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  • Calibre Line T3 27 review
  • shoefiti
    Free Member

    Amd also Mr_a i think for the record that your pro-active approach to bike theft in Bristol is to be commended – it is something the police should of been on ages ago – i what got my gripe was that rather than offer anything to my argument which i admit started poorly was that it didn’t help what i (with hindsight poorly outlined) see as an issue of crime deterant/prevention. I was ranting as a freind of mines was broken into last week and had a great deal of kit pinched – yet due to lack of adequate security niether himself od the neighbours heard/saw anything. And this is becoming an all too regular occurance i think you’ll agree.

    Free Member

    @ anotherdeadhero – that’s the only one i got too! looks like you could remove it quite easily.

    Free Member

    I’ve also come into your line of fire for organising some repairs to the mountain bike trails around Bristol (which, judging by the post Bike Fest comments seem to have been widely appreciated)

    errrr i have never said anything of the sort Mr_a Ever i as many others appreciate the work you have done – and would challange you to find that i or others have said otherwisem without your hard efforts last weekend would of been a royal shambles!!!

    Free Member

    I’ve got it, some leaves, a big hole and sharpened bamboo spikes – hangins to good for ham theives innit.

    Free Member

    erm – i can’t apparently google image is confused.

    Free Member

    Can you give me any ham security tips?

    never let anyone follow you home with ham – always keep your ham in the house if possible – and try to always ham, with others – standard ham protocols in this day and age.

    Free Member

    you can keep your internets if that’s how you talk – gibbeldygook.

    Free Member

    i’ve had problems with the hamburgular before – he’s on parole again now you know.

    Free Member

    Indeed all your base are belong to us.

    now if i could only work out what that meant.

    Free Member

    same time next week? i’ll be discusing gluten free flapjack recipes if your interested.

    Free Member

    Indeed Anothedeadhero – you surely do win the internet – thanks for your invaluable contributions.

    Free Member

    criky what hit that hippo?

    Free Member

    ha ha see – now your doing it – you said i failed to get mr-a’s subtlety – so i refered to aspegers (this being a condition where people take things lierally – as you said i was doing – so obviouisly i must have been refering to myself – and you think i’m insulting you


    Free Member

    My fully comp (direct line i think) covered me for up to 28 days abroad – but i had to tell them did it when we drove to south of france last summer.

    Free Member

    Aspergers and forum use go hand in hand don’t they?

    Yes it is a valid point that mra made – and a valiant one – but unfortunatly an argument bikes thieves care little for i suspect.

    Free Member

    wasn’t the sportive up in scotland ruined by carpet tacks or some such shinangans? i hope the locals arn’t so ‘freindly’ in Wales.

    Free Member

    But as you have posted details of yours, I would say from experience your security arrangements are far from good.

    I already stated that i have never had a bike stolen (besides a shocking old 3 speed thing i was trying to get rid for years and it took days before anyone took it) (i was 9 and wanted a new bike)

    Free Member

    not true – re-read it. He said

    “So basically the thrust of your argument is that when someone has a bike nicked, it’s not the thieves’ fault, it’s theirs””

    To which other forum readers agreed that i hadn’t meant this.

    Free Member

    You don’t have to read the forum Kingtut – you could do some work – as you have said you are not prepared to offer advice to those outside your circle of riding buddies – so to be frank you have nothing to contribute anyway.

    Free Member

    That didn’t really come across very cleanly either. You got awfully angsty with people that refused awfully quickly too.

    what does that mean?

    Free Member

    No not really – unless the readers of the forum know where you live – which i suppose they could find out – in whch case good point. However there were some useful tips starting to come out before the Bristol witch hunt started.

    All i was trying to do was highlight how/why people become victims of bike theft and gain ideas of how this can be prevented by those that may of experinced this – if i’d had my bristol forum reader filter applied then maybe it would of been more constructive.

    I’m off for a ride.

    Free Member

    I’m not keen on it if that’s what you mean, so i stopped my subscription. Again this is getting away from the point of the thread – i fail to see how me pointing out how thieves operate and how people are being targetted is unhelpful. I suppose you drive round with your bike on your roof in complete oblivion to what may happan – or do you have a story that may be of use to readers of the forum that may highlight something that they have not of thought of?

    Free Member

    The title itself – ‘why bother’ is that not in some way inflamatory? and your posts were helpful? and RE matt carr – i just got fed up seeing him on the cover of magazines – that space should be reserved for those that have achieved soemthing.

    Free Member

    Do you drive TJ? i don’t suppose you have gone over the speed limit – Ever? have you ay? be honest!

    Free Member

    @trickydisco – that looks good where can i get on of those? is the steel quite hefty?

    Free Member

    you should be ok at that weight! it just wasn’t for me – i really wanted it to be as it was lovely looking. Good for the salted roads too – just wipe clean.

    Free Member

    @scotia – i sae it on the web only the other day – i think cyclingnews or bikebiz – i’ll have to trawl my history – it was a show in america, they didn;t ride it, but said that it was light than the last one, which they noted was very flexy, and they were hoping (but were not optomistic) that the new one was going to be better. (i can’t see that it would be to be honest due to the nature of Ti – you can’t realy make it stiffer and lighter very easily)

    Free Member

    @anotherdead hero – which points of mine did you disagree with exactly?

    Free Member

    Yes Mragreeable you can have that title – he has done little of note lately – not even rising to my ribbing at the BBF.

    Free Member

    How many people describe themselves as “law-abiding citizens” then do 80mph down the motorway? I know I do.

    Thank god – someone that doesn’t talk BS!

    I also got caught on a camera once – doing 67 in a 60 at 9pm on a stretch of A road – just gone from 2 lanes to 1 – no cars for miles – central reservation – no school or hospital for miles – my attention just lapsed, as it was at the bottom of a hill my speed had crept up – it’s not like i accidently slipped a bottle of whisky into my coat pocket or accidently hit my wife or accidently sold some crack to some school kids, my attention lapsed and i got hit with a fine – it sucks – but should this be punished with loss of employment, hardship for my family, cost to the tax payers? not in my mind.

    Free Member

    I was trying to be in someway helpful – albeit through shock tactics – and yes paranoia isn’t healthy – just as it’s helpful or useful to shout down and belittle anyone that try’s to draw attention to a problem – and it’s a real shame that the people trying to do this are people that themselves have been victims of bike theft and offer little constructive content to the discussion other than trying to shoot down the original poster – for that i think they should be ashamed.

    Free Member

    Thank you – something useful – see it wasn’t that hard was it?

    Free Member

    Yes fair enough!

    Free Member

    And what praytell is your approach – you seem to be the oricle of all knowledge? I have a steel door – my garage has no windows – i use ground achors and decent chain and locks – plus an alarm – i’ve never had a bike knicked – you have – you can not really give me any useful advice.

    Free Member

    well that’s 90% of the time covered as i work from home. when i’m on holiday or away i lock them in my cellar and my house is alarmed. I know not everyone has this option, but i’m making the best of my current situation.

    Free Member

    that’s as maybe – but if anyone opens the door i here it in the house – job done.

    Free Member

    erm is it a semi? if so pop round next door and tell them to sort their bloody wiring out asap.

    Free Member

    People have different budgets

    disproportionate to bike costs it would seem – argument doesn’t stand up.

    Free Member

    I think this thread was started with the aim of having a go at thicky mountain bikers who don’t set man-traps in their garages, but anyway.

    There is a happy medium between man trap and a red carpet with a nice bike, cup of tea and some jammy dodgers at the end of it Mrdevilsadvocate.

    Free Member

    And also kids – never ever ever leave a bike on a roof rack unatended.

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