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  • Bike Check: ICE Trikes Adventure Trike
  • shoefiti
    Free Member

    Well that's ok then, sorry for doubting you! :lol:

    Free Member


    Because they are AWESOME


    Free Member

    I hope your trolling samuri.

    Free Member

    Interesting parallel….

    I thought so, i thought of it whilst sitting in the dentist's waiting room, the choice of literature is quite far removed from horse and hound :P

    Free Member

    Sorry, has he been found guilty yet? I thought he was on trial?

    that's why we are hear isn't it, although the STW verdict is never clear cut. :roll:

    Free Member

    millar, on team sky, i don't see it, his history and the idea of a clean team.

    It's good that teams are now taking past indescresions into account with their signings if this is true. I was always amazed at his excuse for those syringes they found in Biaritz, reminds me of the time that Coleen told 'heat' magazine of the time she found a pair of Pat Butchers dirty underwear in Rooney's car glove box, he said that he was 'through with all that' and only kept them 'just kept them their to remind him of how low he had sunk'

    Maybe i'm imagining that last part, but i don't think that the sport should be as forgiving for obvious cheats as Coleen is, it's just another way of saying that they kinda understand 'why' they did it, which makes me think that such a team may turn a blind eye to it in the future?

    Free Member

    the mx comp are really easy to service yourself, and cheap for seals, also bushings are easy to do compaired to rockshok normally, never had a bad set of mazzochi forks.

    Free Member

    Wiggins has always been very anti-doping – i'm hoping that talk wasn't just smoke and mirrors. Apparently Lances power outputs up Verbier were very similar to what he was producing up mountain passes in the tours that he won, and Wiggins beat him up them, maybe he should of lost the weight a few years ago! Also shows that had contador been racing in Lances hayday it wouldn't of been much of a hayday at all.

    Free Member

    Baring crashes i reckon 3rd or 4th. He won't beat contador on the climbs, but he'll be close on the time trial. Shame Rasmussan isn't riding this year, he's the only one who could match contradband in the mountains (and would of beat him in the 07 tour had he not been a very naughty boy)

    Free Member


    Job done.

    Free Member

    I had a bad of chips thrown at me once, half way up a very long climb, imagine the supprise on thier faces as i caught them half a mile later as the road was blocked due to a serious road accident :evil:

    Free Member

    he'll no beat AC

    Not only that he can't climb like Wiggins, he (Armstrong) didn't have any kick at all, Kloden could of dropped him at any time, they are going to have to let Kloden go up the road or he'll miss out on a high GC standing riding with Lance. I was supprised that Evans didn't at least try something today, he does'nt have much to loose and that climb suited his riding style.

    Free Member

    Either way it certainly isn't boring this year!

    Free Member

    half ironman? Half arsed! do the whole thing you lazy bastard! :P

    Free Member

    Acracer: What exactly is everybody basing the theory that Armstrong is slower in a TT and in the hills on? Just on the "prologue" TT and one attack in Andorra? Yes Contador might be ahead on that basis, but the gap in the TT certainly wasn't big enough for it to be totally implausible for Armstrong to turn it around after a couple of weeks. Meanwhile if you think that attack in Andorra proved anything much, you really don't understand bike racing

    Personally i'm basing this on Contadors proficiency at time trialing (remember the olypics?), Armstrong being 13 years older, Armstrongs weight at 74 KG and Alberto's at 64kg – you sound pretty young with your racy name n'all you can probably recall GCSE physics! And i do understand that Armstrong's hands were effectivly tied when Contador attacked – :roll:

    So that's what i'm basing that on!

    Although it must be said that it is unlikly that Contador will be climbing like he did in the 2007 tour – i'm not alone in thinking that his display that year was dubious to say the least.

    Free Member

    I guess there is always winners and loosers in these 'schemes' looks like a lot of hard work to me!

    Free Member

    I'm not sure you can straighten 1/8" long hair by any substantial amount

    you might not be able to – but i bet Chuck could.

    Free Member

    Jesus!!! next you'll be telling him he can't straighten his Skyway mag wheels in the freezer too! :wink:

    Free Member

    So what is left hand down 3 fingers out? Some guy did this when he overtook me on the road section of the clic24,

    Now KINGTUT – are you a 100 percent sure the 'guy' that overtook you was wearing a 'British Triathlon Skinsuit' maybe fatigue jaded your memory?

    Free Member

    it's always better to be on the train pissing out, rather than on the platform trying to piss in – or someething like that.

    Free Member

    So TG – what do you consume for extra omega 3 for example? Also 5 cups of strong coffee a day is shown to reduce the risk of Alzeimers, yet no 'reasonable' diet contains that qauntity of cafeine, ergo i'm going for a the approach that if it helps i'll have more of it.

    Free Member

    If you have sufficient in your system then any more is uneeded. It is literally going down the drain. So says the evidence

    Indeed – that is why you suppliment! if you don't earn enough, you might 'suppliment' yout income – so you have more money for stuff – same with nutrition, of course you can't stick it in a bank like with dosh – but suppliments work because they are specific to needs, unlike extra food and can be taken in specific doses cheaply and readily.

    Free Member

    of course suppiments work – anyone that says different is dreaming. i.e you 'suppliment' your intake of protein, you are metabolising more of it so it'll do more of it's job of rebuilding broken down muscle fibres if it's needed. If you are doing anything other than sitting around on your ass on the internet it stands to reason that you won't need to 'suppliment' a healthy balanced diet, however if you are doing anything that breaks down parts of the body you need to 'suppliment' a normal balanced diet, be it with food (not as efficient and probably more expensive) or through what you are calling suppliments.

    And the 'we suvived thousands of years without it' argument, errrrrm how long did folk live back in the day ay? Maybe not as long as they would of done if they had a couple of protein shakes a week an a multivit!

    Free Member

    There you go – that's more like it!

    redthunders was the 'bikeporn' equivilant to this:

    Free Member

    fantastic!! the best bit is the hinton interview! raleigh 'special' products indeed!

    Free Member

    Tri Bars for commuting :lol:

    Free Member

    When I push hard I get really painful leg burn almost straight away – so do I start with short, frequent intervals, on the road or offroad and do I start on gentle climbs or go for the big ones and ride it as fast and hard as I can?

    I was in the same boat as you when i started riding, many moons ago! what worked for me was lactic threashold training. Once you have a good base, which it sounds like you have then you have to increase muscles tolerance to lactate, and train it to be used by your muscles. The way i did this was training at high intensity (just on the point of feeling your legs burn)but for times of around 1 hour to 2 1/2 hours. One of the least boring ways to do this is crit training or crit racing. Although there are no hills doing this, it is a sustained effort at near threashold, which it basically what you need to get up a hill quicker.

    Eddy Merckx was from Belgium, pretty flat there, so hills are not compleatly necessary to improve climbing fitness.

    Free Member

    Sorry but i can't understand how Armstrong can win this, he doesn't ride as strong a TT as Contraband, and he can't climb as fast – don't get me wrong, i don't really want Contraband to win, it's just that annoying shooty thing he does when he crosses the line, makes me want to smash him in the face with a brick, but i'd bet good money that Armstrong just can not win this soley on talent.

    Who really cares as long as it's not Evans anyway – he'll only get carried away and headbut someone again.

    Free Member

    I've run lightweights mostly exclusivly for about 4 years now, so far i've only have 1 snakebite at afan, but the tyre was a little soft, and 3 puntures from things going through, 2 x glass on the road and a thorn – i'm pretty sure that if anything is going to be sharp enough to get through your tyre it'll go through an extra .2 mm of rubber, so lightweights get my vote, to be fair thou i don't know if i'd put them on a bike with more than 4 inch of travel thou, as your more likely to be seated over the rough stuff and pinch flat.

    Free Member

    Was the tour much more dangerous before radios? i'm not so sure it was. I'd love it if there was no radios permitted, plus you had to fix all your own mechanicals, just like in them olden days, that'd be good tv, imagine it Alberto Contraband launches a major attack at the foot of the Ventoux, the peloton are strung out behind led by the GC favorites then it happans…………. Cadel gets yet another puncture, just imagine his hideous hobbit face screwed up in panic as he battles to open his box of tip-top and remembers that last time he lent his pump out to his mate Shane he'd swapped the adapter to Shraeder – priceless!

    Free Member

    I'm a bit concerned about where his foot it in relation to the rest of his body in the last shot, was he/she ok?

    Free Member

    Not really a bike part upgrade, but you'll be going a lot quicker in no time at all!

    Free Member

    If you could get funding for some of this and some more stone for the bits that don't drain too well that would be good, plus of course the man hours to put the stuff down of course.

    Build it and they will come.

    Free Member

    Couldn't you just go back at night and 'remove' the evidence?

    Free Member

    Wonder what his plan is to get out of that one? In such a situtaion i alway ask myself……. what would Withnail do?

    Free Member

    I've got osteoarthritis (i know it's not quite the same!) in my knee and hip – Sometimes there is just no solution :(

    Free Member

    2 'gentlemen' on a tandem

    wheres your helmet ……

    Yes it does………. doesn't it!


    Free Member

    because no-one is interested in women’s sport.

    Your forgetting also that no one at all is interested in cycling, in fact most people i know play tennis in their spare time, or play golf. This is why there is really busy forums for amature tennis players, and there are loads of golf club shops in my town. and on any given saturday you can see loads of kids of all classes up the local downs practising their swing!

    Oh hang on is that right?

    Free Member

    probably not as mad for me sticking 2 quid on Cav! at 750-1 I just liked the odds

    I’d of personally given you odds of 1500 to 1 for that! Especially following his efforts on the nationals!

    Free Member

    ok so not strictly steel, well not steel at all but it does have the absorption you’re after.

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