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  • shoefiti
    Free Member

    Pin this to the garage door, kind of like how you dangle a carrot in front of a donkey

    That’s no use, as soon as you close the garage door you’ll get pissed up, verbally abuse someone then shag a tarty hairdresser – that’s not ideal training.

    By the way i do (used to, when i could be bothered) do 15 mins warm up, 2x20mins at lactic threashold (5 mins easy between) 15 mins warm down.

    or: same warm up 5 x 5 mins at highest sustainable power (got up to 400 watts when i was fit) then same cool down.

    Once a fortnight do 60 minutes at threashold – just to see if i could ever break the hour record – unfortunatly at 330 watts for 11.8 stone i was always shite and my dreams faded away :o(

    i’m thinking of dragging it out this week thou – haven’t used it in a bit – the power meter doesn’t lie, so last time i used it i just got depressed.

    Free Member

    At the moment my job is visiting companies and giving redundancy talks, sorting out re-training etc etc. Its sole destroying to see all the people being made redundant or being put onto short time working

    Maybe you should travel between these companies using a bike or car then :wink:

    Or at least charge them a shoe allowance! :lol:

    Free Member

    He is a one trick pony who will do f*** all in the Giro and get his ass whipped by Berty, Cadel, the Schlecks et al in the tour.Then hopefully he will go away .

    Agree with that – except for the Cadel bit, as the idiot will probably opt to sit on his wheel for 3 weeks and loose 10 seconds to lance in the individual TT’s. Always the bridesmaid, and a troll ugly one at that.

    Free Member

    [/i]Kids always shout at me when I’m on my Brompton

    We used to do that too – or shout for our mummies, “mummy, mummy the pedo on the Brompton is watching us at the park again”

    Free Member

    Police won’t be interested either (i can testify to that) – although it is really very dangerous to throw things at cyclists – possibly resulting in death; that is of course unless you maybe told them anonymously that they were threating motorists etc with ‘some sort’ of fire arms – then i’ll bet they would be more than intersted (anyone who did the sits some years ago will know that) – i don’t really understand why certain priorites are set when actions of individuals can have equal consequences. Maybe a member of the police that reads this forum could tell us.

    Free Member

    This is of course why road chains tend to last a lot longer in terms of miles and hours used – they are usually kept cleaner, so will wear less, and remain shorter in terms of length.

    Free Member

    Pulp Fiction, True Romance, Kill Bill 1&2, are favourites of mine, so no time soon I hope. No-one’s mentioned Dusk till Dawn, which started great and turned bad quickly for me.

    That’s probably as Robert Rodriguez directed it – so not so much your taste as the films Taranteno directs.

    However my least favourite sci-fi film has got to be “The Matrix” – it’s just a creepy fan-boy manifesto and bashes its single “moral” home with all the subtlety of a half brick.

    It’s a Hollywood film – they can’t afford to be too subltle if big merchandising deals are in the offing, however i still feel that this film has merit in that it makes a simplifed investingation into the works of Hilary Putnam (read reason truth and history – good book) – Plus it gave all those ex Home & Away actors some work god bless em.

    In conclusion: I’m not going to state a personal opinion of what film i don’t rate, there should be arguments for and against any film mentioned, for if there were not it would be a sad day – just because you all may be intersted in bikes it doesn’t mean have to enjoy the same films.

    Oh stuff it – ‘eye’s wide shit’ utter crap.

    Free Member

    Or walk.

    Free Member

    actually get a velocopede! no chains needed.

    Free Member

    screw that go to 7 speed!

    Free Member

    nothing to see there i’m afraid – thankyou, drive through.

    Free Member

    Many thanks – downloaded cdburnerxp what ever that is – works fine now!

    Thanks again

    Free Member

    it’s ‘Microsoft Video (.avi)’ when i click properties. So need to convert this somehow to a format a household dvd will mangage.

    Free Member

    arn’t vanilla’s a bit overkill for sand?

    Free Member

    How old is the house? i bought a shitty new build once (built 2001) try putting anything on those walls! breeze blocks with plasterboard stuck on with dollops of concrete grrrrrrrrrrrrr only a few centemeters between the two so nightmare – i never thought of or found a way to secure anything to those walls.

    Free Member

    Where is the pain coming from? is it one or both knees? any previous injuries to legs, back, hips, KNEES? common condition is chondromalacia, although you will need an arthroscopy to find out for sure.

    Free Member

    @ trailmoggy – i just think the Japanesse were far more enjoing the murdering than Stalin, bit more evil if you will.

    Free Member

    lot of shops stopped stocking ISIS when ouboard came in, as before the exchange rate went bad an LX crank (with BB) was only 20 odd quid more than a crappy isis BB – which inevitably would only last a week or two.

    Free Member

    Now that would be a classic – get some old velocoraptors and your rollin!

    Free Member

    Why does everyone pick on the Nazi’s for their hideous murdering ways – go and have a go at the Japanese, they for my money were worse yet no one ever mentions the Rape of Nanking and other such modern day massacres, i for one am never buying another Casio.

    Free Member

    In my mind these bikes can’t really be ‘classics’ most have had newer parts added. A classic should be 10 years old plus, with (at least mostly) original parts fitted, it’s like taking a mk1 escort to a classic car rally with some flashy new wheels and a cd player, just wrong – all you’ve got here (marin excluded) is old frames with some new forks/brakes etc.

    Rant over – someone show us a 1970’s super corsa with full record or a early 90’s clockwork with full XC pro groupset PROPER CLASSICS.

    Free Member

    Yer at least they could earn a few bob out of it – to be honest 90% of the bands mentioned broke up for a damn good reason – that most likely being that a job in the local supermarket would pay more!

    and remember kids

    Home recording kills music.

    Free Member

    No one ever mentions ‘Sideways’ anymore – always used to pop up a load of times as best cycle shop, even by folk who had never even been there, just as it was trendy to say they liked it!!! i’ve nothing against Sideways or Tim, but it did used to grate that folk only said it was great for no other reason that he had cool ads in ST magazine.

    Free Member

    my mk2 XTR chainset was signifacantly lighter and nicer to use than current deore. And by nicer to use, i mean there is no noticable flex in the rings when shifting, hooks up better between rings – just nicer thats all. Current XTR is very nice and light, but performance in shifting is not any different to current XT in what i could feel.

    Free Member

    Helmet cams and youtube – that’ll learn em! and also those exhibing dangerous driving too, many times i wish i’d had video evidence of on road shinanegans!

    Free Member

    the bad – not too much, maybe boring if your a teenager thou. I love it and i’m in me 30’s

    Free Member

    fish and chips at sunset on totland pier (fantastic – you can bring your own wine) fort victoria – ggod for the kids if they like trains, walk up tennyson downs great if sunny! good(ish) riding in Brighstone forest. Got to love Blackgand chine for the kids plus it’s free re-entry again within a week (bargain!!) loads to do and see! oh and the waxworks museum in Brading – really scary!

    Free Member

    Tall folk should shut up and pay for extra leg room – it’s common knowledge and backed up by a lot of research that the taller you are the more fiscally sucsessful you will be, add to this you will be significantly less angry with other aspects of your life, and add to this again that women will find you much more attractive than your short arsed counterparts. Realistically how much do you travel and how much through the course of your life will this cost you in paying for extra leg room? much that than the emotional scaring (and possible dwarf related therapy) and humiliation of being a angry short arsed peckerwood that’s for damn sure!

    But fat people should pay for two seats, if only to teach them a lesson – as Mudshark says they could well steal your food – or eat or your children.

    Free Member

    i cook 160 rotor either mini or marta on long downhill and find the braking isn’ there when/if i need it and i’m only 73kg besides the g-force thing whichis funny i’d go with the louise reply – 180 front 160 rear louise or louise FR will be ideal – light weight and more power than m4’s.

    Free Member

    that camera work reminds me of ‘this life’ i hadd to stop watching it, it made me feel sea sick.

    Free Member

    taken it to any sweet parks yet – you know in your mack?

    Free Member

    check out the schools etc (can be done online) also crime rates and other such stats also where are you in the uk? i’ll bet to be honest that yes, it would be a better place fpr kids to grow up, most places in the uk are shit.

    Free Member

    you can get the middle out quite easy by wacking it with a punch – they have a little ridge on them, so when you try and get it back in it usually bends the darker colour bit and looks a bit of a mess, they still take them at tesco’s thou.

    oh the joys of quiet days working in the bike shop.

    Free Member

    ive got a vango 100 – the one person jobby – it’s pretty nicely made for the cash – alloy pegs, taped seams decent zips etc.

    Free Member

    Having worked in bike shops for a number of years (i would not be happy if the builder of my bike took less than 2 1/2 hours to build it up (not including wheel build) lets take a typical full suss:

    face bb (properly) 15 mins to 30 mins (some frames are terrible!)

    ream (or just check reaming) on seat tube so not to scratch new seat post 10 mins

    Cut steerer of fork to length, fit crown race taper steerer tube and fit fangled 30 – 40 mins

    face disc mounts front and rear (if your fitting kings to fox this’ll take ages) 20 – 40 mins

    Set up and bleed brakes (45 mins minimum)just puttin discs on wheels properly takes 10 minutes!

    actually put whole lot together, set up suspension for riders weight, dial in gears, re-adjust brakes is necessary etc….. oh i give up, anyway it takes a while if you want it done properly.

    Also take into account cabling, putting on end crimps, paying an outagious fee to dispose of the huge amount of packaging that came with the parts.

    Free Member

    Specialized armadilo’s are supposed to be very good although i used michalin speediums for years on my cross bike for commuting they last for ever and i only had one puncture in 2 years!

    Free Member

    i’m interested in this talking dog.

    Free Member

    it’s quite tricky to get spot on – it depends where you are in country and which satalite you point it at – you can get the info off the web google sky satalites – you can buy a signal strength meter from maplins for about 28 pounds (used to be able to) that go’s between coax and dish. Could probably do it yourself with a bit of faffing – if the walls are at same angle (pointing in same direction) and you get it the same height it won’t be too far out – but i could be wrong! (i know this as i got a bollocking from some sky guy as he thought i’d moved the dish!)

    Free Member

    I love the car ones. THey fall apart so quickly. Lots of people swinging off on tangents then suddenly it’s all name calling. Brilliant, this is a classic even by STW standards.

    I know it’s just fantastic – i personally wasn’t expecting the diagrams and statistics – they are the cherry on the cake!

    Can’t you sort it with a few pints at the pub then a trip to a go-kart track!

    Free Member

    I don’t mean to be rude but…… Stu you idiot Buckfast is the at other end of the country from Glasgow last time i checked….. tsk!

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