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  • Shibboleth
    Free Member

    My girlfriend has some, we went out on Christmas Eve and because it was snowing, she wore them with stockings and an LBD. I have to say, she looked amazing…

    Free Member

    I did 4 lengths of a smallish pool on holiday in Portugal last year. The record to beat was 2.5, so when I got the 3rd I felt I had to push on. Everything went a bit black though and I didn't feel very well…


    Free Member

    Similar to Sturmy, my Blur is called Hilda after my dearly departed Grandmother who left me a bit of money with instructions to enjoy it. And enjoy it I do, as often as I can. I'll never part with it.

    Also, "The Big Lad" Ellsworth Moment
    "The Rat" Cotic Road Rat
    "The Thug" Chameleon
    "The Lady" Ribble 653
    "The Mrs's Bike" Old Frankenbike built from bits.

    Free Member

    I tried them once, they were fine for a month or 2 and the suddenly my eyes rebelled against them and I couldnt get them out quick enough.

    After a bit of a break, they'd seem OK until after 2 or 3 sleeps when they'd start stinging like made. Back on monthly disposables now with no probs.

    Free Member

    The Ikea Beech boomerangs are made from sustainable sources. Cheap as chips too.

    If there's one thing that makes my p*ss boil, it's these…

    Free Member

    Brenda is a juvenile Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens if anyone wants to know

    All I need to know is that you can get orange spiders with blue knees! Freakin awesome!

    Free Member

    And she wonders why she doesn't get spooned!

    Free Member

    Yep, love a good spoon. Some women are comfier to spoon than others, the current Mrs. Shib is perfect. Nice smooth hair that doesn't tickle my nostrils while I sleep.

    Free Member

    I would like to add that I've been a devoted atheist since my early teens, but I wholehearedly support the benefits of a faith-based education.

    Let's not forget, we're note talking about religious dogma forced down children's throats from dawn til dusk, but I firmly believe that the overriding values held within faith schools are a benefit to society in the UK.

    Free Member

    I went to 'faith schools' and firmly believe that I'm educated better as a result.

    Free Member

    I mean the one with the speaking part that asks the teacher if he's cheating… Mmmmm.

    Free Member

    Plus there is a very annoying extra in that ad…look at me da de daaa look at me da da daaa look at me look at me look at me da de daaaa

    But the really really really hot brunette in that advert more than makes up for the annoying extra…

    Free Member

    Any advert that's clearly been filmed abroad and then re-dubbed with English language or accents. The one for Halls cold sweets (on an aeroplane) is particularly annoying.

    Yeah if I go buy an iPhone for £300, stick it straight in an envelope and post it, you might give me £150. Otherwise we're talking enough for a pint at best, right?

    I got 40 quid for a really knackered Nokia that a tennant left behind down the back of the sofa… What on earth do they do with them???

    Free Member

    "Go on then Shibboleth, what's the advert?"

    You'd only see it if you're in the Granada region, let's just say it's for a coastal holiday destination.

    I'm seen running along a beach, in great pain because I'd dislocated my shoulder and separated my AC joint the night before in Gisburn Forest!

    The director wanted me to spin a little girl round by her arms! No chance of that, so my on-screen wife had to do that bit. Good fun though, and great to see how much work goes into such a short piece.

    Free Member

    I foolishly agreed to appear in a TV advert for a holiday company. It's currently being shown 6 times a day on ITV. Every time it's screened, I get a text/email/phonecall asking if it's me or taking the p*ss. Or a text from my Mum saying "Hi luv, it's your mum. I've just cn u on telly."

    Don't know what's worse, the fact that she feels the need to introduce herself in text messages, or the fact that a 65 year old is learning text speak!

    So, at the moment, that one particular advert is annoying the hell out of me.

    Free Member

    "Can't do Thursday neil, got to take the eldest horse riding."

    Mental image of an old horse on a bike…

    Free Member

    Alright Ecky, I'm a former Grimsargh resident but moved up the hill last year! We tend to ride 2-3hrs and then pub for an hour…
    What's your email?

    Free Member

    IIRC, one can make ones own soap relatively cheaply. One first must catch a wale – be careful not to get caught, the lesbians and students can be quite sniffy about this sort of thing – and render its blubber until one has a thick, creamy soap.

    Japanese websites might be able to furnish you with more in-depth instructions.

    Free Member

    I got sick of my Sub Mariner losing time so I bought a Casio Wave Ceptor. The quality is superb – the bracelet is far better quality than the Rolex and, being a Wave Ceptor, it's never wrong.

    Free Member

    "Shibboleth, nice as the photo is, its a fail on rule 4."

    I demand a steward's enquiry on the basis that I was shanghaied into posting on a thread posing as Photoclub.


    Free Member

    Oh go one then…

    Free Member

    Preston (Longridge) lad here, there's loads of riding straight out of my front door, and as others have said, Gisburn is very close. If you're riding with someone from Lancaster, I can't recommend Farelton highly enough.
    There's a bunch of us meet on a Tuesday night in a village called Chipping, just north of Longridge, so if you wanted to meet up with a group of like-minded riders for a local ride followed by a couple of pints of best, you'd be made more than welcome.
    We tend to mix our evening rides up between fell/pennine routes from Chipping, trips to Gisburne, Waddington etc. Always a good laugh.

    Free Member

    £39 +VAT for a LWB Transit up here in't Norf West.

    I'd hear things were more expensive darn sarf…

    Free Member

    Thanks Ski, glad you like it! I've emailed a hi-res version to you.

    Zokes, Drac etc, the point would be to show the standard of image that can be taken on a sub-£100 camera, and I can't think of a better way to encourage people to get creative with the kit they've got.

    Yoshimi makes a good point about what makes a good photo – it's not always about the camera. I had to combine 2 shots of my winter scene to best represent the atmosphere I felt whilst viewing the scene – with an SLR it would have been far simpler using spot metering and shooting RAW, and I dare say the finished result would have been just as nice.

    But I do think people can be surprised and inspired by what a cheap camera is capable of.
    Maybe in future, Drac could take it a step further and have mobile phone camera pics only.
    Just an idea…

    Free Member

    What about an assignment to submit an image taken on a compact camera. Might encourage people who are non-toggers to show their pics…
    (and, I can enter my snowy landscape) ;o)

    Free Member

    "What advantages would the golf have over the Bora – sell me it"

    Can you get 3 bikes and 3 adults in a Bora? I can with my Golf.

    Free Member

    The 2.3 litre V5 is one of the best engines ever made in the price bracket (IMHO), but you'll not get as good fuel economy. Stick with diesels, chip them to 150bhp and still enjoy 50+mpg.

    But seriously, why would you get a Bora over a golf???

    Free Member

    I took this a couple of weeks back. Was gutted I didn't have my SLR with me – took it on an Ixus compact – but with a bit of "cheat metering" and combining two versions in Photoshop, I'm quite pleased with the result.

    Does it qualify for Photo Club?

    Free Member

    "out of interest… will riding a ss bring my fitness up quicker than with gears?"

    You can try singlespeeding without any outlay whatsoever by following these 3 simple steps.

    1. Select a gear (any gear, it doesn't really matter – it's going to be the wrong one 90% of the time).
    2. Cut both of your thumbs off.
    3. Ride.

    Free Member

    Doh! Beat me to it…

    Free Member

    They have to be hosted somewhere online. You can set up a free account with Photobucket, FlickR or any of the websites that provide the service. Then you need to put a link on your post – it's a line of code that instructs peoples' browsers to download your pic, onto their screen, within this website.

    Sounds complicated, but most of the hosting sites like Photobucket put the URL into the correct tags for you so you can just copy and paste it in place.

    Good luck

    Free Member

    "is Shibboleth celtic for "dreamer"?"

    No, I'm afraid not…

    Free Member

    Don't feel bad Mtbfix, I thought I was doing the right thing by not cluttering someone's "Show Me Your Van" thread with a question about a specific model.

    However, the irony that you'd post a new thread specifically about people starting too many topics isn't lost on me… ;o)

    Free Member

    I just joined the forum after reading some of the van threads and have been thinking about buying one but nobody mentioned the model I'm looking at.

    Being a nube, have I unwittingly broken the rules? I've read the rules page and I couldn't see anything about not asking questions on the forum…

    Free Member

    Why 50mph?

    Free Member

    Dave, is that the LWB or SWB version?

    Free Member

    Well, this was when she found my SLR and asked me to take some tasteful nude pics…
    The lingerie is sort of black and cream lace if that helps.

    Free Member

    I bought my ex wife a top-of-the-range rotary washing line for a first anniversary present…

    Unreasonable behaviour my arse!

    Free Member

    Graham and Michael, would Wednesday first thing be OK? The only pics I have at the moment are completely naked…

    Free Member

    My girlfriend asked if she could come round to mine for the evening tomorrow night while I'm out riding because her housemate has family staying over and wants to borrow her room.

    "I'll bring food" she said. She must have misread my pleasantly amazed look because she upped her offer with "I'll run you a lovely bath too…"

    Always one to try and push my luck, I put on my best "I'm-not-so-sure-it's-a-good-idea" face, so she offered to wear the lingerie I bought her for Christmas and wait for me in bed…


    (1st post – just registered after lurking for a few months, hi everyone!) :-)

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