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  • Singletrack World Issue 154 Editorial: Let’s Get Lendy
  • sharki
    Free Member

    its too late.
    all this extreme weather is all part of natures recovery program.

    the high winds fell tress which the nature hopes will eventually get turned to coal and oil, replacing vital exploited material.
    it also spreads seeds to replant lost plant life. water. As more and more forests etc get cut down and more concrete jungles get built, there is less oxygen produced, so nature is just trying to recover and retain life on this planet.

    Much in nature is having to adapt to a changing world, can we as a race.

    some can, some cannot, mostly can’t.

    Free Member

    nice cap that.

    no sign of dusty emotion here, heartless git int I.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Cheers Sue.

    I’ve thought about doing the whole lot…

    Free Member

    Photies yes.
    Bees wax, doubtful.
    Writing! another Journal?

    Does that mean i should finish the book i’ve started SD?

    Free Member

    SD to much responsiblity.

    I’ll settle for minister of human improvement! 😈

    Free Member

    When I’m in charge ,anyone found guilty of serious violent crime will provide several hundred kw of energy from their incineration.

    All others imprisoned ,will power the prison like hamsters on a wheel. Any spare will get pumped back into the grid.

    It’ll be ugly but it sure will be effective and green.

    Prison will be hell, and all inmates will get the option for total freedom from chores by direct transfer to the furnace.

    Culling is the only way to ensure the positive survival of our race.

    Harsh, but I think very fair.

    Free Member

    I’m usually a 9 but their GTX felt better in a 8.5, as do their trail shoes.

    Free Member

    Eh up ADH.
    Tiling? eeek! not a fan, besides, i’m unsure i’ll be able to reach the over the bath after a monster plateful of noms.

    Free Member

    Bump for the day walkers.

    Free Member

    Autumn morning haze through the trees at ‘dead woman’s ditch’.

    Tree and fence at Sunset on the hills.



    Free Member

    Double post.

    Free Member

    After close to 3 months not riding the bike at all, i’ve recently loaded the panniers ad trailer and **** off back out on the road again.

    Taking the knobblies off tomorrow after felling a tree or two as i still have less than fond memories of distance riding, tugging kit along the road for 50+ miles.

    Might take up off road riding again when my walking mojo takes a break.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    How thick are the whips expected to be by harvest time?

    Free Member

    I’ll try again.

    One of my favourite images captured this year.

    Free Member

    one of my own from march.

    Free Member

    +1 Dibbs.

    When we handed in the signed petitions to county hall after the demo, a spoken said when asked what would happen next said. “A board meeting will be held to look at the objections and we’d go from there whether there’s a strong enough argument to why we not sell the parcels of land” He then said that the board will be made up of members of various department with in county hall and that no members of the public are likely to be there. Not even AONB or FC.

    What seems to of pissed most people off, is the way in which the council quietly put the proposals forward and the short deadline to get objections in, initially only postal objections were accepted, which at this time of year seems madness.

    Dibbs, what do you know of about the tunnels from Hinkley deep under Cannington disposing of nuclear waste, another hush hush thing that never got officially announced? I’m only going by what i’ve been told, so this may or may not be an actual truth.

    A good article on the sell off here on a walking forum/site.ukhillwalking

    Free Member

    Simply, not at all.

    Apart from breathing and maintaining a heart rate.

    Free Member

    Plenty of small ways you can help people, in fact this time of year is probably the best time for a spot of bartering.
    Leaves, untidy gardens, logs to chop, etc.

    My present one is a roof repair and odd jobs around a stable yard and arena. Food, a place to stay if i need to and i get to ride the horses.

    But as always it’s a numbers game, you need to speak to a lot of folk, trust is hard to gain, but those that do trust you, usually find a way in which i can help them, and a meal worked for is a tasty meal indeed.

    Free Member


    By foraging and bartering, somedays I ate little, others very well.

    Free Member

    £0 a month was my best last year, most months these days seem to be around £100

    It’s a simple way of life.

    Free Member

    Don’t forget a list….

    Free Member

    Sue, I can agree with you with the possible difficulties, I get it all the time when they find out a walk with me may end up taking 4months and stretching over 600miles.


    Free Member

    How about not treating meeting new people as a date, letting it become just a day or moment out with someone new.

    The pressure then isn’t so much for both parties and you’ll both find it much easier to relax and be yourselves.

    At best you’ll naturally get on and either progress to a more intimate friendship or even just gain a new friend.

    At worse you’ll not get on so great, no hard feelings should be felt and you go your separate ways after a rather pleasant time outdoors.

    Dress as you wish and as you want, in whatever is appropriate for the occasion. If he expects more then he’s probably a touch shallow.

    I wear outdoors kit all the time no matter what the occasion/venue, i expect people to accept me for who i am and if they don’t, they’ve no place in my life.

    Be yourself Sue. The only effort needed is the one of the mind.

    Free Member

    Ooooo a big stinking stalker list.

    I met a stack of forumers over the 6 years I’ve been yer, I’m sure there more when I ressume riding a bike.
    As for who I’d like to meet, jedi to take my riding forward some notches.
    All the ladies for seduction purposes.
    And tsy to satisfy curiosity of just what it is and to confirm rumours.

    Everyone else just scares me by being of a different class to me.

    Nice to see I’m on a few lists, clearly pink or gold undies don’t scare you off.

    Free Member

    A year ago today.
    Looking North East over a moonlit Burghead from the Pictish fort.

    A year ago tomorrow.
    In Buckie, a Bulfinch.
    And a church.

    Free Member

    For those intersted.
    The three areas proposed to be sold.

    Common land north of GW forest, including DWD.

    The bulk of the land in the proposal. Includes all the manmade stuff and the chimney. Plans are to sell it to the FC who are lease holders.

    The third, a random one on the west side of the hills. Rarely used by anyone, poor grazing but a super diverse landscape.

    Poor effort in drawing up the plans, not professional, maybe rushed and a breach of copyright?

    And finally, i’ve never heard of Ssshits hill or a Actiove CSS.

    Free Member

    I’m presently sat in county hall looking at maps of the 3 proposed areas to be sold off.

    Great wood is the bulk of it, spanning the while of the forestry from the. slades north east if wills neck which is the DH area, right up to the tree line running east and west from dead woman’s ditch.
    This area is open access and leased by I assume the FC.

    area two, is all land north of the tree line up to the road from crowcombe to over stowey, extending from both cattle grids along that road.
    This area contains common land, SSSI, open access, and actiove CSS Whatever that is! It’s meant to say Active CSS and is one of a few typos on the map.

    The 3rd area comes as a suprise. all land from halsway post, down the combe and just past the quarry, then north west as far as paradise and then up to the main ridge track and back to the post.

    This contains a few BW used by cyclists.

    My concern that any sell off could open the doors to further selling of the land at future times.

    But did he tell you more about why and how the proposals wouldn’t effect users of the area?
    or did he avoid those potential questions?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Well TJ, that’s he way i see it being an attention whore that i am.

    No comments appear as unseen. 🙁

    TM, It’s a few of the coast path images from a corrupt card i had(i think, so might be aload of rubbish. The 200 odd pics i lost might well be lurking deep with your hard drive as that’s when the card borked itself, losing me 12 days of images. 🙁

    Free Member

    Rusty, The only blogg i was writing was about my walk along the SWCP, but i’ve not found writing easy so haven’t continued with it for months now(it will get finished)

    The other one took a back seat when i began writing the SWCP walk Blook.

    More recent musings and wild experiences don’t seem to get shared elsewhere other than friends who care to listen or pretend to.

    Right now i’m unsure what to share as the last few rambling threads i’ve posted here have gone unseen, so i sulked and deleted them.

    Quite simply, this here is the wild highlight of the year, and happens to be the only recorded sighting of such a Butterfly in the UK this year, therefore much smugness here.

    Managed this yesterday whilst out and about.One of those days really. Just got on the next bus that came along, jumped off where i felt like and walked into the nearest woods and aimed for the next town to the North.

    This Autumn i managed to jump back on the coast path in Dorset and found a wee furry friend. Nothing Pale about this moth larvae despite it’s adult form being a pale tussock moth.

    And as ever i’ve been getting exited about fungi and moulds.

    So many diddy adventures, so many photos,but can’t seem to put it all into words, therefore FB hates me, chewing up all that bandwidth. lol

    Free Member

    By choice i’ll be mostly alone.
    Just not wanting to be a part of someone else get together, plenty of offers but i’ll not wish to intrude or suffer the day that way.

    I’ll be up on the hills, no doubt wild camping from the previous night, nice fire, drink and if anyone else fancies it, good company away from the norm.

    Long ole walk during the day, perhaps a lunch time drink in a local pub.

    Will see Deer and listen to the birds in the cool fresh air.
    Several thousand trees adorned with natural trimmings, below them treasures in the form of ssshhroooms, nuts and new beginnings.

    Free Member

    Woody2000, I’d think it was to symmetrical to be a random piece of dirt, it didn’t move which leads me to thinks it is some type of pupa.

    Unfortunately the conditions didn’t allow for a better image, that and i didn’t really try a sharper, clearer shot of it. An above picture would of shown it’s symmetry. Hey ho!

    Slugwash, i’ll pop it over to them on that link. Ta.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Elfin, it would be awesome, especially once i’ve fitted the chariot spikes to the wheels. 😈

    Free Member

    gonna ride up from taunton, nice 9 mile uphill warm up so I’m gasping from beer, cream teas and other b’day nutritional intake .

    I maybe however late or non there due to continued intake of Guinness since 6pm.

    I call it a protein shake so if I. climb well tomorrow, you know my poison.

    Free Member

    hire a machine and i’ll man the beast and get it done barter stylee.

    in other words feed me,etc.

    Free Member

    if someone collects me from taunton or bridgwater I’ll lead the possee to lydeard hill car park.

    Free Member

    vd just lost the mail you sent me.

    I’m up for leading ya’ll round the tox on the 2nd.

    Mail me again and I’ll reply properly, been havijg a few mail issues but seems ok now.

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