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  • Anyone for Semis? Fort William World Cup DH results & talking points
  • Shibboleth
    Free Member

    No, nothing like the R5…

    The company that sells them do a couple of Venge tributes and a Chinarello Dogma, but it’s not like an R5 at all – R5 has none of that fussiness on the headtube or seat junctions and box-shaped chain stays.

    Free Member

    Is this frame based on an existing frame from one of the big boys


    is it an original Chinese job.?



    Free Member

    I was amazed by the number of fake profiles. You can generally spot them, they look just a bit too attractive… And if you drag the picture into Google images, it’s usually all over the web with suggested search terms such as “Cute brunette”!

    I do wonder what peoples’ motivation for doing this is, maybe some are pranksters trying to play a trick when they find out their mate is on there…

    Free Member

    [1970’s northerner]Come and sit on my knee and tell me all about it, I’ll cure ya…[/1970’s northerner]

    Free Member

    As a lifelong cyclist, I never get that “muscle burn” that people talk about – the fact is, my legs are just used to the demands of cycling.

    When I go skiing though… Jesus! That burns!

    Free Member

    Surely all the power is through your calf or your foot would just bend up in the downstroke?

    The calf muscles play a small part in keeping your ankle rigid, but there are a lot of other mechanisms that assist this and it doesn’t take much energy. Similar to holding a heavy weight in curled fingers – the muscles used are very small, but the bones, tendons etc are designed to support the weight without movement, so virtually no “muscle power” is used.

    Free Member

    A while ago i met some one new bought a Cervélo R5 with Dura Ace 11-speed groupset, i seem to spend a lot of time with her and she gives me this odd feeling inside. Whats wrong with me?

    I think she’s in the right forum…

    Free Member

    Hardly any power comes from the calves. They’re relatively small muscles so are the first to fatigue on a ride. Then your quads/glutes/hamstrings start doing all the work. It’s only when someone tells you this that you’ll start to notice it!

    What you’re experiencing is DOMS from springing off your toes… We don’t do anything like this when cycling. I’m guessing you’re not a runner and perhaps don’t do much walking in the hills etc…

    Free Member

    I learnt to play for “commercial reasons” a few years ago. I was told I had a natural swing by the pro, so didn’t need much work to get me to the standard where I can get round a course without looking like a complete novice.

    I play 2-3 times a year – mostly corporate/charity golf days – and myself and a couple of others take our bats when we go on our mountain biking weekends away and play 9 holes on the Friday afternoon.

    It’s a nice way to work up a thirst and it’s a great leveler – we’re all “occasional” players, so we all have the odd good hole/drive/pitch/putt as well as a few absolute stinkers. We spend most of the afternoon in stitches!

    For me though, I’ve never woken up and thought “Hmmm, quite fancy a game of golf today…”. Those desires tend to be bike related.

    Free Member

    I dated a girl that looked like that… Any pictures of the face?

    Free Member

    Yeah, but even he’d struggle with numb fingers…

    Free Member

    give it time. The aggro is mainly because when a lot of people get into a car, they start acting like spoilt children.

    Motorists have had this attitude to cyclists for as long as I’ve been riding, it’s nothing new. And drivers’ attitudes haven’t got worse.

    It’s just that more and more people are riding bikes, so more and more people are talking about driver attitudes. Until there’s some sort of public information campaign to spell out what cyclist know, and motorists seem oblivious to, things won’t change…

    Things like:
    • The fact that a cyclist’s head is foot higher than a motorist in an ordinary car, so he can see further ahead.

    • Riding in a primary position isn’t being awkward, it’s done to prevent motorists overtaking in a place that would endanger the cyclist.

    • Cyclist regularly die in incidents that would usually result in insurance details being exchanged had it 2 cars that were involved.

    • If a cyclist is doing 28-30mph in a 30 zone, there’s no need to overtake him.

    Free Member

    *waves* £6k Cervelo owner here!

    Been riding bikes all my life, keen BMXer, started riding roadbikes as a means of transport in my early teens (lived in the middle of nowhere), started club riding/timetrialling at 15/16 years old, been riding road, mountain, commuting ever since.

    Last year I finally drew a line under a 3year divorce battle and decided to buy a once-in-a-lifetime bike.

    It gets raced, ridden like it’s stolen, has been to Majorca this year, is going to Majorca and Morzine next year… And I’m 40 in December.

    Not every £6k roadbike is bought as an ornament for the Audi roof, and even if it is, so what? People have different motivations for buying bikes, I know my bike is capable of far greater things than the Cat3 bloke that rides it, but I’m attracted to the technical aspect of bikes and cycling, so I wanted the absolute best.

    For every 10 bikes that are bought and never used, there might be 1 or 2 new cyclists that find a passion for the sport and stick with it. So long may it continue.

    Free Member

    Kunstler – Member

    I have had a relationship with someone I got to know over the net (not a dating site). We were 400 miles apart for more than a year and then together for seven years. She recently got married to someone else.

    I’ve just remembered that I went on a date to the same gallery a couple of years back (no, not with the same girl). We laid on cushions listening to birdsong. It was a funny start to quite a brilliant night. That girl is getting married on Saturday.

    Jebus, when are you going to learn?? Take them to a nice chilled out bar or a really-good-but-off-the-radar restaurant!

    At this rate, you’re going to start getting mentioned in father-of-the-bride speeches! Ya daft Kunstler!

    Free Member

    Not really as there’s a certain type of person who considers VAG vehicles to be classier than Fords, Vauxhalls etc. and buys into the reputation they (used to) have.

    It tends to be owners of VAG vehicles from lower down the food chain that refer to it as VAG, rather than owners of Audis. It’s a bit like saying you wear Armani when you have an Armani Exchange T-shirt and everything else is from Next.

    Free Member

    I can do this…

    Free Member

    Likes being evasive about his job whilst berating others for doing the same, culturing a faux persona on the internet and pretending to be posh whilst living in a bedsit in Runcorn

    Aww, never mind Junky, Runcorn’s not so bad, and you might not be there forever 😉

    Free Member

    Likes making tea, grumpy women and lost causes.

    Free Member

    Kunstler, the 1950s have been on the phone, they want their seduction techniques back!

    Free Member

    then to a screening of Brigadoon in an art gallery.

    Does that work???

    Free Member

    Could be because that’s the actual name of the Group that owns those Brands and is used worldwide? Plus, it’s a lot quicker to type…

    Could it also be a case of people owning Skodas and VWs wanting people to think they might own an Audi?

    (2 x VWs here…)

    Free Member

    I’m a lesbian*, surely that makes me more stw??

    *trapped in a man’s body, naturally.

    Free Member

    I’m a graphic designer, capable of growing a beard, have a bike van (VW… Caddy… Pimped), a Santa Cruz, a Cervelo, a Soul, a Single-speed, a Roadrat, a Merkur, a guitar, a coffee machine, a mediocre hi-fi with awsomes cables, I have a wood, an axe and lots of 2-stroke-engined man toys.

    And I’m an argumentative f***er!

    Free Member

    Another thing to be very mindful of, there are a lot of women that have a row with their boyfriend, set up a profile and will talk very openly/suggestively with the first bloke that pays them any attention, only to bottle it and make up with the ex a few days later.

    Sounds like she could be one of those…

    Free Member

    Scaled, was it on POF or a pay site? If a profile vanishes off POF, it’s been deliberately removed but her membership could have just expired on a pay site.

    Sounds a bit odd, the “getting heated” bit is unusual unless you’ve specifically tried to get the conversation into that ballpark…

    Sounds like a nutter, a scammer, or a married/attached woman that’s been caught out!

    Free Member

    I use a doughnut principal: no closer than 10 miles and no further than 50 miles.

    This helps avoid becoming tunnel buddies with people I know, and keeps fuel expenditure to a minimum…

    Likes fresh meat, the environment and late night booty calls.

    Free Member

    To be fair she did **** some guy on the day we split, and top be more fair i did wake up with some one else on her birthday. Swings and roundabouts.

    Is this Becky off Plenty of Fish? How you doin? x

    Free Member

    I got a message off a young lady who was hoping to find someone to join her and her husband for a ménage a trois

    They were outside my 40 mile radius though.

    Free Member

    Hmm – I see plenty of posts like that on FB and don’t find them all that annoying. Maybe it’s because I don’t have 800 FB friends (the ones I do have might not be all that close, but do actually like seeing that they’re having fun or doing well).

    ^^^THIS is how to be insufferable on here: Pure, unadulterated smug self-righteousness… I hope it was deliberate aracer!

    If not, soz 😉

    Free Member

    I tend to find the ones with all the festival pics (and Ibiza) aren’t really true life-long festival goers or even music lovers. Most of them are what I call bucket-list tickers.

    This year it’s Glasto and Pacha, next year it’s swimming with dolphins and Machu Picchu.

    Free Member

    Maybe I should delete the pics… I would like to stress that they were purely to illustrate the studio!! haha

    Free Member

    You dated her too Houns? Lovely girl and still a friend. At least these weren’t her profile pics!

    Free Member

    tongue out – do they still do that to show their cheeky side?

    They do if they have a pierced tongue! I went through a phase of actively seeking the tongue piercers… They have some benefits…

    Free Member

    Ah yes. The polo shot and the holding the wall up shot (two hand against the wall and side of face resting on back of the hands)

    I actually dated this woman… I didn’t realise she was an offender til I found these pics on her Facebook!

    (photos removed, even though they were quite well disguised!)

    Free Member

    Good luck Houns! I deliberately avoid other cyclists – having been married, I see cycling for what it really is: a refuge; a chance to be blokey, sweary and obnoxious with a load of obnoxious sweary blokes!

    Evening pootles to country pubs is fine, but no more than that!

    Further to your POF observations, I concur wholeheartedly, but you failed to mention the “makeover” photos. There must be a studio in Manchester that has a huge round window thing as half the women in the NW have a soft-focus photo of them done up like a dog’s dinner, draped in this flipping great big polo!

    If you can’t look like that 90% of the time, you have no right posting it on a dating site…

    Free Member

    Oh boy… Big trouble!!

    I like the profiles that start with something along the lines of:


    Free Member

    Do women quote Twain other than when mocking golfers?

    Free Member

    That’s the one Mister P… I once ended up in the house of a young lady who had that stenciled on the bathroom wall. Presumably so she could memorise it while she crimped one off…

    (I ran… As soon as I’d sealed the deal)

    Free Member

    Photos of ANY animal… RUN!!! And if they have e-cards with Marilyn Monroe quotes… *shudder*

    Free Member

    Likes Zumba, cats, and doing a parachute jump once whilst on a gap year in Australia 14 years ago but still harp on about it to anyone that’ll listen cos it makes me sound edgy and adventurous..

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