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  • shoefiti
    Free Member

    Rumour has it that both Ton and Dereck Starship sucsessfully beat this terrible affliction, you could ask them maybe?

    Free Member

    I've run the FR version. I'd say besides getting to grips with the best technique for bleeding they are very good. fit and forget. (fitting is trckier than hope thou. The discs are much better quality than the other brands in my experience, which in turn has an effect on over heating etc.

    Free Member

    don't you mean 'simples'?

    Free Member

    I'm affraid i'm with coffeeking again on this one, i was stuck at a certain weight, unable to get under it, or get leaner. I was cycling 30-40 miles 5 days a week, plus a long sunday ride. I was consuming about 1800 – 2000 calories a day with no booze. My weight didn't change at all from when i started to do this to when i stopped as i moved work to home. Then i had a very stressful episode in my life (family illness) although i was still eating i lost over a stone in a month. wierd! I'm not advocating stress as a weight loss programme, but it does demonstrate that the purly food in/minus energy out = weight eqaution is not the whole picture (in my experience).

    Free Member

    Excellent tough rim – tougher than the DT 4.1 or 4.2 in my experience. built properly they are tough, i'm yet to buckle one, dinged yes, but buckled no. Won't take a big tyre thou.

    Free Member

    I probably would have given the Spanish guy a whooping, maybe more so if he was Italian thou, i've seen the way they look at women (not to be trusted) It'd probably been far worse for them if they were Welsh thou, as i wouldn't of had a clue what they were on about, which makes me really angry. Have I left anyone out?

    Free Member

    ^^^^^^^exactly what i was going to say^^^^^^^^

    Yes hopes are good, i like the feel, not everones cup of tea, but i like them. Yes the customer service and spares availability is great, but yes you will need it at some point. Yes shimano are pretty invincable – can't really complain about the performance of mine. I love magura's build qaulity but i find for me the lever feel is a little mushy, the powers there, i just prefer the feel of the hopes.

    I think if i wanted some brales today i'd have hopes, as although you may need the availability of parts etc these are accsessable and i love the way hope will do their upmost to get you the parts no matter where you are in the world (well that's what they did for me, so they'll have my brake cash money so long as they make brakes that work)

    Free Member

    Now on Dialysis waitng for some poor bugger to die so I can have one of their kidneys, don't have a job, don't have a great deal of energy or concentration due to kidney failure.

    That's not good BadBlood, i'm hoping things look up for you soon. Just don't take any jobs delivering pizza, it's just not safe.

    Free Member

    Derek and Clive – standard run of the mill w@nk!! :D

    Free Member

    Jurassic 5
    Alabama 3
    Spacemen 3
    Fun Boy 3
    Anything really with numbers in it, i'd of liked the band name five, if only there were 6 or 4 of them, or preferably none of them thinking about it.

    Free Member

    mick were in leeds r u roughly

    Is this a request to 'cottage'? you know what, I think that it is.

    Free Member

    or maybe

    My only weakness is a listed crime

    from shoplifters of the world unite?

    Free Member

    There's panic on the streets of london now, you've spotted moz's identity mitch!

    Free Member

    Is it possible that MozLester (i've just thought, together that's like molester, ironically spelt wrongly) has two computers with a large print out of the names he's using on each, you know so as to not get confused. i'm getting confused, anyone else confused?

    I feel giddy, but i'd still like a t-shirt.

    Free Member

    Only Chuck Norris would be able to beat that amount of awesome into 853 with a stick, i guess that's why it's so expensive, Chuck ain't cheap.

    Free Member

    Where's Nelson Muntz when you need him?

    Free Member

    Machining costs more for 853 tubing i believe – as it is harder and wears the cutting stuff more. Although i don't know how much this would affect the cost of mass produced frames, just handbuilt ones that they use files and wot not. This might all be bolloxx thou, i'm sure someone will be along to tell me i'm an idiot. :lol:

    Free Member

    ton referred to the ex-wife's "new fella". Obviously the fact that he's the "new fella" is the important fact

    Ok, so what if her new fella beat up on her? Just saying that there is some facts missing here, and a reason for him acting this way. I'm with you 100% that violence is pretty much inexcusable, but sometimes there is a reason that people act in this way. If it's just sour grapes or jeliousy then i hope he gets what coming to him too – don't get me wrong.

    Free Member

    Well you didn't say that your mate decked some geezer cause he spilt his pint. The important point appears to be that he's going out with his ex-missus.

    I don't like him already. And I can see that his ex-wife is well shot of the loser. I hope she makes something of it with her new toothless lover.

    Errmmmm…… what if for instance his ex-wife has a new fella that beat up on his & ex-wifes kid? That happaned to a friend of mine and he half killed the guy when he found out, I certainly didn't think he was acting like a cock in doing so.

    Just saying – you don't know the facts do you.

    Free Member

    Same old Same old for me:

    Crank Bros pedals – Lucky if they last a week.
    Formula brakes – Lucky if they work.
    Manitou Forks – Lucky to last the ride home.
    Continental MTB tyres – Lucky if they don't kill you.
    Pace forks – Lucky for them if they make retirement without being lynched.
    Jones frames – Oooh look at me, lucky me, look at me arn't i Lucky.

    Never had any probs with product or customer service from:

    Fox forks – run them for years, they've been very good.
    Hope brakes – 2nd to none for customer service, but the 1st gen mini (the silver split caliper ones) was an awful brake for me, it kept leaking between the two halfs. The discs are not the best thou.
    Endura – although it sounds like i've just been Lucky :lol:

    Free Member

    I can't really be bothered to read through the whole thread, but has any one asked whether the internal components of the system are of the same qaulity as the fancy leads? I was always under the impression that the sound qaulity could not be improved beyond the weekest link in the chain, so amazing leads would not improve my system. I've had it all to bits before and there was nought in it that looked like it was made of gold or platinum etc, so i got some 10 quid ones from richersounds.

    Free Member

    I have heard that more and more Badgers are being spotted in urban areas.

    Free Member

    Maybe an organised whip round would also be nice, they don't run on thin air you know. :wink:

    Free Member

    simonfbarnes – Member
    Just drew my bedroom curtains and noticed a strange blue/white* light. I looked out, thinking it couldn't be the moon, and sure enough it was the street lights which had always been orange previously

    Simon, sometimes you don't need to share with the group, you can just sit there and listen.

    Free Member

    Don McLean's American Pie gets another vote from me. I tell you if that levee wasn't dry and he pipped up with that pish i'd hold his stupid face under the water till he stopped wriggling. Since the levee would probably be dry i'd just have to content myself with zip tying him by his nuts to the tow hitch of his own 'chevy' and taking it for a spin, i can't see why the torture that he's inadvertantly inflicted on me over the years shouldn't be recipricated.

    There i've said it.

    Free Member

    Dear lord, if you can sit through this your either deaf or a bigger Stone Roses fan than i ever was, and i was actually there watching this Shyt, I remember the dissapointment to this day. Music….. Great! Ian Brown…….. Squirrel yak.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I've just thought you could include anyone that does a cold play or U2 cover too, as you've removed the self righteous tosspot element from the performance thus rendering it a better version if for no other reason than the absence of jizz monkies.

    Free Member

    the 1st one that springs to mind is Easy, Clubber already mentioned it! thumbs up.

    Also Jose Gonzallez, his version of heartbeats is the best in my books.

    Also oddly – the Ting Tings doing Snaps 'The Power' is great! :P

    Free Member

    £100 an hour? that's damn expensive for someone to come in and do the ironing and clean the bathroom. I can't see how an escort could replace pretty much only vital services my wife performs for fair value.

    Free Member

    I don't know if bubble wrap is the way to go, you'd fall off once and pop one, then you'd be addicted and want to keep falling off until you were all popped out.

    BTW i'd get to hospital quick smart if i were you before you get septicemia or some such nasty, that is not right, i've had some hideous injuries, broken legs, arms, collar bone, but never EVER had bruising like that.

    Free Member

    Thanks for that. i'm going to wet the bed tonight now.

    Free Member

    Probably about 250 quid for the frame in v-good condition. I inchness of the head tube makes them less appealing. I'd hang onto it, they make nice commuters.

    Free Member

    Thanks drain! I have a bike bag (neil pride) it's just that they tend to have things thrown on them a bit. I haven't booked the flight yet, just looking into it as i'm going over to visit my sister and fancied a spot of riding. just being a bit of a cheap skate and don't want to pay the extra if i can help it! PLus i don't need to take any clothes really as i have a load over there, so just thinking of the easiest way to get a bike there packed as small as possible, it'll make it easier to get round the airports and change overs etc too.

    Free Member

    I've often wondered if that carpet gripper stuff was invented by Hitler, it's the most evil stuff ever invented.

    Free Member

    He was very short.

    Free Member

    It would seem the wheels are the main problem – i've emailed the airlines i was going to go with to see what thier policies are, id' prefer to pack it really, rather than roll it on, it's kinda pricey.

    is it common practice to allow up to a certain weight limit, ie 20kg on planes, but maybe allowed more than one item? I'm wondering if i could take wheels seperatly?

    Free Member

    Oh God – not again!

    Free Member

    Why is China called China anyway, damn silly name for a place, it's like calling your country carpet. Is there a country called Carpet? that'd be scary.

    Free Member

    That very kind of you i'm Wiltshire way, thanks for the offer, i'll give you a shout if it all turns to custard with my plans, again many thanks! :D

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