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  • Laps and Loops: Is It Time To Rethink Trail Centre Designs?
  • Shibboleth
    Free Member

    Oh.. and you’ve probably never actually ridden on a beach, have you?

    A handful of times, I prefer slightly more demanding terrain though. And I can’t for the life of me think why anyone would want to ride across mudflats, let alone spend a small fortune on a bike just so they can, even though it’ll be completely sh*t for any other sort of riding!

    Free Member

    GW – Member

    FFS! looks to be a 750ml in the3 seat tube cage (and loks to fit nicely)

    You seem to have difficulty judging size… And it’s already fouling the toptube, can’t be particularly easy to get in and out.

    Motorman, you obviously went out looking for problems to fit your solution. I can’t for a single minute imagine you got so hacked off trying to ride those 3 spots on a conventional trail bike that you decided to build the pointless bike. 🙄

    Free Member

    Because it’s a pointless, clumsy and inefficient solution to a problem that doesn’t really exist.

    Sure, there are bottle cage bosses on the seat tube, but only because the frame builder was daft enough to put them in a place that made it almost impossible to get even a small bottle in.

    Yes, fat tyres and rims are available, and it could even be argued that they have uses for riding on sand or snow. But the downsides and overly complicated build solutions are well documented – does it really make sense to build a fat bike for UK conditions? No.

    I “could” build a bike with 19 wheels that carries 6 people sitting backwards whilst playing backgammon…

    Should I? No, because it would be just as pointless!

    Free Member

    Was that water bottle inserted into the bottle cage during the frame building process?

    Bikes like this remind me of an adage that was drummed into me as a child: “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.”

    Free Member

    Ah, happy memories! My first proper deck was a P&P Tony Hawk, followed by a Cabalero, Mike Vallely, Schmitt Stix Bryce Kanights, a Double Vision… I’ve still got a Santa Monica Airlines Jesse Martinez with Independent Trucks and Powell & Perralta Rat Bones on Swiss Speed bearings…

    I loved the Attack vids, the Animal Chin footage was absolutely mind-blowing – Tony Hawk and Steve Cabalero doing back-to-back tail-taps 8ft above the vert spine… Awesome.

    And I too wore out the video tape, learning every shove-it, flip and no-comply on the Ray Barbee footage. And I could do the whole sequence, albeit without carrying an electric guitar!

    Free Member

    Luddite in “You Were Right, I Was Wrong” Shocker…


    Free Member

    Doesn’t make a blind bit of difference in my opinion. Skinny bars look better on some bikes though.

    Free Member

    You appear to have 3 chainrings on your chainset??? Shirley this must be some kind of mistake?????? You said it was a roadbike??????????????

    Free Member

    Update: Just got a letter back from Nestlé with a cheque for 30 quid.

    Seems a bit derisory to me, all things considered. What do others think?

    Free Member

    Has that buffoon sold his going-out shoes and bicycle cup holder?

    Free Member

    Why has nobody mentioned Superstition by Stevie Wonder???

    Free Member

    ScottChegg – Member

    She can drive you back from the steak house plastered. Cheap date, too.

    I’ve considered this, but it feels like you’re getting drunk in front of ones parents. I’m not a lush, but I quite like getting larruped with a lady and having silly drunken sex… Is that too much to ask??

    Also, I’ve come to the conclusion that vegetarianism is a disability. It’s a childish, petty, self-inflicted disability, but it’s disabling nonetheless. Tee-totalism is similar, but worse.

    Free Member

    I’m thinking about dumping a girl because she’s a vegetarian. And doesn’t drink. And she doesn’t watch films. Lovely girl, amazing body, great fun, but everything’s just a bit too much like hard work.

    I’m not looking for a female version of me, but everything seems to be a compromise or a sacrifice.

    I’ll probably regret it, but it’s not right.

    And what is it with tee-totallers? They just seem so smug and self-righeous…

    Free Member

    I have a mate who’s a fitness instructor and body builder – he imports this kind of thing, I can ask him for more info if anyone’s interested…

    He tends to sell full dumbell sets, racks, Smith machines etc, all gym quality stuff…

    (He’s NW based too…)

    Free Member

    There are some really nice walks from the City centre – you’ll be amazed how quickly you’re in a very rural area.

    The Palazzo Piti and Boboli gardens are probably the best place to visit if you want to avoid crowds/queues. It’s absolutely stunning and you get a bit of all sorts – art, architecture, gardens etc…

    Free Member

    jonba – Member

    Can’t see how that maggot got in there other than deliberately. Knowing what I do about food production lines I would say it was virtually impossible to happen accidentally…

    It was quite obvious it had been there a while, it had left its mess inside the mints. Could it have got in their as an egg and hatched? In my experience of maggots from my fishing days, they don’t need a food source to turn into casters – they hatch with a little black food sack visible beneath the skin…

    Free Member

    Imabigkidnow – Member

    sealed packet? manufacturer fault

    I can see how this could become a grey area. The “seal” is only crimped foil – wouldn’t be too difficult for a maggot to wriggle his way in…

    Free Member

    I don’t think there’s any long-term harm to my health, but I did “eat my breakfast backwards” on the concourse outside Euston Station which was rather embarrassing to say the least…

    Free Member

    Boots have just replied to say that they’ll work closely with Nestlé on this matter, but I think they’re more than happy to let them carry the can…

    Free Member

    I thought so Mastiles… I’ve sent the packet back to them as per their instructions – might not have been the best thing to do, but the caster is in a bin. The photos are enough evidence I would imagine…

    Boots wanted me to send it to them too…

    Free Member

    You sound like a bit of a trouble maker to me…

    Free Member

    What was the incident?

    Free Member

    Looks like a female Smooth Newt to me… Possibly a Palmate…

    Free Member

    I like Superdry Tees… They’re good quality and are fine for playing out in. Agree about Hollister, daft concept.

    Free Member

    Wow, really overwhelmed by some of the responses. Thanks so much for all words of encouragement.

    I guess I didn’t really understand how much this could help with my friends’ grieving process, but the experiences of Totalshell, Ourkidsam, Micarms, Dirtyrider and Derek and have been a huge help. Your stories are all just as heartbreaking but knowing that a photo can help makes what I’ve been asked to do a lot easier.

    I spoke to a close friend last night who’s an undertaker. He simply told me that whilst it’s most difficult with little uns, they just weren’t meant for this world.

    Cheers everyone, you’re not such a bad lot…

    Free Member

    Just wanted to say thanks for all the advice, it worked a treat. 😉

    Made the roast vegetable coucous suggested by Organic and it was spot on. Plus, I’ve now got plenty of ideas for round 2.

    Cheers folks!

    Free Member

    epicyclo – Member
    As far as I’m concerned laughing at people who are suffering is an activity for scum.

    Whaaaat??? That’s not suffering! It’s a selfish desire to beat someone at all costs to feel the glory and satisfaction of winning! FFS man, it’s funny that a) if it’s genuine, they’re so hell-bent on crossing the line first that they’ll allow themselves to look so stupid, or b) as is my suspicion, it’s a couple of silly middle-aged yank women hamming it up for the crowd.

    Laugh away! 😀

    Free Member

    Thanks everyone, your comments have helped greatly. Scaredypants, I wouldn’t ever show these pictures to another person. Yossarian’s right, I need to disconnect and crack on.

    I think I just need to get the initial shock, upset and blubbing like a baby out of the way!

    Free Member

    Not even started it yet, too upset after looking at the pictures. They were 5months term and both Downs. So horrible. 🙁

    Free Member

    You just know they’re praying that somebody makes a movie out of this.

    Free Member

    Middle-aged American attention whores.

    Free Member

    Brilliant Alpin!


    Free Member

    Try here…


    Free Member

    Maybe I should just wean her back onto it… I’ll have her eating meat by the end of the night. 😉

    Free Member

    Just watching that Spartacus clip and found this, check out the bit around 43seconds… Show’s just how comfortable both these riders are at that kind of speed!!

    Free Member

    There speaks the voice of experience… Thanks Emsz!

    Vis à vis the chicken in stock cubes… Can they tell if you don’t tell them??

    And Organic355, that coucous sounds awesome… That’s been printed off. 🙂

    Free Member

    Phil, that’s twice you’ve made reference to Little Shibby… Would you like to join us? haha

    Free Member

    How the heck does fish taste like chicken?? Thanks for the suggestions so far, but this meal has to impress…

    Not sure spag bol would wow her socks off, never mind anything else!

    And cougar, soup is a drink, not a meal… 😉

    Free Member

    I wrote this song 2 hours before we met…
    I didn’t know your name, or what you looked like yet.

    Jarvis Cocker, Pulp – Something Changed.

    Free Member

    davidtaylforth – Member
    All I can say is: Thats bollox!

    Theres far to many differing factors, you cant just say one is comfier than the other. My Planet X carbon SL was pretty comfy, my new carbon bike is rigid as ****!

    Wasn’t he asking about a Planet X? Sure, some carbon frames are built deliberately stiff to suit sprinters, crit racers etc, but if you’re not one of those, it sounds like a bad frame choice!

    The beauty of carbon in that it can be stiff but remain comfortable.

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