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  • Back From The Dead – A Full Suspension Handcycle
  • Shibboleth
    Free Member

    Do you feel an ovewhelming urge to bite people?

    Only Southern Yeti… ;o)

    Free Member

    I sometimes wake up in random places having got out of bed and wandered off. I’m usually in a bit of a panic too, trying to open doors where there aren’t any.

    Pretty scary when it happens every couple of months or so.

    Free Member

    philconsequence – Member

    shibbo.. if she still looked 7 then kinda. how old is she now?

    She’s 34 now. She’d weathered fairly well and I recognised her very easily from my memories of her as a child. She’d developed the requisite apendages that puberty tends to reward a woman with, though i did feel rather cheated by the fluid filled bra. WTF is that all about?? Talk about false advertising…

    Free Member

    Worst comes to worst, you’ll get to spend a couple of hours in a local pub getting merrily sloshed, and there’s always the possibility of crazed weasel sex. (-:

    This happened to me recently, I was contacted by a girl on FB that I’d not seen since she was 7 years old. She looked OK, but not really much different from the last time I saw her, and it felt kinda wrong to be evaluating the boneability of a girl that, in my mind’s eyes, was still a kid.

    Anyway, she pestered, I succumbed, got pissed with her and then did her like they do on the Discovery Channel.

    Does this make me a paedo?

    Free Member

    It’s a widely posted and reported image Organic, just google ‘cat arrow’ and you’ll see the heartwarming story of how the moggy survived.

    Edit, don’t google ‘cat arrow’ if you’re likely to be offended… ;o)

    Free Member

    Apologies if the cat pic offended, the cat survived… ;o)

    McHamish – Member

    It’s live…not sure the ‘beeb’ had anything to do with it.

    The “Beeb” employ producers who are constantly monitoring the content of shows like that and ‘should’ steer presenters away from unacceptable issues.

    The fact that Aled is one of those producers meant that he was able to brag about his contest unimpeded.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Cougar, do you have an opinion?

    TheFunkyMonkey – Member

    God botherer up in arms over gay goings on shocker………

    Who’s a god botherer? I’m a devout atheist…

    Free Member

    Phil, I’m not in the least bit squeemish about the ‘ins and outs’, but would producers have allowed the topic to continue if the subject had been Moyles hanging out the back of a couple of twin girls, or Tina Deheley getting spit-roasted by brothers? I think not…

    Free Member

    Thanks Phil, I love a good troll on a Friday… Seriously though, like Tom, I think we’re all a bit desensitised to this sort of thing, but I thought this was particularly boorish and distasteful.

    And yes, I’m sure lots of children will have been asking “Mummy, what’s a threesome?”

    Free Member

    Note to self: Follow instincts on Molgrip’s definition of “Fantastic”, don’t succumb to intrigue, you will only… be… disappointed.

    Free Member

    I use Arko sticks, yes, the smell is an acquired taste, but I quite like it. It reminds me of relatives long gone…

    I use an Edwin Jagger badger brush. My girlfriend once used it to apply blusher when she’d forgotten her makeup brush! She nearly needed concealer to hide the black eye!!!

    Progress ordered, and an alum block and pencil… I think I might need it.
    I’ve gone for Feather blades after reading all the comments on here…

    Free Member

    Thanks Sharkbait, I’m going to take a punt on the Progress, I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it.

    Isn’t this niche shaving community full of lovely people! 🙂

    Free Member

    Hmmm, might have to be the Progress then… Thanks for the input!

    Free Member

    What’s the difference Ho Hum? A lot of people seem to complain about the calibration on the adjustability…

    Free Member

    OK, so I’m tempted to try a DE razor, which would be a better option, the Merkur Progress or Futur?

    Free Member

    Gays on trays… They really grind my gears. Most of them are completely out of their depths on anything more challenging the Manchester’s Chill Factore, so they scrape their way down sideways opening vast swathes of ice completely devoid of top snow.

    They take up twice as much room in lift queues trying to scoot round with one foot clipped in and 4 feet of snowboard flapping round uncontrollably, and they’re a liability on the slopes because 50% of their turns are virtually blind side.

    Utter twunts, the lot of them, in their baggy pants and dreadlocks. And due to the MUCH lower skill level of snowbaording, the vast majority are completely self taught and wouldn’t know piste discipline if it slapped them across their spotty little fat faces.

    Free Member

    Should it have more logos? Definitely could do with more logos… The outside edge of the fork blades are bereft of logos, as are the handlebars.

    Logos, I tell thee lad, logos…

    Free Member

    Blur Classic for me… Or a Soul…

    Free Member

    Must be a heavy comer…

    Free Member

    A foal?

    Free Member

    I looked at the Denon unit Dunc, it’s a bit cheaper, and by all accounts is excellent, but the iPod interface on the Onkyo is better and it seems to have slightly more modern technology. The current Denon is just an updated version of the one your folks probably have. Brilliant kit for the money though.
    I also thought the Onkyo had the slight edge on sound, very little in it though…

    Free Member

    Update: Spent most of the morning in Richer Sounds and tested the Onkyo unit which is absolutely brilliant for the money.

    Tried it with the budget Wharfedale Diamond 9.0s, the Morduant Short Aviano-1XRs, and Wharfedale Diamond 10.1s.

    The little Wharfs are great value at 60 quid, but were obviously limited, lacking a lot of mid range and deep bass. Probably fine with a sub or as part of a surround system, but sounded quite ‘budget’. Probably not much better than what comes with most complete mini setups.

    The Morduant Shorts at £199 were lovely, really demonstrated the quality of the Onkyo with a CD and had an almost studio clarity. Really zingy in the mid range and a clear shrill treble. Almost too clean a sound for my taste.

    So, I settled on the Diamond 10.1s. They have a really rich, velvety tone, far ‘warmer’ that the Morduants and gorgeous for low level background music.

    I’ve just set the lot up, bi-wired, and it sounds superb. Total cost around £380, and it sounds easily as good as my separates. I’m seriously thinking about some of the 10.1 towers for home, they’re absolutely stunning.

    So thanks for the advice, genuinely very helpful. I think I’ve got a far better setup than if I’d gone shopping blind.

    Cheers chaps!

    Free Member

    I’ve been using the Steve Pete fender combined with a downtube crud catcher. Brilliant combination, the only time I get anything in my eyes now is if I’m close to the back wheel of another rider…

    Free Member

    In fairness Stumpy, the guy sounded spot on with his advice, and looking at that link to AV Forums, it sounds like the Denon – whilst an excellent product – perhaps uses a lot of the older technology of its predecessors.

    I’m definitely warming to the Onkyo though, the iPod interface and navigation looks excellent…

    Free Member

    Just to throw a spanner in the works, I’ve just spoken to a very helpful chap at Richer Sounds and he suggested that this Onkyo unit for an extra 20 quid is a far better bet.

    He also suggested the Mordaunt Short Aviano 1XRs would be a better choice than Aviano 1s, but the Wharfdales would be his choice for lower volumes.

    Going to go down tomorrow and have a listen – thanks for the listening and cabling advice TurnerGuy, it’s very helpful. 🙂

    Free Member

    I think I’ll ask to have a listen to these, these, and possibly these

    Free Member

    Sounds like a plan, get the Denon and have around £250 to spend on speakers and cables…

    Do cables make a difference? 😉

    Free Member

    I’m thinking the Denon might be better and spend the rest on some much better speakers…

    And gin. Never did like whisky! 😀

    Free Member

    cynic-al – Member

    “Proper audiophiles” won’t know about low end stuff!

    I figured that much, but when I click on the ‘spec’ menu, all I see is a collection of random numbers and letters! I was hoping someone in the know might be able to point out any relevant shortfalls etc.

    Free Member

    Stumpy, thanks for the reply. I’m based in Lancs though, so too far for a pick-up… Cheers though, I’ll ask if I can try some of the ones you recommended.

    The Denon does look very good value, would the Marantz be noticeably better?

    Free Member

    No suggestion? Is asking about all-in-one systems the Hi-Fi equivalent of asking about Apollo mountain bikes? 😀

    Free Member

    The album is fantastic, I remember her saying that an artist has all their life to write their first album but only 12 months to write their second. I think she did a pretty good job.

    Track 5, Set Fire To The Rain is absolutely stunning…

    Free Member

    Hairychested – Member

    If she blew on mine there’d be no cycling

    And she wouldn’t be sucking no extra strong mint… 😉

    Free Member

    Big fan of the Assos Minty Arse Lard here…

    It feels like Keira Knightly sucking an extra strong mint then blowing gently on yer barse. Magic.

    Free Member

    They all look like they need a good hotpot…

    Free Member

    I ordered some carbon bars on Christmas eve, they arrived on 28th Dec, brilliant service, no duty to pay either… (FedEx)

    Free Member

    A photo in last week’s paper of a little boy that managed to climb into a teddy picker machine in an amusement arcade after watching Toy Story the night before.

    He was patiently waiting for the fire brigade to let him out while his little brother played with the controls on the outside…


    Free Member

    I’ve never found clear glasses to be that reliable – they steam up, get covered in shite and mud still gets flung up from the rear edge of the front wheel and sneaks behind.

    Last winter I started using a downtube crud catcher and one of the Steve Peat front fenders – best 16 quid I ever spent!

    Not had any crap in my eyes since and I’ve stopped wearing clear shades altogether. Plus, I have a clean face when sitting in the pub whilst all my mates have the old mud freckles!

    Never had a lens fall out while riding, give them another go…

    Free Member

    Loads of good riding, minutes from south lakes, Kentmere, Farelton. Where are you moving from?

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