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  • Fresh Goods Friday 661 – The Hard Lining Edition
  • SiB
    Free Member

    Might aswell stop this thread now as Leryn Franko is perfection, thanks Samuri for the introduction.





    Good god indeed neilforrow

    Free Member

    Got the basic Tag for my 21st, 38years old now and still going strong

    Free Member

    Would the law be the same if you were p*ssed riding on the pavement as riding on the road? Not sure what the law is mind about riding p*ssed on the road…………..cycling ban?!

    Free Member

    Junkyard – you misread. I dont NEED to get stoned to concentrate on commute (or for anything else) but for me it helps me focus BETTER in the morning, certainly not dependant on it to ride safely, “makes me more aware” than if I havent had any. Could this be the case of the nicotine in spliffs waking me up quicker than if I hadn’t had any at all thus making me more alert and focused quicker? ie forcing the wake up process as opposed to waking up and feeling alert naturally which takes me a while.

    Not the norm to be stoned, well between 9.30am and 4pm anyway! Often go a few days without and it doesnt bother me. Its a choice I’ve made because I enjoy it and it helps me to just shrug off alot of the sh*t happening in the world which would otherwise annoy me.

    I have reread my posting and if you mean I’m not in control cos I’m not sure if I could give up if I wanted to then granted I’m not in COMPLETE control but if I ever decide to give up we shall see how much control I have (over myself) when that time arrives. I like it so I have no intentions of giving up, yet

    As for avoiding functions/gatherings where you cant smoke – my wife owns a successful business where entertaining and brown nosing play a huge part of getting business in (as with alot of businesses) and I’m more often than not a part in that socialising aspect – I dont like to do it but thats not down to not being able to have a toke, more along the lines of why do I have to be nice to these people who I dont like after spending a few hours with them. If I liked to brown nose and tell someone how fab they are to get their business I would proably be in sales. As for family functions and social gatherings other than work related – I luv’em even if I cant smoke or havent had a smoke beforehand.

    Free Member

    HTF do you post pictures again??!!

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    Free Member

    SFB – yes, beauty is beauty but i have my preferences! I’ve just spent a week relaxing on the beaches in Skiathos…..all women are beutiful in a bikini or swimming costume, they are marvellous. Right, think I might have to go out at lunch and see how the females are dressed for todays weather!!

    Free Member

    Went there last year for a couple of days but unfortunately didnt really see outside of Alghero. All I can say is that you cant find any riding to do its worth just sitting in the town and watching all the beautiful ladies walk by… much style and it looks as if they dont even have to try, fantastic!

    Free Member

    I like your way of thinking Jez!

    Free Member

    It is soooooo annoying but at least now I’m riding alot more out of the saddle! Will try grease on the the clamp later and keep fingers crossed. If that doesn’t solve the problem then a bit more grease here and there will hopefully do the job……and then a bit more if it persists!

    What are the smallest hard to detect noises the most irritating??!

    Thanks for advice

    Free Member

    I know what you mean onzadog, I look forward to A&A FEMALES.

    Free Member

    Good to see lots of sympathy going on as usual……but the bottom line is he’s been careless and is now paying the price. Yes, it sucks and seems completely unjust when compared to other convictions but them is the rules. Not sure writing to MP will alter outcome.

    Aren’t software engineers still in high demand?

    Free Member

    ‘experienced’ smokers and drinkers have completely different experiences to those who have just started. Obvious staement I know!! When you first start smoking weed its all about the uncontrolable giggles, the munchies, the care free attitiude, the fun of a new experience – young carefree and single days. 25 years on and its all about relaxing for me and prefering to be ‘stoned’ (not as in giggles and paranoia(?)). It also makes me care less about all the sh*te that goes on in the world (head in sand) ranging from the office politics, to terrorism to politics. Maybe I should care more and try and do something to change the world but I dont and I know weed makes me feel this way….whether thats good or bad I’ll leave it up to you to decide. What I do feel though is that this complete lack of interest to ‘outside’ issues definitely makes me concentrate more on family and homelife – all my motivation, attention and efforts go in to the family life and on things I enjoy, weed smoking has certainly helped my life although it doesn’t need helping (I’m ready for the backlash after that comment!).

    A couple of smokes in the morning before my daily commute definitely zones me in and makes me more aware of surroundings…….I know this as the odd accassions I dont have a smoke before work the ride is alot more ‘jittery’ and not as enjoyable. A coule of spliffs on the way to Llandegla has never done me any harm physically or emotionally – IMO it make s me concentrate more without actually realising I’m concentrating – fluid movements. Also makes me more tolerant to some the w*nkers in cars!! Also makes the return journey home from work faster….the faster I ride the sooner I can have that cuppa and spliff at the back of the garden. And no, it doesnt rule my life! And yes, I am ALWAYS in control

    Coulde I give up? I dont know but at this stage of my life I have no intentions of even contemplating it. I’m a very realxed person naturally, the story could be completely different for somebody else with different traits.

    Kids are fully aware of my ‘lifestyle’ and have no objections at all…if I do ever get stressed they have a laugh by telling me to have a spliff! And no, they have never tried it and and very unlikely to until they are ‘ready’ (if ever) as they are well educated and sensible kids with alot of ‘street sense’. Some of their friends smoke it but they have never tried it…..I know they would tell me if they had. They have more knowledge about it than their friends who do smoke it – maybe this is why they have chosen not to try it? And no, we are a respectable family with good jobs – wife has own very successful business but does NOT smoke. When she has a few too many drinks kids tell her that she sghould smoke instead as they dont like the change in personality that drink has on folk.

    Too many people reading this would probably compare me and family to the Gallaghers in Shameless – IMO its those people that need educating.

    6 of us play poker every friday for last 10 years or so……the 4 of us who smoke (I suppose we eack skin up about 3 to 4 times over a game of poker – dont worry, we smoke outside!) are much more attentive and successful at the game than the two who chose to drink. Just an observstion!!

    I’m rambling here aren’t I??!! Right, time for a huge muffin with a cuppa. Did i say ‘experinced’ smokers dont get the munchies??

    Free Member

    Come up behind her quietly and do the same to her when she’s shaving her lady garden, see how she likes it. I bet she wont see the funny side, the b*tch!! Sorry, just repeating your words!!

    Free Member

    Didn’t expect this one to carry on! I guess a slight majority (I’m ready to be corrected on this!) of you are saying you would accept with conditions attached on the grounds of knowing where your kids are and be there on hand if need be…..after discussions, education, more discussions and conditions. Those are my opinions too.

    My two are 15 and 13 and very social. 15yr old says a few of her friends smoke weed and that most of them drink….she claims never to have smoked and will never try it and I believe her. She’s always had a glass of wine with her meals when we do at home and she respects alcohol, I pick her up most fri and sat nights and never drunk yet. Discussed it with wife before now and she just says hope we never have to cross that bridge…..and so do I. Both kids know I smoke and they havent got a problem with it.

    And for those of you who arent too sure us older ones dont go around saying ‘wow man’ and talking with the fairies constantly eating chocolate and going apple green thus ruining family life. For me its a relaxant and makes me enjoy life picking up on things, opening my eyes. For god sake I live with three women and if they are all on their periods at the same time the walks alone across the fields with the dog (a bitch!!) and a big spliff as the sun is setting is a great soother. If I had alcohol instead of weed I know I wouldnt do half the things i do (yes, I could go without either before anyone asks me but i decide to have a smoke after a day at work as oppossed to drink, my choice) No disrespect to women there by the way, I havent seen any replies from females? But i can also see that someone else with a different personality could just sit there and watch Jeremy Kyle all day letting life pass them aimlessly away.

    Dont think I’ll go down the beat the crap out of them road as I want them to like me forever and not turn in to some rebelious hooded little sh*t out to prove lots and lots of points to society.

    Huge difference between class B and A, thats a different conversation althogether, but I do remember wanting to phone my folks when I was on one (e’s) telling them they should try it as its the best thing that could ever happen to them – I’m glad i never did!

    As for the parents who let us use their house – no, it didnt make them cool, if they thought that we were going to think that then I’m pretty sure they wouldnt have let us as it wasnt about that. We were, and still are, respectable and respectful to all parents and we all got on with each others parents fine….maybe if we didnt then we wouldnt have smoked there? Lots and lots of factors to consider, each case different, hope I never have to make that decision but if I do I’m pretty certain it would be a yes but keep it very discreet and dont take the p*ss……and give me a shout when you have a smoke!

    Nobody going to sugeest a smoke and ride meet this weekend??! Could be some tasty cakes too! Infact, is that what some posts are referring to when they say Mrs ‘X’ will bake the cakes again to bring on the ride??

    Free Member

    Nickc – is that a yes or a no then?? I do know what you mean but his folks were taking a huge risk trusting a bunch of teenage potheads to be quiet about it, but we all did. Obviously trusted us then! I’m not sure if I could do the same though for my dughters and their friends but I’m pretty sure I would for my daughters if they were alone……..but whats the point and where’s the fun smoking alone?

    Free Member

    Finbar, I totally agree with you, it is a horrible smell and lingers on everything for ages, the ban on smoking in enclosed public spaces is best bit of legislation for a while IMO, but you havent really answered the q!

    Free Member

    Im 38, weed since I was 15 daily, 5 years at Uni and I tried absolutely everything cos I wanted to know what it was like. Lived through the dance scene (student in Stoke when Shellys and Entropy were the place to be)and never had such a good time in my life for 10 years popping pills every single weekend and making weekends last until tuesday. I dont drink too much mind!! That was then and I dont regret a single thing about it, opened my eyes and made me realise there’s more to life than ‘normality’, a great side to life.

    Would do it all again if I could but two teenage kids and trends put halt to that – garys (gary ablet= tablet) arent like they were when they were £15 a go in the late 80’s but were worth every penny!

    Coke and alcohol have taken over these days to produce too many chavs, scallies and Mr & Mrs Invincibles who are up their own arses. I never saw the attraction of coke and never bothered with it again after a dozen or so times, why spend 30-50 on beek when you can get an e for a couple of pounds and have better ‘fun’.

    Recreational drugs never did me or my friends any harm, we’re all now respectable parents with good jobs, mortgages etc…….but we’re all still toking from school days.

    No time for smackheads or cokeheads.

    Each to their own, let people get on with what they wana try. If it affects others then its not good

    Is it so bad if you grow your own and nobody else is involved (no dealers or lords)?

    Now if my two teenage daughters started smoking weed it might be a different story!!

    Free Member

    Well done Mr Smith, well said!

    Alpin, apple green shade by any chance?!

    Got the same bunch of ‘smoking mates’ since school days (38 now so we’re not what yu’d call inexperienced)and we’re no lightweights but it happens to one of us on a regular basis with no explanation……apart from he’s the short-arse of the group. Now I’m not saying its a height thing but we do enjoy ripping the p*ss out of him and blame his stumpy legs. How tall are you??!

    Free Member

    Why did you have it resprayed a few months ago if its a new car? Surely easier to buy it new in colour of your preference (unless a bargain of course?).

    Have a word with parents and see how it goes. If they’re arsey and wont admit it was kids show them a few quotes to show them how arsey and tw*tty you can be too if you want to be. If they are full of apologies and offer to pay show some compassion and enjoy your ‘lived in’ merc. They go for years anyway – there will be plenty more scratches in it in a few years.

    Different story if its a Mclaren one!

    Free Member

    Hemp? Probably too early on in the year for that, not enough sun yet unless the owners have dismantled a few hundred growing lamps before the police arrived?

    It probably is wheat!

    Free Member

    Its an ariel shot of a green field, a fairly high ariel shot so as to fit in its 250m length….nearly impossible to tell its wheat (or barley) from such a distance IMO unless you are some kind of crop expert? Dont tell me, you’re an ariel crop sprayer!

    Should ask Pigface above to go and clarify what the crop is as only lives 4 miles away

    Free Member

    Who said the crop was wheat?

    Free Member

    I would have planted some stolen goods in the room and told the police that she was a shoplifter too. Sorted!

    Free Member

    BWD – its actually for a friend who has no car and 3 kids so his daily commute to work includes a trip to supermarket everyday to fetch tea home as well as carrying the commuter essentials….big rucksack needed. I have tried to talk him into a 30l but he wont have it!! Anyway, a 40l one could double as a tent for whole family when needed its so big!

    Thanks for recommendations.

    Free Member

    I bought some decking screws. Need to buy decking now

    Free Member

    Dave_Aber – are your local woods In Narnia?

    Free Member

    Whatever happened to gold old fashioned pins and needles?!

    Thanks for all your advice and possible diagnosis – will be trying a coulpe of them on commute home if they start.

    Free Member

    Thanks Android, a few things to try there

    Free Member

    if it starts on my other ‘bits’ coffeeking I shall be hanging up my wheels and starting crown green bowls

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    Free Member

    What about flattening said bumps…..rotary cut always looks better.

    Free Member

    Bed and urm, a breakfast.

    Free Member

    The tool has just returned to eat his bananas he threw last year.

    Free Member

    Although not too happy with lbs remedy as its a new(ish) P7 it does seem to stop the seat post slipping for a couple of weeks before reapplying needed……….carbon grease.

    Free Member

    Used to get in to work looking stoned my eyes were so red after the ride in so I dont go anywhere without a pair of gigs now, dont even notice got clear lense ones on….and clear eyeballs now

    Free Member

    Thanks again for all your advice and pointers, looking forward to getting started – might even have to make an early dart from work!

    Free Member

    Thanks for all you advice, will be rebuilding up as a ss after reading your comments above so look out for my posts asking q’s!!

    Dave99 yes, its the black (charcoal) one with silver – and paintwork still pristine after all these years of neglect and left outdoors, it deserves to be rescued after surviving that!

    Anyone know of any good sites to point me in right direction as I’m a bot of a novice?

    Free Member

    That Jones fella who does something on a sunday on Ch4…..Steve Jones? And he knows it!!!

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