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  • What’s The Cheapest Way To Watch Mountain Biking Now GCN+ Is Closing?
  • sharki
    Free Member

    Cullen Viaduct.

    Free Member

    Many times.

    Nothing of interest to share though as it’s all rude and can’t be shared on here anyway.

    Free Member

    Most recent one was last June.

    I got chatting to some men in a Pub in Cornwall, one of them was off to Ireland to compete in the world champion Zapcat race and his Co-pilot had to pull out, the guy spent the whole of the day phoning round friends for someone to go with him to the event and if i’d of met him a day earlier he’d of taken me..

    That was very much a case of being in the right place at the wrong time.

    Free Member

    I have a hope bulb QR conversion i’ll happily swap for some 454 pikes of Air rev 150s..

    Free Member

    I look at the trees and landscapes, listen to the birds, squint out the cold or rain, dodge the difficult terrain or look for the harder line, i fight to maintain a good balance point and study the style of the rider in front, i some times look at the lycra clad bottom it’s a lady, or take to the head of the group and find my own pace, I doubt myself and think that i can’t make it and sometime push cursing at my lost fitness, i question why i didn’t wind down my forks to help keep the front down, how i miss only having the one gear.

    Then as the trail point downwards all my thoughts are to line choice, speed management and body position, working the bike in harmony with the ground, to not be lazy when i can squeeze in a pedal stroke or two.

    When on the flat and the moods there, i just enjoy the freedom of being out there and free.

    Free Member

    Only about a dozen in todays flock of Hammers, the ones from the Photo’s are from a flock of about 60+ with a few reed buntings hanging out with them.

    Free Member

    Holy moley.

    Free Member

    Beer was always my fee along with Cake.

    It seems the locals are quiet these days on STW with reguards riding on the Q’s, but all that will change i hope when i return soon, if not i’ll go solo again.

    I would offer to guide sometime in April if you want me too, i might still be able to string together a little 20 miler.

    Oldfart who comes on here is a Wells fella, just back from a summer in Whistler so he may be a bit too rad for XC riding 😉

    Free Member

    Sod that malarky!

    Free Member

    Tomorrow never comes..

    Free Member

    I whole heartedly agree.

    A roast dinner is great any day of the week and not just for Sundays..

    Free Member

    A bit nice that is.

    Free Member

    Nothing unusual today, the usual ducks, chaffinchs, gulls, Buzzard,tits, etc.

    The small gathering of Yellowhammers where a pleasant sight as was the chattering of a Skylark high above us.

    Some pics, but these were from last week somewhere else..

    Free Member

    Good girl Bob.

    It was discussed that one Jelly baby should be saved and used for all the photo’s, then i promptly ate then all. I was going to set up a facebook account but they would accept Mr Jelly Baby, DOB 1/1/1918. The automated system denied it.

    Could always do a Blog but struggling to write the one i’m doing for myself, without another to try and write.

    Free Member

    The standard Prince town loop will be suggested by a local, sorry i can’t explain or offer a route map.

    There will be gritty and stony trails, water bars and possible standing water if it tiddles it down over the next day or two mud on that loop will be limited to Ground hog day and that will be almost none. Sheep poo not at all likely apart from on the roads.


    Free Member

    I got nipped whilst at swinners and it wasn’t a clegg, but a black fly, very small and grumpy bite, swellings and aches.

    Free Member

    Hopefully he hasn’t had as accident or some other incident making more of a priority then returning a coat.

    Hopefully that’s the case and he’s not being a twunt.
    Next time get the details of the person concerned and save the unknowning wait.

    Free Member

    Took mine al lot longer then 3 weeks to heal enough to ride on it and it’s still shafted as found out a month or so ago.

    No niggley pains, it’s just weak and prone to recurrent damage if i ask to much of it when falling of jumping..

    Rest and lots of good and well advised physio will help it heal properly giving less chance of future problems.

    Mind you mine was a severe hyper extension followed by poor rest and physio, then much more abuse and tearings..

    Free Member

    Yes, on Saturday we did..

    Not to much to comment about the actual route as the conditions weren’t revealing the terrain to well for the majority of the loop.

    What i can say is the last mile or so is immense fun.

    Here’s a brief write up on the ride..

    Free Member

    I did from about 14 to 22, then took to beer and ladies, with Rallying, Athletics and Badminton taking up any other spare time.

    These days i’d rather shoot with a camera.

    Free Member

    Cheers guys and gurls.

    Del, we had a few weeks of sunshine at the end of Feb which was a taster of things to come.

    And then just as if was a dream all hell let loose and things changed dramatically.

    We got back by the coast here late Sunday evening as the strong North wind sprayed the sea high as it crashed against the breakwater..

    We just came back along the coast and that same bit is now so calm, almost mirror like, quite surreal really as there’s a nice sea mist too.

    See you soon matey 😉

    Free Member

    idave in that case most STW’r can either remain behind their desks and beat off frantically at an image or video of an unknown female and dream about being there with her always having her or her friends there with them. These virtual girls are dependable, available at a moments call and don’t complain when the boss comes over making them close down the web page.

    If there happy doing this and not meeting real flesh and blood ladies that fine, if however they do want to meet the real thing then a get out there amongst people and enjoy life, walk tall, smile, be open, honest and polite. This will make you instantly recognisable and approachable, it that fails you’re one ugly mo fo and should stick to mum cooking and internet based self loving.

    It’s like buying a bike only you can’t swap bits to make the perfect one for you.

    But here’s the most important tip which should be put into any method you chose to use. Be yourselves, if you don’t want a dog, don’t get one to pull with, if it works the dog becomes redundant (they’re for life, not just for attracting a partner).
    Same for babies really.

    Goodluck out there in the scary world of dating.

    Free Member

    Bad times.

    Free Member

    Key points about using a supermarket to search for potential prey/victims/mates,etc.

    Supermarkets are a place where most people who can loose they rag, show impatience and their quality of life(healthy life style as opposed to wealth).

    It there we can observe them at there worst and it’s good to know how they behave under stressful situations like time constraints forced by queuing, not being able to find things due to the constant rearranging of stuff. So moody miserable buggers can be singled out as no no’s.

    At previously mentioned it can be observed whether they are single or have children(if that’s a good or bad thing whilst looking for your next victim). Have a gander in their basket.

    Healthy eating means they are either concious eaters and or have a health life style, look for fruit and fresh veg, micro meals means they are too busy to cook or can’t be arsed to eat well.

    Alcohol buyers, Hmm! could this show a binge drinker? And check out if they head to the Fag bar after getting there main groceries…Yuck smokers, yuck! Also there’s the ones who buy the magazines, OK, Look, etc..Bound to be watchers of soaps and reality TV…Ewwww!

    Bargin buyers. Do they really want that half price candle? Signs of impulse buyer, DANGER! DANGER!

    Flour, icing sugar, baking isles…OH YEAH BABY! Cake bakers.. GOOD girls.

    Pharmacy and toiletries. Good place to learn about their hygiene, health issues…or concerns.

    Bank card or Credit card…money in the bank or living a life on the never never..

    Whilst observing you should be loading your trolley with healthy foods and top up cleaning products, to show you’re a tidy and healthy person. If you’re suitable mate has noticed all this, eye contact should all ready of been made, but not from staring at her fresh buns straight from the bakery. An attempt to catch her eye should be made and if it’s made glance back and just smile, not grin or show teeth, just smile like you’ve just seen something that pleases your eye, a genuine sincere smile. And move on with your shopping.
    Most people have a routine whilst shopping so you’ll no doubt appear n the same isle again.Be wary for the all important second glance, which MUST be made with a smile. This is the difficult one as you can’t just stand there staring, though you need to be ready to feel her eyes looking to you,if you do slowly look at hers(eyes not butt or boobs) and if smiled at smile back. If no smile is made at you she now thinks you’re stalking her and that you’re some sort of wierdo, back off and leave her alone. Remember the first smile she made was polite one.

    If you’ve been lucky enough to get the two looks complete with smiles you’re on to a good thing, hopefully your observations have paid off and she’s a single, healthy intelligent and interested female.

    Now the easy part, the hard bit was getting her interested. You’ve just casually met in a supermarket whilst buying lots of healthy tasty food, you’re both no doubt feeling a little thirsty and peckish, the perfect time for a casual drink in the conveniently located cafe. Having shared the isles together, you’d of no doubt ended up at the checkout at the same time, and if you’re clever about it, will have paid and packed at around the same time and at a checkout nearest the way out so that he needs to pass you, super stuff.

    See you can’t just overtake her from behind and ask her to join you for a coffee, but if she’s heading your way, you can easily stop for one last look and if you’re timing spot on, she’ll be heading your way and as you’ve already had the two looks and smiles, she will look and smile again.

    Then it’s just a matter of talking to her, mention you saw her in the isles earlier and remark that it’s rare to see a healthy eating lady these days, that’s breaks the ice and she’ll immediately look in your trolley and noticed all that fruit and veg therefore no doubt will return the comment. Conversation has started and a simple, “I wonder if you’d care to join me for a coffee or tea with me, of course that’s if you’ve got time, if not now perhaps another time”. and leave it to her to decide, no pressure on her, relaxed and carefree with eye contact at all points of conversation..

    Sure fire winner, i’ve met plenty of dried up oldies willing to knit me socks and bake me cakes…This may work on younger ladies too so i’m told.



    Free Member

    No no no, not the dating site way..

    Tesco’s or Asda are great places to pick up ladies, and you can be selective about how healthy they are, work out whether they are single, have kids.

    Free Member

    get your wife to really like him and him to like your wife..

    Then go have crazy fun..


    Free Member

    Swiss01 we only popped in for a couple hours or less on the way back up to Elgin, didn’t want a big ride as we didn’t quite know what the A9was like further up and needed to be back in good time.

    We had a local show us around. Thanks though.

    Free Member

    Sunday by the changing rooms after a razz around Kinnoull hill.

    Free Member

    Saturday at Arrochar.

    Free Member

    Hell yeah!

    I thought that was how to pull a Dufftown girl, clearly i was mistaken TF.

    Free Member


    Good point Spey, it’s better than rolling over and farting though.
    I hate it when she does that!

    Free Member


    Having just seen the offending blisters may i suggest a nice foot massage from my rough sandpaper like mits. I’ll even let you finish the wine..

    Free Member

    Jo has had professional advice, like she wouldn’t.
    Just like bedding new brake pads in, the feet need to be bedded into a new shape. Yes, ideally this would be a progressive change, very subtle increases in support for example.

    Jo consistently insists on trying to cram her chunky, hairy, hobbit feet into unsupportive and innapropriate footwear.

    Free Member

    TJ, they’re meant to be high supports, they prevent ankle-knee-hip injuries whilst running….Blisters are just a sign of soft girly skin 😉

    Free Member

    You need to harden the soles of your feet especially where new increased pressure is felt, in your case on your arch’s. I suffered the same when i got my Salomon Quests as they had more arch support than the crappy boots i had before.

    I recommend wearing them more often and get your arch’s used to your running shoes.


    Free Member

    Without dot and dabbing plasterboard over the existing walls to conceal the trunking and flush fit the sockets, chasing and re-sealing is you’re only other option.

    Did you have any say in how the wiring would appear? If there’s a statement of works and it states that all wiring is to be concealed, it will need to be rectified as per contract.

    All pretty substandard work by the sounds of it, mostly from lack of communication from all parties.

    BTW, I’ve used Vandex and Heydi systems. No big differences really, only working times..
    As for Sovereign recommending a sump and pump for basement use, that may be as back up for condensation due to lack of ventilation. Tanking acts as ground source water prevention, but whilst stopping moisture from coming into a property, it increases condensation issues.

    Free Member

    Ooo reminds me..

    C_G i’m back on the Tox for a few weeks, bit early for the reds to start dropping their antlers but if i find one it’s yours, if i don’t i’ll recover some that found last year and mail them to you. FB message me your postal addy.

    Free Member A mountainbike magazine and forum for mountainbikers.

    You’ll be needing the ramblers forum. 😉

    I can understand where you’re coming from, with all the erosion issues on the gorms, much of which walkers contribute just the same to levels of damage.IMHO

    Have a great day!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Dunno Buzz, only 3-4 weekends to play away and evenings to play local.
    Bailing a mate out of a renovation project whilst his wife drops a sprog and plants her thumb firmly on his heed.

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