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  • Sidney
    Free Member

    I like the way that the fact she’s not interested in sex seems to be a problem that requires some form of treatment in most peoples eyes

    It seems that that these days it’s OK that you want to have sex with people of the opposite sex, or that you want to have sex with people who are the same sex, but there must be something wrong with you if you don’t want to have sex with anyone.

    If you don’t want to have sex with someone and maintain a relationship with someone that desires a sex life then there is something wrong.

    Moving forward she might think to at least talk about it a bit more. OP should try and remove as much pressure as possible. Then at least both parties have given an otherwise good relationship a decent shot at it.

    OP – You sound like a great guy!* When you speak to her about this, do you start with the problem/negative? Whenever I broach difficult topics with my partner I start with telling her how much I love her and all the positive things we have got going for us (*see what I did there!). I try and avoid all words or implications that might make her think I blame her. I really try and keep my voice sounding reasonable at all times. This helps me to get her open up to me (not literally) and prevents a defensive response. Then end on more positives. You still are a great guy!

    Sorry if you’re doing this all already but it helps me.

    Free Member

    mossimus – never seen it written like that. When did that happen?


    Free Member

    1) Extension (can’t believe nobody mentioned it before) 😉
    2) A large conservatory would be no use to you all year as others have said. Our one is freezing in winter and as it isn’t separated from the house (which it should be but that’s how we bought it) drags that down with it also.

    Free Member

    Spoke to John Lewis customer services. Does that count?

    Free Member

    mikey74 – though it may say brass monkeys on the thermometer from what I remember of my Finnish adventures it doesn’t feel quite so bad perhaps because it is a drier cold. Sometimes in England doesn’t matter how many layers I wear I can still feel cold!

    Free Member

    Watched up to 5. Waiting to get season 6 at some point. Not read the books.

    Free Member

    Fasttrackski – seem to get emailed good deals regularly.

    Free Member

    Being half Finnish I would always prefer to go in sauna without clothes, though that story makes me think twice!

    Free Member

    Actually, just thought. I had something similar happen to me at work the other week.

    There is a changing room/toilets on site near the workshops. Joggers and cyclist use it but it is probably mainly used as toilets with the two areas separated by a wall with sinks either side. I got out of the loo to find a bloke standing starkers and shaving his face on the toilet side of the room. It’s not what you want to see mid afternoon at work!

    Free Member

    Nothing useful to say except ouch to HtS, making my eyes water.

    Also, do you think the Massive helmet clearance ad from CRC is matched to some keywords in the thread?


    Free Member

    We found Victoria plumb quite good. The basin unit we got was hundreds cheaper than the equivalent in B&Q. We were actually looking at them in B&Q and a chap told us to look on VP on the web. Glad we did!

    Free Member

    +1 word up Captjon, just what I was about to say!

    Free Member

    I eat a lot of roast veg over winter. Just throw a combination of onion, sweet potato, peppers, parsnip, carrot, celeriac, butternut squash, garlic smothered in olive oil together. Herbs like rosamary and thyme as well. Normally serve it with wraps and hummus. Ummmmm ummmmm.

    Have you tried delias vege cottage pie. One of the best things I have cooked! Something about the mace that gives it an awesome taste….

    Free Member

    I have sports tracker running on my nokia with polar bluetooth hrm. Didn’t work when phone was in backpack for me. Wear my phone on my arm or in a front pocket.

    Free Member

    Does anyone associated with you have bad credit? Someone living with you etc. Have you moved house and not updated electoral role. Moneysavingexpert has some sections on improving credit score.

    Free Member

    Looks like it’s been claimed, cheers toss!

    Free Member

    I have an XXL going spare. I got it in place of an XL long since gone but the crazy thing is, the XXL feels smaller than the XL so might be worth a punt for someone. Unworn and pay me what I paid for it.


    Free Member


    I have it up and running and liking it so far. Few things I haven’t got my head round:

    Contacts: What has happened here is that it’s pulled all the contacts from facebook, twitter and my hotmail so I now have multiples of lots of people. Is there a way to merge contacts?

    Drive: can you set a home destination? Not completely intuitive to use just yet though there is an update pending?

    IE9: can I change startpage from Vodafone hub seeing as I’m on Virgin.

    Free Member

    I just received an XXL and it feels tighter than the XL. Whats going on with Dare2be’s sizing?

    Rascal, you’re in luck. If you want to give the XXL a go then mail me.

    Free Member

    Plenty of outdoor parking at bluewater. There is also a bar that shows the footie which I have been known to inspect whilst we do our separate shopping….

    Free Member

    Just taken the plunge and bought a cyan one. Can’t wait for it to arrive but what can it do to shut my iloverphone mates up?

    Free Member

    MintyJim – I’ll take that off you. My XL is to small.

    Free Member

    Inologist = NSFW, caught by a surprise nipple shot.

    I’ve been looking at Olympus pen range as compared to Panasonic it has built in image stabilisation. Some thorough reviews on dpreview though best rated on there is a Sony compact system camera I think.

    Free Member

    We’ve just had wirelessly linked alarms at home on ground and first floor, saved having to run a cable between them. Looks like they would be okay to a garage, though depending how far away may need a repeater unit.

    Free Member


    Progress has been made.

    1. Had to resort to banging a chisel into the plastic bush in order to have some grip to twist it out. It worked fine, though risky strategy in case you damage the thread etc.
    2. Attached pedal to crank arm and gave it a couple of knocks with a rubber mallet. That freed it.

    The needle bearing on the originially stiff pedal are shagged and it won’t come out. It has semi disintegrated in my attempts to remove it (including some screwdriver shaped indents in the kitchen tabl). Got someone to ask the workshop for a favour. Fingers crossed otherwise I will probably have to write it off!

    Free Member

    Thanks for the hints!

    Free Member

    If you don’t want an expensive contract and think you may keep the phone a long time it can work out better to get a sim only contract and buy the phone separately.

    Free Member

    Bumpety Bump!

    Free Member

    Anyone got an XXL spare? Mr Tall, if easygirl doesn’t take you up on your offer I’d be interested. I may have an XL going if I manage to sort a bigger one out.


    Free Member

    Congratulations! It’s bloody amazing isn’t it. Enjoy the moment.

    Hope you don’t suffer with colic, we’re going through that ordeal with our 9 week old at the mo…..

    Free Member

    Cheers Aracer, I was treating the blocks as isolated objects for working out the forces acting on them, forgeting the effect of block b resting on a would impact the forces where block a met the plane.

    FWIW This reminds me more of A level applied maths (i did 3 modules pure and 3 of mechanics) than first year uni.

    Free Member

    I got 340N. I could be wrong, it’s been a while and I may have missed something but here’s how I went about it. Someone else came up with the same number which makes me a little more confident.

    Imagine free body diagram. Where block A meets slope there is a reaction Ra, perpendicular. That can be split into hori and vert components (vectors) Rah and Rav. The assumption I’ve made I’m not totally sure about is that Rav is equal to force on block due to gravity, Ma.g.

    Likewise for where block A meets block B there is a reaction perpendicular, Rb. Split this into hori and vert components and again assuming vert component is equal to force due to gravity on B, Mb.g.

    Now, sum of forces in horizontal = 0

    0 = F + Rah – Rbh (1)

    Rah; tan 20 = Rah/Rav

    Assuming Rav = Ma.g = 42 x 9.8

    Rah = Ma.g.tan20 = 149.81

    Rbh; Assuming Rbv = Mb.g and knowing at 45 degrees Rbv = Rbh

    Rbh = 50 x 9.8 = 490

    So from (1)

    F = Rbh – Rah

    = 490 – 149

    = 340.19 N

    Anyone got any thought on assuming vertical component of reaction force is equal to the force of gravity acting on object?

    Free Member

    Sharp chisel? Seen it used to good effect.

    Free Member

    Aged around 7-8 on holiday at summer house in Finland got my brothers to tell my mum I had died. Whole family come running out and the relief to find me still alive quickly turns to anger. This was maybe short while after 3 year old brother was rescued from drowning. Not my finest hour.

    Free Member

    I just greased from one end. May look to strip them down though.. Ta

    Free Member

    This link on Youtube is interesting.

    I know it’s kind of hypocritical for the nuclear nations to be demanding Iran halt nuclear development but I would be pulling all the stops out to prevent them.

    Free Member

    This really gets on my wick. Some of theses comments…

    I was bought up veggie because my in my parents opinion it was the healthiest option. Thats what you do as parents, you do what YOU think is best. If that happens to be veggie, meat eating, vegan, fish only so what. All this stuff about lack of choice, forcing believes on kids is baloney (do you like what I did). As adults we’re there to make informed choices for them.

    So if the choices I make (or would make, early days yet!) as a parent aren’t the same as you would make, you don’t like it and you want to tell me about it, jog on.

    Free Member

    As a 5 week veteran of fatherhood I can remember pre birth wondering whether I would be ready for the upheaval despite not really worrying to much about it. I think it’s difficult for the dad to equate a bump to a babys sometime. That completely changes when they are born!

    Personally, I found NCT classes useful and interesting but it’s worthwhile recognising where they are coming from (natural and minimum intervention) which whilst I kind of agree with that, their advice or information sometimes conflicts with the medical profession.

    We both like the group of people we have met through it and I think it is useful, especially for Miss Sid to have a group of mothers experiencing the same thing around the same time. Us new dads all get on well, I have started riding with one of them!

    You will get tons of advice, but as each baby and situation is different don’t get to hung up on it.

    Free Member

    I have trained in Ju Jitsu for a few years. I enjoy it a lot, think it can be very effective and would recommend trying it.

    I haven’t had to use but it does give me comfort that I may know some tricks if the shit does hit the fan, though if you’re looking for something to combat 15 people then I don’t think I can recommend anything thats legal!

    Despite my training though, I have always had a fear of unprovoked extreme violence, something I don’t think will go away until I have experienced first hand. That’s where I hope the hours of trainig will take over and my body will just do without thinking about it. Plus, my first technique of martial arts is not to be there, second negotiation.

    Free Member

    My partner and I just had our first baby 4 weeks and a day ago after being together for over 6 years.

    Whilst it’s not for everyone I absolutely love it and would thoroughly recommend it to people thinking about it. I kind of think why didn’t I do this earlier, though I might still be in the honeymoon period!

    I can’t get enough of holding her or watching Miss Sid care for her. Then there are the highs and lows of emotions in the first few days from the birth, the Dr’s thinking she might have some problems, then to be told she is perfectly fine, to having her stop breathing and turn blue whilst changing her our first night at home. Some scary moments!

    I get this moment when I drive home from work and realise I’m going to see my daughter, it never fails to put a massive smile on my face!

    Edit: best of luck to those that are trying. I can’t begin to imagine….

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