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  • Sonder Evol GX Eagle Transmission review
  • shoefiti
    Free Member

    tollah – Member

    Practically everything i’ve said on the internet – ever

    Errrrrm when your in a hole, stop digging mate.

    Free Member

    So what was the upshot of all this? Does anyone else think that single speed stu boning Tollah or what?


    Free Member

    MidlandTrailquestsGraham – Member

    That’s because the tyres are bigger there’s more area for the thorns to stick in.
    Common sense really.

    Is this a joke, if so i don’t get it. If it isn’t a joke i really don’t get it! 8O

    Free Member

    a pounds a pound!

    Free Member

    crikey – Member

    His/her name is tollah and he/she is ashamed….

    And thus again demonstrating how he has managed to assend to the higher echelons of ass-hatery than most STW forum users could only hope to achieve.


    Free Member

    soobalias – Member

    i do see and hear a succession of people complaining that,
    they “are losing jobs”/”cant find work” that,
    requires no real skill, intellect or qualification/experience,
    yet offers short hours, long holidays and a salary well in excess of the national average + benefits, for little/no discernable output.

    Is that due to the public sector not hiring so much due to the ‘down turn’? :?

    Free Member

    hitman – Member

    I’ve been riding there since 1997, so it’s change quite a bit over that time. You used to ride down what now is the the initial climb, and do a river crossing, before the course became official. Those were the days!

    Did you used to ride Sirhowy as well?

    No, never ridden there, not knowlingly anyway. I used to visit my mate in Cardiff and ride quite a bit round there thou. Very old skool, flask of coffee, some lunch, 8 hours in the saddle, carrying bikes up silly climbs. That’s what you had to do back in the day *go’s all misty eyed*

    Free Member

    The course has changed a little over time. The bit just before the totem pole never used to be there, that adds a few minutes. Plus when you get to the top they’ve mucked that around, again adding a couple of mins maybe. Also when they felled all those trees many moons back about 2/3rds of the way round it did change a little, not for the better. Then the decent changed about 5 years back too i think, it used to be a more direct route down. I’ve been riding there since 1997, so it’s change quite a bit over that time. You used to ride down what now is the the initial climb, and do a river crossing, before the course became official. Those were the days!

    Free Member

    I thought that cwmacarn was only 8 miles? Not sure really. Good racers could easily do an average of 16mph plus on a course like this not problem. Work it out from that.

    Free Member

    Don’t worry about it Cubemeup, some regulars on here are just too cool to mention times etc, don’t take it personally.

    A good time round Cwncarn is about 50 mins or less. My mate used to do it on his SS at just under 50 mins he’s quite quick, but not a racer type. Although a mate of mine did do it in 37 mins, he is pretty quick thou and races road quite a bit. I do believe that Magnus who used to be a local did it in about 28mins, although i might of got that wrong, i think that he holds the unofficial record anway. You could look at the student champs that they had there a few years back, but i think that they used the road a bit on the ups.

    Just ignor the daft comments, it’s just STW.

    Free Member

    coogan – Member

    No matter how much you all spaff over how old, or how rare, or how unique they are ultimately they are all just a bunch of tubes that are bikes. And bikes ain’t that spectacular. They are just bikes.

    Indeed, and if they were spectacular, there would be more of them around, then no one would think they were that special.

    People like rare stuff thou, just look at how much that varse sold for last week!

    Free Member

    You could turn off that strobe light for starters.

    Free Member

    That is sound advice namastebuzz, i was troubled as to the correct ammunition to use whilst blatting motorists, i’m not sure if the weight of a bike compared to that of a motorcycle would change the type that he recommends thou… hmmmmmmmm. :?

    Free Member

    They could be an ‘off white’ – i think that a technical term is like a ‘misty buff’ or a ‘shrimp sunrise’ although i admit that i am not an expert.

    Free Member

    Well i like to sit in my comfy chair with a good pair of headphones on when the wife and kids have gone to bed and have a shifty through my old CD collection. I enjoy the tactile interaction of this, and often frustration and annoyance that a CD has been misplaced.

    I don't like spinning my thumb round a widget scanning through a thousand albums – it kind of removes the magic for me. Good for in the car, but not what it's not the whole of the human/music interaction, for me anyway. 8)

    Free Member

    That Might just be displacement – like if a lorry drives past you, theoretically there shouldn't be a downdraft, as the wing is being pulled upwards by the less dense air, as you said buoyancy – or where you stating that there is no downdraft? In which case i agree.

    Free Member

    erm….. fun stuff costs money (mostly)

    Free Member

    Have you lot not seen a pigeon carrying truck? I know the question is hypothetical, (maybe assuming that the cages are airtight) in which case the weight is constant, but they are pigeons! so it doesn't really work very well as a model, if you bring common sense into it the pressure created by the flapping wings (read as weight on the scales once birds are a'flappin) which would have to be equal or greater the the weight of the bird only effects an overall weight if all pressure is directed downwards, which of course it isn't, as the pressure outside the lorry (through the cage type thing) is less than the pressure created by the downward pressure of the wings innit. The argument here is hypothetical v's reality. Buy of of these, fill it with pigeons and put it on a weigh bridge and see if i'm wrong. You could do it on a smaller scale with a budgie in a cage and some kitchen scales – anyone game? :P

    Free Member

    MilitantGraham – Member

    If a lorry is carrying a load of pigeons on perches and the pigeons all take off and start flying around inside the lorry, will it weigh less ?

    The lorry will weigh the same, of course! the total weight (lorry and cargo, with pigeon being the cargo) will be less, what are you, fick?

    Free Member

    I've tested this celebrity look-a-like thing, my results are as follows:

    Chevy Chase: looks 83% like Chevy Chase
    Goldie Hawn: Only looks 54% like Goldie Hawn.
    Me: Brad Pitt or Art Garfunkel (tough, they look so alike!)

    I'm calling Bull Shizzle on this website!

    Free Member

    HeathenWoods – Member

    According to missus and kids…

    Hmmmmmm I thought…………

    Free Member

    is it 33%?

    Free Member

    Look SFB, apparently a man was put on the moon 40 odd years ago, believe me if you have a few bob someone could knock you up a bike that runs on the electrickery! :lol:

    Not saying it was done, but i'd bet my lunch it could be!

    Free Member

    Internal resistance SFB Internal resistance!!!

    Free Member

    One thing is for sure, Boonen needs to get one!

    Free Member

    coffeeking – Member

    That doofer isn't big enough to contain enough energy to make much difference,

    Got to disagree there. A LiPo battery down the tubes and a well designed motor there could easily add enough oomph to knock the skin off the competition.

    I second that, SFB is behind the times – a decent cordless drill would run 450 watts, you'd only need half that to drop your opponents if you were already pretty stack!

    Time to get out my tool kit and but a new drill :P

    Free Member

    Great thread guys! My view is that the spokes are in tension – there is no actual compression, just less tension, as has been said before – pretty hard to call this tension really, that would be a bit like saying that when we jump in the air we are defying gravity.

    My two cents worth thou is YES Spokes are in compression, but only in a cart wheel or the Mavic R-SYS system wheels, which don't work like normal spoke wheels:

    And that should pretty much be the end of it i think.

    Free Member

    Part Marketing, part not marketing innit. As stated before the Longer Travel HT's with slacker geometry and crud mounts, mud clearance in quite specific to UK and Canada in terms of market share of bikes sold.

    Also folk like to feel special don't they, there is quite a different cycling (in particular MTB riding)culture in the UK (you only have to look at the mags available in other countries to support this view) So marketing is always going to be more effective if you go with the existing trends and reinforce an existing ideology. Why would folk selling frames, bikes etc make the suggestion that a bike 'designed for Germany' would be better than one for where the majority of the intended market is actually going to use the bike – they arn't are they. Also we have existing stereotypes of other places and the riding that they do, it would be daft for marketers to try and second guess that to exploit it.

    Are you going to be swayed towards buying a car that was marketed as 'designed for the US', probably not as if like me you have never driven there (or ridden there for that matter)so i'm putting my faith in those selling me the car or bike that they've made that it's the most suitable option for my intended use.

    If you are not swayed by this sort of marketing, well kudos to you Jedi of all that is bikes and bike marketing, now tuck back into your tube of pringles and get back to your IT job, or go buff your mary bars.

    Free Member

    Sorry, bit late on all this, just had a read through and i'm none the wiser, is that theyEye guy a troll?

    theyEye – Member

    Having your employer provide you with health insurance isn't the optimal situation, agreed. Everyone should have their portable plan. And if they want a bigger risk pool, hook up with their friends.

    Hang on, isn't he suggesting that we hook up with friends, get a joint policy?

    Well that is a smaller risk isn't it? And what you are in fact advocating is a system whereby people put their cash into a pool, if you get ill your covered?!? Sounds like the UK system to me.

    What you fail to understand theyEye is that if you live in a society you pay for others regardless, you pay for others to be imprisoned if they commit crimes so that you can venture outside without being a little bit murdered, you pay for the roads you use and the ones you don't…… basically you are paying for loads of stuff you may never use but other people do.

    What you want is THE RIGHT to not pay for the improved health of the most vulnerable people in society, basically that's not really on is it mate.

    Life is a gamble, do you know your not going to get cancer, your wife, your kids? I know i don't but i'm happy that i live somewhere that won't bankrupt my wife if i have a long drawn out disease and inadequate insurance to pay for my treatment.

    Don't even get me started on your 'anyone can earn more money' BS, who is going to teach your kids, police your streets, clean your f'in hospitals, and an average house costs 8 times their wages, how the hell would they afford the insurance. Think about it, if they paid these people more, your taxes would increase, your insurance would go up, you'd be just as bad off.

    It's the i'm alright Jack attitude that get's me. I'm assuming your either a troll or an idiot. I'm going for idiot.

    Free Member

    Did anyone say something about a rally car full of something, emu's or similar? I'm not sure if I had a dream about it, ot if it was important, but i'm sure someone said something and i'm pretty sure it was very, very, very important?

    Sorry, just woke up, I think it was important thou.

    Free Member

    Nitromors does work but not very well.

    2nd that. I spent a very unhappy approx 10 hrs on a frame many moons ago. Wire brush and niromors + eyes is a bit of a gamble too! A blow torch and wire brush is safer, but always wear goggles. I'd take it to a powder coaters and ask what they use, i'll bet there's an easy option.

    Free Member

    I like a challenge, I don't always enjoy the journey thou, who does?

    Free Member

    uponthedowns – Member

    Shoefiti you say you don't enjoy running then why put yourself through all the training necessary to run a marathon? Wouldn't it be better to spend the time doing something you enjoyed?

    Ha ha yer good one, like the missus will agree to that again! :P

    Free Member

    Who's this page unlucky for?

    Free Member

    Keva – Member

    having never run a marathon or ridden a road bike recently I've really no idea.

    Well that isn't the STW way – having little or no experience of an issue gives you a much greater reason to demonstrate an opinion, especially if it's the wrong one, get with the program. :P Just use the search facility to look up a TandemJeremy post, follow his lead, you'll soon get the idea.

    Free Member

    I can run 'o.k.' in that i can do 20km in an 1.5hr. I find running fitness pretty easy to get up to speed with. I've never run further than 25km thou. I can however ride 150 miles (or at least have done a few times), which I found pretty tough. I find a 20km run finishes me off as much as an 80-100 mile ride, but the thought of a marathon at the moment is a little daunting.

    Free Member

    Hmmmmm that's food for thought, thanks.

    Free Member

    Yes I know that. What I am wondering is for those that do both how many miles on a road bike would you consider a comparable effort.

    I will actually train for the marathon. 8)

    Free Member

    Joxster – Member

    I made my chain whip out of an old fork and a length of chain,

    Luxury!!!! I had to make a cone spanner out of a rat's intestine and a clothes peg! Don't know your born i tell thee.

    Free Member

    Not on my watch!

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