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  • Orbea Laufey H-LTD review
  • shoefiti
    Free Member

    Good work pjt201 and Mr_a’s follow up, I was amazed at the comments in the original post suggesting that the seller might just be not much of a bike geek so it ‘might’ be kosha as he didn’t know the detail of the bike, i’m not a car geek but i can read who makes the components on my car!

    As Mr_a has said before, obvious lack of detail = dodgy! It’s a way to get around it being flagged up when searching for your own bike parts i’d imagine.

    Good result!

    Free Member

    “”I was told, unsure if true that the campag freehub, had to carry a campg cassette””

    Yes that’s true – so you can’t swap the wheels between a shamano and campag very easyily, it either requires a non propriatory casette from an obscure manufacrurer or a change of freehub bodies.

    I run the old 10 speed record, 10 speed chorus, and 9, 10 speed dura ace, 105 set ups. The campag has more of a definate ‘clunk’ into gear, which i prefer, put nothing shifts as smooth as Dura Ace (best with Dura Ace chain i’ve found).

    I prefer the campag thou, and i like the way you can go to higher gear with the thumb clicky thing. Also I find the Campag brakes nicer, although i run the older solid ones on the chorus and i’ve got those Mavic ones on the record, which are ok.

    Have to agree thou, shamano on an OLD italian bike is just wrong, like cheddar on spagetti carbonara!

    Free Member

    second the army combat idea, when i started riding back in the day i used to where a pair of those ‘urban camo’ ones, as they are easy to ride in if they get wet too, and they are a lighter fabric than green ones, i think they were polyester maybe?

    Thinking back i probably looked a bit of a dick!

    Free Member

    I’ve had the problem before, using tektro brakes, on a new 7.1 rim, with a flexy fork, if it grabs, then it flexs, then starts to judder, larger pads helped my problem, i changed brand too, found some harder pad inserts helped.

    Free Member

    Superman powers?

    Then everyone would have them, negating the ‘super’

    I’d have a pouch like a kangaroo, to keep keys and your phone in. A bit like fat people have already, but they keep fluff and bits of old KFC in theirs, and they arn’t so much pouches as big rolls of skin.

    Free Member

    u must have e.s.p

    Does canestan clear that up?

    Good work on the old XT’s – for my money one of the best brakes ever made!

    Free Member

    I used to go out for a club ride every sunday with some very good riders, that included a few ‘ex-pros’ it was deadly serious, and you’d get a bollocking for screwing up, so i tried not to, also if someone new turned up it would make it a bit nervous.

    I don’t bother now (and now i’m probably not fit enough to keep up anyway) so i tend to go out with a few mates, where we do a lot more casual through and off, miss turns, try and kick each others butts on the hills and sprint for the cafe stop. Also i go out on my own and day dream about being in the alps or such.

    Now, i enjoy my rides. :P

    Free Member

    I’d get him to check that headtube diameter again, i’m not convinced that that is a 1 1/8.

    Free Member

    Can you even get pads for them still? from what i recall the finish is awful and the braded hoses arn’t up to goodridge/hope standard. Get some old style XT’s if on a budget, much more reliable.

    Edit: or some marura louise FR’s they are up to the job and often cheap as chips second hand.

    Free Member

    Odd that that is the case ChopperT, as ‘torque’ would be more due to the ability to draw on the power, and as rechargables have a lower internal resistance than an average alkaline battery it should be the other way round.

    Free Member

    Seems a shame her mum let her scoff so much on the first place 13000 Kalories a day is a fair bit of scoff in anyones books! Bit of a pun it obesity is becoming a ‘big problem’ in the UK (and much of the western world).

    My solution would be rename Lundy Island ‘Lardy Island’ and have a giant fat farm, like those camps in America, (it’d be a bit like Alcatraz, but with bigger cells) plus during their daily exercise regime if they all jumped up and down at the same time and you could rigged up a wave turbine over the Bristol Channel and we’d all have cheap electricity.

    Free Member

    Agreed – you need a firm grip for a handjob.

    Free Member

    @ djglover – that has got to be far and away the best advice on anything i have ever seen on this forum in 7 years :lol:

    Free Member

    Have to agree that she is a pretty girl – shame she let some fool scribble crap all over her otherwise very nice body.

    I mean if you were the artist you would surly say “what…… you want that one? the same as the guy on the front of Truck Drivers Monthly?, what on you arm you say? are you sure? you do realise it’s going to look really really REALLY shit don’t you?”

    Free Member

    Standard pracise that DavidB – in some parts of Europe.

    Free Member

    Because it looks shit


    Another question might be, how would some people like some ‘artists’ to redecorate their own living rooms in a manner not of their choosing. Probably not very much i’d imagaine.

    Free Member

    “”so if you do what you want to do the muscles will develop to do it better. Result! :o) “”

    Indeed – but it’s best to play to your genetic disposition, that way results are easier to come by! :P

    Free Member

    I thought of having someting similar made, after a few scary moments on the road. I’m not sure that the idiots hooning past you that close would even bother to read it? I hope that it may make at least some people think thou!

    Free Member

    Good question RudeBoy – one I don’t pretend to know the answer to. I like your thinking on the boarding space thing, although i very much doubt it would work, those with real talent might want to ‘exhibit’ their work, others without much probably wouldn’t get much out of it, I don’t know, it’s not anything i’ve thought of doing?!? I liked your point also:

    “”Of course, this needs to be done with sensitivity and consideration. Unfortunately, this is virtually impossible to achieve, as it would need someone to oversee operations; this would undoubtedly introduce individual agendae, and therefore be constrictive.””

    I thought along those lines also – but as it is subjective, it would be next to impossible – i guess that is why there is the blanket policy of criminilization, as there are no set parameters of what constitutes art, all ‘grafitti’ must be criminal? Otherwise you could argue fly tipping was a performance piece, and you were adding to the mise-en-scene of your local beauty spot, if nothing else you have to admire the perseverance of someone that is willing to drive that far with a washing machine and hurl it over a 6 foot wall when the council will pick it up from right outside your house for a fiver! :wink:

    Free Member

    I guess the trouble is Countzero is that a lot of Grafitti, due to it’s nature, well executed or otherwise is often in the public domain. Whilst I can appreciate the aesthetic of certain pieces or work, be it actual grafitti, street art, or commissioned work I personally believe that if the place it is painted belongs to someone, be it an individual, company, public and it is done without permission then it is extreamly arogant. If I want to practise my ‘art’ (playing the guitar) then I don’t drive round the streets with a Tannoy on top of my car blasting out tunes, as by my own admission i’m pretty piss poor and i’m pretty sure it would get people backs up.

    I’m sure a lot of the posters in this forum can also appreciate the skill required to do much of the work – and many probably think that quite a bit of it does make the dull streets look more interesting and vibrant. They probably just don’t like it being where it detracts, rather than adds to the enviroment.

    It’s all about context:


    Free Member

    “Ride lots.” — Eddy Merckx

    I’ve never won the Tour de France and I never will, but I can improve on this advice I think.

    “Ride Lots, and take some sandwiches with you or you’ll be peckish” – Shoefiti.

    Maybe not as catchy?

    Free Member

    I only drink Absinthe, as i find it best to consume a product that gives me the chance of a halucinatory effect, a glass of wine or a beer just won’t allow me the degree of visual/auditory distortions necessary for being in a position of responsability. Also i get the wife to mix it with Listerine, in random measures, that way i can be sure that i’ll not have a clue of the strength of the drink too! :roll:

    Free Member

    Yes – drugs and parenthood is a great combination. :roll:

    Free Member

    LOL @ grumms post, very good – I think the problem with this thread is that now you have a very black/white issue, which of course it isn’t. Countzero seems to be a follower of art modern or otherwise. Mr_A seems to just disagree with anyone that displays any amount of white middle classness no matter what there opinion, I’m not sure where this is coming from, maybe he wasn’t allowed to stay up and watch The Young Ones when he was 9 and he’s taking it out on everyone now? I still can’t decide on Bez :?

    Clearly the guy’s who sympathise with the graffiti ‘artists’ should be able to make some distinction between art and vandalism, it really isn’t that hard a distinction to make. For example some kids keep scratching some shape, not really sure what it is, hard to tell, into the perspex window of a bus shelter near where i live, this is graffiti by definition, but is it art, no! is it performance art, no – there was no audience, at least i wan’t invited. Does it make the place look untidy, in my mind yes. Does it cost money to put right? I’m afraid it does, money which could otherwise be spent on renovating the local park maybe? I for one like art, and if and i am pretty sure that a lot of tagging etc is a social nusiance, not art. I may sound ‘white, middle class, fuddy duddy’ but i am in my late 30’s have a wife, two kids, dogs and a house – what do you suggest i do, start listening to brazilian bongo music, smoking weed and living in a **** teeppee? Maybe whilst i’m at it i’ll ‘home school’ my kids and knit my self a poncho out of my wifes arm pit hair. Get over yourselves – people are different, and if you want to live in a crap hole so much move to Sao Paolo so you can wax lyrical about it’s diverse and colouful culture, rather than sitting in front of your computer in the nicer cities of the UK calling people who quite like the original look of the local bus stops ‘fuddyduddys’.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    “”But as you say, all these visual artifacts tell us something – however small – about the world (not just the space, but the time) we inhabit together. And my point, or at least my opinion, is this: that it’s perfectly possible to find beauty in the simple fact that it’s interesting.””

    On that i agree with you. Yes it is possible to find beauty in fact that it is interesting. The world would be a very boring place indeed if we all found the same things intersting and beutiful, and being force fed sanitised images of stereotypes isn’t healthy.

    I live in the countryside now, I also did for a time when i was young. To many this was a place of beauty, i found it claustrophobic and opressive as it was all around me. This i now feel about much of the tagging in urban areas, it’s all around you, and i find it oppressive, it ceases to be interesting (to me!) due to it’s prevalence.

    Free Member

    Most buskers make me want to stab them in the face

    I on the other hand quite like them. Especially a good Saxophonists on the underground. And if you think that Grafitti is enirely altruistic then i’ll have to disagree with you on that point too. :lol:

    Free Member

    I did not say that they were – it was an analogy, in terms of likening bad tagging to art. A cat sprays urine to mark where it’s been and it’s territory, your average tagger is doing something akin to this, it is not so much telling us of some multifaceted multi layered society that adds colour to our own lives and gives us a sense of place. It should however remind us of our need to be able to create and express ourselves and impress ourselves upon the world in a way that sets humans apart from animals. Failure to understand this, to me, makes you an idiot.

    Free Member

    “”What is it that makes me an idiot?””

    I just spent 5 minutes writting a reply, read through it, and realized that you (if you are not trolling) just wouldn’t get it. :roll:

    Free Member

    Or just a Troll.

    Free Member

    Sorry Mr_a you were right! I just could not believe anyone could be serious! Bez your an idiot.

    Free Member

    Someone above said that much is far removed from art. Really? You don’t appear to visit many exhibits of varied modern art, otherwise you’d know that ‘art’ covers an extraordinarily wide range of subjects

    Maybe not recently – but my wife was a professional artist for many years and we met whilst at Goldsmiths, so i’ve had my finger in the art pudding before – And i stick by what i said the vast majority of it is jsut plain rubbish. Yes there are some very good pieces, but why should the vast majority of folk have to look at something they just don’t want to see, i don’t go rounding people up in a bus, drive them to a hideous stadium venue and make them sit through a Cher concert do I? (refering to my music analogy again).

    Free Member

    The way i see it (graffiti – i’m not too cool for school so i will use that word) it is, like many things, an expression, much of it is too far removed from art to call it that, but it’s an expression never the less. Music is also an expression – painting on walls and making noise, either singing, making music etc has been around since year dot. The way i read it thou is that if i were blind and wandered round and the graffiti made noise then Mr_a’s birds on wall picture might be a cheery busker, (not too offensive, i’ll chuck him a quid, he can play a couple of nice tunes) Banksy’s early Bristol stuff might be some White middle class dropout with psudeo-dreads playing old levellers songs and a few of his own chucked in – that guy who used to stick up those A4 letters spelling out poorly informed political commentry on bill boards around Bristol would be a drunk tramp playing a mouth organ and harrassing you for ‘spare change’ and Bez’s war memorial taggers would be a couple of drunk morons kicking a metal bin around outside your bedroom window at 4 in the morning.

    None of these ‘musicians’ will get any radio airplay (except Bansky – who gets a record deal and cleans up) and they won’t play wembly standium – there is a reason for that – most people wouldn’t want to here it, let alone buy a ticket. So my gripe is, why the hell should minority inflict their ‘expressions’ on everyone else, it’s just plain selfish.

    Free Member

    erm – i take it your irony filter is on Mr_A try pressing CTRL and F7 i think that turns it off.

    Free Member

    Bez – Good work there.

    Free Member

    I posted links to lock and chain tests on this forum – unfortunalty i was met with ridicule!?!?!? We all should agree that prevention is better than cure in respect of theft of our own property. A co-ordinated approach would be good. Maybe the police could use thier experience and resources to address preventative measures, including methods used by the theives etc and make a flyer and distribute them in Bristol Bike shops. Bike shops would benefit too i’d imagine as they’ll sell more high end locks, ground anchors etc….. Sorry if you’ve already done this?

    Free Member

    Arrrrh if only Robert Hughes could speak German and pass a law degree – he’d clear up the town!

    Free Member

    Yup there it is thanks Mr_A!

    Free Member

    agree that a bit of graffiti does no harm if it’s had some thought put into it and the location is sympathetic. Even tags can look really nice if they’re done well – Barcelona has some great examples.

    I heard of some terrific muggings in Amsterdam, done with real flair and panache considering the lack of real training or natural talent the purpetrators had. Still i felt fit to judge them on their choice of location and personal style. No one was really hurt as all the victims property was insured. :D

    Free Member

    Koala’s are mashed up constantly, and they live in the wild, and i’d bet they’d knick your ‘ute’ if you left it in the ‘bush’ i guess they are natures pikeys in a way. Thank goodness we don’t have any of them in the woods round our way!

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