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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • Shibboleth
    Free Member

    I couldn’t understand a word he was saying, I don’t speak ‘chav’.

    Maybe we should all sue Alpinestars for rescuing another scrote from the jaws of Natural Selection.

    The worrying thing is, that little ballbag will breed.

    Free Member

    Wear white gloves. Then they can see your “wet anchor” gesture more easily.

    Free Member

    However I did wonder if he was fully aware as he didn’t seem to react in anyway whatsoever.

    Perhaps should have been covering the brake if a car was turning, but the length of time from the car swinging round and impact didn’t leave much time!

    Free Member

    If its tantalised it shouldn’t rot…

    Maybe in the good old days… Modern tanalised timber rots quicker than it used to, especially if sawn ends aren’t treated.

    Free Member

    Should have mentioned, I’m in the north west – Ribble Valley. Where are others that are posting?

    Seen a huge increase in barn owls, see them most times we visit Gisburn. On summer evenings, there’s often one patrolling the field adjacent to the big climb up to the top of the Hope track…

    Free Member

    Watched a buzzard being mobbed by jackdaws in my wood yesterday – spectacular sight up close!

    This morning I had a pair of bullfinch feasting on my seed while a goldcrest nibbled on my fat balls… 8O

    Greater spotted woodpeckers, nuthatches and treecreepers are now a very common sight, unfortunately, so is the sparrowhawk.

    My policy of putting up strongly-worded signs to dissuade cats seems to be working ;)

    I’ve also spotted an otter in the brook, chasing the little brown trout that can be seen flipping up the waterfall around September time…

    Free Member

    anyone know how the scott helium gilets size up?

    I have a rain gilet in Large and it’s a bit flappy, so I’ve gone for medium on the Helium. I’m a medium in Castelli tops, Large in Assos…

    Free Member

    This was a fake viral vid for a German hardware store…

    Free Member

    I just got a windstopper gilet, reduced from £135 to 23 quid! Not worth not having at that price. Cheers for the PSA!

    Free Member

    I have the 9000 mechanical… I love it because it’s the most advanced mechanical groupset ever. The shift throw is so short, it’s lovely to use.
    Di2 is lovely, but I didn’t think it was necessary for my needs.
    A lot of people that raced last year on Ultegra Di2 seem to be going back to mechanical…

    Free Member

    Cats… And vegetarians.

    Free Member

    Nice! :D

    Free Member

    Didn’t Charlie Wegelius have to have a special dispensation for his naturally high heamocrit levels?

    Free Member

    Have you got a link to the video you are watching?

    I watched the MOTD2 footage. Vidic’s foot is clearly underneath Sturridge’s foot and Sturridge appears to roll forward upon feeling the foot. Yes, he went down easily, and was looking for the penalty, but I don’t think that makes him a cheat.

    And let’s face it, we absolutely mugged the scum left right and centre, so that incident was neither here nor there! :D

    Free Member

    I watched the Sturridge incident carefully. I looked to me like Vidic’s foot slid under Sturridge’s as he put it down.
    It’s human instinct, when you feel yourself standing on something that shouldn’t be there, to unweight your foot so as not to risk damaging your ankle or whatever you’re standing on.
    So whilst as a Liverpool supporter I’m biased, I wouldn’t say Sturridge cheated at all.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Shibboleth – excellent suggestion. I did this last year and there are loads of wee bugs loving it in there. I also stack up stones too. It’s also good for the foraging of hedgehogs etc..

    Have a lot of fun with my nephews building these – we make little chambers by using short logs at either side then cover it over leaving a void. They sprinkle a bit of leaf litter inside for bedding – it really fires their imaginations.

    I also have a GoPro which I leave next to openings where I’ve seen woodmice, toads etc. They love watching the footage on their iPad!

    The next generation of conservationists!

    Seriously though, I’d suggest that the OP does this anyway. If you get down on your hands and knees and have a look, there tends to be a void underneath hedges and large shrubs. Stack up a few bundles of sticks of all thicknesses and let nature move in and do the rest.

    Free Member

    Another thing I do is chop various thickness sticks into 18″ lengths and just stack them up in gaps under hedges etc

    They make a brilliant habitat for creepy crawlies, voles etc.

    Free Member

    I spent yesterday loping stuff back in my wood, built a fire with the cuttings from last years coppicing, plus loads of windfall and raked leaves, and then when it was burning well, stuck the whet stuff on.
    You can see the moisture boiling out of the wood straight away and it burnt to nothing in no time.
    So if you can get your hands on any other waste wood, get it burnt… :D

    Free Member

    Are people so desperate to feel like they belong to a group that they get upset by this sort of thing?

    If you’re such a precious little flower that your feelings get hurt when someone doesn’t say hello, I don’t think cycling is the sport for you!

    Free Member

    What sort of shifters are you using? That’s usually the limiting factor when it comes to adding an extra chainring…

    Free Member

    Karma (as in the what-goes-around-comes-around version, KarmaLite®) is like coincidence. It only happens if there’s someone around to put two and two together. And it only works if everyone on earth agrees that the original act was undisputedly bad, and that can’t happen.
    No matter how depraved an act, there will always be someone warped enough to be impressed by it, so when the scoundrel gets butt-funned with a family-size bar of KarmaLite®, there will be people who just think the poor little lamb is having a wretched time.
    Trust me, I’ve spent 40 years sticking my finger up the arse of the karma fairy, and good things keep happening… ;)

    Free Member

    I can’t believe that grown men are discussing karma as if it’s a real entity. :roll:

    Free Member

    If she’s out of work, I’m looking for an au pair… :p

    Free Member

    Dined at the Manchester one, the building is stunning but the food was mediocre. I’m not a fan of that contrived shambolism (I think I’ve invented a new word there, perhaps a shibbolism…) where the waiters seem to be at pains to appear like they’re rushing round, bumping into each other and generally acting all pally and “bish-bash-bosh”.

    I get that that’s his schtick, but I don’t want my antipasto misto served on an empty, upturned catering tin of olives!

    Free Member

    Fin du cloche…

    Free Member

    There’s no cool way to hit somebody if you’re wearing road shoes…

    Free Member

    Well, just got back from a very painful visit to the physio, it seems the problem might stem from a separated A/C joint 3 years ago.
    Had a lot of massage to free up some of the spasming muscles on my back, neck and shoulder and ultrasound in a few places, plus so excruciating manipulation of my ribs at the spine.
    Bad new is that I need to avoid getting out of breath for a minimum of 2 weeks and even then, build things back up slowly…
    Looks like I’ll be taking more of a DS roll in Majorca… :(

    Free Member

    Ugg ones for me, my first pair are still intact after a good ten years but the sheepskin has pretty much worn away inside…
    My new ones are 2-3 years old and still as comfy and warm as the day they were bought, they look perfect too.

    Ridiculously expensive but the Rolls Royce of slippers.

    Free Member

    Fin du cloche was my favourite…

    Free Member

    I recommend codeine and seated climbing.

    I’m Codeine intolerant… Anything opiate-based… :(

    Sadly Ibu/Para is as strong as I can go in the pain-killing department.

    Free Member

    Why did I think it was a good idea to read this thread with a torn intercostal muscle…

    Free Member

    did your ego get in the way of reading further down from my mild mocking to one of empathy?

    My ego? Not sure how admitting to being injured by nothing more than fresh air would suggest ego… No, you just sounded like a patronising smart-arse. :roll:

    Free Member

    Crikey, I hope not… I’ve made an appointment to see a physio tomorrow morning. If I notice any more serious symptoms, I think I’d best get down to A&E!

    Free Member

    Thanks for that Brakes, sounds identical… Reading some of the comments on there, i’m going to make an appointment to see a physio.

    I do sometimes get sore intercostals after particularly tough races, but nothing like this. But it does tally with some of the observations that it can happen when trying to get back up to fitness…

    Free Member

    It sounds like your cerebral view of yourself, doesn’t match the physical reality/capability.

    Big ride, big hills… Wow. I’m impressed. Hey ho.

    I’m glad you’re impressed, it’s not usually so easy. My description of the ride was to give a bit of background in case anyone had anything helpful to offer. You clearly don’t.

    I’m an experienced cyclist, race at Cat3, just turned 40 and have spent the winter months mountain biking and doing flat-road work. Again, I hope you don’t go all dewy-eyed at that revelation Alice, it’s merely giving a bit of background. :roll:

    Free Member

    Are you an ectomorph?

    Probably leaning slightly towards ecto, but more meso… Is that significant Qwerty?

    Free Member

    I just walked into a sunny room which stimulated a sneeze… I’ve not stopped crying yet… :cry:

    Free Member

    He can’t work out if it’s hub bearings or loose spokes.

    Surely this should be quite an easy one to deduce??

    The ones from Wheelsfar seem to get the best reviews and are silly light, but the website seems to be offline…

    Free Member

    The semicolon is the preferred indication of a pause; surely?

    Google what a semi-colon is actually for. It’s a very useful punctuation mark but if has very strict usage rules.

    It’s not – as the name might suggest – just a watered down colon.


    Let’s call the whole thing off.

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