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  • Tweedlove ends: Management of world enduro partly to blame says organiser
  • sharki
    Free Member

    Buzz, and all after that special whiskey… 😉 Are you coming on Sunday BTW?

    Extended thanks. PP That whole moment was surreal, no camo as usual, so i walked towards it everytime it went down to graze, the moment it moved i stopped and did my best tree impression(Badly) Got within I’d say 40ft. 🙂

    Free Member

    Eating the scab off my head.
    Drinking the blood that’s now running down my head.
    listening to my guts grumbling from a bad diet of cannibalistic noms.

    Just ride what you want to when you get up and not because someone in Cyberland suggests.

    And hello.

    Free Member

    Stealthcat, i’ll need to hunt it down off my HD then can send it. It’s not a great pic if i’m honest, so will not blow up big(maybe a small canvas)

    Anna, which one, the Great tit?
    It was very cheekily using a hazel dormouse box. 🙂

    Free Member

    I’ll be about tomorrow, conditions will be wet, but fun.
    Oblivion has two or more steps into corners and as it’s already steep caution isn’t really an option as you’ll need to commit. I’ve not been down in ages and the chance of fallen branches etc on the trail are high, it’s mulchy at the best of times. Save till summer or after a good long dry spell if you’ve not been down before, it’s alot of high loss if it’s messed up. IMHO.

    Free Member

    Next six months start with July.

    Other than chasing more Butterflies, i spent a week on Orkney. WOW!.

    The First few days were desperately trying to get pics of far away birds.
    Then it got just too easy to get pretty close to them

    Black Gullemots were awesome, there wheezing call and those o so red gapes. When not holding a fish.

    Do not approach too close with a big lens, as you’ll be too close..

    And if you back off, they’re still too close and just give you a silly look.

    I spent ages with these charismatic birds..

    One of the most crazy encounters were with the great Skua’s, here’s one taking on a juvi Gannet, have you seen how big a gannet is? Don’t mess with a Great Skua…

    So Naturally i stumble upon a great Skua’s nesting site!

    The parents constantly buzzed me, i ducked once, very difficult to photograph a large bird flying right at you. Check out those sharp talons.

    Orkney vole found during the uncovering of the ness of Brodgar site.
    And a long weekend in Dorset chasing local butterflies..
    Here’s a stunning Marbled white.

    But the main aim was to find Skippers, but not one of the more common Small skippers like this stealth bomber.

    It was the Lulworth skipper, this is a female and only found around corfe castle, lulworth and on Portland.

    August. Well that was all about moths really, with a little of something different.
    A snail climbing spider silk!

    And a rare sight of a frog in a tree.

    Europeon frogs aren’t known for climbing trees, and neither are toads, so i was surprised to find this one up in the same tree. It was only toadlet and around 15mm long.

    A yellow tailed Moth taking on a different appearance. 🙂

    The Forester was a lovely spot in Lulworth and is a day time flyer as well as looking awesome.

    And you can get creative with moths and turn them into butterflies, like these two Oak Eggars.

    Or just be silly with them. Some people are actually afraid of moths, crazy people eh?

    And gathering my sanity, i head into September.
    Sadly i spent most of it chained to a bed and there’s no pics of that. I did visit the Botanical gardens in Brum though.
    Doris longwing

    A flying Handkercheif.

    But by far, even better than the wildness in bed, was a visit from a bird, heading back to Africa.
    An Osprey, a male, Ringed as a chick in Scotland in 2004/2005.

    October now and the rut is on. I didn’t get out there much as i had apples to press and bottle the juice. But when i did, i made sure it was memorable.
    Hinds on the Tox.

    A younger stag and well stalked.

    No big boys sadly, but the ones that weren’t rutting, were hiding in the woods, with me.

    And playing peek a boo.

    Novemer, was lost..One walk and many wet days. But here’s one from back in the summer, captive Otter!

    December and i’ve been slaving away doing work like things. I do however manage a bit of time wandering.
    As i’m technically living in a barn, it’s only normal to have a few pets.
    Wood mouse on ma wood pile.

    This cute Vixen is often seen wandering fields near the canal in Taunton, she’s not too shy.

    That’s all really, apart from the other 10,000 odd photo’s ive amassed this past 12months.
    Today it was a damp and dark one, but from my cave door i stood and waited and waited and waited. I find when i wait, things in fact i just blend in and nature appears. No camera use today, but a sparrowhawk came by many times, the buzzard too, but best by far was the stoat. Such amazing creatures, fast, stealthy and most of all,very cute.

    May i wish you all a very healthy and hopefully wild 2013. I’ve booked sunshine this year, go and enjoy it.


    Free Member

    Anna, this writing was chucked together, rather than warbling off on one like i can do.
    So hopefully the pics can waffle on instead of me.

    Free Member

    I’d rather be out there taking pics and seeing wildlife than dragging riders up, down, across and through the undergrowth Muddy@rse. 😉

    Free Member

    Thanks all.

    The lens i used on most the small stuff is a non IS 100mm canon macro mounted to a 600D.

    No filter, usually a monopod or stick to stabilise things and a barn load of patience.

    I tried to pick out a few slightly different images and not all the cute and pretty things we all see out and about.

    And PP YONKS? lol, I don’t hear that everyday 😉

    Free Member

    Shame that, but still a very sweet. And I’m sure you both got something out of it too.
    Not in the voyeuristic way, more of a awwww!

    I hope no bugger ruins my peaceful day down at the hides to tomorrow.
    Luckily they are at the arse end of nowhere.
    I’ll be on the look out for raptors and waders.
    And with any luck, a few short eared owls will come out to say hello.

    Free Member

    If she runs fit the hills then they’re not a perfect match.
    Unlike you two.
    I’m not suggesting you fart like your hubby, but if you tolerate it. Well that’s true love, that is…

    BTW. What wildlife did you spot?

    Free Member

    Whatever I get asked to build…

    Maybe it’ll be mcmoonter’s studio.. 😉

    Free Member

    Wanna fitted cooker?
    I know of one lurkin.
    And I may be able to sort a free standing one for ya.

    Txt me

    Free Member

    Perhaps they’re not doing a strava virtual race…

    Free Member

    I’ll be out either walking or riding.

    There’s a missing dog in the area so I will probably stick in some miles up there having a scout about for it.

    Free Member

    Despite the weather, I’ve battled through it and remain alive and well.
    Fitness has taken a plummet due to a year with only 5 rides(all in the last month), though it’s still at a level good enough to cope in the trails and enjoy it.

    I’ve covered hundreds of miles on foot, had many weeks away enjoying nature, he best being on Orkney.

    I’ve learnt new skills, and gained great new friends.
    It’s certainly been a year of PMA, which I guess amounts to it feeling like its been an amazing one.

    Most of all I have me heath and I like to think, my sanity.

    Free Member

    PP, please do soon.

    Oldfart, sharki, knottie and more if the usual local suspects as well as a few visitors did a ride and pee take pie, tea and whiskey day today in Brizzle.
    Banter was constant, piss taking was relentless…

    Free Member

    Count me in.
    Heading up with Bobsoff.

    Dare I bring some of my special juice to share.
    Or even better, some of the rocket fuel single malt, well oaked.
    Abv approx 88%


    Free Member

    Everyone I’ve ever shared the trails with and all those I’ve yet to ride with.

    After a 2012 with very little riding(bikes) I fancy getting back to my old excessive time on the bike.
    Certainly aim to venture to new riding locations and definitely need to make a date with Jedi.

    Just wanna ride.
    Something I do miss is riding with Jambo, always felt at my fastest when cruising the tox with you.
    I sense D’moor will be visited alot in 2013..

    Free Member


    Or is it to cold, to far, to Scottish?…

    Free Member

    Lovely example of Pixie cups. Great find.

    And here’s a little related story:

    Explaining the symbiotic relasionship between the pixie cup and an algae:

    There once was a young woman living in the woods who was a great cook, her name is Alice Algae. She lives in a run-down house and has no money to fix it up. One day a young gentleman, called Freddy Fungus, comes along who is a very handy with tools and offers to fix up Alice¹s house in exchange for some of her fine cooking. The simple agreement is made and Freddy repairs the home and Alice feeds Freddy daily while he works. After a short time they both realize that this is a good situation that should last longer. As the story goes, Alice Algae and Freddy Fungus took a “lichen” to each other and lived happily ever after.

    Free Member

    I’m not posting them from Somerset or at least haven’t considered asking a courier for a price.
    I’ll e-mail you more details.

    Free Member

    I’ve even got a club in the corner in case a passing wench takes my fancy!

    It’s only my winter hide away and i’m only really there on weekends.

    Even i’d not stay in the shambles that Flaps had build at least the original one from what i saw. As a builder, it disturbed me..

    Free Member

    Cheers Toys.
    Let me see what else i can find first. I’ve a bit of stainless Checker plate i might use as it’s there just waiting to bling somewhere up.

    Then there’s the two thin slate section from a recent burner i’ve taken out at work.

    Free Member

    The wood is an inchish away from the burner. 🙂
    Roll mat not wellies 😉

    I’m on the look out for some slate to lob down as a hearth. Previous owners install.

    Sheep skin eh?
    Not sure if the missus would appreciate being de-fleeced 😉

    Free Member

    Glow worm looks around the mark.

    You sound like the man, I take it the pack comes with a 4cell. Is that the battery pack that gives 2.5hrs on full?
    Or does boost mean a lower power setting?

    How about a demo set for the Southwest?


    Bush use maybe used..

    Free Member

    Bliley, I do write some drivel sometimes.^^^

    AC is fine if you’ve an hr or two t spare and you’re local, but never worth a special trip if yet passing D’moor, Haldon, Exmoor and the Q’s.
    Even Woodbury or the mandrips, oops! Mendips would be a better day visit location.

    In fact you could head SW into Kernow and explore the moor or more.

    Free Member

    Over 3 years ago.
    The ex knew how to flick that switch.

    Ive since learnt to rid myself of negative people and walk away from situations that could work me up.
    41 years old and still not had a fight, which I plan to keep that way.
    If I can’t talk myself out of something I walk away before my rag does.

    Free Member

    Another for the full list on grounds of self centered narrow mindedness.

    May the ground nesters shat in his head whilst they mince across a land created solely for mans enjoyment.
    These birds are part of a larger picture and have existed for a duration longer than humans will manage at their present rate of destruction and thoughtless commercialisation.
    Once they get wiped from the UK landscape then so will the raptors and other predators that rely on them. You can expect a change in flora as seed dispersal changes which will alter the landscape, no longer will the sound of the summer occur in the form of skylarks twittering high in the sky above. A bigger picture would be of the changing landscape as the flora takes on a new appearance, thus would all take time years in fact and during that time without close control species after species will get pushed out. Without a species to protect the landscape will get abused, neglected then rights would change eventually resulting in the land being developed on.

    We’ve all heard the words our olds..”I remember when all this was fields…”

    By putting restrictions on human behavior its in hope that it’ll limit abuse, you’ll never stop peoples true right to roam and if you chose to so be it.
    By putting those restrictions in place, it does limit the impact we as a species sharing this planet have on it, most will abide.

    Imagine a place where it was acceptable to say litter, if everyone who went there left some, imagine the result…

    Anyway enough of the tangents I feel like going off too.
    The point is, this is a shared environment and any negative impact we as an Apex predator has on it will when abused, come back round and wipe us out.
    The big picture is the food chain and that starts in the ground and the air…

    Sharki environmentalist, naturalist, conservationist and mountain biker

    Free Member

    my stash is of an unknown..

    The orchard and pressing business that I’m helping out with has a small quantity that came from the oak barrels the previous owner bought.
    Each barrel had some whiskey left in it, so he drained it off through a fine filter and bottled it.
    He’s left me the 13litres and as the new owners don’t drink its down the muggin’s here to get rid of it.

    Its pretty oakie as you can guess, and its rather strong but tasty all the same.


    Free Member

    I was in smiths today, sat enjoying a brew when along came a shonky rattly singular. Eventually it passed by and I could resume my tea in tranquil silence.


    Smiths seemed popular today, at least 12 riders in 20 mins.

    Free Member

    I certainly will.
    I’ve already been out for a bit, all quiet in the orchard but the skies and res are waking up.
    Lovely morning mist rising from the water, great crested grebe was out looking for breakfast, and the tuftys are looking lively.
    Thought I heard the weasel early this morn but couldn’t see it about.
    The mew of a low flying buzzard and then the rush of air through feathers as a bunch of c60 starlings headed off for a days fun.

    Looks to be a bright and glorious day here.
    Bacon and eggs have gone down, flask is filled and I’m good to go.
    Now where’s these waxwings everyone seems to have….

    Free Member

    It has been ages.

    What did I last Witter on about?

    It must of been mid butterfly season as I’d of been doing various surveys of them

    Its been a wonderful year so far for wildlife spotting.
    A week on Orkney getting close to puffins, razor bills and closer than recommended to the mighty great skua, was really an epic adventure.
    Back in Somerset it really did seem to be all about butterflies and moths.
    As summer ended it was time to go deer watching, hoping for a glimpse of rutting red deer. Lots of posturing and bellowing big males, but no fighting. Still as ever a sight and sound to enjoy.

    I came out of the apple barn after a days pressing and bottling fresh juice and was rewarded with a male Osprey over head, I’m lucky to have a reservoir next door so there’s always a chance to see some wildlife there.

    A barn owl flew out and past me in the summer one midst which was a treat and last weekend a weasel was noted to be the guilty invader to the chicken run. Lovely to see though.
    Still not seen the badgers that have been using a old shed as a latrine and again no sight of the otters that frequently leave spraint under the bridge on a ledge.
    But that’s all for future experiences.

    When I feel like it, I’ll try and give a fuller descript blog with photos on one of this years experiences, bit that will have to wait as the laptop is presently not usable.

    As I type this, there’s a wood mouse sat on my indoor wood pile, nice to see it about and not in my box of oat so simple.

    I’ll wake tomorrow to the sound of chattering field fare enjoying the remaining apples I left in the trees.
    And if it warms up the bee’s can nip out to top up their winter honey stores.

    I’ll be up in the hills tomorrow with bins and the camera.
    Who knows what will pop into view, I do know it’ll always be a treat no matter how small it may be.

    Free Member

    None yet on my patch, but did see a lesser redpoll with was pleasant to see.
    Hope to get over to see the short eared owls a fair bit this winter at the local reserve.

    Free Member

    Despite the amount of rain that’s battered them, the Quantocks are presently as good as they get if not better than winter conditions.

    Thursday I went up there and found everything crisp and in places almost dusty.
    all the usual puddles are there along the ridge and in the leaf madden wooded combes you can enjoy the usual moist surface, slightly soft and roots and rocks safely hidden by a layer of leaf matter.
    Beware though of a erosion gully part way up ladies edge and another hoofin deep chasm on the great road above the dog pound track.

    it’s safe to say the Tox are probably in the best condition of the year.

    I’ll be up there either on foot lurking away from the trails or on the bike very much on the trails.

    More rain is due in after tomorrow, so Tuesday maybe wet under rubber.

    So, get up there tomorrow and your bike will remain pretty much clean..

    Free Member

    Top man Pete.
    For all the wildlife I’m privileged to see, hedgehogs are eluding me these days.

    So it’s always wonderful to hear of people’s sightings of them.

    I’ll just have to put up with sightings of puffin, skuas, opsprey, lizards, etc..

    Free Member

    Excellent off piste mayhem to had. 🙂

    Free Member

    It was a pleasure, even if my sit bones disagree. The legs however are fine, but i’ve been yawning all day and that was after a good sleep and lazy morning. Really annoyed with myself for not setting the alarm so i could play again, but i’m convincing myself it was for the best.

    The crank arm got the 5 white knuckle treatment when i got in last night, but i sense an underlying issue, hence me not wanting your preload tool. I will give it a full look at when i do the BB this week. Also the forks need servicing..

    Well after all that, i better go ride the thing more so next time you come i’ll not be walking/wheezing up the hills so much.

    I’m going to write up a full synopsis here later on my experience of riding after 12 months off.

    Glad you found the Chimney and ticked that one off.

    Now just the other 50 or so trails to do…

    Free Member

    Cheez0 I’d look good dead, so you may as well come along a enjoy it.;-)

    Free Member

    Arrgh crap!

    That’s a reply to pretty much everyone

    I’ve been playing on a 29er today. So may we’ll bring that to play..


    Free Member

    Oh crap!
    Here it begins.

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