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  • Fresh Goods Friday 722: The Autumn’s Done Come Edition
  • shoefiti
    Free Member

    Candodavid – Member
    My custom Curtis is ALL 853

    Are you sure? Inc headtube?

    Free Member

    ononeorange – Member
    Why were you looking for an owl picture? When you buy an owl do they come with headsets?

    Just 'cos.

    Free Member

    Don't know about that, but look what I found when I was looking for a picture of an owl and made a typo. Amazing!

    Free Member

    knott4me – Member

    tonic water helps me but i still get it after 30 mls hard riding i ease off & it goes.

    Do you mix that with anything? how do stop the lemon slice getting stuck in your camelback valve?

    Free Member

    DezB – Member

    I actually think he used the word "audiophile" mistakenly. Be nice to hear from him!

    Your right I did, it was my mistake in respect of the can of worms it was going to open. I didn't comment on the set-up I’m using as again it would probably generate disapproval from some in respect of wether I’d not spent enough, too much, wrong brand etc etc…..

    All I wanted to know is what music has blown you away when listened though 'expensive' headphones, and yes they probably cost more than most people would spend, but I like music and I just wanted others experiences.

    I am using them with a CD source. Headphone amp, one is a SS and one a valve. I’m not going into detail for the reasons stated above – it's just about the music ok (but played on very good kit)

    Thanks thou :D

    Free Member

    My mistake – it's all ok then, carry on! :D

    Free Member

    A 21 year old going for a 16 year old seems a pretty sad sack to me.

    Surely there are 21 year old girls around.


    Yes there are, they are mostly with 28 year olds with better jobs/cars.

    15-year-old girls are not interested in 15-year-old guys. 18 with a car maybe.

    True – in my day it was an XR2 or maybe an XR3i

    If not i'd of loved to of grown up in the utopia that you did! :lol:

    On a pseudo serious note i'm wondering how many or you with your arms raised in horror at what this bloke did ever had a grope with a girl under the age of 16 (when you were also that age. I know I did. If you didn't then bad luck, you missed out on a lot of the fun part of growing up, maybe you just made Airfix and were in Sea Scouts.

    The point is that I can come down of my high horse for long enough to realise that as soon as I turned 16 I didn't stop finding the same girls attractive. Did you lot never fancy anyone until you were 16, then only girls older than you when you did?

    I'm not saying what he did was right, but i am saying that what he did was pretty wrong and above all dumb & he might just be really really REALLY stupid (yes cyclist can be pretty damn stupid, think Tom Party Boy Boonen).

    Free Member

    Hey – they don't always come with one, I think this thread has further to run for sure, it's a 'can of worms'!—1.1%2F8%22—YELLOW—NO-CROWN-RACE_W0QQitemZ360224459375QQcmdZViewItemQQimsxq20100109?IMSfp=TL100109229002r11045

    Free Member

    I'm sorry, what was the question again?

    Free Member

    Is it too early to be thinking about what to have for dinner yet?

    Free Member

    Fatman iPod valve dock

    2nd that – awesome sounding bit of kit, sounds less harsh than most, as mp3's tend to (it's cos of the valves they say) looks cool. Payed 225 for mine, inc speakers!

    Phones – anything by grado they are all good! loads of online sellers here in blighty, but a bit cheaper from the states (just).

    Free Member

    KINGTUT – Member

    BMW with a roof rack, gives just the right image IMO and it's great fun playing with the lanes on the M4.


    Free Member

    simonfbarnes – Member

    Cos you're a grumpy OLD git, Simon.

    I'd way rather be grumpy than sprightly :o) However most of the time I'm far too busy to be grumpy…

    Really? Are you sure? unless being grumpy on here is what you are busy doing I find it hard to believe that you are busy doing anything, you just would not have the time!

    Free Member

    Still gets the 'nice bike' shouts from da kids

    I'm assuming that they are being cheeky.

    Free Member

    Your forgetting the 'Sex Pistols'. Reminds me of that kit kat advert. 'You can't Sing, you can't play, you look awful, you'll go a long way'

    Shame they did 'go a long way' as now we have to still put up with that c0ck John Lydon.

    Any one that actually likes them still or thinks that they were actually influencial probably does not know very much about the era.

    Free Member

    Mmmmmmmmmmmm – a personal favorite.

    Free Member

    That's not 'nice' tinribz – she's clearly been playing away from home. that's quite upsetting.

    Maybe he's their stepfather thou, so yes it could be happy! good work tinribz

    Free Member

    39 – I 'interview' people for a living. I don't enjoy it, they probably enjoy it less thou, so there's always someone worse off than you. :lol: Soon to BS my way into something different thou! :D

    Free Member

    I'm aware of his work – haven't seen a 'live performance' thou. I think i have a few videos i could post? here's a close up:

    Free Member

    Managed to get a barend to the sideburn and now have a lump on my face but its all good!!

    Now that gives me an idea of how to negotiate your exit package!!

    Oh – that's Edward Norton from the office scene, sorry best pic i could get!

    Free Member

    50K more than i'm on at the moment – that's kind of enough to make me think about it. I think that's enough to make most people think about it.

    Free Member

    I've been thinking about it quite a bit today. A big part of me wants to give it a go, thinking of all the times i've not got interviews or jobs because it's gone to someone that knows someone, even thou i (on paper) would be the prefered candidate. Then i think how unfair this is and that i should not be part of it (although i'm aware that integrity doesn't pay the bills).

    Another part of me know's i'm terrible at lying and will be caught out at interview, even thou i'd have questions and answers given to me prior to the interview i doubt my BS'ing enough to carry it off.

    A large chunk of me thinks that's an amazing opportunity and the salary is amazing, think of all the stupid useless crap i could buy to make myself feel better about being a lying cheating schmuck (although would i be 'cheating' if i was actually good at the job – i mean how bright do you have to be to go round with a clip board ticking boxes, i've a degree, and a masters, just not in a 'relevant' subject)

    It will probably just boil down to whether i can leave to kids, i couldn't take them with me for fear of it all going horribly wrong.

    Free Member

    vinnyeh – Member
    Going against the sway of opinion here…

    I'd be tempted to give it a go if:
    the job being offshore there'd be no repercussions to my employment here if it went tits up. The world is pretty wild in some places and jobs, full of chancers, and bs'ers. If you can pull this off then bring those skills back to this country you've started yourself off on a new career.
    and you've got some genuine belief that you have at least some of the skills necessary, and can pretty quickly acquire the rest- presumably you do, else you wouldn't be asking the question.

    Don't say that, or i'll change my mind! But yes I had managed people and projects before, but not on the scale he's working on, by a long chaulk. There is a lot of BS'ers out there, i've heard some horror stories, and everyone has to start somewhere, and not everyone starts at the bottom – but I'm not a great one for BS unfortunatly, if I was i'd give it a shot for sure, as I know i could pull it off.

    My mate has worked in this industry 20+ years and is convinced i'd be able to do it, and enjoy it. I'm just not happy with the lying to get the position.

    Free Member

    yer, and i'm not even a very good liar. I'm sure a lot of folk do, and get away with it, but that's just not me, never has been. I think i'll email him and tell him no! If it didn't invlove actual lying I'd love the opportunity, but I have my values, I can't afford to have them, but I do have them. oh well! :|

    Free Member

    That sounds about right. As HR would also be in the interview i'd assume that they would be questioning his motivation if the boxes weren't ticked, and other candidates did have the boxes ticked. I believe him that i'd be able to do the job, why else would he risk putting his head on the line? I presume that he know's that his word is/wouldn't be enough to guarantee the position.

    Free Member

    I wouldn't have any issues blagging that! :lol:

    Free Member

    No, not marketing or Sales.

    Free Member

    wwaswas – Member
    why can't your mate be honest?

    he can say – "there's this great bloke I know who can do the job given half a chance" – he's putting his reputation on the line then not yours.

    yer, that's the conclustiom the wife and i came up with. maybe that's not the way it works in his line of work, i'm not sure, as i've never done it!!! He tells me it's a who you know deal, yet if that's the case why do i have to lie so much?

    Free Member

    I know, it's my worry too, he's convinced it won't and that I (we) wouldn't get found out. Apparently the whole place is full of bull shitters according to him, so I'd be the least of their worries. I'm also concerned for him, as it'll reflect very badly upon him if i screw up (again he assure me this couldn't happan) as he's taking all his family with him!!!

    There's not a massive finacial cost to me, should it all turn to custard but he seems adamant that i should be there too, maybe just so he has someone to ride with :?:

    Free Member

    Bregante – Member
    crikey. Is it just me? what's the problem here? if you don't wanna read it…………

    don't read it.

    But don't read it and THEN complain about it.

    In the Ghetto (Wiltshire) we call them 'player haters' :D

    Some folk are never happy unless they are pissin on some one elses fireworks, it's a little sad really.

    Keep going Ton – spread the wealth! :D

    Free Member

    Anyway the way it works at the moment is kind of fair for dealers and the consumer, it's not perfect, but it is fair. For eaxample.

    If a shop commits to a brand it can, or often will, have more choice in terms of model and sizes of that brand, giving the consumer choice, they will also have the necessary backup in terms of rep support and warrenty etc.

    If any old shop can order in bikes willy nilly from the suppliers then there is no encouragement for them to commit and support the brand, and therefor makes it easy for them to undercut opposition as they are given a promised sale and will not be left with redundant stock at the end of the year due to having stock that did not sell.

    It's not great, but if it didn't work like this most shops would struggle due to more competition in an already tight market.

    Free Member

    i just got 0.0000 on my first sheep – bet no one can beat that! (i'm guessing it was luck!) How can i get a screen shot no one will believe me :D

    Free Member

    I reckon you could get a 'very similar bike' for about £100 off a Bristol lad between the 21st and 26th of November. :D

    Free Member

    My gran used to live in Widnes – the place is horrible, and look what you could tie yourself to for 25 years in an average job – Prozac anyone?

    Free Member

    Pretty much all towns are the same. If you were to be blind folded and dropped into a town centre you would be hard pushed to to tell the difference. Not all are shite holes though but they all seem to be copies of each other these days.

    Generic towns

    What makes a town bad isn't the shopfronts or block paving – it's what's behind that, the architecture, the people, the local facilities. The stinking factories chucking out fumes (think Bridgewater and Port Talbot. The crime rate, social deprivation or availability of jobs.

    Towns in the UK are far from generic in my opinion – if they were then there would be far less correlation than ther is in housing prices.

    Free Member

    well we could develop areas of Africa and other large land masses that are considered deserted states of land.

    Well that's a great idea!

    8O :roll:

    Maybe your being ironic?

    Free Member

    People only have children for 100% selfish reasons

    Then why are men made to feel like the selfish ones when they tell their partner that they don't want kids?

    Free Member

    I must admit i'd find it a bit annoying, nimby or not. Look at it his way, some git's got a massive campervan, only he's too tight to pay to keep it on one of those storage places for cars/caravans etc, so decides that it's fair enough it park it outside your house, making the street look untidy, making it harder for you to park, blocking out the light from your house – and he knows all this but really doesn't give a flying one 'cos it's not in his backyard, or in front of his house blocking out his light, in fact it's no hassle for him at all!

    The guy that owns it is taking the piss, and doesn't give a sh1t about you or your neighbours qaulity of life. To be honest i'd be pissed off at his selfish attitude and let him know it.

    Free Member

    Halloween and other americanisms

    Halloween is a Celtic celebration, it has just been a little hi-jacked for commercial reasons. Or do you mean the Americanization of celebrations? In a way it's a good thing thou (but i'll agree it can be annoying),as it means that it's not forgotten, and in a way, no matter how perverted it has become, it's origins that are in British history are in some way preserved.

    Anyway by far and the most annoying thing is if your out with someone and they say 'Oh do you mind getting this (it's usually something for them), I don't want to break into a 20!!!!

    What did you plan to do with the cash you got out from the cash machine then you Dick!

    What it actually means is they are a tight fisted scrounger. I've started carrying round the highest denomination of note available now just so I can trump to next fecker i come across that does this, it hasn't happened yet but i'm counting the days.

    Has anyone ever asked someone to 'get' something for them so they don't have to 'break' a note – give your reasons why you did this you pikey!

    Free Member

    I prefer to run Nevegal front and rear, i find the blue groove good as a front, but thens to tram line a bit if rutted compared to the nevegal. nevegal is a good front thou (i'd never use blue groove on rear, to be hinest i've never tried it but the profile would suggest it'd be a bit rubbish)

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