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  • Shimano Shoe Winners Revealed – was it you?
  • Shibboleth
    Free Member

    Leather soled shoes make you look like a wannabe posh git who gets all misty eyed nostalgic for a nobler and more gentle time gone by, when things were all proper like. None of this new fangled nonsense.

    Bollocks. Perhaps you're just not bright enough to appreciate the pleasure gained from wearing something that has been hand-crafted by a skilled shoemaker.

    A good handmade shoe is a true work of art, something that encourages one to take pride in its upkeep and appearance. I'm a big fan of Patrick Cox and Oliver Sweeney. Lovely, beautifully made shoes.

    And leather as a sole material does have advantages. We lose up to 1 litre of fluid a day through each foot, most through the soles. Leather has natural breathing properties. This can be seen by standing on a polished marble floor – you leave slight condensation patches in the same way that your palm would.

    Free Member

    Speak to your accountant… Haha!

    Free Member

    So we can revel more in your misfortune, what line of work are you in, what did the supplier supply and how much is the VAT bill?

    Free Member

    I keep having the wheelie dream… I can pull wheelies forever, go round corners and everything. I can even bring the bike to a controlled stop, lean back and exectute the perfect backwards somersalt before landing back upright and merrily heading off on my way. On my back wheel of course…

    It's awesome.

    Free Member

    This sounds like one of those alarm bells that says you shouldn't be in business.
    If someone tried to invoice me for VAT going back 3 years, I'd be furious. And I'd be invoicing you for administration time.

    Free Member

    I have one almost identical to that, but betterer… It's got gears!!!

    Looks like the same model year as mine, and the same 'dog knob red'… NBT is VERY much mistaken, red bikes go far quicker than black ones, fact.

    Great fun bike, harsh as funk but damn good fun!

    Free Member

    Result! Thanks Phil, your solution works a treat. 🙂

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the guidance, I'm going to have a go at it tonight.
    Austin is right though, html emails need to be a bit archaic!

    Thanks again…

    Free Member

    Thanks Phil, I think I've managed to copy the code out of the source so I'll give it a whirl…


    Free Member

    Any other ideas Simon?

    Free Member

    Thanks steve, where about would it go?


    < <td height="65" colspan="4"><div align="center"><span class="style12">Email:   |   Web:
    </span> >

    Free Member

    It said in the spec, create in HTML, avoid CSS…
    How does one embed CSS? This is all greek to me, I'm a print rather than web designer – just trying to bail a client out…

    Free Member

    Sorry, another hijack, also looking for the above but that will accomodate an iPod Nano…

    Free Member

    They generally insist on a collar (so polo shirts are OK) and trousers rather than jeans or combats.
    Some are more stuffy about it than others and insist on ankle socks if you're wearing shorts etc.
    Just remember the wise words of Happy Gilmore…
    "Hey, if I saw myself in clothes like those, I'd have to kick my own ass".

    Free Member

    Crow Road by Iain Banks. It's the only book I've ever wanted to re-read.

    Free Member

    I get mocked by my other half for 'perving' bikes. Any bikes. And yes, I do the tyre thing… 🙁

    Free Member

    Cheers MBoy, there's nothing 'wrong' with my current Mac, but I need another machine for another employee.
    I do intend to overhaul and upgrade it though, because it's probably the most reliable Mac I've ever had.
    So thanks for the OS advice, very helpful.

    Free Member

    I bought my office specifically for the view over the Ribble Valley. Never the same view twice and I can see the weather coming from miles away.

    On a clear day I can see across Liverpool, into Wales and occasionally the Wesh mountains on the SW horizon, I can see into the Trough of Bowland, Blackburn, Burnley and Accrington and I'm directly opposite Rivington Pike and Winter Hill.

    I love it!

    Free Member

    You have mail Binno…

    Free Member

    Junkyard – Member
    Still not defending your quote as meaning ours or referring to rights then?

    I'm sorry, you've lost me completely. I've no idea what exactly you're getting at now. I've explained why MY rights are the same as YOUR or OUR rights in the most idiot proof way I can think of.

    If you can't get your head round that, it tells me one thing: that you don't even reach 'idiot' on my intellect scale.

    Free Member

    …but I don't like you!

    The day I crave the approval of people like you will be the day I throw in the towel. 🙄

    Free Member

    Shibboleth dont change track now defend your quote as discussing rights and ours please. Should be easy for someone as bright as you surely?

    That sentence makes so little sense on so many levels. Ask your tutor to run through the use of that wonderful punctuation mark, the comma, and get him or her to clarify how many Rs there are in the word "tack". 🙄

    Free Member

    Or maybe he read what was written, rather than what you meant…

    Fred, as I've quite clearly pointed out, as I was referring to RIGHTS – which are shared – there was no ambiguity. He did read what was written, but in his eagerness to pick fault in my posts, he tried to find an error where there wasn't one.

    Perhaps you and Junkbrain could attend some adult literacy classes or something.

    I dont really care about out smarting you. Perhaps you are brightest , perhaps I am, frankly who cares? It has little bearing on this point/argument no matter how many times you assert you are the brightest and that I am the dumbest.

    So why try to pick fault in my post? First you accuse me of trolling, and then when someone challenged you, you decide to blame ambiguity in my post. You were wrong on both counts.

    Free Member

    Pendantry… Doh! Really should proof read before posting… 😳

    Cheddars for me, 2 packs for a quid at th'Asda at the moment…

    Free Member

    Thanks very much for all this MrSmith, it's very helpful. After having a look at the link you posted and some prices, I'm thinking a Quad core Pro and spend a bit more on the monitor will be the best course of action.

    I think I paid bout 1200 quid for this 21" Cinema Display when they first came out, so some of those Eizo monitors look pretty good value.

    And I'm used to a 2.3GhZ dual core, so a more modern Quad will be a big performance improvement.
    And I think I'll have a go at pimping it up with a scratch disk etc.

    Thanks again!

    Free Member

    It really depends doesn’t it? My country is not necessarily your country – a point you yourself noted … Therefore my , yours and ours ARE NOT necessarily the same thing …which is the point I made originally.

    Erm… Are you taking the piss? I was originally referring to RIGHTS, which are shared. Thus any of the 3 possessive adjectives were correct in that case.

    You tried to trip me up and prove that I'd made a mistake. As I've quite clearly demonstrated, I didn't make a mistake, and my original post was neither wrong, nor ambiguous. The weak link in this whole situation is your intellect and your propensity to read what you THINK you're reading, rather than what is actually written.

    I think you're also suffering from an eagerness to outsmart me. Unfortunately, you've merely highlighted your own short comings.

    Now, as I said, run along…

    Free Member

    Is pedantry vs condescension the new religion vs atheism?

    Possibly, but by the standard of ill-informed nonsense I've seen thus far, I fear pendantry is in for some very dark ages.

    Free Member

    Would a quad core Mac Pro with the Eizo monitor mentioned earlier be a good compromise for CS4 applications, Quark etc?

    And what level of RAM would I need? I'm assuming it's better to by the mac with the bear minimum and upgrade from elsewhere…

    Free Member

    Paddy goes to the vet with his goldfish. "I think it's got epilepsy" he tells the vet.
    Vet takes a look and says "It seems calm enough to me".
    Paddy says, "I haven't taken it out of the bowl yet".

    Free Member

    Junkyard – Member
    Dont little thick people like me have the right to point out that my and ours do not mean the same thing without abuse from an intelectual giant like yourself? I write this from my keyboard …so presumably it is ours?

    The problem with little thick people like yourself is that they're not bright enough to understand even the simplest of concepts, yet still think they're clever enough to catch people like me out.

    Let me spell this out for you: I can refer, for example, to MY country as MY country, because it is MY country. I can also refer to it as YOUR country (assuming you come from the same country), and I can refer to it as OUR country. All three possessive adjectives would be correct, as the country is MINE, YOURS and OURS.

    In the same way, the rights that we collectively enjoy can be referred to as MY rights, YOUR rights, and OUR rights. Again, the three possessive adjectives are all perfectly acceptable and correct given that we are bound by the same laws – both moral and legal – therefore, we enjoy the same rights.

    Now run along and digest what I've taught you, there's a good little thick person.

    Free Member

    How do the iMacs perform with CS4 etc? And wouldn't a Pro offer far more upgradability and reliability?

    Which iMac is worth looking at?


    Free Member

    Junkyard – Member
    How is anyone meant to think this means ours?

    Because MY right, is also YOUR right, and the right of everyone else. Because whilst I feel that I probably should, I don't actually have any further rights over and above silly little thick people like you for example.

    Free Member

    Thought he was defending his right to go a bit mental, rather than freedom of speech for himself or others… after all it was what he said

    Nope, I was defending OUR right to express ourselves. I don't see myself chucking my shoes or burning books, however I value my right to do so should the whim take me, or indeed, if I go mental and decide it's a perfectly normal thing to do.

    Free Member

    Where's cheapest to look for Mac Pros? I've used Cancom in the past…

    Free Member

    MrSmith, that's awesome advice… I've no idea what it all means, but that's why it's so awesome! Makes a bit of sense though.

    I'll print off all the info on that blog and see if I can get my head around it.

    Are Eizo monitors good? Never heard of them before, look good VFM though. What are Lacie like? Last time I kitted up they seemed to be highly rated…

    Free Member

    I prefer the idea of the Mac Pro for reliability and servicability reasons etc. Budget isn't a major factor, though I don't want to spend money on something unreliable or unnecessary. Which is why I'm asking for monitor advice – the Mac ones, whilst lovely, aren't good value at all…

    Free Member

    Burning flags, effigies, religious icons etc is an intrinsic part of the Islamic culture. As too, it would seem, is throwing ones shoes in protest.

    When Christian westerners mimic this behaviour, it looks decidedly odd. But I'd fight to the death to defend my right to fling shoes, burn books, or whatever else might tickle my fancy if I too were to go a bit mental.

    Free Member

    Good news sandwich, as is…

    "You have a beautiful daughter…"

    "I've *****d your daughter…"

    "You're gonna be a grand daddy!"

    Free Member

    Haha, there's a place called Low Bell End on that map!

    Ian, don't use a cadence metre.

    Free Member

    11 tooth sprockets aren't as widely available, especially on 9-speed stuff. And they're not available on shimano cassettes with anything bigger than a 23 IIRC.

    I ride a 12/25 sprocket with 39/53 chainrings and can get up anything I ride in the Pennines. Yes, I could spin up stuff slowly with smaller chainrings, but at the end of the day, it's a race bike and there's no point riding like a vicar!

    When I had a compact on, I was spinning out over about 40mph – a speed I expect to exceed several times every ride. Yes, I could have changed sprockets, but I find a proper chainset combined with a 25/12 cassette gives me the perfect range of gears, and I don't have to keep shifting chainrings to find them.

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