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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • shandcycles
    Free Member

    We’re in that book. I’m assuming it’s dropped in price since *that* thread last week. No that we’re no longer artisanal. :-)

    Free Member

    Yes, one’s matte (my commuter) and this one’s not. And one’s blue and the other’s grey. But apart from that, they’re identical. :-)

    Free Member

    I bet Shand chose it due to my favourable commments on it (on his personal commuting steed, belt driven!) on my recent visit begging for help on a shit project.

    Except it’s a completely different colour from that! You’re right about the shit project though.

    Free Member

    Just for a bit of balance it’s probably worth saying that I’m not completely against internal cable routing.

    It doesn’t come without cost however. I mean financial cost. Another issue is that in order to keep a clean cable routing you can’t have the entry/exit points too close to the end of the tubes. This can cause issues with frame bags. The Bahookie is a production bike not a made-to-order bike, this means we sometimes need to make design decisions based on offending the least amount of people. I can guarantee we’d have more complaints if this bike had internal routing than if it didn’t.

    Free Member

    I said earlier I wasn’t going to get involved but since I’m here…. :-)

    I think a lot of the comments here are good. If we release a new bike and people moan about the colour, less than stellar cable runs and missing valve caps then I’ll take that as a positive from the STW crowd!

    The cable run isn’t great on those pictures. I am sold however on downtube cable routing. For chainstay mounted brakes I just think it’s cleaner. I also like all the cables together. Someone else mentioned it earlier but one of the main reasons we did it like that was for versatility. We supply various guides so you can run between 1 and 4 cables without it looking like a mess. In hindsight, when we were putting that bike together for 4 cables, we should probably have taken more time getting it right. I’m not excusing it but we were in a bit of a rush as we wanted to get the pics done before taking the demo bike down to the Spin London show at the weekend.

    Other points :

    Colour, well we have a palette of nearly 25 colours and if none of those are any good you can get a completely custom colour.

    Crudguard mount. We could do this. We do it quite often on our Stoater and we have some little stand-offs that mean the crudguard sits nicely above the cable guides. We make use of one of the existing cable guide bosses. Perhaps we should just do that as standard??

    Valve caps. Not sure what you guys are going on about. There’s clearly no missing valve caps. I can plainly see 2. Those original pics linked to by the OP must be corrupted in some way. There’s no way we would have missed that as it’s a poor reflection on what we do and the logical inference would be that if we can’t put a valve cap on, then all the welds will break.

    Bent down tube. I know this is not everyone’s cup of tea. My one major problem with 29ers is having the front end too high. This isn’t so much a problem with bigger frames but on medium (and smaller) frames it can be. The bent downtube gives us clearance for forks and allows us to keep the headtube shorter.

    I actually thought the price was pretty good. If you’re interested in the provenance of the products you buy and you want to be more involved in the process of having a bike like this rather than just buying something mass produced then I think the cost is ok. I feel pretty comfortable with it. I know we can’t compete with imported frames and we don’t try to. I think it’s a different product altogether. I was quite surprised at the cost of the Niner actually.

    Happy to answer any other questions on here or individually.

    One last thing. I hate, hate, hate the word ‘porn’. I can’t **** stand it, especially when applied to bike stuff and it makes my blood boil when I see it attached to a frame with my name on it.

    Free Member

    @njee20 well, I had removed you from my Christmas card list but I’ve just put you back on. So we’re all good.

    Free Member

    @njee20 you’re a cheery bloke aren’t you?

    Free Member


    wrong colour[/url]

    All I’m going to say on this thread!

    Free Member

    Needs a black seat clamp

    That was my fault. Thought we had a black one but was wrong and wanted to get the bike out to BM asap.

    Free Member

    Thought I might have some left but had a quick look and we don’t. For that reason, I’m oot.

    Actually, we normally have an order about once every 7-10 days so let me know if you want me to add one on to our next order.


    Free Member

    Flex Hone[/url] is what you want for this.

    Free Member

    McM, I’ve just sent you an email re an ex-demo Rohloff we have.

    Free Member

    Bit harsh that, I’ve had one custom frame and one frame refurbished by Steve and they been fine. Just because someone doesn’t have interesting facial hair and charge “I saw you coming” prices doesn’t mean they do a bad job. Cycling used to be a working class sport and there are people like Steve who’ll still be serving that market long after some framebuilders have returned to IT middle management or wherever they came from…

    Yeah, on reflection it probably was a bit harsh. The truth is I don’t really understand how it works. I don’t mean to put the guy down. I’m sure he’s built way more frames than I and I’m sure he’s very good at what he does. It does make you think though that if he’s making £100 on a frame, and he wants to clear an £18K salary he’s going to be building and painting 3 or 4 bikes per week. That’s a lot of work for £18k. I don’t really know. It’s all guesswork I suppose.

    Free Member

    If someone can get a Reynolds Steve Goff bike for £350 and deliver it to me in the next 6 months I’ll send you £700 back.

    Free Member

    I build loads of forks, but definitely need to over-engineer them – with a frame you have a bit of leeway, if a steerer snaps it’s veey, very serious.

    I see that sort of thing quoted quite often and I don’t buy into it. If a headtube comes off a bike it’s no less serious than if a steerer snaps. And I know you don’t really mean this Ben but there’s an implication there that suggests you (the builder, not you personally) aren’t completely confident in what you’re doing and you’re willing to take a risk on a frame but not a fork.

    I hate building forks. I find it dull and repetitive. There’s also a disproportionate amount of work in a fork when building a full bike (at least with our forks anyway) which makes it appear to be less worthwhile financially. I suspect that’s why a lot of builders spec a carbon fork, it saves them time/money and they can make an additional margin with the fork sale.

    Free Member

    I think Enigma do something like that. Having dealt personally with Mark Reilly, I’d be happy to buy from Enigma.

    Except he doesn’t work for them anymore.

    Free Member

    Should I avoid ordering a made in the UK from one of the specialists?

    who’s making Ti frames here in the UK?

    Free Member

    Just to echo Benji, I think the Biocentric 30 is what they call vapourware. We looked at them for our Stoater but the release date kept slipping. We now spec the Beer Components one and we’re very happy with it. Although we had used the PS E46 for a while and there’s wasn’t much wrong with that either.

    Free Member

    and for that reason, I’m oot.

    Free Member

    I know I’m gonna regret it but I’m sure I can help you out sir. But only if you don’t mention the ‘D’ word.

    Free Member

    Ok, so at what price would it have been morally acceptable to buy?

    FFS, it’s not difficult. You see someone makes a mistake and you have a choice. You can take advantage of that misfortune for your own gain, you can walk away or you flip it round and help fix the mistake.

    I know what I’d do and now I know what you’d do.

    Free Member

    The shop had the opportunity to spot it’s mistake when the op placed his order. They accepted the order, then had a ‘change of heart’ and asked for the jumper back.

    Accept my apologies. I didn’t realised you worked at the shop in question.

    Free Member

    Except to make the analogy similar, the bloke would have to say to you ‘do you want £160?’ And you’d say ‘why yes I do’ then, after you’d taken him up on the offer, maybe even spent a little, he come back wanting it back, saying he didn’t mean to give it you.

    What you describe is theft.

    Except it’s not similar is it. One is a mistake, one is a change of heart. The jumper company haven’t changed their mind. They made a mistake and the OP took advantage. The fact that we’re discussing the ‘legal’ implication rather than the moral ones, tells it’s own (sad) story.

    Free Member

    I was in the pub the other day and I saw a guy near me make a mistake. He put about £160 on the bar then walked out and just left it there. It was obviously a mistake and he clearly didn’t mean to do it. I could have handed it to the barman or just left it alone so he could realise his mistake and come and get it but I pocketed it ’cause, you know, legal stuff, ownership, contract etc etc. It’s mine now eh?

    I feel great about the whole thing. I think if more people did stuff like this, take advantage of others mistakes instead of helping them, our society would be much better. I really do.

    Free Member

    silver or brass for those bottle bosses?

    Free Member


    2 things, I have emails from owners who’ve given their feedback. I’ll happily share this with you including their contact details if you want more info.

    Clare's skinnymalinky

    Secondly, I’ll give you in writing, a guarantee that should you not like the bike and want to return it to us within the first month of ownership, I’ll give you a full refund.

    Drop me an email, I’m conscious of this turning into an advert.


    Free Member

    @dazman22, not sure what size you are but we’ve just found 2 ‘large’ size Stoater FT bikes. One with standard derailleur compatible dropouts and one with rocker dropouts for singlespeed/Rohloff/Alfine use.

    more here : Stoater FT[/url]

    the frames are unpainted at the moment. Not sure exactly on price but they’ll be significantly cheaper than list.

    Free Member

    Just for clarification, that’s not our work! We loaned a bike out to some local designers for a photoshoot. I’m sure that’s obvious but just in case…..

    Free Member

    So, if leffeboy is out there, I’m specifically interested to know how much his stoater weighs

    We weigh most of our bikes (the builds vary quite a bit), here’s some recent weights :

    Stoater, 105 triple, XT wheels (no saddle/pedals) : 10Kg
    Stoater, 105 double, XT Wheels, Hope V-twin brakes (no saddle/pedals) : 10.4kg
    Stoater FT, XT, wheelsmith Race23 wheels : 10.8kg
    Stoater, Chorus, King/Archetypes, Thompson finishing kit, Spyre SLC : 9.5kg

    Free Member

    I think that one was actually ‘morning stain’.

    Free Member

    I put the deposit down on May 24th, picked up the frame on June 7th… not too shabby eh?

    and for most of that time, we were hanging around waiting for you to choose the colour.

    Free Member

    Nice to see it built up BM. Looks really nice. Learned a lot on that one. Biggest lesson is when someone asks for a short chainstay bike, 135 Rohloff rear-end and clearance for 4.8″ tyres, just say no!

    Free Member

    NewRetroTom doing well on his rigid ss. He’s a good rider but I’m sure that bike is helping :D

    Free Member

    You mean….he’s…RIDING it?!? *shudders* Filthy habit, that. Certainly not cricket with this forum.

    I know. I tried to talk him out of it but he was pretty insistent. Doesn’t even have an Audi…..

    Free Member

    Lose the bottle cage and scrub the front tyre with a wire brush so that it matches the rear.

    right now it’s doing this :

    Cairngorm Loop Spot Tracker

    I suspect he’s not worrying too much about trying to get the new rear tyre to match the old rear one.

    Free Member

    I think it’s a bush. Or actually bushes. It’s not forming a boundary so I reckon that stops it being a hedge. Unless there’s some porn mags stashed under it, in which case it’s deffo a hedge.

    Free Member

    for the bush fans :

    Free Member

    Bryan’s riding this in the Cairngorm Loop this weekend. Looking forward to finding out how he gets on. You’re right about the seatpost BTW. It was specced with an Eriksen Sweeptpost which seemed to get lost somewhere over the Atlantic! We supplied the frame and he’s used parts he already had.

    Free Member

    I like it but it’s a pia to do (build) on a lot of frames. I’m not a fan of inner cables running internally. All my frames (ok, a few exceptions) have a stainless or brass insert and take the full outer cable. Can look clean and if you use frame bags it can help simplifying fitting those too.

    Free Member

    The Rohloff stand decided me for certain that I won’t be converting mine to a belt drive at any point

    interesting to hear thoughts on this too.

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