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  • Jess Blewitt Replaces Danny Hart in Cube Factory Racing Restructure
  • si-wilson
    Free Member

    It is not a Chumba, but why pray not?

    Free Member

    have you seen the news this week about Eire, and the effect of Portugal and Spain on each other?

    have you seen what a senior tory adviser said about the chancellors rhetoric?

    Whats that got to do with Spain, Portugal and Eire?

    Free Member

    Markie- it’s the same jumped up morons like yourself that have landed us with this unpleasant government trying to undo all the work the last on did trying to fill the massive voids in the country left by Thatcher and Major. While the last government wasn’t doing the best job the Conservatives are hell bent on destroying Britain now it’s only just got back up to fighting strength.

    The country is in a mess NOW and was BEFORE the coalition Government, how did that happen eh? O yes it was someone else’s fault…

    Pensions were being cut BEFORE this current government, it has just been speeded up so that we can all get in the real world and accept that there is simply not enough money in the pension pots. Labour would not have been so drastic due to the risk of alienating their core votes.

    We needed to sort this mess out, and imo better now than later. have you seen the news this week about Eire, and the effect of Portugal and Spain on each other? They are in a mess because of many factors, not least because they didn’t wake up to the fact quick enough. Imo if we still had Labour in charge we would be sailing along as before, oblivious to the fact and shit we were sailing into.

    Also i could be wrong, but did the Tories not get roughly the same vote as Labour did last time out, but the constituencies are/were favoured towards Labour?

    Free Member

    Soon to be mine! Going to build it up using those BOS forks, 2×10 Sram X9, Hope hoops etc, can’t wait!

    Chumba EVO G2[/url] by srbwilson[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    New wheels shouldn’t need a tune!

    tune was perhaps the wrong word, more a once over and check tensions etc.

    ‘some’ of the Hope wheels i have had through have had to be re tensioned, though i dont think its an issue overall as the majority have been very good. if people want it then fine, if they dont feel the need then fine too 🙂

    Free Member

    Just to add, it would include wheel tension and check, stans yellow tape fitted with valves and a competitive price on the wheels to start with.

    Free Member

    I have been thinking if offering a tune type of service on hope hoops like what roger offered, though it depends if people would want to pay for such a service?

    Free Member

    Chumba EVO G2. 160mm travel, different mounting plates optimised for a coil or air shock, sliding drop outs that are interchangeable, ISCG, tapered zero stack HT, 66.5 with 160mm forks, 31.6 seat post with guides for adjustable seat post. £1450 with the excellent Elka stage 5 coil shock.

    Chumba EVO G2[/url] by srbwilson[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Why what? The forks will be used on a Ti 140mm HT.

    Free Member

    It’s easy to dismiss this and to shoot down those who are upset about it, however it is about respect, not religion or any other shite, the fact is a group of people decided to show a complete lack of respect for something that nearly everyone in this country holds dear. Only in this country (which is a good thing) would this be allowed to happen.

    Free Member

    How cheap is cheap?

    Free Member

    A Brodie Titanium Holeshot 🙂

    Free Member

    Jeez elfin, don’t like the mans idea then fine, just ignore. Always got something to say….

    Its no different from using a Private eye is it? Its the age old thing, don’t like the idea of that scheme/idea, could be misconstrued, so lets not do anything and let the thieves have an easy ride, just in case eh?

    Free Member

    I may have a few Brodie Bikes models available, drop me a mail for details.

    Free Member

    Pre order deadline for Jan delivery is in around 3 weeks so anyone thinking about a Ti Holeshot needs to be quickish 🙂

    Free Member

    Just had X9 2×10 delivered, looks nice though the shifters look a bit cheap imo.

    Free Member

    Chumba VF2! Doing a special 10% offer this month, makes the frame £990 with RP23.

    Free Member

    Email me at info@ for details

    Free Member

    Got a few sets surplus stock if anyone needs a set…

    Free Member

    Anybody got a review/proper ride report on a Holeshot yet?

    Might struggle on here mate, i think i only sold 3 or 4 frames to stw’ers.

    Free Member

    I’m not expecting a mass rush of orders but there will only be a limited number of frames which i expect will sell before they even land in the uk such is the interest.

    Free Member

    Si, any 16″ frames left…?

    Afraid not, though i will ask Brodie as they may have one 16″ available, otherwise its pre order for late jan delivery 🙂

    Free Member

    Nice! Can’t wait to build mine up!

    Free Member

    The Hope one is nice, has flames on the top too 🙂

    Free Member

    I have asked the question, though i’m not sure it will make it on to the next batch if it all. I’ll confirm tonight.

    Free Member

    Just a quick update, the next batch of Brodie Ti frame are ready for pre order. There will be the Ti Holeshot same as before and same price, yey! All Holeshot pre orders will get a FREE Hope 50mm semi integrated headset!

    Cruzado, Brodie are going to adjust the HT< and TT length slightly. (Longer and slacker by a small margin) price £1099 same as Holeshot.

    Rodie, The sample we tried was with BB30, and a weird seat binder. Production will be with a standard BB shell so Shimano cranks can be used. (Unless we hear from Shimano about a 2012 BB30 option on Monday).

    Romax, ‘Cross bike still to be decided – 130mm OLD for Cantis, 135mm OLD for discs, or 132.5mm OLD for both, your inputs appreciated?

    Free Member

    Is the hornet the best for around £100 ish? Quite tempted 🙂

    Free Member

    Junkyard I don’t want to get in to a pissing contest with you about who does what for who, and I don’t really want to argue with you. Like you I do what I can for others as I appreciate what a little help can do.

    Thing is, just like there are people at the top of the chain who take advantage there are also those who will always leach of others, it’s just the way it is I suppose. Anyway it’s a good healthy discussion that needs to be had, and I have learnt a few things from others on this thread, so it’s all good I hope 🙂

    Free Member

    One of these 🙂 Could build one for around your budget..

    Chumba EVO G2[/url] by srbwilson[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Look to the USA – the most capitalist state on earth – there you have people relying on charity for food amid all that wealth, you have people without proper healthcare, you have child mortality rates that are awful.

    Im pretty sure the US is not alone in this regard, and not certainly the highest either?

    As for wealth re-destribution, to all those who subscribe to this, do you find yourself down the local soup kitchen or sink estate doing your bit? Forgoing your large TV’s, expensive bikes etc so that others can eat better etc, or is the wealth only to be distributed from the wealthy above a certain threshold, i.e. the just over what you earn threshold? I know some will come back and say that you would gladly pay a higher rate of tax, well instead of waiting for labour to raise taxes next time, pretend they are already raised and go donate it to something worthy.

    Free Member

    Bracken and Polly the Beagles!

    b3[/url] by srbwilson[/url], on Flickr

    b2[/url] by srbwilson[/url], on Flickr

    b1[/url] by srbwilson[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    I have just got a 16mm chain and Squire s60 padlock, and it is very heavy but i dont care, they are not egtting my bikes again, not easliy anyway.

    Free Member

    I have just got myself a load of kit from here after having my own shed cleared out after getting to complacent.

    A ground anchor and GOOD chain is and padlock is very important. They will really struggle to cut through a GOOD chain and padlock. Line your sheds to give a bit more protection, use decent thickness ply if you can, make sure all bolts are coach style bolts, and use a couple of good quality hasp and padlocks on the doors. Just as important, dont advertise where your kit is, im pretty sure i was done over by someone knowing that i had bikes through one of the many forums i frequent.

    Free Member

    Wow if Only I could have worked this out from your log on name

    Do you know what else i do for a living?

    Free Member

    Well, i have been proved wrong, so I’ll sit back and watch the country implode and suffer 😉

    Free Member

    Opinion based on what evidence? Granted there’s always room for improvement, but statements like that just prove TJ right, actually.

    Of course, sorry about that….

    Free Member

    Do you really think that hard work alone counts for the differing success rates in these socio economic groups?

    of course not, now you are being daft to prove a point. I wasn’t pointing the finger at one social class, neh mind we just go around in circles 🙂

    Free Member

    LOL, junkyard, i never said we should not look after others, read my posts. Am i a IT type, dandy horse owner? no, i work hard, have 2 jobs, dont claim any benefits, not much disposable income etc so hardly looking out for number one.

    I agrre we should always help the needy, but it is time that more of the social fabric (of all classes) of this country took responsibilty for their own lives, that is all.

    Free Member

    TJ, don’t pull the fair for all rubbish. It goes without saying the most needy should be helped, and inavriably they are, but i am damned if you think that everything is rosy in that little world.

    fwiw i grew up on a ‘sink’ estate, as did all my family, but I wasn’t given enough on a plate that i didnt think that i needed to better myself. I do agree with the tories that WE should ALL try to help ourselves no matter the circumstances and not depend upon the goverment to help me achieve a certain lifestyle.

    I was listening to the radio the other day, some woman with 4 kids in a nice enough area was moaning that she could not afford to buy her kids the toys they wanted for Christmas. She is claiming what ever benfits she is entitled too and also housing benefit, yet she still says its not enough and was bemoaning the fact. Well guess what, not EVERYONE can afford to buy the things they want, especially those people who don’t have the money, but Labour made everyone feel that it was a god given right for people to demand what they wanted and get into debt so that soceity was ‘fair’ and now we are suffering for it.

    I’ll get off my box now, its a quiet monday morning, can you tell? 🙂

    Free Member

    My view is also I don’t give a shit who is in power as long as they have the balls to tackle the current issues.

    TJ, It sounds to me like whatever the Tories do you will disagree with them for it, because it does not fit your political ideal.

    Answer me this, why would the Tories REALLY want to break the NHS? I don’t subscribe to mass political view, all the Tories sat around a table thinking, hmm how can we really upset just about everyone except a few friends by breaking the NHS and creating mass unemployment? By that thinking do you think that labour didn’t do something similar? IMO the NHS is over bloated and far too expensive and needs streamlining, what’s the issue with that? The Tories propose this sort of action and all the socialists get up in arms about it and rationalise it with some spurious political argument.

    I’ll say it again, all that labour would have done is to increase the tax burden on the likes of myself to pay for the over bloated and socially skewed ideals that they have and i and others like me said ‘No thanks, you had your chance, time for someone else’

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