one. Just a bit of friendly banter but most people theses days on the road go on the defense straight away when someone says something. Sad situation.

    Free Member

    I can make this one :D

    Due to loads of my students being on holiday, I’m actually finishing work at a sensible time.

    Is there only one Church Inn in Prestwich ? Coming from Bolton so A666 then M60 J 17


    Free Member

    106 miles :oops:

    Really need to get out more.

    Free Member

    I once rang the local radio station up with a guess of the year of the top ten at 10 using the name Miballsa Ritchie and they read it out…..

    At work I wound up one of the students once. A few where with me at the time who were all mates and one called Kelly said her mate Claire had asked her what a saddle junction is. Well its the name of a roundabout near here and on the sign it says Saddle Junction, just like magic roundabout in Swindon and so on.

    Anyway, between Kelly and me we decided to wind Claire up by telling her its a junction that horses have priority on and you have to stop for them no matter what. She was only driving with me and no one else so I wouldn’t have let her stop if we did happen to meet a horse on the roundabout.

    For weeks she kept mentioning that nowhere in the theory did it mention these junctions and no one else knew about it and we finally let on before she went and did her theory. She was not happy…..

    Had one girl who was really rough on the controls like the indictor stalk ( nearly snapping it off when indicating ) and in the end I jokingly said to her ” be carefull, if you indicate the wrong way when cancelling the indicator more than 3 times in an hour it sets the ejector seat off on the drivers side ” can’t believe said believed me as I was only joking so I carried on with it till she was ready for test. Thought is better tell her it was a joke as she was so gullible she would probably use the indicator to escape a crash…..

    Free Member

    If the ride is back at Prestwich next week, I may tag along.

    I work till 6 so it will be pushing it to get to Rammy, but Prestwich is a lot quicker to get to for me.

    Free Member

    I got some from this guy

    Free Member

    I ordered on Sunday morning and it arrived yesterday lunchtime.

    I’d actually rung SIS a about an hour before it arrived enquiring why I’d not had a dispatch E Mail and the lady said it had been dispatched and offered to E Mail over the tracking details, that E Mail never arrived.

    Good discount on the offer but I ordered Gels and Bars and only the Orange Gels arrived boxed inside the main box and the rest of the stuff was just thrown in so I had to separate the gels and bars and find somewhere to keep them all.

    Free Member

    There’s probably loads I can’t remember but the ones that stand out.

    Only the other night up Rivi, 2 people just stood there in the middle of the trail staring out at about 11 pm

    A witch on a cycle trail into bolton town centre

    A lady jogger having a pee at the side of a local Bridleway – that was awkward kind of ” hiya “

    Police helicopter directly above me as I went down a cheeky trail, yeah did get me a bit paranoid but think they were just taking the mick.

    Free Member

    Watch at least 6 episodes before deciding if you like it or not. Some if the ” flash backs ” where they compare what they are doing to something take some getting used to.

    I love FG and its had me crying with laughter in the past.

    Only thing I don’t get is when they mention Z list celebs from the states and am probably missing a good joke as we don’t know who they are taking the mick out of.

    Free Member

    I’ve got that week off so I’m going to the Lake District stage and I’ve volunteered to help at the Knowsley Time Trial.

    Sounds a good idea about meeting up on Honister so I will bear it in mind.

    The time trial would be better if it went through the drive through monkey part, a few bikes would go missing off the cars :D

    Free Member

    Cheers, I’ve just stocked up.

    Coming with Yodel so fingers crossed it will arrive and be intact :wink:

    Free Member

    RIP Mel

    I remember watching Alas Smith & Jones just before getting in bed when I was at primary school.

    Sure I saw somewhere that Matt Lucas and David Walliams used Mel as a base for the character Andy in the wheelchair.

    I never really understood the comedy back when I was a kid, but remember him and Grif looking at each other in the dark.

    Free Member

    +1 for not going into mud with the City Jets.

    I’ve used them on Towpaths, old railways etc, but they slide like a ice skater if you hit mud. Makes it interesting :wink:

    Free Member

    It was nice to ride through a dust cloud when following my mate the other night but went a bit quick into a bend and the bike slid both wheels.

    I stayed on but it shook me up a bit.

    I’m not going out on my own in the near future anyway as the Police are looking for a possibly armed suspect around my local trails and knowing my luck I would meet up with him 8O

    Free Member

    It’s not Star Wars, but has anyone seen what Froomey does in the off season ?

    Froomey[/url] by S1mmy1[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Started in 1989 when I was 12

    Mk 2 escort 1.3
    Datsun of some sorts
    Mk1 Cavalier
    Mk1 Fiesta
    Mk3 Escort XR3i
    Mk5 Escort 1.6
    Mk4 Escort Estate
    Saab 900 old shape
    Saab 9-5
    Saab 9000 2.0 lpt
    Saab 900 old shape full Turbo ( can you tell where I was working at the time ?!?!?!?!)
    Vauxhall Combo van
    Mk2 Golf 1.3 ( still got SORN )
    Mk2 Polo ( still got SORN )
    Ford connect van
    Polo diesel P reg
    Vauxhall Vivaro van
    Polo R reg 1.4 ( current bike / dog car )
    57 plate Fiesta Diesel
    3 x current model Fiesta Diesel 09, 60, 11 plates

    The vans were when I was a delivery driver, the last Fiestas whilst I’ve had the school.

    Probably some more I’ve forgotten about, and defiantly a couple of car I’ve bought as donors over the years.

    Free Member

    I nipped into Evans today to look at bikes as the Specilized Allez has caught my eye and they let me take one out.

    Took it round the local car parks and, considering I’ve never been on a road bike before, felt comfy on it but it didn’t seem as fast as I expected.

    Perhaps I’m thinking it will instantly turn me into Cav and expecting too much but it felt weird on the drops and standing up then felt like I was going to come off it.

    It was a 52″ and felt fine ( I’m so little ) so I’m still debating as my mate who was with me said I looked like a clown on it :oops:

    Might take another out at some point to have another go as it just felt weird when on the drops

    Free Member

    Well a lottery win would make me buy a nice car but, having driven loads of cars over the years along with vans through different jobs, they all do the same thing ie A to B

    I’ve got a 2 year old Fiesta on lease for work, all servicing, tyres paid for, back up of another car if this goes wrong big time 30k per year mileage allowance, £276 per month.

    For me that back up is essential so I wouldn’t buy a car as the lease is cheaper but, if I didn’t have the Driving School, I’d just have a cheap banger.

    Spend more on bikes these days, my bike is worth double the amount of my old banger that I use for the bikes and dogs.

    Free Member

    I drink probably 3 – 4 litres of fluids every day, couple of coffees, water, diet coke even when its not hot.

    I find I easily get headaches if I’m not drinking enough. Being out on the road all day means I know all the local public toilets.

    During this hot spell, I’ve been worried about going out and getting headaches on the way round. Last weekend, I went on a 20 mile bike ride and, looking back, I probably had too much fluid as I used orange cordial in my Camalbak, and drank 2 litres of that and a can of diet coke.

    Thinking now of just trying some of the tips posted previous and drinking a bit less.

    Free Member

    Had a close one the other day with some idiot on a road bike.

    Whilst we was going round a roundabout, this imbecile thought he could beat us so he came flying on from our left only to not see the car at the side of us as it was a 2 lane roundabout. He passed our bonnet but slammed on inbetween the lanes as the car in the other lane was going faster.

    He ended up with us going either side of him. My Cool calm manner was lost at that point and I shouted at him to ” use your ******* eyes” :oops:

    I don’t normally shout at people, but that was just ridiculous.

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