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  • Issue 157: Busman’s Holiday
  • sharki
    Free Member

    Esme. Scary indeed. I recall being confronted by a man with a couple springers. I was leading a group down there, saw a man with dogs, slowed and warned the riders behind me. But still he felt we endangered his expensive dogs. When one of our group got into an argument about it, the man placed his hand on a very machete like knife and threatened us. Luckily my subtle sarcasm distracted them. I got the riders climbing out safely and the man wandered off to the A39 in a right grump. He looked a bit like Jeremy Wade in poaching attire. Utter nutter!(Not the real Jeremy)

    A knife welding nutter still didn’t increase the success rate of climbing out.

    Also Smiths Combe has a history of being dead sheep Alley. Fewer places on the hills has more dead sheep per year, as Smiths.. Hmmm! Creepy..

    Free Member

    Yunki. Smiths climb is short and fairly steep. At only 100 metres long, it’s loose surface is the main issue as breaking traction results in lost momentum. Bad technique may also mean that the riders weight goes too fair back, to aid traction, which can cause a sudden wheelie sending us off to the side of the trail.(I did that lots)

    I had more success on the single speed in clearing it, apart from when i snapped a chain and Knee slapped the brake lever clamp. Ouch!

    It can’t really be compared to any Lustycleavage climb. imo

    Free Member

    That’s not even after one nights rain, we only finished it a little after lunch time.

    But don’t fret Dibbs.
    It’ll get better with time and further improvements once a thousand or so tyres have run over it revealing the rocks and roots in the ground whilst pushing the slope to one side.

    Free Member

    Certainly was Si. I think exposed the only claggy mud up there today.

    Free Member

    They are building a bypass for the local village but it all still has to battle its way through the main town that seems to come to stand still the very moment a stray shopping trolley drops off a kerb. So I can’t see it coping well with the extra volume of traffic heading to the point.

    Anything else I said was said with a tongue firmly placed in cheek.

    Free Member

    Just to let everyone know, the exit of the chimney has now been altered.
    Around 10metres before the original exit, the trail now bares right through some trees out into a clearing then drops down onto the forest track.
    It will be a touch muddy and greasy but once it’s bedded any repairs will be looked at and dealt with in the spring.

    The old exit is now blocked so do remember to turn right!
    Signage is in place at the top of the trail and nearer the change.

    Free Member

    I think it’s great as I’m only 4 miles from it. The French side of the deal has already improved many local properties and offered education to all those wanting to benefit from the project. And they helped the mess up an already struggling road system to get all the gear through the nearest metropolis that is Bilgewater to get to the coastal building site.

    And the thought of the Chinese being able to make Nuclear arms on my doorstep is fantastic. That should make it feel a little more cosy during the dark and cold winter nights now that rough cider is so unpopular these days. At least when they side with the Russians, they already have a Nuc in the area which will save on transportation costs. And I’ll be able to get some more Mushroom pics.

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the comments.

    Ernie, I’ve ben meaning to post something on here. But forgot how to add pics to a post.

    About the composition, thanks shermer. I get what you’re saying, my only real issue was wanting more on the bottom of the frame, as it’s a little tight down there.

    Wildheart. No flash, all natural light.

    sandboy. Mountainbiking got me into wildlife photography, but as my kit got more and heavier, I started to leave the bike and walk.

    The transition wasn’t easy as the words steady and patient aren’t how people would describe my riding style

    I try to video as well as just stills.

    And have a couple trail cams that I use at various location to see what’s about.

    Free Member

    Mark. Some of the trails, that are mostly over in cockercombe will be looked at and altered if necessary. Although they may be slow to exit with good visibility, some trail users chos not to look putting others at risk.
    It’s for these less responsible characters, that the changes are going ahead.

    As is often the case, it’s the few that spoils it for the others.

    Free Member

    Jambo. The Christmas tree line is a touch different with a touch more gnarr these days. 😀

    Free Member

    I know this has now hopefully been covered, but I fancied a good old waffle.

    I’ve always joined it from great bear, by crossing the road and riding to the top of Ladies combe(not ladies edge) ride to the lone tree in the grassy clearing and look south for a gap in a earth bank. Go through there and follow the trail to the road again.
    You’ll see the five lords Trail marker to you’re right but you’ll be dropping in directly in front of where you should’ve popped out.

    As Jambo says, keep left of the gully at the bottom, the trail does go through a wide gap in the bank there, but DO NOT follow that route, keep right of the bank and gully and stick to the single track, you will drop into the ditch for a 50 metre or so section before popping out into more sublime singletrack.

    Keep left of the bank at all times, to get out you have 3 options.

    1. Heading to the village of Nether Stowey, you’re best to avoid the worse of soggy bottom track by seeking out a rarely used (non)track that only myself and squirrels appear to use.
    To find this you’ll need luck, observation and holy proof clothing.

    Staying right of the bank the trail climbs, nearing the dense cutting through holy trees, you should just make out an animal track heading off to the right, it’s vague and occasionally off camber, when you get to the holly trees, begin heading down and pick a slalom route directly down the fall line of the hill through, there is a way, but you will feel the holly leaves. At the bottom, find the gate to your left and go through it, then head straight on the Stowey.

    2. To return to the old coach road, th one you crossed maybe 5 mins ago, follow the single track the climbs steadily left and back up the ‘Walford’s Gibbet’. Left on the road and that’ll take you to the north end of the great bear, etc.

    3. Retrace your steps.

    Free Member

    Jonba, you’ll get Dibbs upset if he gets that earworm 😉

    Looking back, that image quality is terrible compared to the quality’s that modern cams produce. Then again, a Sony cyber cam zipped tied to ones helmet(no laughing at the back) was crude yet state of the art in 2006/07.

    Rickos. Having been to the FOD and course marked on a lot of the trails there, i’m certainly keen to ride them.

    Free Member

    Jambo we built that trail in 2006. The top section was re worked in 2011 after the forestry damaged a little of the top right after the start as far as the gully run.(It’s even better now)

    Art. I think the biggest issue is Strava.
    Many riders are to busy chasing times and therefore they are straight lining the twists and turns that make trail riding a fun and challenging part of the experience.

    Either that or these demonsterous wheel and bar sizes are preventing riders from taking the lines of old.

    Having sais that, the huge wheel volumes and wide bar will prevent stray riders from drowning, when they leave Weacombes trail for a paddle down the stream. 🙂

    Free Member

    I may get an old duffeers invites from all the old crew. I know they’re all about turning pedals on various types of pedal bikes.

    Jambo. Certainly, I need too try and amend things here with trail use. It appears single track is too narrow for many riders as they appear to be making double tracks here now.

    Cheers Matt.

    Free Member

    Yes Si, same forest as the Triscombe trails.
    About7kms from the DH trails or 5kms from the heathland and combes.

    Andy, i’ll be pleased to do it again and no need to ay in beer 😉

    Qwerty. That would be great.

    Free Member

    Yes Si. I’m 2 miles from the Forest.

    Shouldn’t need owt for the bike for a while, unless I ride as much as before..

    Free Member

    Hi Teasel.
    Pretty good thanks. Can’t link anything on here anymore as I don’t host anywhere that has a compatible link for here.

    Free Member


    Huws, enjoy playing with the camera, i’m to snap happy to play with a film SLR, the ratio of pics i take, to ones i’m happy to share is sometimes huge.

    Somafunk, what a sight that must of been. I’ve yet to see a working Stoat, and for one to take on a Hare goes to show just how formidable the are, size for size.

    Martinxyz, Stoats are generally more chestnut, fading to a lighter in colour in winter. In the north in colder climates, they can go white (ermine). The white on the head of the one i saw my suggest we’ve got very long cold winter coming to us her in the South west.

    The mink has only a little white patch on it’s upper lip, and on the American form, this may not be present. A Stoat will have a white throat and underside.
    Therefore it’s most likely you saw a Pine marten(the only UK mustelid, i’ve yet to see)

    Pine martens are larger than both mink and has notably larger round ears than other mustelid.

    The other possibility is you saw a Polecat, but there was only a single unverified sighting in your area,during the 2004-06 survey. which was nearer to Granton on spey. The nearest verified sighting was near Golspie.


    Free Member

    And not just the trails. I tend to always have my opinel No3 on my person.

    Just last night i spontaneously took it out in a rural pub and commenced cleaning out my finger nails.

    One of the locals was rather surprised…

    Free Member

    Ernie. Thankyou. I’ve not been to inspired to write one of those recently but will do later in the year when i have a few hours to put something of similar quality together.

    Free Member

    Jambo, lots of people are calling our creation, or at least it’s present incarnation Narnia.

    Free Member

    Likewise Adam and everyone else i met.

    I’m going through the pics now.

    Buzz, that was the first time i’d ridden it and put the poor old Mondraker Ventura through the paces from the top of Narnia to the very bottom of the chimney. The constant clunking from the low end spring sprung Suntours wasn’t reassuring me that they were aiding in much control up front. Bluddy fun though all the same.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I was there, lurking near the bottom of Bicknoller taking pics and possibly telling you to go easy on the lower section because of potential walkers.

    I’ve yet to hear further about the guy who got lifted out, but he basically went OTB near the top of stert/somerton and fell awkwardly on his pack possibly causing a rotational injury to his spine. Luckily a fast response from the rescue guys meant help was quick. And also a bbig shout out to the riders who stopped to assist.

    For me, riding was limited to sweeping for the last riders after the incident but i managed my first burst of proper canning it after i left them with the official sweepers and set off to loon down Narnia(sharki and Jambos trail/ amended)and then the lower half of the chimney. I did this on a £500 29er and after 8 mths of not riding, proper like, it was a grinworthy blast.

    A big thanks to all that took part and who made the day a fun event. Great feedback so far. 🙂

    Free Member

    I was torn between several pics of me.
    But one was of me with barely any clothes on, well just a pink thong. Or be of me by the pool in Jan. Again wearing few clothes.
    So I’ve opted for a rare moment of me clothed.

    Free Member

    At has been known, i’m good for a few months then i either pick holes in them or myself and move on for fear of lost sanity.
    Usually i let it run it’s course and once the novelty of a new and fun friendship wears off, we jump ship before it sinks. Also i’m planning on being on a island in the Caribbean for most of this winter and unless they want to come with me…

    Free Member

    I’m not in a position to do online dating sites, but tbh, it appears a numbers game and sadly it seems the people on these sites aren’t exactly accurate about themselves, certainly in the case of fitness singles..

    Luckily i don’t seem to have a problem in meeting lovely ladies and do so, despite my social status of a rambling hobo.

    Somehow, ladies like the idea of me living a minimalistic life, dwelling in a cobweb strewn outhouse and doing various jobs from Bee keeping, orchard care, apple pressing, audio and visual and construction. Then there’s my love of the outdoors and in wildlife photography. Maybe it makes me interesting to talk to.

    It helps i’m relatively fit, not carrying lard and easy on the eye, so i’ve heard. Plus if they even get my sense of humour as it’s a little quick for most, it’s a good.

    It’s just a well then that i’m at first very shy and rarely approach women. But wherever i go, there they seem to be and for some reason, they approach me. It’s then i strike with either a repellent or a waft of natural pheromones to lure them to my lair.

    I don’t wear aftershave or deodorant, i wear no fancy fashionable clothes and am at most of the appearance that i’ve just walked through a hedge or festering ditch, which i normally have.

    What i’m saying here is that i don’t go looking for it, i don’t make an effort to be anything other than what and who i am and in doing so, i only meet people who are genuinely interested in me, i’m almost always in a place where i like to be, doing the things i like to do and thus, meet likewise people.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Thanks for helping out, Sharki. We wouldn’t have been racing if it wasn’t for people like you. [/Quote]

    I’ve gotten so much out of the sport over the years, its good to put something back into it.

    The feeling when you get positive feedback and the general glow of adrenalised fatique from returning riders.
    Hearing of the thrills and spills, the banter, the camaraderie, the new found friends.

    Its all good, it fuels my madness for life..

    Free Member

    It was considered..

    Free Member

    Tonight Jambo, on the train in a mo.
    First class to Gunnislake. 😉

    I’ve brought the camera so I can capture your road riding antics.

    Free Member

    Blimey, I just realised the severe lack of winks suggesting my comment wasn’t meant in humour.

    I didn’t mean it that way.

    Free Member

    Nail clippers!
    You over tooled ****.
    Just bend wire till it fatigues and breaks .

    I tried to avoid wrapping the neck wire around one arm as handing a flower to a lady, with a over developed arm basically suggests you’ve been tugging on your own wire for too long… But hey, that might work for you.

    To the unbelievers. You’re right. I went to the pub and replaced the flower as it’s still on public display there. Daisies are slack on that hole, then again it’s the thought that counts…

    Free Member

    What happens on tour…..

    They seem to like my creative side.
    Even this one seems to negate the need for Rohypnol.


    Free Member

    Craig Charles. At a shitty amusement arcade in Lyme Regis where we duelled on a few machines before we retired to get slaughtered on lots of ale and wine.

    Free Member

    Toms images are up HERE.

    Free Member

    Never thought about it.
    I was always quicker climbing though, as to pootle wasn’t an option..

    Free Member

    Easy mistake in excitement.
    Something I have to be careful of in a mo.
    I’m popping out to survey a reserve for butterfly species and when something is in flight, its not easy to ID especially when there are several day time flying moths on the reserve that look so similar in flight.
    Thanks for the post though, you never know for sure what rarity you’ve just seen…

    Free Member

    You got me very exited till i saw the image.

    Sadly it’s not a Lopinga, it’s a Parage Aegeria. Speckled wood

    Free Member

    Few pics here.
    X Fusion enuro event
    I’m not sure if Vicky has more to put up. She’s away now for a week.

    Tom white was another. And likewise, he’s not back home for a few days, so expect a delay in the pics coming up here.[/url]

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