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  • sharki
    Free Member

    Absolute pleasure Iain.

    Great time had and looks like we got lucky with the weather as it’s now very wet on the edge of the hills.
    About to head back over the top and back to devon. 🙂

    I went over and spoke to that other large group after you left, from Hampshire they were and keen to spead the word of my services, so all kicking me in the right direction to do this more and promote myself beyond STW and get things up and running proper like.

    BTW, you know that Loo in the woods John left his mark in? Well it some how caught alight at 8pm yesterday and burnt to the ground, seriously! Not sure if it was arson yet…For now we’ll blame the violent out bursts coming from Johns rear end.

    Full write up on the weekends riding to come over the next few days, that’s the bike riding…..

    Good to meet thee all and i’ll see ya all again, which could be anywhere going by the random meetings of an old friend, like you had.

    Free Member

    Tiz great isn’t it?


    Free Member

    I’ve agreed to guide a group on the Tox, Friday, Sat and Sunday, which means i’ll probably be camping and wearing the previous days wet gear, nice!

    There will no doubt be beer, cake and cream teas over those days, WIN.

    Free Member

    I’ve only had one refusal in the dozen or so long distance train journeys and that’s with a trailer.

    the crosscountry trains stick bikes in the guard room so you’ll not be able to see it unless someone grabs it and makes off with it at a station, book it on to the train to avoid refusal, though if someone like me has jumped on with a bike and trailer, here may be no room left(only room for about 6 bike, well placed).

    Some trains have small bike racks in the main carriage sections, these are better if a little awkward to get wide bars and fat tyres to the fixing hook, but at least you can be near it and keep an eye on it at each station.

    Not sure about locking them, i’ve always travelled with faith and 4″ knife to hand, never needed the blade 🙂

    If it’s going in the guard room, it will get knocked ,bashed, rubbed against so defo need to wrap it or even better, bag it.

    Have a great time, despite all the initial hassles, it’s better than driving and being part of the various congestions en route.


    Free Member

    There are bits in and around castle Neroche, and in various other locations along the main ridgeway from what i’ve been told.

    The DH/freeridey bits in the Orchard Portman are apparently great when dry, otherwise as Dibbs says, turns to muck in the wet.

    Could be worth going up there for a scout around next time you’re in the area, it’s all riding.

    Free Member

    Beer and a smile? 😉

    Free Member

    Ah rats!

    Free Member

    what no more puns!

    Free Member

    My recent ponderings to set up a walking/riding guiding company has found me trying to justify charging a certain amount for something people can do for free.

    However, it’s been pointed out to me that people WILL pay for a few hrs walking or riding. Local knowledge of trails and tales for some is better than going out and potentially not seeing/experiencing the best on offer, or a specific type of experience in the outdoors.

    Fear of getting lost, de-motivates some people as does constant looking at maps, etc… A good guide will encourage and support others, offering rests and alterations during planned route to adapt to circumstances. Money in the right place will make an outdoors experience a positive thing, thus encouraging people to do it again, whether paying for it or doing it alone.

    People buy, TV’s, DVD’s, electronic games, etc all to provide entertainment, and i today’s society of waste and laziness £30 is nothing for a few hours enjoyment.

    Some people happily spaff £30 on a night out, most of them regret the waste and lose the next day to a hang over.
    I could go on..

    Agreed 12.5 miles and 3hrs isn’t a long distance or time for some, but for others it’s a way of them getting out of what may be a enclosed life, devoid of little meaning, that 3 hrs maybe the best 3hrs of their year, a few hrs to change their lives…For them that’s a boody good investment..

    Free Member

    May i apologise for creating a thread of fishy puns.
    However it seems to have netted a few members with a touch of sole.

    Whilst were carping on about lights, i’ve just caught a glimpse of another cheeky illumination product. It’s design is a touch more shrewd then trouts offerings.

    Here’s a little glimpse of the prototype..

    Like the beastie it’s designed on, it is ideal for early morning /late afternoon twilight raids on trails..With air cooling whiskers and a little twitchy LED nose like lens,the tiny claw like clamps will grip onto, bar, helmet or pretty much any location you wish to plaice you light.

    close up showing air cooling whiskers fixing claws and nose like lens.

    Side view, extreme aerodynamics!

    Let the puns begin…..

    Free Member

    Like wise elmo. Trust you had a great time down there and stayed on the beers..

    Glad you didn’t stop longer, i’d of had a beer or two and struggled alot more to get back alive.

    Free Member

    find a local meadow, hedgerow, woodland and look for them in your area. Much more rewarding finding them herself than you paying for potential disappointment, include a picnic and she’ll appreciate that alot more than a 300 mile car journey..

    Free Member

    Get someone else to do them whilst you’re out riding innit.

    Free Member

    All a touch sad this..

    Houns well done.

    I present you with the days Wooden spoon award for upsetting the children.
    Perhaps tomorrow don’t even mention a tour rider in the thread title, that way the moaners can justifiably criticise your actions..

    Free Member

    If you saw me in Totnes i was heading to the pub to meet Jambo.

    Will be back over that way as of Saturday, which reminds me to let Tim know.

    I’ve no injuries, only niggles were the butt and back, which isn’t surprising as i’d not set the saddle position other than for height.

    Must come down your way whilst i’m about and go to Alfresco’s 🙂

    Free Member

    Del you’re younger than me 😯

    Free Member

    I could gather a selection of frogs for all the STW singles to collect/trade/dismember…

    But i’ve no coins to offer, i can however get hold of a collection of Stamps from the 1890’s-1930’s.

    Free Member

    I feel like a voyeur on here but without seeing any exciting outcome to all the subliminal flirting.

    Free Member

    Geek here is a ginger cat, for most the day he lays and sleeps, the rest of the time he eats and shits. Is it because he’s content in his world or has he excepted he’s a ginger and given up hope on finding a mate..

    Bean however is a phycotic nut job of a moggy. Always out hunting, sometimes comes back to feed and. Is she content or doing that relentless search for a mate or food. Geek knows his food is there, why hunt for something else when it may taste foul..

    I’m sure that Bean has a fair bit of variety and i’m sure some he enjoys some more than others. However! Bean is unpredicatble, she’ll bite and scratch when it appears she wants attention, so is she happy in her world. Geek just lays and purrs his way through life.

    Nobody tells a cat it needs to have a mate, but it’s instinct to find one, at least on occasion.

    Humans however are brought up thinking it’s an essential part of life to share it with another and this is the source of desperation leading to clouded visions of whom people are when we meet them, giving us the delusion that they are a suitor, no matter how unsuited they are, they stay together through countless arguments and suffer in the uncompatability of each others souls.

    Through the yearning and inbuilt desire to not be alone, humans will put themselves through unhappiness as they strive to find a partner, to fit in.

    Once people stop trying desperately to find the one, they find it much easier to open up the doors for the one the come along.

    Waffle over, if anyone can make sense of that please translate in a positive way as i haven’t a clue what i’ve just gone on about.


    Free Member

    No monkey grub for you then. 😉

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Sort it whilst i’m about and i’ll bring the trailer loaded with cake and bananas.

    Free Member

    I’m not sure the current crop of forum dwellers are ready for such wierd/freakiness.

    Also a banning would i’m sure be on the cards as it breaks most rules, and it goes well beyond the seeminly minor offences that get people very uppity on here of late.

    Free Member

    Looks to me like a Flat fly or more commonly known as Keds or louse flies.


    Free Member

    I can be if the need is there.

    *tempts to post THAT pic!* 😀

    Free Member


    And i’ll put up those pics of your Lycra and carbon road bike.. 😈

    Free Member

    Sue i’m not speed dating, i’m more of a bald male zummersetian Cilla Black. Would rather get couples together that way than go down that line of meeting ladies.

    I’d rather meet someone whilst out and about doing the things i love whilst i’m being me, which usual means i’m scruffy, smelling of animal manure and probably mostly unkept.

    Free Member

    Arse, shame i missed out on that wee jaunt, got your message and invite last night 🙁

    I’m currently still held hostage at Jambo’s attempting to revive his kitchen and put it back together.

    Seemed like a lovely day out there yesterday, but normal West Devon weather has returned which should dampen the ground nicely again.
    See you soon on the next one when i return to sort out Tims place.

    And a nice fat and juicy fella that, the grub is also quite cool.

    Free Member

    Rules are rules guys.

    You get to say who you liked at the end of the week and if they like you also, perhaps then you can arrange a real lengthy date and do sum ridin’ of sorts, maybe share an afternoon pimms by the park.

    Or even sit and chat till the early hours loosing track of time and not even recalling what you’ve been waffling on about.

    Free Member

    Right lads and lasses at STW’s speed date week, you’ve had a couple of minutes to chat to your dates, now it’s time to move to the next table and meet the next date.

    Free Member

    Single, mainly due to my lifestyle choice.

    Being homeless and Jobless aren’t massive factors in making a bloke on the cusp of 40 yrs old eligible..or at least so you might think…

    It’s bizarre really, wherever i wander, the more adventures i have, the more random my life gets, i seem to become someone of interest. With the love and admiration for all things living, my positive outlook, optimistic views. Having the time of day to talk with nice people and to offer help where i can, sharing life through my eyes, etc..

    It appears my lack of material things means little to some women and they want to take me in, perhaps to mother me, care for me, maybe just to saturate themselves with my carefree and spiritual calm..

    If i was to settle i’d not be alone for long, however i still fear i’d end up with a wrong un again. Torn and damaged i am, still hurting from the last evil spell from the ex. From her i lost my freedom which almost stole my life.

    When it’s time, that time will be right only then will i be single no more.

    Sharki, Happy dating all you seekers of the unknown.

    Free Member

    It’s doable on that ratio but few nutters do ride the moor SS.

    If you’ve got gears bring them if not, be warned, 2:1 is pretty tough going if you’re not used to lots of climbing.

    Free Member

    I hope your journey to a smoke free lifestyle is an easy path to travel along.

    I can’t offer any advise as i’ve never even tried smoking.
    STW will have a fair amount of quitters so as you’ve seen already,there will be plenty of suggestions, which one work best for you though will need to be found out through persistence.

    Every time you fancy sparking one up, remember vividly how much pleasure you got whilst sat on the bridge at Peck farm, rolling one up and then smoking it. Then how you felt climbing up from peck farm and almost passing out..I’m thinking you like riding more than smoking, so a worthy reason to pack it in and enjoy this life we all have.

    TM, was that the trail into Plague?

    Free Member

    No it wasn’t me, no good as a touring/mtb type tool unless i can get a fat tyre on the trailer. 😕

    I’ll let the new owner show himself if he sees this thread, i’m sure photies will be put up as he’s very excited about winning the auction. 🙂

    Free Member

    The purple one?

    If so, it’s gone to a good home by the sea in Scotland 🙂

    Free Member

    trailmonkey – Member
    i got laid off around 6 weeks ago and i’m finding it hugely difficult to find another job.

    it feels like the 1980’s again in my world

    But with nearly 6 inches up both ends and Dartmoor to play on, unlike the 80’s

    Chin up chimp, better than the 80’s? 😉

    Free Member

    I’ll have a crack, though most of that months mileage will be tuggin a trailer about the SW.

    Perhaps have a challenge.
    Most ascent and mileage draggin’ an extra 5 stone with skinny legs.

    Free Member

    June 2009, Tox

    Jan 2010, Tox

    Jan 2011 Convals, Scotland.

    As above.

    Free Member

    A few days should sort it, little you can do really but ride the storm of swelling and elevate the limb and reduce the itching with creams. Should the ache and swelling persist for more than a few days, seeks further and Professional(Don’t ask STW) advise.

    Had a nice Clegg tucking into my shin on Monday, picked it off, stared into it’s amazingly funky eyes before letting it go to fly off and cham down on some other mammal. No swelling or reaction from it’s bite.

    Free Member


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