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  • Fresh Goods Friday 727: The East 17 Edition
  • shoefiti
    Free Member

    injecting pish

    It’s no different than the damp course on a brick house. It’s done to prevent moisture wicking up and weakening the walls. You sure don’t want that ‘breathing’ into your living space, especially with a little one on the way. Common practice on old buildings.

    Free Member

    Never had an issue like that. Android app was a bit hit and miss, garmin 500 works a lot better. Have you tried uninstalling the app and reinstalling yet? Without looking at the fit files it’s a bit hard to ascertain what the exact issue is.

    Free Member

    Tank it on the outside

    Seconded. Certainly wouldn’t hurt, if you can’t resolve the main cause – on house I did in Bath had a natural spring in the garden a few doors up, we did that there, just in case.

    Free Member

    Don’t bother with bitumen on the floor. What is the floor made of? What you have to do is (and most of this you can do yourself) 1) remove kitchen. 2) dig out the floor to what ever is underneath, mud, clay, stone etc. probably about a foot down. 3) chip all the plaster off, which i see you have done. 4) have a damp course put in – which is essentially silicon injected into holes in the wall. Shouldn’t cost you too much. 5) Put in any new plumbing and wiring that you need 6) have the walls ‘tanked’ which is a concrete waterproof type coating. That should be about 120 cm up the walls, depending on the extent of the damp. 6) sand on the floor, damp proof membrane (that’s just plastic sheeting really) concrete, then a screed on the top. 7) new kitchen – yours is probably shot anyway. (Plan any new fittings around this installation). I’ve done jobs like this for 5k all in, in a an average size kitchen – including the kitchen. That’s about the extent of it, besides redecorating, or putting in a stud with plaster board for better insulation etc. might be a few things that I’ve forgotten – but that’s kind of what needs to be done if you want to if the issue – fixing the cause could be more costly, it depends on what’s going on outside of the house. I’ve put in land drains, found cracked pipework etc to fix things like this in the past thou.

    Free Member

    God I hope so, I fell asleep yesterday afternoon at 3 for an hour. Knackered again and I’ve only been up 3 hours, I can’t believe my second test result, my wife probably would score higher than 1.3 :(

    Free Member

    Just had my second lot of results back. 1.3 free testosterone. That by all accounts is downright shocking. I’m now off work with a cold, coincidence, or something more sinister? I felt really crappy all week, but that’s hardly surprising, given the cold and the low T levels. I’ve the endocrinologist next week, so that may provide some answers. :(

    Free Member

    I’ve heard also that your body stops producing its own testosterone when you replace it with a synthetic substitute, I have also heard that once you stop, if you ever do, then your body will start to produce its own testosterone again after a while. So you can come back from hrt, but you would have to suffer a rough patch. I’ve read on a forum of a guy who had hrt for a few years, decided that it wasn’t for him, got himself a young lady freind, and managed to come off it and felt better than when he was on it.

    There seem to be so many variables, I’m being tested tomorrow, so will see what my second test throws up!

    Thanks again all, you’ve been a great help.

    Free Member

    Thanks again, certainly putting my mind at rest. :D

    Free Member

    Thanks perthmtb, that is great advice and has put my mind at some rest. The doctor says sustanon injections, which sounds like a good option, as the gels and patches sound like they could be troublesome.

    I am wondering what my next results will be, I hope that they don’t vary too much in a way, so to move things on. He didn’t seem to think that it was a fluke result. It would be good to get some answers to the reason that I feel so pony.

    If you don’t mind me asking what was your level?

    Free Member

    I went round a friends (an on/off girl friend at Uni) and she was sat there, on a bed, seriously engaged in watching some hardcore, with her flatmate (also a girl). Now this girl was pretty open minded. She just sat there with it on, watching. She seemed to be taking it quite seriously, grading the performances etc and commenting on which things they liked and didn’t. Quite the eye opener.

    Not sure what category of Molgrips theory that behavior falls into? She was quite a handful in the sack thou. :D

    Free Member

    but ultimately if your threatened by the chippendales, you have bigger issues than believing your partner is leaving you for an oily fireman.

    As said earlier not threatened, as my wife would not feel threatened by a leggy stripper as a stag do in Prague. I am just curious as to why some women feel the need to repress their own feelings of sexuality to the extent of self delusion.

    Free Member

    I always found that strange too. I’ve bee to a few strip clubs in my time. A good friend thought it would be hilarious to pay for a lap dance for me when we went to the club to pick up his sister in law who was working behind the bar. I found the experience unpleasant. I don’t know why, she was very attractive, but I didn’t enjoy it at all. I think that my friend knew this would be the case, as he thought it hilarious. I certainly wouldn’t go back, or go there with mates. Unlike the women that go back time and time again to these shows! They must get more out of it that I did!

    Free Member

    Why do you feel so threatened?

    Not threatened at all. I just would like some honesty. I wouldn’t mind it if my wife said that she had spent the day watching hard core pornography, as long as she didn’t tell me that she watched it ‘for a giggle’. I feel threatened only by the lack of honesty from the female camp. It must be tough not either accepting to yourself that you enjoy it, especially when you’ve paid so much for the tickets :roll:

    Free Member

    rudebwoy – Member

    its only in repressed societies that this shit flourishes

    Exactly my point. I guess it’s an outlet. Excitement (sexual or otherwise) in the context of a ‘safe environment’.

    Free Member

    because it amuses me

    Like entertainment? Like in ‘Gladiator’? Some perverse display for your titillation perhaps? In the context of the chippendales shows of course.

    Free Member

    watch some filth

    And I see what you did there. For men to see half naked women dancing around is ‘flith’ for women to see half naked men it’s ‘a laugh’


    Free Member

    Cougar – Member

    Sounds like you are only deluding yourself also.

    Well, no. I’m not the one getting bent out of shape about it.

    Look at it another way; say they are going to get off on it. Who cares? Really, does it matter? If my OH went to watch some filth and came back randy as a badger, ultimately I’m only going to benefit from that.

    Ha, ha so it’s true! I’m taking a screen shot of that before you edit it. I knew it.

    It must be feel like a weight off.

    Free Member

    So you can see the double standards thing going on here right? As propagated by Cougar.

    Free Member

    Next you will expect them to say what they really mean…..


    Free Member

    what is your beef ?

    No real beef, I wouldn’t care who went, or why, I’d just like an honest response that women may go because they like it, visually, sexually – but not the reasoning that it’s ‘funny’ is just doesn’t wash.

    Free Member

    Cougar – Member

    Because it simply is not funny, is it? I don’t find naked women dancing funny, not even the rolly pollies!

    Yes, but, at the risk of being presumptuous, you’re a bloke.

    I hate to break this to you, but women are a bit different to men.

    Sounds like you are only deluding yourself also.

    I suppose all those millions of women spent countless millions of pounds reading ’50 shades of grey’ for a ‘good laugh’ too. What a crok. If women didn’t find what they saw a turn on, then fat ugly guys like me would clean up when out on the town, but they don’t do they! Women should own up to what they are – humans (maybe)

    Free Member

    chewkw – Member

    It’s about size. End off.

    So, they go to see C0ck? Are big todgers funny, or something more sinister? I just can not believe that they go ‘for a giggle’ seems rather childish. If she’d just fess up that women find it a) a turn on b) exciting to see massive willies etc I’d be happy, but she won’t admit it.

    My argument was that the human race would probably not have survived if women just found penis’s amusing, rather than actually seeing another use for them. I think that the ‘finding it funny’ excuse is pathetic, in more ways than one, they just want to see big d1cks, (I want to write ‘end of’ then, but won’t).

    Free Member

    Cougar – Member

    ‘s about the size of it, I believe.

    Blokes go to strip shows for a bit of a perv, women go to point and laugh.

    Because it simply is not funny, is it? I don’t find naked women dancing funny, not even the rolly pollies!

    Like I said, if you want a laugh, go to a comedy show, where’s the joke in seeing oily beefcakes wearing fireman’s outfits and covering women in shaving foam? If they do find it funny, then I despair for all these women.

    Free Member

    wrecker – Member

    Who the fuuck is ‘Rob Lee’?

    Some bloke who used to work in cyclesurgery in bristol.

    Ha Ha, sounds like a real inspiration! I wonder if that balding fat guy from ‘bike’ near the triangle will be penning his memoirs any time soon?

    Free Member

    Taff – Member

    Bit of a cliche but Lance Armstrong. He’s quite an inspiration especially during tough times.

    Reading Mark Cavendish’s and Rob Lee’s books at the moment, could be future potentials.

    Who the fuuck is ‘Rob Lee’?

    Free Member

    I do remember seeing Robbie McEwen wheelie across the line winning crit in central london in about 1998 though. Those BMX skills were finally coming good.

    wasn’t that the Alp d’uez time trial?

    Free Member

    Three word mate ‘Depth’, ‘Of’ and ‘FIELD’ I need to go and get my eye’s checked now, that was painful.


    Free Member

    I agree that it is ver complicated. Could it be that the app is suggesting that on an MTB in an hour you would burn up more cals for the same percieved effort as you would also use more upper body, due to possibly the terrain and nature of the sport. I don’t even know if that make any sense now i’ve written it.

    Free Member

    I dome one out over Keeley Hazell when the wife’s watching Corry on mysky. Is that any help?

    Free Member

    obvious, but i’d suggest a cock ring

    Free Member

    did you use the right spacers to begin with there are black and yellow depending on wether it’s a 9 or 10 speed i think? if you use the 10 speed spacers on a 9 it will be loose etc etc.

    Free Member

    Don’t know much about headsets to be honest, but do you think it’s ok to let these two babysit my 3 kids tonight, they only charge a fiver an hour – which seems resonable.

    Free Member

    In fact just the threat of it counts as

    molgrips – Member

    A scare works. Although it has to be a PROPER scare, which is not pleasant


    Free Member


    Free Member

    KINGTUT – Member

    Just accepted 4k under asking price for mine, bought new property for 5k under asking price.

    I’m happy *touches wood*.

    Wow – house buying really does it for you ay! I never get that excited by it.

    Free Member

    Surrounded By Zulus – Member

    It’s for racing in UCI races apparently. Cant see all the teams who are supplied by Specialized racing dud bikes in Milan-San Remo

    To be fair, it wouldn’t be the first time that this has happaned, and i think it was with specialized too, they had to ship in a load of the year prior’s frames at the last minute as the new bike’s didn’t meet the UCI regs, they had to build them all up over night.

    Free Member

    Why not use a helmet cam, take note of the offending cars details. Buy, beg, steal or borrow a similar car, get some plates made up with their number and repeatedly hoon through speed camera’s and park on double yellows?

    That or wait on a bridge and drop a set of Bombers through his windscreen.

    Water pistols are for kids, you’ve gotto to think big, the guy tried to kill you didn’t he? :evil:

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch – Member

    Did you find out whether he had nicked it though ? Most bike thieves don’t steal so that they can ride the bikes themselves – often they are sold to completely unwitting individuals.

    I’ll bet the guy riding it bought it from someone other than a bike shop, or a reliable source thou, what you reckon?

    Free Member

    aracer – Member

    When you’re driving, do you also greet all the car drivers coming the other way?

    That’s just being pedantic, who would do that! I do how ever smile and say ‘Hiiiiiiya’to anyone that is shopping in my local Tesco’s as i see that they like to buy and eat food too, I think that solidarilty between all those that do roughly similar things is absolutly essential, without it what would we be? German?

    Free Member

    tollah – Member

    Shoefiti, I’m supposed to be the idiot on this thread so please make sure you get your facts right before quoting something otherwise it makes you look stupid as me.

    Come on now, i don’t think that’s likely :D

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