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  • Shibboleth
    Free Member

    Probably not Hora. I’ve never met or seen the bloke, but I’m not the sort to be allured by a man.

    Is this the sort of thing you fantasise about? I know you’ve always hung on my every word, laughed a little too loud and long at my jokes, and I know that it was you leaving those begging letters behind my windscreen wipers. So I kinda thought you wanted me all to yourself?

    I feel a little betrayed…

    Free Member

    Stoner, you are a gent… Just had a look and it was the collar type you mentioned. Whipped it off, squirt of GT85 and a good wiggle to remove all the green gunk that was holding it down and it works like a good un!

    May the karma angels reward you with earthly wealth sir… 🙂

    Free Member

    I don’t think on one is a ‘cheap’ product, it suits my budgets.

    People with low budgets never like words like “cheap”… 😉

    Free Member

    Nice one Stoner, please, have a pint of karma, on me 😀

    Free Member

    Shib…weren’t you after a super cheap Chinese cervelo copy or similar a while back?

    I saw one when I was looking for a disposable race frame for crashteriums. The very low price reflected the lack of warranty etc. It was more a case of taking a thought for a walk than seriously considering it, but it made for an interesting and informative debate on these pages.

    I ended up buying a Scott CR1 on the basis that it had good warranty and a proven track record of quality.

    I’m not sure whether it will fall apart in frost though as it’s only ever used for summer evening races and turbo/roller work…

    Free Member

    I was about to ring a plumber about a similar job… The thermostatic valve in a room that’s not been used seems to have stuck closed – is it a big job to DIY?
    I’ve taken rads off to decorate but always have a bit of fear about plumbing stuff!

    Free Member

    The problem with being a SME is that it can be more work to brief another staff member than to actually do the admin oneself.

    If you were talking about a person who was off-site, that would be even worse. The business owner would have to factor in time for briefing, organising all the paper-work and then having to check it.

    So I wish you luck, but I can’t invest…

    Free Member

    I’ve bought odds and ends over the years and never had any particular problems, apart from a merino top that returned from the washing machine toddler-sized, and some cheap and nasty overshoes which I knew were cheap, but the nastiness was an unexpected surprise.

    So I had a rather ambivalent attitude towards the brand – it’s cheap to buy, it’s often cheap quality, and I prefer (and am able to) to spend more and buy far better kit.

    And that ambivalence would have remained, I’d have bought the odd item if they had exactly what I needed in stock (I bought a Prologo Nack saddle last year as they happened to have the correct width) and that would have been that… Not the best customer in the world, but a customer non-the-less that’s probably spent a grand or so over the past few years.

    But I, like whoever it was posted a similar view yesterday, won’t use them again after hearing such condescending and dismissive language used towards a paying customer who has already had a pretty terrible experience of the quality of On-One’s products.

    It’s that very English attitude of not wanting to help pay someone’s mortgage unless you quite like them.

    Free Member

    Joking aside, I hope Brant has learnt a lesson from this. Having a bit of banter on a forum, playing the smart-arse and generally yanking chains on a forum is great fun, and I’m certainly guilty of indulging in all of the above.

    But I’m not trying to run a business, reach out or reach around any of the, ahem, members of the forum.

    I run 3 businesses with moderate success, and I wouldn’t dream of speaking to a customer so disrespectfully, or within earshot of a customer or potential customer. People can be very fickle when parting with money, and they know that they deserve to be treated with respect.

    I don’t think any gesture from Brant or On-One will repair the damage he’s inflicted to his company on this forum – as another user stated yesterday, he stopped using the company 5 years ago after a similarly flippant, childish remark.

    I think the real lesson to be learnt is that manipulating social media for commercial gains is a very specialised art and shouldn’t be entered into lightly.

    Free Member

    It wasn’t *that* happy Captain!

    Free Member

    tazzymtb – Member

    Shib… [white noise] sssssssssssssssssssssssscsccccccccccccccccccccccccchhhhhhhhhhh
    wwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [/white noise]

    Yawn 🙄

    Free Member

    So it would be feasible that the frame doesn’t shrimk in the cold, but the bonding epoxy does and becomes more put this with a high stress area like bb or seat post amd it is perfectly feasible that over time the bond will weaken and the insert come loose…ok?

    So why didn’t all the frames fail spectacularly during last year’s Milan-San Remo? Or any other race where temperatures are sub zero?

    Why have none of my carbon frames (Cervelo, Scott and Giant) failed when I’ve used them in temperatures down to -10°c? Why haven’t they failed when I’ve stored them indoors at room temperature and then taken them outside and ridden them at below zero?
    Why haven’t they failed when I’ve flown them over to Majorca in the freezing hold of a plane, and then jumped on them and ridden them, when the frame is still cold to the touch, in 30° heat?
    So many question marks, so little time…

    Free Member

    There, is that better.

    Perfect. Now we just need to work out where your question mark has gone… Maybe it failed due to those low temperatures. What’s the normal operation temperature range of your keyboard

    (dammit, mine’s gone too!)

    Free Member

    I would like to hope that the situation does get resolved, once the dust has settled.

    I’d like to see more correct use of the quote facility on this website. Sadly, that just seems like a pipe dream to me…

    I’m amazed that, even after 8 pages of this, Brant is still behaving in such a curmudgeonly, harrumphy manner! It’s almost like he thinks he can recover his company’s reputation by apportioning blame to the customer! He can’t. Unfortunately, the customer is always right. And when you’ve taken money off someone, no matter how much it sticks in the craw, you have to be nice to them.

    Free Member

    would a carbon race bike be expected to be used and stored in sub zero conditons on a regualr basis..why then would that be considersd normal temps…xc racing tends not to happen in snow…like when its cold fir instance. ..

    Of course it would. Did you notice any teams pulling out of last year’s Milan-San Remo on the basis that the frames might fail???

    Free Member

    If the OP is the only person to have had the problem and has had it happen twice then there’s a realistic possibility that something he’s doing is causing it, be it temperatures, riding style or any other factor.

    That’s one helluva freakin riding style that makes resin vanish at the seatpost/toptube junction and pops a BB shell liner out… 🙄

    Free Member

    I’m not an on-one fan but Shibboleth seems way off track accusing on-one of shit QC on the basis of one persons experience and ZERO evidence from on-one or any other manufacturer for comparison

    Off track? If two frames fail in a similar way but in different places, that would indicate poor quality control. I’m guessing that On-One sold possibly hundreds of this frame – not thousands.

    My main concern is the arrogant, dismissive and childish way Brant has conducted himself in the aftermath.

    As for trying to blame the fact that the guy lives in Finland, that’s completely ridiculous! If a manufacturer used a resin that failed in normal operating temperatures (and no matter how cold Finland gets, they would still be deemed potentially normal operating temperatures!!) then the product would be even worse quality than I’m giving it credit for.

    Does Brant supply a warning not to use the frame below a certain temperature or above another?

    Free Member

    As to your accusations of “immature and unprofessional”, well, if you say so…


    Free Member

    Pint later?

    Yep, just as soon as I finish pulling the legs of wwaswas… 😉

    Free Member

    you didn’t because it doesn’t fit your argument that on-one have crap quality control.

    Oh right… So why on earth did you say

    All I’ve done is question why you think on-one failure rates are higher than other manufacturers or what their business process does that others don’t (or vice versa).

    …only 8 minutes ago?

    Free Member

    All I’ve done is question why you think on-one failure rates are higher than other manufacturers or what their business process does that others don’t (or vice versa).

    Where did I compare their number of failure rates to other manufacturers?

    Free Member

    and the name of the manufacturer of the component on your freinds bike?

    No idea and it’s completely irrelevant. You questioned that a failure like the OP’s (at the seat post junction) could cause injury. I pointed out that I helped scrape up a friend who kissed a dry-stone wall at 45mph due to a similar bike failure. The component may have been different but the loss of control could be similar. 🙄

    I wouldn’t say that jameso was a brant sycophant – he works for a competitor doesn’t he (at least he used to)?

    I was referring to you. And Clubber.

    Free Member

    And still the usual sycophants warble away. It’s really rather embarrassing!

    Free Member

    but in this case the seat clamp would have held everything in place anyway so the worst that would happen is that the saddle might turn slightly.

    That’s fine then, let’s all buy sh*t frames that fall apart under normal use 🙄

    Free Member

    I can’t imagine that the unbonding of a seat tube insert at any speed is going to lead to a fatality. Equally, the BB shell would be held in place by the crank arms.

    A few years ago, a fellow club member was almost killed when the pinch-bolt on his seat post failed as he crossed a cattle grid at the foot of a descent between Barnacre Reservoir and Harris End Fell in the Pennines. The seat post slammed down, he got an unrecoverable speed wobble and broke most of his ribs and punctured his lung on a stone bridge.

    Personally, I’d rather not have any part of my bike fail at speed as the possible outcome could be catastrophic.

    Free Member

    This likely being used in an environment where the bike would experience significant changes in temperature – warm storage to cold out side. These thermal conditions will have a significant affect upon all bonded items.

    This is the biggest load of twaddle I’ve read in a long time. 🙄

    Free Member

    QC in Tawanese and Chinese factories isn’t shit either.

    It clearly is in the factory that churned out both the frames that the OP had the misfortune of receiving.

    Free Member

    shibboleth – I think you’ve probably pushed it too far with your on-one bashing now.

    Sorry wwaswas, if ever I’ve got an opinion, I’ll run it past you before I air it in future shall I?

    Can you point out what in my last post that you disagree with?

    Jamie, that wasn’t a rampage… 😉

    To be fair I’m pretty sure Brant regularly visits the factories in china.

    If a bloke takes a sh*t every year on his birthday, he might be regular but he’s not healthy.

    Free Member

    I think if it makes companies like On-One think twice about a business model based purely on importing cheap Chinese frames, with absolutely no input in terms of ongoing quality control throughout the manufacturing process, then the world will be a better place.

    If the frames regularly fail like that, they’re not safe. A failure at high speed could result in serious injury or a fatality.

    I think the lesson we can all learn is that Brant doesn’t have much confidence in his products, because they are made several thousand miles away and he can’t physically check that they’re being manufactured to satisfactory standards.

    If he did have confidence in the product, he’d be offering a longer warranty, like the bigger manufacturers do.

    So yes, we – the consumers – are the winner when a post like this appears. It reaffirms what many of us know – if you buy an imported frame from a company like On-One, you’re unlikely to get a product of the quality you would get from a bigger manufacturer.

    And if it fails, you’re unlikely to get professional after-sales service.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t class myself as professionally outraged, more of a useful 2nd Cat with aspirations…

    Free Member

    Granted but it doesn’t allow you to insult forum members.

    I’d rather be called a twunt than have my concerns so flippantly dismissed by the company I’d spent a lot of money with. I think Brant’s comments to the OP were far more insulting.

    Delcaring something not fit for purpose when you have no experience of it is measured is it?

    Not one, but 2 frames failed. And they didn’t fail in a way consistent with wear and tear, they appear to have failed due to poor workmanship during manufacture! Therefore, neither frame was fit for purpose!

    Free Member

    Anyone that cleans his path and pebbles to that extent should NOT have the integrity of his bike storage and cleaning/maintenance sullied on a public forum! 😉

    Hmmmm! Perhaps not given his attitude to something that didn’t involve him towards another forum member.

    It does involve me. I’m a consumer of the On-One brand, and an indulgent consumer of cycling products in general. I’m also a member of this discussion forum.

    All of the above gives me ample justification in posting my views about the product, and how the actions and words of one of On-One’s brand ambassadors have irreparably damaged my view of the On-One and Planet X brand.

    Hopefully, by voicing my opinions in a measured fashion, people like Brant might think twice about trying to be a smart-arse on a public forum, and despite the reassuring virtual high-fives he might have received from a handful of On-One sycophants, the repercussions of his flippancy will be far further reaching in terms of his future sales and profits.

    Reputations are hard won and very easily lost, as I think he’s demonstrated today.

    Free Member

    I don’t have any problem getting through the day Mark, last time I looked, “appalled” isn’t a debilitating condition.


    they consider 5 years to be lifetime like most of the big guys…

    That’s 2-and-a-half times better than On One’s…

    Free Member

    The OP has already had an crap experience with On One before he posted on here. He’s already been told they won’t do anything which they don’t legally have to, but I’d be pissed off if I’d bought a frame that turned out to be such poor quality.

    He posted on here to share his experience and warn others that On One frames are not fit for purpose. In doing so, he’s convinced me never to touch one of their bikes with a bargepole, but Brant’s arrogant and unprofessional response has convinced me to never buy any other parts or accessories from them ever again.

    Free Member

    the OPs previous comment did kind of make any attempts at rectifying the situation a bit pointless.

    The OP gave On One the opportunity to sort it out to his satisfaction twice. The first time they fulfilled a legal obligation and sent him another crap frame. The second time they’ve washed their hands of it.

    Personally, I’m thankful that their is a forum like this where people can share those sorts of experiences and help consumers like myself decide where to spend our hard-earned money.

    Can’t believe how many sycophants there are on here, eager to blow smoke up the arse of Brant!

    Free Member

    I’ll not waste any more time on it then.


    I find that comment absolutely appalling! I’m with the OP on this, he has every right to share his experiences of a product that’s not fit for purpose.

    I’ve never bought an On-One frame – although I’ve been a regular buyer of parts and accessories for several years – but on the basis of that comment, I won’t be buying from them again and I would certainly dissuade any of my biking friends from buying from them too.

    What an arrogant twunt!

    Free Member

    Shirly it depends if you’re left or right handed… 😯

    Free Member

    We’ve since fallen out completely (not worth going into the blame game on here).

    Come on, what did you do?

    Free Member

    Right, so the small is better than the medium? Does anyone use them for bezier work? Is there any advantage to mouse-click/toggling-keys?

    Free Member

    Edit: Had my fair share of unbalanced girl friends and really don’t need another person emailing me a picture of her crying to show me how upset she is. True story.

    I had one of those once! Funniest picture ever… Wish I’d saved it.

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