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    Elfinsafety – Member
    I can understand that you might not understand this, but anyone with a half-decent sense of aesthetics would.

    I suspect the brief put more emphasis on standing out like a sore thumb in magazines than being the suitable for using in pictures on the walls of babies’ bedrooms.

    I’d love to see your interpretation of the brief, given that you have such a refined sense of aesthetics… 😉

    Free Member

    D0NK – Member

    He didn’t say those bikes don’t do the job intended, he said they were gopping and he has a point

    He said he could do a better job, I’m just wondering how.
    I think they look ace, they do exactly what they’re supposed to do very well…

    Free Member

    I mixed up Vaseline and Sudocreme (approx 4-1) last night and it looks like it might work well – nice consistency and it doesn’t leave a thick claggy white film like neat sudocreme. I’ll try it tonight and report back, looks like it’ll be a wet ride, so a good test.

    I tend to get a bit of chaffing on the inside of my upper thigh (if it’s hot) but mostly, it’s that irritating pimple rash in where the crease between top-of-thigh meets buttock and runs across my sit-bones.

    Apologies if that’s too much information :o.

    Free Member

    I find I can only do “so much” mountain biking before I start getting a bit bored – all the prep, mucky gear, washing bikes etc starts to get on my nerves.

    I can finish work at 5, nip out for a 1 or 2 hour ride and I don’t have to worry about all the filthy stuff.

    So having a road bike means I get more miles in. Granted, there’s a bit of psychology that won’t apply for everyone, but it certainly works for me.

    And yes, for sustained, high intensity cardio training, nothing beats a road bike.

    Free Member

    Gopping. Truly nasty. You’d think having spent all that money on R+D, they’d spend a few quid on getting someone with an actual sense of aesthetics to do the graphics.

    Brief: We’ve built a bike that we believe to be the fastest available and it WILL win races. It’s got lots of nice wide aero tube profiles, we’d like you to put our logo and corporate colours in as many places and a big as possible to reinforce our brand identity, because this baby is gonna get splashed across the front of all the cycling mags…

    How exactly would you improve on that???

    Free Member

    I used to have that exact same Campag lo-pro water bottle… Might still have it somewhere, it was pearlescent. Mmmmmm.

    Free Member

    Looks like a Kirk Revolution!

    Edit: Beaten to it! I quite like it…

    Free Member

    Surely pressure sore prevention requires rather different solutions?
    For example, pressure sores tend to be caused by round-the-clock pressure and are exacerbated by poor blood flow. (Correct me if I’m wrong).

    Chaffing problems are generally caused by a combination of friction, sweat and hair for sustained periods, but generally not more than 8hrs.

    I certainly fall into the leisure cyclist bracket, and I invest in good, well-fitted clothing and the comfiest saddles I can find.

    But my riding is certainly improved by the use of chammy creams…

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member

    I would recommend nothing. all a cream does is block pores, macerate the skin, alter natural ph and cause problems. i would never use a cream as a preventative – only to treat chaffing. I personally never have needed or used a cream so I have nothing to recommend

    Rather an interesting slant, but I know from my experience, creams are a great help on rides over a couple of hours.

    I doubt any pros would consider riding without some sort of cream, and let’s face it, the hours they spend in the saddle, they would probably have a pretty good idea of what’s required…

    Free Member

    What about a mix of Sudocreme and Vaseline? I’ve used a petroleum jelly and lanolin based cream in the past that was very good, can’t seem to find it now.

    TJ, I was wondering about that. What would you recommend, just antiseptic?

    Has anyone tried any of the cow udder creams?

    Free Member

    Carbon for roadbikes, steel for hardtails, aluminium for full sus.

    Free Member

    It’s a lovely bit of kit, but I’d have gone off-the-peg carbon, top groupset and blingin-great wheels.

    It’d be a strange world if we all liked the same things, but I love the skinny stays and organic styling you get with carbon. Makes ’em look more special, innit.

    And come on fella, I’d rather have numb nuts than that orthopedic saddle!

    Free Member

    Is it lighter than an R3?

    (I know you’re a Richmond Park rider, but there are other brands of carbon race bike you know 😉 )

    Free Member

    How does the frame weight and cost compare to a good carbon?

    Free Member

    it’s amazing just how stiff it is, every ounce of effort you put in goes to forward motion and acceleration just feels effortless (to a point!)

    Have you ever tried a carbon frame? Miles, miles better… 😉

    Free Member

    DenDennis – Member

    come on then boffins, explain why this one doesn’t work!

    Because the 2 items (magnet and blade) attract each other equally. The magnet isn’t in a fixed state, pulling the blade – which is what you would need to cause any rotation.

    Free Member

    wonny j – Member

    Quite often I see some wretched chav girl, looking pale, underfed, and a bit strung out, and think if only she wasn’t so rough she’d be quite hot.

    I believe there are specialist websites that could satisfy your needs… 😉

    Free Member

    Edukator – Member
    She didn’t ask to be juror, she is a victim of a sytem she clearly doesn’t understand. What do expect if you put people that haven’t got a clue in positions of responsibility? If it shows anything it’s that the British justice system doesn’t work.

    And how the hell are people supposed to learn about social responsibility? She will have had the laws and the consequences of breaking those laws explained, as does every juror.

    It sounds to me like she’s typical of the lower class scum that have such a lack of respect for any sort of authority that they’ll rebel against it no matter what. She probably felt that she identified with the accused, indeed, I suspect she was in awe of this ‘glamorous’, exciting character.

    A clear message needs sending out to preserve the legal system. It’s hardly rocket science. If this helps restore respect in the judicial system, a system that allows the common man to have a say, then it’s a good thing.

    I never thought I’d hear myself saying it, but Fred speaks sense. Where did you copy that from? 😉

    Free Member

    What if she’d looked her up in the phone book, gone round and gave her details of the trial in return for promises of “big prezzies”???

    Aside from the fact that she cost the taxpayer £6million, she undermined the cornerstone of the British judicial system. IMO, 8 months is lenient.

    Free Member

    Drac – Moderator
    It was quite some time ago when I had hair and was young but I’m not sad enough to keep a copy. I only just remembered when I seen you brochures. Payment was a couple of free drinks at the hotel bar.

    I’d put money on you having a copy somewhere… 😉
    I got paid quite well, a lot of standing around and it was p*ss-boring. The TV work pays much better but you have to wear more makeup. 🙁

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member
    * I wonder if this means I’m good looking?

    Probably more bookish than good looking.

    Free Member

    Drac – Moderator

    I’m a model too, I appeared in German Holiday brochure for a hotel.

    Come on Drac, the same rules apply… POIDH…

    Free Member

    CharlieMungus – Member

    Shib, that’s not modelling, you’re a background artiste!

    I’m not prepared to post any more detailed shots, or links to any of the TV work… FFS, I’ve put my head on the block by posting those!

    If you’re that interested, you can go down to Blackpool Prom and you’ll probably be able to count my blackheads! 😀

    Free Member

    It is a bit of a stretch from the OP to that comment you were replying to, I agree, but otoh if you look at who the second tier of (accused) war criminals in the Yugoslavian wars were, they were often small-town, poorly educated nobodies.

    But as I said, we’re talking about the North East of England, and I doubt our 50-odd your old beer fan is planning a military coup any time soon!

    Someone earlier hit the nail on the head – this is a remnant attitude of a previous generation and it’s best ignored.

    Free Member

    If I chose my drinking buddies based on my opinions and beliefs, I’d drink alone a lot more often! 😉

    Free Member

    supertramp – Member

    I still say this can go either way, ‘well groomed and nice clothes is good for business’ maybe not, if someone came to service my tractor in a designer suit and hair gel I would be worried!

    I can’t fix tractors… 😥

    One thing I will say, an nice smile wins people over more often than a miserable countenance. Happy, smiling people are usually considered better looking that miserable t***s.

    Free Member

    Berm Bandit – Member

    Are you familar with the growth of facism in the 20th century? In the main it came about in drinking establishments with a rise to aggressive and intimidatory behaviour from what might be called passive or non violent “Gobbing off in a pub”, which was at the time treated as probably “no more than bluster”.

    Can you point me in the direction of any resources that support this???

    Free Member

    OK, purely to dispel The Captain’s doubt, I’m the fella in green on the top main pic, and I’m wearing yellow on second r/h pic, also dining with my lovely fake wife on the left…

    Sorry about the pic quality, blackberry cam ain’t brill…

    Free Member

    Oh, OK… I’ve got some of the brochures here somewhere. Gimme a minute…
    Or if you’re in Blackpool, I’m told there’s a 10ft high pic of me somewhere down on the seafront… Oh yeah, classy!

    Free Member

    CaptainFlashheart – Member


    What does that mean?

    Free Member

    As I illustrated in my past post, if his views manifested themselves in the form of violence, abuse or discrimination against actual “darkies”, then I’d be delighted to challenge him.

    Gobbing off in a pub, as I said, is probably no more than bluster and challenging it has the potential to cause more agro.

    Free Member

    In all seriousness, I’m probably considered OK looking – own hair and teeth, good skin and well groomed, everything in the right place. I’ve done some modeling work for travel brochures and TV adverts.

    I know full well that looking good will get me further in business, which is why I dress and groom accordingly.

    In my line of work, I deal with a lot of marketing and PR companies and departments, the majority of which are staffed mostly by women. Looking OK and dressing well certainly opens more doors than if I was less fortunate looking.

    Free Member

    I’ve never struggled. I’m stunning. 😉

    Free Member

    Maybe not, but the reality is that it is an insidious process which starts with small issues and eventually ends up in things like ethnic cleansing.

    That’s one of the funniest things I’ve read on here! We’re talking about a 50-odd year old working class Geordie, not Adolph bloody Hitler!!

    Free Member

    Lancashire Peeler all the way. They get better with use, wearing to suit the peeler’s style. And you can sharpen them on a whet stone…

    Free Member

    Playing devil’s advocate slightly, whilst what this fella has said is unacceptable, it’s probably 99% drink-fueled bluster.

    Expressing these type of views isn’t the worst thing in the world, it’s not like he’s abusing kids! He’s just gobbing off.

    If he was violent or abusive to anyone of foreign descent, then sure, it would be appropriate to do or say something about his behaviour, but I’d put money on him not actually having the courage of his so-called convictions. Like most people that spout that sort of nonsense, he would probably be perfectly polite and accommodating if he was actually in the presence of “darkies”.

    I speak from experience: I have a close relative of a similar age, from a similar background, who expresses similar views.

    Free Member

    I suffered a separated shoulder 18 months ago, it’s still not right.

    The shoulder is probably the most complicated and least stable joint in the body. Sorry, but don’t expect it to ever fully recover.

    I still can’t sleep on my left side and it causes problems/pain/clicking when reaching and lifting.

    My advice would be to see a dedicated sports injury specialist – it was money well spent in my case.

    Free Member

    I’d fuggedaboutit. Everyone’s entitled to their own views and opinions, you’re not going to change his – you just run the risk of isolating yourself, as the chances are, others in the group share his views.

    As long as his views don’t impact on you, put you in an awkward position (involving others outside the group, of course) and you’re not forced to compromise your own views and beliefs, I’d just let it go.

    I drink with Labour supporters, and everything!

    Free Member

    This is my roadrat, I think it’s very pretty…

    I really like the look of some of the Boardman hybrids – they have a similar utilitarian beauty.

    Free Member

    This is how most people feel reading your posts… 😉

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