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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • Shibboleth
    Free Member

    Bsc in civil engineering.

    That’s fantastic. I am, however, at a loss as to how you’ve made that leap from studying civil engineering to diagnosing mental health issues, and not even face-to-face – like most doctors of psychology – but via an internet forum.

    Care to expand?

    Free Member

    Do you want to talk me through your qualifications iolo?

    Free Member

    Apparently, stimulating debate on a discussion forum is not considered a positive contribution.

    Attempting to perform a character assassination of someone whose views you don’t share, rather than actually responding in a similar fashion seems to be perfectly ok… How strange.

    For the record, and to those that accuse me of trolling, if you look at my posting history you’ll see that I’ve posted on several subjects – including helping someone with his tiling this week. Surely a troll would be disagreeing with people on any subject for the sake of an argument.

    It’s quite well known that I have a strong dislike of tattoos and cats, so if there’s a thread involving either, there’s a chance I might proffer my views. That doesn’t make me a troll… It makes me a lot more consistent than the fickle yes men that’ll change their views at the drop of a hat so they can feel part of the gathering lynch mob.

    Edit: and whoever defaced that beautiful back should be charged with statutory assault!!

    Free Member

    I think you just haven’t realised how many of the pic online are photoshop compositions.

    Free Member

    That’s not the same image. Look a the shading in the negative space between the thumb and the ball…

    Anyway, if it is real, it’s just an exact facsimile of an MC Escher drawing, so simple plagiarism…

    Free Member

    I’ve been sectioned 3 times.

    Quelle surprise.

    Free Member

    And you must be an amazing psychiatrist if you can diagnose that from 1 sentence!

    Come on, talk me through it… How did you diagnose an inability to distinguish right from wrong on the basis of politely pointing you in the direction of my salient post?

    Free Member

    One sentence please; what’s your point?

    I made my point quite clearly 3 or 4 pages back. I’m waiting in the vane hope that a debate might break out. Probably too much to expect given the personality traits of the tattooed class…

    Free Member

    Oh my god, can you see me?? Are you outside my house again??? This is getting out of hand…

    Oh, here’s iolo… What would be known in angling parlance as a mug fish, always there to rise to the bait… And this time, conspiring to commit an assault with a drill! Very clever…

    Free Member

    I’m concerned about you Tazzy. You need to stop spending so much time thinking about my penis!

    Free Member

    The forest of bowland was absolutely delightful tonight… So much so, that I think I shall get the vista from dunsop fell emblazoned across my shoulders.

    I see a few more of that silent majority have plucked up the courage to share their thoughts in my absence. And I see the tattooed classes are still harping on with the same old badly-spelled diatribe. :wink:

    Being tattooed is now a social class?

    “Underclass” is probably a better word… :wink:

    Free Member

    Very wrong.

    Free Member

    Anyone? No? Righteo, I’m off riding… ;)

    Free Member

    How do you feel about this woman?

    As much as I like red squirrels, I’m finding it rather difficult to get aroused by that photo… I’m more of a beaver man.

    With reference to my earlier post, 5 and 6.

    Free Member

    Well, this has been fun, but if there are no intelligent, reasoned responses, I think I might knock off early… Lovely ride out from Dunsop Bridge over Whitendale, Dunsop and Beatrix Fells… :D

    Free Member

    MrSmith sums it up rather well! Perhaps the floodgates are opening and more of the silent majority feel compelled to post their views rather than see a perfectly enjoyable debate ruined by over-zealous moderation.
    Fingers crossed, eh? ;)

    Voodoo, that is the plan, as soon as the uninked staff knock off at 5pm.

    Free Member

    Who’s daydreaming Bear? Come and gimme a hug… ;)

    Free Member

    trying to perpetuate this myth that I am far superior than everyone on this forum

    Nope, just the ones that call people bell-ends or resort to daydreaming about violent retribution rather than putting together a reasoned argument.

    Free Member

    Cougar – Moderator
    Shall I just close this, would that be best? Or is there still a remote chance that an actual conversation might break out?

    With respect, and in reference to your “You’re all b*****ds” comment (can I report you for bad language?), I think it’s you that has missed the point.

    This thread was started by someone bemoaning the fact that people wore hackneyed or predictable tattoos and that they looked, well, not very original. Predictably, the thread basically turned into a bun fight between the Great Uninked and the tattooed classes.

    Far from being the one flinging personal insults, calling people bell-ends, or suggesting physical violence, I’ve tried to stimulate reasoned debate by offering my own, well justified – albeit polarising – opinions. The fact that those opinions have caused such widespread disharmony are due to the point I raised earlier, and as a moderator, it’s something you should be more acutely aware than any other: namely, that the people whose views are so diametrically opposed to those I expressed, are the only ones that have any motivation to reply!

    Unfortunately, in an almost hilarious display of irony, the people that have chosen to throw their caps into this particular ring are the ones least well equipped intellectually to do so.

    The result is a rather ugly slanging match, not, I might add, the fault of me, but the fault of those who seem completely unable to allow, as you put it, an actual conversation to break out.

    A handful of posters have expressed their agreement with some of my sentiments, and agreed that they were put across in a fairly reasoned manner. That is how a debate like this should be conducted, it’s just a shame that the powers that be deem the person with the clearest argument to be a trouble maker!

    I bet that for every person that posted in support of my views, there are dozens more, nodding sagely in agreement, that just don’t want to get involved. Perhaps they don’t want to rub the mods up the wrong way, which is a rather disappointing state of affairs.

    Free Member

    Why would Shib be banned? Cos he’s come up with a few undiplomatic opinions written in a calm and reasoned manner?

    There we go, another of the silent majority with the balls to stick his head above the parapet… ;)

    molgrips – Member

    I haven’t threatened you. I’d like a debate though.

    You called me a bell-end. Why would I debate with someone that a) called me a bell-end, and b) will probably get a ban so won’t be around to see a debate through to the end.

    Free Member

    So, you don’t feel up to the task of engaging me in debate on a subject that I have perfectly justifiable opinions on, so you resort to thinly veiled threats of violence and a gang bullying mentality?

    My views on the tattooed classes is dipping even lower. Who’d have thought that was possible…

    Free Member

    iolo – Member
    It’s hitting her for the evil crap that comes out of her mouth while trying to keep her moral values.

    Thank you for clarifying why you think it’s acceptable to break the law in such a cowardly fashion.

    Free Member

    Shib, answer my question. I’ll have a proper debate with you if that’s what you want.

    You just called me a bell-end, why would I debate with a semi-literate, intellectually compromised little chav*.

    *In my experience.

    Free Member

    I don’t get why the Mods haven’t banned Shib, he’s on a par with TJ…..

    Possibly because I’ve justified my opinions in a thorough fashion?

    Iolo on the other hand has suggested causing me grievous bodily harm and is now bragging that he’d happily assault a woman! Classy.

    It’s a good job I don’t judge all tattooed people on the basis of iolo’s shortcomings as a human being. :roll:

    Free Member

    I think the majority can’t believe this thread is still going on.

    I’d put money on the majority reading this and nodding in agreement. The thing with these threads is that the vocal few with tattoos fall over themselves to justify their stupidity whereas the silent majority are happy to read in silence rather than expose themselves to the rantings of the tattooed classes.

    I’ve yet to read any compelling, eloquent or even remotely interesting counter-arguments to the points I raised a couple of pages ago.

    Free Member

    No problem Tomkerton… These threads have a habit of weeding out the idiots. ;)

    Free Member

    All… But 5 and 6 mostly.

    Free Member

    I don’t as he hasn’t given a single bit of credible argument to this thread.

    In my experience, the tattooed classes typically share the following characteristics:

    – A certain naïveté and badly formed sense of style and taste
    Tattoos that depict a style that the wearer has recently adopted, eg. Look at all the goth wannabes, 50’s pin-up stylers, music-orientated tattoos, often on young people who have recently “discovered themselves”
    – a very short-sighted attitude
    See above – if they can’t foresee that their tastes WILL change considerably over the coming years, they’re VERY shortsighted.
    – a propensity to adopt a rather immature “two-fingers” attitude to society
    You only need to read the attitudes of the inked on here to understand this one – the sort of people who wear shorts/vests in winter and then get all uppity when we pass an opinion on them.
    – a desperate need to feel part of a niche
    A good example would be the born-again cyclist that I race against. He’s had a bike tattooed on his arm, has Specialized stickers on his BMW… Nuff said.
    – an alarming lack of originality and a sheep-like mentality
    The inked bleat on about how original, unique, different they are, and that their tats are an expression of that individuality, and yet the overwhelming majority plagiarise other tattoos or styles in some way or another.
    – high levels of narcissism and pretentiousness
    The very act of adorning your body with your ‘creative thoughts’ is a narcissistic act. Don’t really think that needs expanding upon any further.

    So, who wants to start?

    Free Member

    I’ll reserve judgement until it’s finished…

    Free Member

    Nobody has offered any credible arguments to contradict my opinions yet though… So I take it the majority largely agree with me.

    Free Member

    Me, I just live in hope… ;)

    Free Member

    Stop it guys, this is no laughing matter… This kid could be the future of aviation and his work might be compromised if he lives in constant fear of his aircraft being swallowed by a gaping shaven vagina…

    Free Member

    Perhaps from a certain angle Houns…

    Free Member

    That DC100 looks a bit…

    Free Member

    He should follow Red Bull… It gives you wings. (IGMC)

    Free Member

    Distressed and confused?? Seriously?

    Free Member

    Well, I’ll be sure to show your opinion of just how unreliable people with tattoos are to my sister-in-law, as she has quite a few.

    Countzero, can you talk us through which word you thought spelled “unreliable”? I’m more than happy to happy to help a literacy struggler to improve their reading.

    Free Member

    Similar thought process I think aracer… :wink:

    Free Member

    i just had a calf tattoo

    Nearly as bad as a dolphin…

    Free Member

    Write it on a piece of paper and keep it in your wallet. It’s personal, best kept that way.

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