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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • SiB
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    Lots of thoughtful ideas above but please tell me I/we are not the only ones who
    do not celebrate every wedding anniversary? Yes, we say ‘happy anniversary’ to each other and have a chat about it but that really is it. Maybe as the year count gets larger we may celebrate more…..25, 50 years (only at 19 this year)……time will hopefully tell.

    Free Member

    wobbliscott is s Shepherds Hut manufacturer, surely?

    Free Member

    Worked in a pot-bank in Stoke one summer holiday on the vibro machine with 6 females. Vibro was a round container filled with wood that we all stood around…………I learnt a lot that summer

    Free Member

    In lift at work, or any lift – “are you going down?” always leaves me wanting to answer in a better way than I actually did. Same with “are you going up?”

    Small minds hey

    Free Member

    hanging around with your wife’s pals whether you like them or not is just part of marriage

    …so part of marriage is making one half of the relationship do something, or lots in this example, that they dont want to do? Thats madness, no wonder so many couples divorce.

    I’d bet she hangs around with some of your mates that she thinks are bellends

    Why would you force your partner to hang out with people she/he thinks are bellends? I have more respect for my wife than to make her do something she clearly doesn’t want to do. Why on earth would she hang round with people she thinks are bellends? I wouldn’t expect or want her to.

    Husbands and wives can and do have separate friendships, its healthy.

    Free Member

    Dirkpitt74, I can sympathise with you. Same job here for nearly 25years, building maintenance and projects, varied and can be interesting but it is principally same day in day out. Pro’s…..I leave work at 5 and dont think about it until 9.30am next day when I walk back in. Cons….I kinda know whats going to happen every day and thats dull, very dull. And I hate people (managers) telling me what to do/needs doing.

    Anyway, 10 years ago I was ready to leave, 6 months ago some changes happened at work that I am not happy about so am definitely leaving, I was just worried about losing that security blanket of a monthly wage for 25years. I love gardening/landscaping so started getting a few gardening clients I could do at weekend and evenings as too scared to just quit work to go to nothing (although financially secure, no mortgage, kids left home, wife has own successful business). Yesterday I was offered 3 day a week as head grounds maintenance at a top wedding venue which has woodland, lakes and pastures……….I cannot wait to start, I get to drive a tractor and mess with chainsaws, own shed in wood and outdoors! Sitting here at work now just seems pointless but I’ve got to work my notice (3 days a week for next 4 weeks so not too bad).

    Life too short, just leave and see what happens, you wont be destitute. Dont waste your life like I have last 10 years, get out there and do what you want to do, not what someone else wants you to do (unless thats what you want to do!). The change in me since yesterday is immense, I didn’t know it was affecting me that much. JUST DO IT and enjoy

    Free Member

    Buy them vapes to try out……….no smoke to carry the smell but doesn’t rule out smell completely. And its so so more effective than smoking weed that they will be too stoned, lethargic and relaxed to be bothered skinning up to smoke it.

    Free Member

    Its now obvious that the drugs have brought about their selfish, inconsiderate, foul, way of life.

    …………had a lot of sympathy with you until I read this opinion of yours, now you just sound as if you dont really know what you’re talking about (although I am not doubting the smell, but burnt rubber??). Still got some sympathy for you mind.

    Would your opinion change if it became legalised and could be purchased, like alcohol, from retailers legally? Would they not be so selfish, inconsiderate or foul then?

    Yes, I smoke it daily for years now, not skunk (the smelly type OP is talking about), I’m not selfish, inconsiderate or foul…….or at least people dont tell me to my face that I am……..or maybe they do and I am too foul to notice or care? Or too out of it to notice? I’m knocking on 50s door, have two children who both went to Uni and now have better jobs than my OK job, wife has own successful business, two dogs who get walked twice a day for ab hour a time, 3 holidays/adventures abroad each year………what I’m saying is that not every weed smoker is the same as your neighbour. Maybe its a bad neighbourhood you live in?

    Free Member

    Mental health problems are hard to understand, tried to snap my sister out of it for a few years. I still dont understand it but accepting it exists was a huge step forward for us both.

    Good friend hung himself when we were 11, cant really remember my thoughts back then as I’m 47 now but there was definitely a sense of confusion, why would someone so young and carefree, apparently, do that?

    Wifes old friend from school, male, ended his life a couple of years ago on the motorway.

    Acquaintance who appeared to have it all took his own life 18 months ago leaving a wife and two kids to carry on running the successful family business…..

    I still dont understand mental health but it can happen anytime to anybody so ALWAYS chat to your mates about it. Every friday round the poker table I humorously ask them all if they are OK, any issues they want to talk about and tell them if they have anything at all they need to get off their chest to get in touch with me privately ……normally met with lots of homo erotic replies! We are all married, straight and with kids in cosy suburbia in seemingly happy lives….but you NEVER know and I’ve known them all since school days. They know I’m there for them and that can, but will hopefully never come to it, save a life.

    Its so easy to chat to your mates about it…..SO DO IT!

    Free Member

    I hope they use it for a quicker way down once reached bottom of snow line

    Free Member

    If the dream job feels like option no2 then do it……….but I imagine you would still have to stick to appointments/deadlines/meetings/be accountable/answerable to someone/be on time/be somewhere at some point/do tax return/use your phone/answer q’s, and all the other normal sh7te you have to do in any job.

    A lifetime of doing what you want when you want………forget my opinion above, go for option no2 whilst you still can, life too short not to.

    (I am leaving my present job of 25 years v soon and working from home, choosing who my clients will be and telling them what job will entail and when it’ll be finished by. Far from ‘free’ but so much better than having a ‘boss’ telling you what needs doing, working for someone else and being ‘compliant’)

    Free Member

    Andy McClusky went to my school….of OMD fame. I think!

    Free Member

    If you sit there and do nothing he’ll walk all over you, some people need to be told/shown that their bullying will get them nowhere. Threatening you and actually doing something are two completely different things………but when you do confront him make sure somebody is filming it in case he does get physical, get your neighbours on board, scum like that should be tackled and not just left to think they are top dog.

    Free Member

    Like clothes, bikes, tools, cars, everything actually – if its not perfect it goes back, why waste money on sub standard items, you would do it everywhere else, why not in a restaurant too? Never have a replacement dish though, find another eaterie.

    These folk who just eat substandard food and don’t complain…… are establishmnts going to improve if you don’t bring the poor service/meal to their attention?

    Free Member

    It’s shit and I never have and never will need any. I find people who are high incredibly irritating and try very hard to avoid engaging with them in any way.

    So you’ve never had any yet you know its sh*t……..? You’re stoned and talking sh*t more like. How can you say that with certainty? Now that is incredibly irritating. If anyone on hear should have a spliff……..

    Some people can get very annoying on drugs – think of those annoying drunks

    Friend now works in drug healthcare after a decade in alcohol related care……alcohol is easily the worse(IHO). But hey, its legal and available on every street corner so its fine, much better to get home and have a glass of wine than a smoke, isn’t it.

    Was a student for 5 years in the early 90s, tried everything going drug wise as I wanted to know how it felt to be on them. Countless fun experiences, nice experiences, out of this world experiences, never a bad experience. Had everything from brown to weed and everything in between – not a single regret. Worst experiences and feelings were with alcohol………….but its legal so its OK, right?

    The brain is  complex and works on many different levels…….certain drugs open certain levels and for me personally every level I found was enjoyable. Your brain needs stimulants to open up areas that are otherwise closed……….oh look, just like alcohol does.

    Still do weed daily, nearing 50 years old now with good job, lovely wife (non-weeder) nice  home, 2 daughters in their 20s (who  have known all about my ‘habit’ since they were old enough to and have no problem with it as they say alcohol is much worse and they both participate in drinking at weekends).

    Very rarely I have the powerful stuff (skunk), I couldn’t do that daily and have anything to do for rest of day! Look at the powerful stuff as gin/vodka/whisky  compared to the weaker shandy/snowball….a huge difference. Its like when John Snow did that documentary a few years ago that was unbelievably bias – all the none-smokers were given skunk ffs, that’s like giving a none-drinker some spirits, not weak lager.

    It does annoy me though seeing al the scallies round town openly smoking skunk spliffs (definitely not spice) and it gives all weed smoker a bad name, no need.

    Its not for everyone though re menatal health and addictive personalities should stay away.

    Legalise it, tax it, whole of society benefits.

    Do I drink alcohol?…………yes, but certainly not daily

    “Tried it twice and threw up twice”……… were doing it wrong then, far too much (or had had an alcoholic drink prior to trying it)

    What am I trying to say? God knows, I’m obviously too stoned! (not really, just gobsmacked by some of the narrow mindedness on here)

    Free Member

    “…..think what you’re seeing is light being reflected from the animals retina by your torch, because the animal’s eyes have hugely dilated pupils in the dark….”

    Yes, but can animals with reflective eyes see this light being reflected?

    Free Member

    No definite scientific replies but I do get the light bouncing back tot he light source on my head, much higher than the dogs line of vision. Tonight’s walk will be with joystick exposure held in hand, same height as dogs line of vision, I shall report back with findings.

    Nobeerinthefridge, I do believe your daughters fact.

    Free Member

    3 month build up? Only just started here so its a 8-9 week build up and i love it……….3 months would be great, where do you live??

    Free Member


    Man 2 Man Meet Man Parrish – Male Stripper. Must be 30 years old if not more. Funny video on youtube but probably n2sfw

    Free Member

    was there studying just short of 30 years ago, only live an hours drive away now…….still haven’t had the urge to return.

    Lived in Heron Cross, could walk to Shellys or Entropy (always preferred Entropy)……… they made Stoke great, international destinations, almost.

    Alway seemed like nice people, cant comment of places to eat though, sorry

    Free Member

    Bikebouy….yep, link would be appreciated, thanks

    Free Member

    House music from late 80s to mid nineties rules! I have tried other other genres and just cant like it…..and I think that’s because I had such a fantastic time back in the day, weekends rolled in to weekends, everybody was luved up and just lived for the weekends. Coming from the northwest there was a good choice of clubs to try. In the very early days we even had sasha at Atmosphere in Birkenhead…….about the only night there wasn’t any violence there, I wonder why!!??  I feel a bit sorry for todays youth as no ‘era’ to identify to……..hippy era, punk, new romantics, rave, dance etc. There’s nothing now, its a shame (or is there and I’m just too old to have heard of it??)

    I’ve got an Orange P7!

    Kids grown up and left home now , we had them both mid-nineties, we often to refer to them as by-products from the hazy days (anyone used to go to Hazydays in the Zanzibar in Liverpool? It was more of a reunion, in a sh*thole which most of the best places were, with cracking DJs….Marshall Jefferson was playing there one night, legend), we still have a night occasionally but in front of the log burner, not 6ft high speakers, and playing trivial pursuit instead of playing with the soaking cig packet in your jean pockets after dancing allllllll night! Oh well, glad I lived through it. Still the same tunes though when we have our nights in, and sometimes a dance round the kitchen!! ,

    Only halfway through the 2nd episode, enjoying it (and wishing I was still there!) and getting tingles listening to some of the tunes! Have only heard Paul Oakenfold saying that without ecstasy dance music would not have been so big……….what an understatement!!

    Free Member

    I always thought springers were flushers, not retrievers, springing action to get good views……?

    My 7 year old male springer only flushes (unless daft pheasant gets caught up in thick hedges then its blood and feathers), not even a number of flashing white rabbit tails only 20 meters away takes his interest……he’s not stupid, there is only one winner there, why waste energy! Spanish water dog used to chase, and often catch, anything that moved, never ate the prey. At 14 years old now though her hunting days are getting less and less but she does still have fun taking a long run up in the house to leap out the back door to chase birds in the back garden……unsuccessfully.

    The one and only time the springer chased an animal was when they both chased a badger……..more out of curiousity I think as they definitely kept their distance, thank god!

    Nature innit, just start worrying if its the local cats that are getting chased, killed and eaten by your dog

    Free Member

    Avoid Matthew Street at night time at all costs. And maybe day time too.

    Not sure which weekend you are visiting the area but if its next weekend (fri 4th) the Giants are returning to the city… it, fantastic. The route does get very very busy though, beware.

    Cant add to any of the above posts as all appears to be well covered – can highly recommend fat bike ride to Hilbre Island from West Kirby at low water over on Wirral.

    Keep looking at the top of buildings wherever you go,  amazing architecture everywhere.

    You’ll have a memorable, for all the right reasons, weekend

    Free Member

    link now takes you to a 27.5 trek, 99.5% positive feedback…….?

    Free Member

    About 10 years ago my mum was trying to get me to take her friends son for a round of golf i was going on……..I play about 4 times a year with friends who do the same, we go for a laugh, good mates for 25 years……so i said no as didnt want a ‘stranger’ to spoil it (he was not aware of my mums suggestion, she just said it would be ‘nice’ for him to get out). That same afternoon he murdered his lodger, from what I can remember it was about 60 stab wounds, more than half to the head. Was mentally unstable and sectioned (or whatever the correct term is)

    Oh how we laugh about my mums judge of character comments these days.

    Would lodger still be alive if I had taken murderer to golf? Would I be alive?

    Free Member

    Havent wet  shaved for about 15 years now, no guard on clipper buzz about once a fortnight

    Cost of razors – £10pm = 120pa + same on foam and accessories = £240pa x 15 years = £3600 to do something to myself i never enjoyed and used to make my neck burn

    Clippers were £70, still got them although have purchased new blades once at about £15 = £85

    Said clippers also used for hair saving me £15(?) x 12 cuts pa = £150pa x 15years = £2250 saving

    Clippers also used for cutting two dogs (I know, I know), one 14 years old the other 7 – saved myself a fortune getting them done ‘professionally”, estimated saving £3000 (21 years of dog clipping)

    I reckon buying a pair of clippers and not wet shaving has saved me approx £8 – 10,000 over 15 years and months worth of hours standing in front of a mirror……..whats not to like!

    Free Member

    “one turned up in the charity shop my g/f was working in at the time, half price, and with staff discount as well”…………

    …… basically making sure the needy don’t get everything the public donate to them. This doesn’t sound right to me. Or do you mean that it was half the price as it would be in the shops?!?

    Free Member

    My dogs are fine with anything going in to them but trying to give them the kennel cough up the nose squirter is another story.

    Free Member

    A couple of summers ago I was on an evening stroll with the dogs, flip-flops and shorts and t shirt weather, when my two dogs came running back towards me chasing something – was quite dark in the woods so couldn’t really make it out what it was until it was about 5 meters from me….a big badger!! There was no option for badger or myself to step aside on this path so I honestly just had to lift up one leg and let it run under me hoping and praying it didn’t take a bit out of anything hanging down, I was scared!! Dogs were a bit bemused too as they weren’t running at full speed to catch it, very glad they decide not to get too close, pleased badger didn’t turn around to attack them.

    Free Member

    Used a spray can of Zinsser BIN a couple of weekends ago, painted over with kitchen paint 2 hours later………one of those “I wish i had done that sooner’ jobs

    Free Member

    ped egg……..think cheese grater. A good grate of affected area after a long foot soak (bath) will get rid of a lot of the dead skin after a couple of weeks, then moisturise with foot cream. I reckon i dropped a shoe size when I first used it!

    Free Member

    Get two dogs so they’ve always got company. Seriously, we originally started with a Spanish water dog, circumstances changed which meant leaving her all day alone 3/5 days, thought it would be nice to giver her company so got a springer, its worked out perfectly and no more guilt trips! Tough time will come when one of them dies as they are like best mates

    Dogs fit in with your life, NOT the other way round. Mental stimulation just as important for dogs as exercise so don’t be beating yourself up if you cant get out for a morning/evening walk (just make sure they can get out for toilet sometimes). Dogs love sleep as much as they enjoy their owner getting home, ours can sleep fro hours at a time. As above if they are safe, warm and watered they’ll be fine, they aren’t delicate

    Free Member

    Leon Cupra 300? You know it makes sense especially if you’ve had thee FR

    Picked mine up 2 months ago, haven’t stopped smiling since (and not many audi/bmw/merc drivers seem to know the cupras performance!)

    Free Member

    I can also imagine its a lot easier to send the fish and terrapins to the big pet world in the sky, no emotional tie.

    You’re on to a winner, I wish I had thought about this 13 years ago before getting two dogs (I cry just thinking about them ‘leaving’!)

    And you don’t haver to name them, train them or insure them.

    Winner winner.

    Free Member

    There’s a film too?!?!?! Oh the joy!

    Watched the series on iplayer……..funniest tv I’ve seen in a few years.

    I realise that girls are in the series (and film) but IMO males can relate more to it?

    Also a fan of This Country on the iplayer, very funny

    Free Member

    Walking to play school with my deer stalker hat on so 3-4 years old. I remember the toys at play school, the lunches and post lunch sleeps.

    I also remember getting my legs slapped at play school for asking the assistant to ‘tie my bloody shoe laces please’…… parents were v shocked as this was not their type of language! Infact I am 47 years old now and still never heard them swear!

    Free Member

    Vertu lease…….cupra 300 (67 plate), £2.2k initial rental, £258 pcm for 2 years……….and I’m loving every mile of it! No option to buy, maintenance included

    Free Member

    Thanks, and apologies for incorrect forum!

    Free Member

    Cant believe that nobody has mentioned the delicious brown ‘nut skin’ found on the inside of the shell one opened….salty and delicious, the nut that just keeps giving!

    Hmmm, ‘nut skin’ is a tad off putting term to use………..but try it!

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