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  • Reviewed: Ragley Big Wig – a steel hardtail classic
  • Shibboleth
    Free Member

    Rather un-PC as it uses an unacceptably outmoded word for a fellow of African origins, but I heard this from an old farmer at a livestock auction.

    "Well, that's a bit of a n*****r in the ointment"

    I've been using "fly in the woodpile" ever since.

    Free Member

    As soon as you return to capital punishment, you make a murderer out of the person that delivers the lethal injection; the judges that make those decisions; accomplices of those 12 good men and true that convicted him.

    Although my political views might often be described as slightly to the right of Ghengis Khan, I would not feel comfortable if society made murderers out of many in the pursuit of "justice" for the few.

    Human life is the most precious thing we possess, and nobody has the right to end that. I think that anyone who takes life should be prevented from ever doing it again, but for society to take an eye for an eye makes us all murderers.

    Lock him up and throw away the key. As a tax payer, I have no qualms about funding a prison system if it works, and I'd be more than happy for my taxes to pay for him to be held – without privelege or luxury – for the rest of his life. It's just a shame that he probably won't.

    Free Member

    Mr Woppit – Member
    I'm wondering how many of these are what people think sound profound, as opposed to how many are the result of personal experience…

    Further to my previous post, I can confirm that it took me many years to realise that I was rarely inebriated enough to dance with any aplomb until after the witching hour.

    Free Member

    Never dance on the same day you woke up.

    Free Member

    Thanks again, CSBs recommendation certainly looks worth a second look. I'll do a bit of digging on Trip Adviser.

    Very helpful chaps, merci beaucoup!

    Free Member

    Thanks Chrace, that's fantastic! And you too ti pin man. A great starting point. Any specific hotel recommendations?

    Free Member

    Peregrines tast **** all like chicken.

    They're more like swan.

    Free Member

    Reading "One Day" by David Nicholls – typical airport book (or so I thought) that I didn't get round to reading on holiday.

    Definitely the best character led novel I've read in years – absolutely unputdownable… Witty, clever and strikes so many chords. Brilliant.

    Free Member

    Those new Time ones with the carbon spring look lush…

    Free Member

    Just make sure you don't have half the threads showing – this would be a weak point as it could strip the nipple threads very easily.

    Free Member

    I have a badly aligned ulnar nerve (at the elbow) but the problem is exacerbated by poor posture from using a computer mouse, driving etc.

    My physio showed me a good stretch that has helped me a lot. Sit nice and upright, tip pelvis, open chest up and shoulders back, best doing this on some sort of stool. Have your arms by your side so the backs of your hands are facing forwards, now lift hands forward so you flex your wrists as much as you can.
    Now, with wrists flexed, fingers as straight as possible, push the heels of your hands backwards as far as possible, moving only the shoulder. Hold for a couple of seconds, relax, repeat 10 times or so.

    Hope this makes sense! It really does work.

    Free Member

    I love birds. Only this morning, for example, I awoke to find a gorgeous pair of tits bobbing up and down on my nuts whilst a beautiful big black bird feasted on my seed.

    But if I were to pick a favourite, I'd have to say I really yearn for a swallow. You can't beat a good swallow, can you? A swallow in the morning leaves me happy all day. Really looking forward to the first swallow the year…

    Free Member

    "Come and write articles from our commercially lucrative website! If I use it, I'll give you 50 quid!"

    Free Member

    Mark Datz – Member
    Shebolet r there any jobs were u work I havnt bond a chick in agis and I nede mony 2 get new bike

    Mark, there's always a job waiting here for you… 🙂

    Free Member

    I had a client who often said things like "Ooh, I had a dream about you last night" when I rang up. My stock answer of "was I good?" was usually met with a rather sexy "Very…", then we'd launch into the usual work talk.
    It was a bit of harmless fun that made the working day pass more pleasurably.

    I did end up knocking the back out of her though, so perhaps not the best example.

    Free Member

    You could try squashing a load of little monkeys into the fabric, see what happens…

    Free Member

    BigDummy – Member
    That's near her elbow, right?

    Durrr, no, it's in her herbacious border between the tulip and the stinkhorn.

    Free Member

    naokfreek – Member
    oh and Alpin….know the feeling, it'll pass.

    It probably will, but no reason why he shouldn't enjoy a bit of high-octane sports sex with her while the iron is hot so to speak…

    Free Member

    Cos it echoes.

    Free Member

    How on earth are you supposed to shift gears with STIs positioned like that? Come on man, get some bar-end shifters and separate brakes…

    Free Member

    I'm with Mark… Woch a DVD, ete some pizza and put some moves on her.

    Free Member

    I've just got a Giant TCR carbon road bike and I'm amazed at how comfy it is over rough surfaces. I'll never go back to steel or ally on a road bike frame, the Giant is ridiculously stiff laterally so it zings up climbs but it's obviously designed to absorb vibration in a way that you'll never get with steel or ally.

    I also have a roadrat for nighttime road duties, winter training and commuting. That has 25mm touring tyres but feels harsher than the Giant running 21s.

    Free Member

    I once registered a guy on and arranged for a group of muscular gay bikers to come and help him act out his abduction/gay rape fantasies…

    Admittedly, a littel disproportionate in your case, but lots of fun none the less.

    Free Member

    The point is that people won't pay a massive premium for a car like that – not in sufficient numbers to make it viable as a profit maker. There simply isn't the 'value added' in sticking an AM badge on something that is no better than the competition, and the margin for improvement in that sector is miniscule – nowhere near akin to the differences between a family hatchback and a V12 supercar.

    What makes a car succesful in the super mini or eco city car class is completely different. The most successful are cheap, quirky, fun and funky. They appeal to younger buyers and buyers who aspire to be young. That car doesn't do that and will never succeed. The Aston brand is too diometrically opposed to the values that guarantee success in that sector.

    Free Member

    coffeeking – Member
    The general public would now, I suspect, happily accept that a supercar company would produce something a little more down to earth/useful (and would probably gobble it up if the price was lower, jsut for the sake of owning a name!)

    Er… Isn't that just another way of saying "cheapen the brand"? The whole essence of the Aston Martin brand is a lack of accessibility – the pinnacle of achievement, taste, wealth and driver ability (perceived).

    Ford are developing plenty of eco vehicles and have plenty of brands already ideally positioned to introduce/develop eco city vehicles. To stick an Aston Martin badge on that concept is utter folley.

    Yes, supercar brands have developed diesels, electic hybrid and fuel cell prototypes, but they've all be about proving that the technology can be used in performance vehicles, ergo, it will be plenty good enough for more workaday cars.

    When a brand as well developed as Aston Martin do something like this, it's a very sad day for the motor industry.

    Oh, and people who like supercars are not dying out: People's tastes, goals, aspirations might shift as they get older (which I suspect is what happened with yurself) but there will always be people who covet the acme of motoring excellence.

    Free Member

    Joking aside, I left my partner of 15 years last year due to musical differences. I'd left before, but was pursuaded back when I was at my lowest ebb.

    If you're going to do it, you're going to have to go for the sticking plaster method – a short, sharp and complete separation. As another poster has said, put some distance between the 2 of you so you can both get used to the idea without being tempted to rekindle things or have a sympathy shag.

    It's the toughest thing in the world – when your best friend is going through such heart break, and the only confidant she's known over the past few years is the one person she can't talk to. It's very difficult to keep away when all your instincts tell you to offer her your shoulder to cry on.

    I moved away and had no contact for 3 months or so. She now hates me and is trying to shaft me in the courts, so perhaps it wasn't a perfect breakup, but if one person is still in love, it's impossible to have a truly amicable split.

    Free Member

    coffeeking – Member
    People want manufacturers to produce green cars. They've answered the call.

    People don't want – or expect – supercar brands to build (or rebadge) pap like that. Ford, as Aston's parent company, have plenty of brands within their portfolio to satisfy the need for economical small cars.

    From a branding perspective, the very thought of putting an Aston Martin badge on anything less than a stunning looking high performance sports car is suicide. It's the very reason that the big motor corporations market their cars within distinct brands.

    Would Ferrari do it? No.

    Free Member

    Best way to undermine your brand: If your brand is purely high performance, beautiful looking exotic supercars, build a generic city eco car. Idiots.

    Free Member

    Try to remain calm and mature about the whole thing. Explain your feelings in a calm and measured way, reassure her that it's nothing she's done, you've just grown apart.

    Tell her you'll be there for her, but you can't be together and most importantly, don't fall out with her. That way you can pretty much guarantee lots of really mucky break-up sex while you shop around for your next victim.

    Fill yer boots lad.

    Free Member

    Also, has anybody tried to trap a fart in a pop bottle using their bath and the downwards displacment of water principal?

    Of course. And I like to keep a cigarette lighter on the side of the bath so I can make mini Hiroshimas by lighting the gas.

    Free Member

    Coolio, thanks sporticus. I presume a couple would achieve a fleshy nubile plumpness on a doll then…

    Free Member

    … or she's doing it very right. At 36 years old, I've recently rediscovered the joys of the "double tap". Granted, I don't break off for a leak between courses.

    Free Member

    It's simply not possible to urinate when your erectile tissues are full of blood.

    Of course it is. OK, so it's rather a weak dribble, but millions of Germans do this every day.
    And for the record, yes, harder than the Times crossword.

    Free Member

    Not elderly, it's always been the reason I avoid sit-down-wees unless I'm delivery other goods at the same time.

    I'm not talking about gallons, pobably just the volume of the part of the pisspipe that runs through the tallywhacker.

    Enough to leave a "wet penny" in my pocket.

    Free Member

    Bananaworld, in answer to your querie…

    I find that on completing the sit-down-wee, no matter how long I spend thrashing my manhood around beneath me, when I stand up, I emit a steady dribble. So, far more chance of a "blue on blue" incident when wearing light coloured action slacks.

    This thread reminds me of the time I was enjoying a long-awaited gypsy's kiss at Keele services. Half way through, a black fellow came sprinting in, unleashed the largest member I've ever seen and proceeded to practically bore a hole in the back of the urinal with his jet.

    "Jesus Christ," he said. "I only just made it…"

    I replied "Excellent job, can you make me one?"


    Free Member

    What's wrong with you people? Surely I'm not the only person that derives a great deal of satisfaction from drilling and angry torrent of steaming, foaming piss into the centre of the bowl.

    There are only 4 valid exuses for a sitdown piss:

    1) It's too dark to see where you're aiming
    2) The afore-mentioned post coital watering can effect
    3) Injury (including the handicap of pre-coitus arousal)
    4) Gayness.

    Free Member

    Anna Clumsky! Ding dong! 😆

    Free Member

    I love that film too, and cry my eyes out every time I watch it. Nowt to be ashamed of, I cry at the Help for Haiti video when they lift that little lad out of the rubble with his outstretched arms…

    Damn! I'm wellin up just thinking about it!

    "My Girl" has to be the biggest tear-jerker going. On the face of it, Macaulay Culkin getting bee-stinged to death should be cause for celebration, but when the little girl reads her poem at the end…

    Oh jebus, here I go again… 😥

    Free Member

    hora – Member
    (This is starting to sound homo-erotic)

    Homo, yes. Erotic? No.

    Free Member

    Haha, couldn't sit down for a fortnight!!! 😮

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