Forum Replies Created

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  • David Turner on now and the future: ‘Old is Mould’
  • Shibboleth
    Free Member

    This forum ain’t what it used to be… People agreeing with me??? Whatever next. 🙁

    Free Member

    The seller is also trying to flog an overpriced, badly spec’ed bike to unsuspecting would-be mountain biker. He’s abusing his quite obvious trade connections to pass something off as professionally built and supplied, yet exploit the tax advantages – not to say the complete lack of comeback – of selling it privately for what the full retail price inclusive of VAT would be.

    I don’t really thinks that’s cricket.

    Free Member

    When one is as superior as the average singletrackworlder, it is his moral duty to mock those less fortunate.

    As you were, gentlemen.

    Free Member

    Yey, another reply!!!

    whatever dude do what the hell you like although i
    suspect you want a freeride bike and this aint it…

    Free Member

    selaciosa – Member
    I would but I find it somewhat frustrating albeit fun at the same time

    It’s finding good homes for my little babies that I find frustrating… 😥

    Free Member

    Looks 100% genuine to me, I suspect his bumhole puckered a little…

    Free Member

    Is it grrrr bang bang whoop holler?

    Free Member

    I’m going to start spelling more words with a silent ‘K’.

    Knarly Kdudes…

    He didn’t seem to mind that I called him “Electrolisis Pain”

    Free Member

    What an arse! 😆

    Free Member

    Haha, I just got a reply…

    Original Q:

    Hi electrolisispain, can you tell me if this is suitable for racecore light, or is it more jeycore fusion? I’m really looking for something to max out the grrr factor of gnarly trail-centre xc rad-core without going full on bang bang whoop holler, if you know what I’m sayin dude. What’s the story?

    i have no idea what the hell you have just said
    but i built this as a full on all mountain bike
    with the intention of it taking on full sussers on
    the knarly stuff although i am quite surprised by
    how light and chuckable feeling it has turned out
    , the talas forks are the key to great climbing
    and super plush decending and the dropper seatpost
    staes the intention of the bike being a full on
    down rig when needed. happy bidding

    How does he know how “chuckable” it is if he’s never ridden it?

    My response will be:

    Dude, respect… Sounds dope. When you say “chuckable”, do you mean full on huckable, or just kinda x-up tail-whippy table-top tricky chuckable?
    Take it easy, yeah?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Anyone had a reply?

    Free Member

    Hi electrolisispain, can you tell me if this is suitable for racecore light, or is it more jeycore fusion? I’m really looking for something to max out the grrr factor of gnarly trail-centre xc rad-core without going full on bang bang whoop holler, if you know what I’m sayin dude. What’s the story?

    Let’s see what he has to say about that!

    Free Member

    If you use them, they WILL puncture… This happened to me once when they sent me a double order of inner tubes. I was plagued with punctures for the next 12 months or so.

    I spoke to a priest who suggested I ceremoniously burn the inner tubes and make a donation to the church roof fund.

    Seemed to clear the problem up…

    Free Member

    +1 fan here. Brilliant music to work to when you need to stay calm and concentrate. I often put it on as background when meeting clients and they often ask what it is.

    Mykonos is an absolutely beautiful piece of music…

    Free Member

    SaxonRider – Member

    That climbing vid has made my hands so sweaty I can’t use the trackpad.

    Made me feel physically sick Saxon! I have the most irrational fear of heights… 🙁

    Free Member

    Watch the vid on this link, it’ll make you feel miles better…
    (it’s work safe, although I use the term loosely)


    Free Member

    I’m a keen cyclist, but when I’m in my car, I f****g hate other cyclists…

    Free Member

    Gives me an horrendous sore throat/acid reflux situation.

    Tastes nice at first, but I doubt I drink more than 10 or 11…

    Free Member

    Another useful tip Seosamh, cheers. I tend to drag and drop…

    Free Member

    However, the Plain Text method seems to work!!!

    Thanks very much all, the collective knowledge of this forum never ceases to amaze!

    Happy Friday… 🙂

    Free Member

    No cigar I’m afraid Woody, same result.. 🙁

    I’ve just tried sending it as plain text rather than Rich, let’s see what that does…

    Free Member

    Some further testing reveals that if you attach the image & then right click & select ‘View as icon’ that it does indeed attach the photo rather than embedding it. When viewed in Gmail or Outlook 2007 the attachments are seen as attachments. If you do not select ‘View as icon’ then the photos are embedded in the body text of the email. I still think that this is the wrong behaviour but at least we have a workaround now.

    This Woody? Cool, I’ll try it now, probably won’t hear back til Monday though. Thanks very much for the link!

    Free Member

    It’s formatted, so Rich Text… Does that make a difference>

    Free Member

    I always tell them to right-click/save-as… Some say this only gives them a 72dpi screen version.

    Glen, apparently they come through looking like an HTML email and when they view attachments, there’s nothing there. I’ve no idea what’s happening to the attachments…

    Free Member

    Doh! Wrong forum, sorry. This doesn’t seem to help Muffin Man, I’ve googled and it seems to be a fairly common problem, but no solutions!

    Free Member

    I feel dirty…

    Free Member

    I used to get told off for it, so now I wee on the other half’s face-cloth then reach over and wring it out over the toilet. Simples.

    Free Member

    She seems to have 2 hairstyles…

    Free Member

    Weihrauch HW90 always works for me…

    Free Member

    Did you hear about the magician that turned his family into a 3-piece suite but couldn’t change them back?

    They were rushed to hospital where staff described them as “comfortable”.

    Free Member

    Thanks Geetee, is it worth trying the Hope Pro 2 converters? Wouldn’t they just push-fit like they do into the Hope hubs?

    Free Member

    Took this in Geneva the other day…

    Free Member

    There’s only one possible solution – tell her that you too want to right some wrongs, then go round and go out for a bike ride.*

    No need to worry about the mental scars, it sounds like they’re not going to last very long anyway.

    *If she’s got the AIDS, bag up first and rinse carefully afterwards.

    Free Member

    I hope the lanky slack-jawed Scotch oik loses. Anyone but Murray.

    Free Member

    I was after some 25.4 bars for my Soul – can’t bear to put fat bars on a skinny steel bike!

    Got some Easton Carbons from Jenson USA, they were ridiculously cheap because they’re the less sort-after diameter.

    I can’t tell any difference in performance between either – I have a mixture between several bikes…

    Free Member

    … but you WILL remove your outerwear whenst thou entereth my dwellingplace.

    Free Member

    crankboy – Member
    What are your views on theirs do you agree that discriminating against people on the basis of their sexuality is repugnant?

    I don’t agree with their views on marriage, and I have no problem at all with homosexuality (apart from the fissures). I don’t have any religious beliefs either. But I believe that their religious views should be respected by the law in the same way that we tend to respect other religions and cultures in this country.

    I feel that the militant pro-homo lobby are the real bigots in this case, as they refuse to respect other people’s beliefs.

    Personally, I’d be more than happy for them to stay under my roof and kick each other’s back doors in to their hearts content… As long as they don’t wipe on the curtains.

    Free Member

    toab – Member

    I’m glad this arguement seems to be fizzling out – I’m gay and I’m not half as offended as you lot seem to be

    It’s not the fact that the couple were gay that I see as the problem, it’s the fact that anyone should be told who they can and can’t do business with.

    I choose who I want to do business with on a daily basis, and I feel it’s nobody’s business but my own and I don’t think I should have to justify it. The couple *should* have the right to decide whether or not they want to enter into a business contract with whoever.

    The only problem I have that could possibly be linked to the gay aspect of this situation is that the pro-homosexuality lobby are particularly vociferous and – as in this case – are prepared to bring these cases in the promotion of their political cause, without any consideration to the morality of a crusade like this, or the ordinary people that they are prosecuting. It stinks.

    We’re talking about a very twee Christian couple that open their home up as a B&B to other Christians where they can discuss their fairy tails and read the myriad god-bothery pamphlets that they leave strewn around the place. Why on earth would a pair of non religious, affluent, educated men want to stay in a place like that anyway? One reason only: to make an example of what they perceived to be some sort of persecution – the denial of a right that they probably didn’t even want in the first place.

    Free Member

    AdamW – Member

    But she’s visiting people in their homes.

    So? Does that mean the health and safety laws that have been put in place to protect her should go out the window???

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