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  • Buyers Guide to the Best Mountain Bike Glasses
  • Shibboleth
    Free Member

    I’d tap that… I like em feisty. Shame he didn’t succeed with his clumsy attempt to unleash the pups.

    Free Member

    My next car will be an Audi, then I’ll be perfect! :o)

    Free Member

    I’ve just searched the forum to find info on this, I was planning to go M&S but didn’t realise they’d changed tack on bike insurance.

    What about Co-Op?

    (owner/occupier, approx 11 bikes…)

    Free Member

    First proper try with a GoPro HD last night at Gisburn on the chesty mount. I’ve got to say, the chest mount is brilliant, you really don’t know you’re wearing it. Only complaint is that the angle isn’t calibrated so it takes a bit of guesswork to get the angle right.
    Need to spend a bit of time experimenting with iMovie to some nice clips…

    One query, when you upload to YouTube it asks you if you want to remove camera shake. Can you do this in iMovie? Or do I need to use a full sus instead of my Soul? 🙂

    Free Member

    That would be a massive help konabunny. It’s certainly not going to be in competition (unless he makes traditional Dutch costume) but the quantities are in the 10s of thousands per annum, so fairly decent numbers…
    The items are currently manufactured in Holland at considerable expense. I’m certain it could be made cheaper in far east, just need to find a good contact to help liaise with local manufacturers….

    Free Member

    Thanks Castrol, that’s very helpful. I’ll make further enquiries…


    Free Member

    Thanks Woody, is that a reliable route? It’s a bespoke printed/manufactured product, is that the best way to find a supplier?

    Free Member

    I rather enjoy a bit of that also Konabunny… :p

    Free Member

    Just ran it through and it didn’t make any difference to the quote. I’ll mention it next time I speak to the claim handler though….

    Free Member

    Cheers Hora! I’ll try that… 🙂

    Free Member

    I would have expected my use of the word “rant” in the title, my prolific and comedic use of capitals, and the tone and timbre of my post would make most people realise that it was a letting-off of steam, rather than an accurate expression of my views regarding the female of the species, the mentally disabled, and dead Belgians.

    Having said that, I do enjoy a bit of verbal swordplay with the liberal how-very-dare-he bedwetters, so please, carry on… 😉

    Hora, can you do that?

    Free Member

    don simon – Member
    Coolio, that’s like David Beckham articulating that I’m good at football.

    That’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me! 😀

    Mega, shall I start a rant about how disappointed I am that 28 people I’ve never met, from a country I rarely visit, were killed in another country I rarely visit? It’s a terrible tragedy, and I feel incredibly sad for all those affected, but it didn’t make my piss boil in the same way as my wing mirror incident, and it wouldn’t be a very good subject for a tongue-in-cheek rant that’s sole aim was to entertain, amuse and vent a bit of steam.

    Free Member

    don simon – Member
    In a twist are they? Or am I having a laugh?

    … Or just another example of your constant trolling Donger. 🙄

    Free Member

    Knob = noun.
    Knobber (as in “more knobbish”) = adjective.

    It was no more than silly wordplay. Not really worth getting your knickers in a twist Dong. 🙄

    Free Member

    johnners – Member

    I have no idea how this all started but as my contribution, I’m saying “Knobber” is definitely a noun.

    (noun, not adjective)

    I was pointing out that I was using the word as an adjective, as in “he is knobber than me”. (he called me a knob) 😉

    Free Member

    Rusty Spanner – Member
    That would be ‘…someone having a panic attack’.

    Erm… No, that would, as I said, be a mentally disabled person (like I said) going apeshit in the car. Knobber (adjective, not noun).

    Free Member

    Thanks for the feedback Konabunny, I’ll bear it all in mind next time.. 😉

    Free Member

    Just spoke to the insurers and told them about the slow puncture and scrubbing to the outside edge of the tyre that hit the curb (genuine by the way) which points to my tracking being knocked out of line.

    Hopefully get that fixed too! :o)

    Free Member

    That’s a point, my tyre is starting to scrub on the outside edge from where I hit the curb and I’ve had a slow puncture ever since…

    Free Member

    as for the courtesy car thing im sure that your time isnt that precious that you could survive without a car for a few hours if your really desperate to get somewhere you could always cycle

    Do you have any idea how important I am????

    Free Member

    She had a … What’s the current PC term for a mentally deficient individual??… who was having some sort of panic attack in the car. AND she was smoking… Both situations were obviously distracting her.

    If she’d held he hands up there and then, I’d have helped her fix it, but she’s just tried to avoid responsibility. Now she’s got nowhere to run, she wants to minimise the cost to her. Shes just a ****.

    Unfortunately, no kittens, window lickers or bints were hurt in this incident.

    Free Member

    No tattoos, no balls, and no no claims bonus… Bonus! Sorry for the wrong forum faux pas, I’m obviously still seething…

    Free Member

    It seems to work Alex, there’s one at the other side and the shape of the sloping ceiling seems to project the sound out really well. Not a hi-fi geek though, so I don’t have a particularly well-trained ear, but it sounds pretty much perfect to me…

    Free Member

    Thanks OMITN, you’re right, it’s not very child friendly! Let me know how you get on Hunterst…

    Free Member

    It does look nice, it just had to be rosewood and black for me, just how they designed it… Where abouts are you Hunterst?

    Free Member

    Thank Christ! What was it? 😉

    Free Member

    You had Noddy tattooed on your shoulder? Seriously?? Like, Noddy off of Noddy & Big Ears??? 🙄

    Free Member

    hunterst – Member

    Oooh nice

    So is this the iconic interiors hull – black/rosewood

    Yep, that’s the one. I didn’t go and view it, but got him to send me a load of pics. To be honest, the guy is a bit of an a-hole – the first pics showed damage to the veneer on the lower seat shell and he tried to fob me off saying it was “a natural product”.

    I asked him to photograph a different one and he got a bit arsey saying it was a lot of hassle to unpack them. I politely pointed out that if he’d sent me a chair in that condition, he’d be coming to collect it which would have been a lot more hassle!

    I looked at the Bluesuntree one, and they sent me photos, but I wasn’t as impressed. The leather looked very stiff and tightly buttoned, and the edges of the ply were very pale and didn’t look “right”.

    This one is far and away the best repro I’ve seen, I can’t find any significant differences between it and the Vitra/HM version apart from the signature badge. It’s equally solid with just the right amount of flex in the back and no slop in the base mechanism.

    Shame the seller was a bit of a tit, but worth putting up with for the quality of the piece.

    Free Member

    Surely, if you’re riding your bike, nobody would give it a second glance – sh*t happens. But when you’re not… Say for example you’re in a nice hotel on holiday, wearing smart shorts, going for lunch… You’ll just look like a badly washed cock.

    Free Member

    +1 Njee. Obviously, overweight middle-aged IT geeks on bikes with only one gear might not understand the “Cat 4” reference, but it’s a faux pas whichever way you look at it.

    I like bacon butties, should I tattoo butter and tomato ketchup running down my chin? No, because it’s a cock up.

    Why do people seem so obsessed with being labelled a cyclist that they would do something so stupid??? If I saw someone with a tat like that, say, on holiday, by the pool, I’d just think ‘what a cock!’.

    Other people would just think he’d not washed properly.

    Free Member

    *starts planning a heart tattoo with a scroll that says “shibby”*

    Just bear in mind Phil, stalking will be a criminal offense soon, so you’ll have to stop sleeping in your car outside my house… 😉

    Free Member

    The chain ring mark is known in road racing circles as a “Cat 4 Tat”, on the basis that amateur racers are more likely to have dirty chains, and hang around with their chain on the inner chainring.

    Why would you want to have it permanently and indelibly etched onto your calf?? It’s a faux pas, not a badge of honour! Or are people so desperate for the wider public to know that they’re a cyclist that they would tattoo a dirty mark on their leg???

    It’s like a cricketer tattooing a red patch on his upper thigh. Dumb.

    Free Member

    Yes!!! Mel Ramos! Nice one, cheers! 😀

    Free Member

    Well, I bit the bullet and a big pallet arrived yesterday. First impressions are that it is indistinguishable from a Vitra/Herman Miller version. Quality and finish is spot on and the proportions are exact.

    Only one problem: I don’t know whether to sit in it, or sit somewhere else so I can look at it! Beautiful…

    Free Member

    I watched that – it gave me nightmares.

    Crappuccino anyone? Put me right off my morning coffee today.

    And did you see the state of her dishwasher??? It was filthy… Mind you, hardly surprising given what she puts in it…

    I wonder if she farts with coffee breath…

    Free Member

    Lycra at all times here, it allows one to get off the back of the saddle, and more importantly, get back on it again!

    One of the lads I ride with had a particularly nasty fall when his baggies caught on his shifter during a very slow climb.

    And with legs like mine, why would I NOT wear Lycra??? 😉

    Free Member

    I’ve had frames faced at Merlin, they have a very good mechanic called Lee.

    Free Member

    This was my view on a very moody day…

    Free Member

    globalti – Member
    Hasn’t it just become a generic name for a certain design?

    It has to a certain extent. A lot of Eames designs have been copied, and there’s a wide selection of “Eames Inspired” and “Eames Era” pieces available. The quality and accuracy varies widely though.

    Free Member

    mcboo – Member

    Is there such a thing as an “original” Eames chair?

    They were working for Herman Miller when they designed it, so it could be argued that the HM chair is original, but even that has “evolved” over the years…

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