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  • The International Variations Of Faff: What Do You Call It?
  • shoefiti
    Free Member

    Anyway bristol bike theft zars besides i’ve bought one of these as my garage is 10 yards from the house. I also use a ground anchor and a few chains. Luckily in Wilstshire bike theft isn’t as bad as many other areas – otherwise i’d spend quite a bit more.

    now if anyone wants to shout me down for trying to show that there are cheap and effective ways to alert you to folk trying to break into your garage then go ahead i can’t be bothered anymore.

    Free Member

    thank you dezb.

    Free Member

    A trawl through the last 2 months of STW forum or your blog would demonstate such activities yes, however i was suggesting ways that people could secure their garages against theft i.e. locks – alarms – more secure doors etc etc. a high horse won’t get your bike back.

    Free Member

    jesus – this is unbelievable – are you condoning bike theft now?

    Free Member

    I was not trying to start an argument if you read back through the thread you’ll see that. All i wanted to get out of people was what are the best security messures to prevent bike theft – now if for any reason you have problem with that then i give up.

    Free Member

    @ Mr agreeable – did you even read the start of the thread or just jump straight in with the shouting down?

    Free Member

    Unfotunatly bigdummy many people it would seem have had their homes/garages etc broken into so that unpleasant folk can relieve them of their possesions – it’s not just about the loss of the bikes that’s an issue it’s the inconvienience and sense of helplessness and distress it can cause. many folk on here do spend a good portion of their disposable income on bikes, it would be nice to know that your property was as safe as it could be – to mitigate the experiance of loss. I am fully aware that worse things happan, yes people die, yes people get spots, yes there is nothing on tv – but for christs sake bit don;t make it all worse by having your bike knicked!

    Free Member

    “”So it’s nothing to do with the person stealing it?””

    No – they are not responsable for your security messures, only the reason you need them!

    “”eBay are shit at tackling theft which is just one of a long list of reasons not to use them.””

    Indeed they are – hence the reason the theifs use them to flog your knicked bikes – are you getting my point yet?

    Free Member

    And also Mragreeable take your agrument to conclusion and we would all coherantly form a task force disasembling all fencing techniques incorporated by bike thieves – wrong – stop them nicking them, they won;t have anything to fence, security of your own proprty starts and ends with you, writing a letter to the MD of ebay ain’t going to help!

    Free Member

    “”Security measures are a good idea, no doubt about that. However you aren’t going to be able to guard against a really determined thief, or keep your bike under lock and key at all times.””

    errrrm no i diagree – in the last 2 weeks there have been at leat 4 reported thefts in here and other wise from garages ajoining houses whilst the occupants were asleep and didn’t here a thing – so my point is, yes it is happaning, yes it could well happan to you, yes they WILL target you because your bike is worth something – so get real, get an alarm fitted to your garage and do what it takes to make things as diffeicult as you can for these toe rags, what’s your issue with that Mr Agreeable?

    Free Member

    Just don’t leave anyting on your roof rack!

    Free Member

    @ kingtut – because they are lacking, you don’t like to brag, or Bristol is just too damn a sh1te place to leave a bike longer than 5 minutes unattended?

    Free Member

    @ finbar – that’s more like it me lad! :D

    Free Member

    @ Mr agreeable – look i’m trying to be helpful here – how do you make yourself not a victim – there are bad elements out there – yes there is!!! and no amount of rose tinted glasses is going to change that, i’m talking defensive messures here, be realistic, i daresay you should know more than many.

    Free Member

    LMAO @ geoffj – it’s funny because it’s true.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the help all!!!

    all except finbar and Ianmunroe – you are useless pricks.

    Free Member

    nope zokes – that about sums it up! i think i’m off to Bike Magic to open an acount the self righteous index is lower there.

    Free Member

    again – idiot.

    Free Member

    Thanks a lot – that saved me from a possible 15 years inside.

    Free Member

    So you’rr not keen on looking in mirrors, or at road signs, side entrances or anything else that prevents you from having a fixed gaze at the road 100m ahead?

    I think you’ll find these are not cunningly hidden – idiot.

    Free Member

    He needs to get a driver. Someone I know did this – he had a mate who was out of work, so claiming. He then paid him a few bob to drive him around. On the premise that it was cash only.
    Worked out well for all actually.

    See how a little bit of breaking the law has snowballed into benefit fraud and god knows what else!

    might as well chip in – you can’t see all the speed camera’s you buch of self riteous idiots – other wise know one would get caught – if you spend all time your time looking at your speedo and scanning the road furniture for cameras how much time are you spending looking where your going? plus sneaky sh1ts in vans hide all over the place, sometimes speed signs are hidden by hedges etc, and this is used to the advantage of the cops. Should he of speeded – no he shouldn’t have – have you ever speeded – of course you have accidently or other wise, you tell me no, then your a liar – should his family suffer for this, not really to the extent all you would be STW judge dreads out there would like. All he needs is a big enough fine to stop him doing it so often – not put out of work so a entire family may have to claim benefits.

    Free Member

    I’m guessing the gang are renting – very few would own thier own house – also whilst they are there they are unlikely to draw attention to their activities and keep quiet but i’m guessing you don’t really want this on your doorstep, but also if you didn’t know it was going on, are they doing anything else that would bother you.

    chances are that if you know it’s going on the police do also and they will be raided soon – nothing puts off other potential purchasers like a bunch of guys in white suits decontaminating a clandestine P lap. So you could get a bargain and then a lovely young couple will move into the house and invite you round to throw your car keys into a big bowel on their glass coffee table!

    Free Member

    try not to attract attention when out.

    I think that’s how a lot of theives get to know what you have – you only have to wait at a sevice station that’s on route from a trail centre on a Sunday evening on a major route into your thieving city of choice and you can follow any number of folk home i’d imagine – just pull out and follow them the last few miles back to theirs, jot down the details, then back to do it again, a few hours spent doing this and i’m sure you’d have quite a busy week robbing. Add to this the previous jobs they’ve done and put in their thieving diary a few months down the track once the insurance pays out!

    It’s time I think that folk faced up to the reality of why they are being singled out.

    I always put my bike in the cack of my car – covered up – plus if it’s not on the roof your saving 20% on your fuel bill – how cool do you think putting your bike on the roof is making you look anyway?

    Free Member

    Is it tho?

    Nice straw man argument you got going on there.

    errrrrrm i’d say fairly ‘common’ considering the amount of reported thefts from garages – i did not say the ‘majority’ of STW’ers that would of (maybe) have been a falicy – but yes i would say that it is common so no strawman argument here!

    Free Member

    Didn’t your garage alarm go off and alert you/neighbours?

    Free Member

    what a tool!

    Free Member

    I rode one for some time – on loan luckily – i was heavier then, about 76-78 kg – i am a resoanably powerful rider ie 400 watts for 5 minutes 650 at end of ramp test – so i’m not exactly amazing but i found it very flexy, but not so much on srinting, more when putting down steady power, and most worrying of all was decending on the thing, i was never sure i was going to make it out of fast corners.

    The new ones are supposed to be more flexy – so unless your 65 kg with legs made of pasta i wouldn’t recomend them – sorry just my personal exerience.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    King almost every time – long travel forks being the exception.

    Free Member

    got a st on me ss – it’s a ti fsa one it’s got 4 bearings i think, i’ve got a few spare bearings ‘just in case’ many muddy miles later and 2 years use and still no sign of wear – race face ht2 lasted 4 months – which is quite good apparently!

    Free Member

    i think i have a video with that in.

    Free Member

    holland and barrats used to have a liquid one (between 10 and 15 quid depending on the offer) for a months worth, it was orange flavoured – i’ve tried many of them i felt that this had the most benefit – the cheap holland and barrett ones (own brand) in pill form did me no benefit thou.

    my father in law had a dodgy shoulder and used to play a lot of golf and had to near enough stop – he had a lot of treaments on it, then tried glucosowotsit on my recomendation, and it’s done him the world of good – i didn’t think it’d work to be honest.

    My advice – get good ones – make sure the dose is correct (i’ve heard there’s an issue with ‘sulphates’ or something and try it for at least a couple of months – i’ve noticed that it does have some postive effects in that if you go too much on your knees and stuff em up then they feel right again sooner on the juice.

    Free Member

    My wife certainly doesn’t call it that!

    Free Member

    I suspect it’s Lupus.

    Free Member

    “”but its not your problem, its theirs.”” (a Hora quote)

    I beg to differ – it isn’t their car that’s been scratched – if someone came round to tell me that one of my kids had scratched their car that was left on a public road – i’d thank them for telling me and so i could deal with them, but in no way would i give them any cash – part and parcel of owning a car i’m afraid, and if kids are involved and it was nonintentional you’ll just have to suck it up – if on the other hand a fat d1ckhead opens their door into your door and dings it in Tesco car park beat them to the ground with a can of soup and remove their kidneys with your car keys and sell it on Ebay to compensate for the damage.

    Free Member

    My bike has 27 gears and uses a mech also – plus it works 100% of the time – draw your own conclusions.

    Free Member

    but in ‘bianco’

    Pretty nice.

    Free Member

    That is…………. horrible. When that ginger one was skinny that was pretty nasty (mostly as her face was attached to that bosy thou) but scary looks like a bloke (on the roids) with plastic tits and a spray tan.

    Free Member

    I saw snakes on a plane once – absolute crap.

    Free Member

    Sorry i meant CAN NOT abide! I couldn’t type i was just way too angry at the polite and efficient manner of the staff at crc last when i ordered some shifters this morning.

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