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  • simmy
    Free Member

    10 seconds walk to the car.

    The cars my workplace but never more than 20 mins to pick the first student up.

    Free Member

    Why would anyone lease a car if you get grief like this and charged for marks .Doesn’t every car get wear and tear marks and minor damage?

    Personally, I very much doubt I would lease again. When they went out of business, I basically stole the Car off them for a knock down price as they just wanted rid.

    So good not over worrying about that little Mark, scratch etc. I’m going to run this one for as long as I can.

    Free Member

    When I leased, at first they were fine about little Knocks and marks but I sent one car back and they billed me for scratches that were there but they previously wouldn’t have bothered about.

    Fair enough I thought, they are clamping down. Another car went back and they billed me for scratches to the roof.

    I was really annoyed as they looked around the Car whilst I was there. The slimy so and so’s took the money in addition to the normal Direct Debit so they just took it and then I got the bill.

    They have gone out of business now 😀 serves em right.

    Free Member

    I’m with Adrian Flux, the first year was cheap but on renewal, they came back expensive.

    I trawled the comparison sites and got it cheaper. Rang Adrian Flux and they dropped it even more.

    Started out at £540 then eventually got it for £415. With the same insurer.

    I paid Adrian Flux then called them Theives in Suits for taking the mickey with the initial price 😀

    Well they did want customer feedback.

    Free Member

    There is a bloke near me that drives with pay & display tickets right in front of his view.

    Why not just pull them off when you are leaving the car park ?!?!?!?

    People eh ?

    Free Member

    Think there may still be engineering works at Farnworth on the Trains as Coaches have been running at Weekends so check before relying on the Train.

    I live on the Route and it’s a good crack. I normally spend an Hour or so with my Dog at the Traffic lights chatting to riders as they pass so, about 12 miles in, if you see a bloke with a Labrador give us a wave 😀

    Free Member

    I got a Van last year and it’s brill.

    Only got a Car now as I need it for work so the Van is my main vehicle. I was just seeing if I’d actually use a Van over the Car so just spent a grand on an old Escort.

    Not ideal for most people but I can weld…. 😀

    Wouldn’t be without a Van now. So much easier with the Bikes, just chuck em in and go and, at a squeeze, I can get changed in it. Also saved the cost of the Van in not having to hire skips when doing jobs at Home.

    Gonna get a new shape Transit one Day hopefully when money allows.

    Free Member

    When you pass your test, the examiner says the licence will be back in about 3-4 weeks, normally it’s quicker than that so I’d give the DVLA a call today.

    Free Member

    7/7 I was off work that week as I was Best Man at a Wedding and was just pottering round the House when ITV went to live pictures of the Tube. Most poignant thing I remember was nipping my Mates and coming back along the M6 and the matrix signs said ” Avoid London area closed ” never forget that as it seemed so far away on the TV to me ( being up north ) but suddenly struck me ” hang on, this is our country, our capital ” that had been bombed, not some foreign country.

    9/11 half day Tuesday at the garage I worked at as I’d worked Sunday. Garage was next door to my house and my neighbour came out and asked had I seen the news. I hadn’t so went in and put Sky on and the second plane hit. Had to go out, went for petrol, and the car radio said the towers had collapsed.

    Free Member

    Brilliant video and Martyn is such a top bloke.

    Makes everyday first world problems pail into insignificance when you see how he has dealt with something as serious as he has with such positivity.

    Danny Mc, slugger and the lads are top mates as well 😀

    Free Member

    Get help now whilst you are in this frame of mind.

    See GP or contact a local counsilling service. I went last week and have been referred for CBT.

    Good luck with everything and keep positive.

    Free Member

    I saw on Twitter earlier that this Guy is in Custody and is in Court in the Morning.

    Can’t link it but it was Tweeted out by @gmpcitycentre

    Free Member

    Low mileage Mk 1 Focus ? 😉

    I’ve got a Mk 7 Fiesta, nearly 80,000 miles & it’s 3 years old in September. I’ve not tried putting Bike stuff in but I’m sure it’s big enough with the seats down to get a bike in with front wheel off.

    Would it be 1.4 or 1.6 Petrol or Diesel ?

    Mines the 1.4 Diesel.

    Free Member

    I saw it when it was between Carlise and Barton.

    Went to the nearest hill as I wasn’t sure which way it would come but it came over Rivington, to the east of the Transmitter, then banked towards me.

    It didn’t go directly overhead but it was an awesome sight. God knows what the Motorists on the M61 thought if they didn’t know about it as it cast a huge shadow 😀

    I ran to the other side of the hill and saw it do I lap of Barton then head off. Surprisingly silent when it passed me, the Police Helicopters make more noise than a cruising Vulcan.

    Free Member

    These things were on offer at my local 24 hour Spar / BP Garage so I got a pack thinking, like has been said, they were chilli heatwave and cheese.

    OMG the first hot one I nearly cried.

    Morning after affect much worse than a curry 😳

    Free Member

    8.30 tonight 😀

    9.15 tonight 😀

    Love these light Nights.

    Slightly spoiled 10 mins after the last picture was took when I got Home to find some scrote trying to steal my Neighbours Bike out of his yard…….

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Thanks for the information, quite a lot to consider.


    Free Member

    Just going to bump this thread up as yesterday I did a ride leader course which was provided free by the local transport authority.

    We did some theory then got out doing some basic positioning, snaking and route planning.

    I enjoyed it but it was all a bit rushed as I’m not the fastest learner in the world so just wondered if anyone else has any pointers towards my OP


    Free Member

    Don’t think there is.

    Could be National Speed Limit (60 mph ) as there are no signs and no street lights 😉

    Like has been said, just travel at a speed appropriate for the conditions.

    Free Member

    Off road as in Land Rover style Greenlaning or just off the Public Road in a Car Park ?

    Free Member

    One of my old labs once ate a blanket and it came out the other end but wouldn’t budge of its own accord so we had to take her to the vets so he could pull it out. He then checked her temperature and broke the thermometer in her anus. Bad day for her that day.

    Another lab had a habit of stealing food so the vet suggested making some mustard sandwiches and laying them as a trap if you like as he wouldn’t like the taste. Yep, he ate the lot.

    Another lab ( see the pattern forming…. ) lived with my mate before I took him on board and returned form a run around the field with a sewer rat in his mouth with he proudly gave to my mate. This is the same one who broke his leg at 12 weeks old on his first proper walk, and continued to chase a bird around the field with his back leg dragging behind him.

    Whilst he has been with me, he found a half empty packet of that popping candy stuff and proceeded to consume it. He face was a picture when it started popping in his mouth 😀

    Free Member

    I’m the opposite, I prefer riding when it’s colder / cloudier.

    I can’t stand being too hot so prefer walking the dogs etc on hot days.

    Free Member

    ^ that’s correct.

    I know a lad who works in Halfords and, if I’m buying anything, he looks online before he puts it through the till then, if it’s cheaper, reserves it for me.

    Takes a couple of minutes, but often saves a few quid. Then I throw my BC card at him 😀

    Free Member

    Think I was going about my shoulder or something when I’d pulled it at work.

    Sat in the waiting room and the usual train station type accouncment comes over the tannoy but I didn’t hear the name proper, just the room number.

    Knowing that’s the room I needed I looked at the clock, saw it was my appointment time so went to the room.

    Went in, sat down, doc says ” hiya, so how’s the quitting smoking going ” I replied ” erm I don’t smoke ”

    Doc said ” ahh well that’s the best attitude, so have you stopped completely ?
    Me ” erm I stopped 4 years ago “
    Doc ” you’re not Darren are you “
    Me 😳

    Had to walk out while this Darren guy was knocking on the room door. I couldn’t face going back into the waiting room so I just leaned on a trolley till this Darren guy came out.

    Free Member

    I got a green one a few weeks ago.

    Just use it when brewing up in the back of the van after a ride so I’m not flattening the vans battery. For £18 it’s worth it.

    At home I’ve had a pure DAB for years and the Bush is not a patch on the sound of the pure but the pure wasn’t only £18.

    Free Member


    Went to the gym instead. I wasn’t open but there was an open evening with free food and loads of gym bunnies lurking around so I’ve had worse evenings 😀

    Free Member

    I’m 38 and have been single that long I don’t even know how to approach a women. People seem surprised that I’m 38, single and no kids.

    I actually backed away from my oldest mate as everytime I went round, his wife was always saying ” oh you will be left on the shelf…..” Did my head in and I’ve not spoke to him in over a year now.

    Will I regret not having kids later ? Doubt it. I’ve 2 Godaughters who are awesome but my mates ( their dads ) are always telling me off for being too soft with them.

    Free Member

    I’ve been Winstanleys today and the Showrooms not too bad, better than standing at the desk looking on a website anyway.

    Seems to still have a lot of stock not on display and the photo above was taken from straight behind the till which is right by the door so it’s not a huge space. Looks like half the warehouse is still used for stock on shelves or something.

    Free Member

    See if the exhibitionist is any good for you

    I’ve been for a pint with Colin years ago and he’s a sound lad. His forum name on the ADI forum was exhibitionist as he used to travel the world setting up shows in places like the NEC etc.

    Not heard from him for ages as that forum went off line and we all lost touch but he was a keen MTBer and used to go on about Cannock Chase.

    Tell him nomis from ADI forum gave you his details.

    Free Member

    Really appreciate the comments simmy, can i ask where abouts you are in the world ?

    I’m in Bolton mate.

    @ Trail Rat :- it amazes me how parents bring there kids up safe but expect them to be driving round a ton of metal after 10 – 12 hours. Had one the other day nearly crash into the back of a transit which was stopped at lights as he was distracted by a Porsche 😯 got back to his, mentioned it to his mum and her reply was, genuinely, shall I book him in anyway ?!?!?!?

    @ piemonster :- like you did, students do learn quicker with 2 hour sessions if they can do it. Some switch off after 1 1/2 hours and end the lesson on a low as they made mistakes in the last 30 mins.

    Free Member

    Thanks simmy, ill let her read this for herself

    No probs mate.

    If a student says to me they have been out with mum, dad, boyfriend, girlfriend or whatever I always ask ” what did they think of your driving ” to which, I hope they would reply ” well hubby wondered why I’d not done hill starts and emergency stops ” ( in your case ) so then I could explain why it hadn’t be done or wasn’t a worry.

    I also offer for mum, dad whoever to tag along in the back so they can see how the student drives with me and what terminology I use. This can be a confidence boost if they know I’m not bouncing off the duals every 2 minutes,

    Personally, I would get your missus to ask her instructor for a copy of the record and, hopefully, they have it and they are not just trying to remember what the student has done. I know for one there is no chance I could remember what my students are up to if I didn’t have the records. 2 reasons I give them to the student is so they can show family where they are up to and also I don’t have a car full of books 😀

    Failing that ask the instructor when you see them. I know I’d rather someone approach me and ask rather than just disappearing to another ADI.

    E Mails in profile if want anymore advice.

    Free Member

    I’m an ADI and I always make sure my students have a record book that they keep at the end of each lesson which is updated with what we have covered, what improvements are needed and aims for next lesson.

    Average is 40 – 45 hours. I always say having an hour per week will take a student around 10 months from starting with the inevitable holidays, sick days etc.

    I’ve had a lad pass in 2 hours ( ex car thief ) and had a girl go to 120 hours. It all depends on the individual.

    The DVSA syllabus lists emergency stops at the end of the learning process as they want students concentrating on independent driving and junction work etc. even reversing is covered towards the end as, again, they want to focus on driving.

    From a business point of view, I do reversing when they can do roundabouts etc as, if I left it till the end, students expect to be doing it as ” my mate as or my mum did…..”

    With regard to hill starts, she has probably done them without knowing as, unless there is a problem, it’s just part of normal clutch control so I don’t focus on it unless they are struggling.

    Free Member

    With one student today I was working on looking ahead and planning. I took her on a route that’s a bit tricky to see how she did.

    Now this girl is hard work at the best of times but she excelled herself with this one.

    We were coming down a road which bends right into a one way system. There is no other way to go with massive no entry signs directly in front and newly painted road markings bending right.

    Me :- OK look ahead tell me what them signs mean.
    Student :- erm, you can’t go down there ( I wanted her to say no entry but that will do….)
    Me :- good, look at the road markings, which way is the road going ?
    Student :- left ( points right )
    Me :- OK so you mean right, just where the car in front is going
    Student :- yeah
    Me :- good so follow the road around just like the car in front has done

    Student – heads straight into the no entry road
    Me – slams duals on

    That one left me flabbergasted as she had told me exactly what she was going to do then did the complete opposite.

    Free Member

    I reckon it cost me about £4,000 to get through training, qualify and get on the road.

    The test are in 3 parts, first is theory then a driving test and finally a teaching test.

    Personally I’ve done really well out of it. I’ve been lucky to get a plentiful student supply and constant referrals. At the start of the year I had 42 students which is way too much to keep sane. The hours are crap, when I had 42 at the start of the year I was working 11 and 12 hour days during the week and 6 hours on a Saturday. I’ve now cut it down to 30 students due to the others passing as having too many was making me ill through not eating proper and just flying between students.

    I know you mentioned not going BSM / Dread ( sorry Red ) but bear in mind cost of car, fuel etc. average cost of leasing a dual controlled car is around £320 per month, I spend about £70 a week on fuel so £150 at least before you make a profit. So at £20 per hour, that’s a days work ( 8 hours ) basically working for nothing.

    Insurance is no more than normal. I pay about £500 per year.

    After the day I’ve had with students today I would walk away now. But, like any job it’s bad days and good days. At this point I’m after a change so I’m thinking of branching out into cycle instruction as well. I will always be a driving instructor but may not always do it full time.

    I echo what everyone else says but don’t forget the amount of adults who don’t know left from right is scary…….and I’m being serious on that.

    Free Member

    MTB on road – 47 mph coming back form Rivington down Chorley old rd towards McDonalds about midnight, went across the roundabout and nearly lost it.

    Off Road – 30 mph somewhere above Settle last summer.

    Free Member

    Not with those wheels, I hope.

    No, they’re not very nice. Hopefully get the original spoked wheels.

    Those look like MG Maestro wheels 😯

    Free Member

    grannyjone, is hag fold still that bad ?

    I live in Hindley and thought things were looking better around there. Having said that, I regular see some guy travelling to work in Leigh on a Lappierre Full suss and the guy looks like a right scrote.

    Free Member

    The fact that the Five Ten logo is a 5 or a 10 depending on how you look at it Always seen it as a stylised 5, then one day glanced down and went “oh, wow, it’s also a 10”.

    And in the interests of full disclosure, I bought my first 5.10 climbing shoes in 1997, and noticed this on my Basics, oooh, last year….

    Just nearly strained my neck looking at my 5-10’s to get what you mean, I’m never going to look at them the same again…..

    As a kid my mum always said ” I’m struggling to make ends meet ” mean money was tight. For years I thought she was saying ” I’m struggling to make hens meat ” 😳 wondered why it didn’t make sense.

    Free Member

    I used to be a Valetor and hated it. I now enjoy cleaning the cars but I’m not over the top with it.

    The Fiesta gets a quick hose and wash, vacuum and a bit of interior cleaner and it smells nice then.

    The van got a polish last weekend as it had passed its MOT so thought I’d treat it. I used a clay glove from Halfords then polished it. Looks like it will be well easy to clean now.

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